Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 445: A brief mention

Warm pavilion.

The lights danced ambiguously, and the gauze curtains were gently swayed, giving off a lingering scent.

The tongue of fire licked the light source, as if it was about to swallow up the darkness...

Feng Yun casually rode on Pei Man's body, his shadow swaying slightly as his body twisted.

She supported his arm with one hand and drove the brush with the other hand, like a great writer patiently splashing ink. With her enchanting grace, the soft tip of the pen was controlled by her, and it traced through the tense texture inch by inch, like a devil pulling people. Falling into the abyss...

"Guess what word this is, Your Majesty?"

"Yunniang..." Pei Ran's voice was a little hoarse, and the breath stuck in his throat turned into a dull lust.

"You can't guess right? If you can't guess it, then I will continue writing."

Pei Ran:......

Whether she guesses right or not is up to her.

From the moment he agreed to accept punishment, he was destined not to seek justice.

He seemed to have no other way out than to endure it silently, let her deal with it, and let her calm down...

"Guess again, husband..." Feng Yun smiled frivolously, "If you don't guess correctly, you will continue to be punished."

Pei Man's breathing was unsteady and his voice was as deep as the sea, "Hate?"

"That's wrong." Feng Yun said, "It's clearly a ruthless word."


"Guess again."


"No, cow."


"No, it's the word "Tu". Your Majesty, you're not good at it, how come you can't guess even one of them?"

There is no doubt that she did it on purpose.

The questions were all based on shapes and words. Right or wrong all depended on her in one thought. He would never be able to guess right in his lifetime.

Pei Man made her blood flow backwards and her nerves jumped. He was about to bend his knees and get up, but he pressed her down firmly again.

"Don't move. A real man keeps his word, and the king can't break his word." Feng Yun smiled softly, with a smile on his face that was almost drunk. He stared at him with his eyes particularly seriously, and brushed it from the root with a brush. , and then slowly scroll down, back and forth to let him guess the words.

Everyone is going crazy.

Pei Man endured it, sometimes it was unbearable to feel the heartbreaking itching. As soon as he raised his body a little, she would hold her tightly until his waist stiffened and he trembled indescribably, and then he let go...

Thin beads of sweat slid down his muscular body, and he clenched his hands into fists, unable to hold on anymore...

"Yunniang, stop making trouble..."

"Isn't it fun? I think the king likes it very much." Feng Yun lowered his head and stared at him, with a smile in his voice and his eyelashes blinking like a fan, making his eyes look extremely innocent.

The air is filled with tight low pressure.

Feng Yun didn't know how many words he had written, but Shanxin finally realized it. He picked up the brush and looked at the wet nib. He chuckled, lowered his head suddenly, and asked him.

"Le Zhengzi's pen is the easiest to use. Did your Majesty use it like this that night?"

Pei Ran was startled and raised his neck.


He didn't move for a while.

What a good Feng Twelve Niang, she really knows everything.

Did you lie to him by pretending not to remember things before?

Pei Ran's throat was slightly choked.

"That's enough, Yun Niang..."

This punishment is enough.

After letting her play for so long, she didn't move or resist.

His self-control was already on the verge of collapse...

Feng Yun said: "Not enough."

Kissing his ear, she said in an infatuated voice, "How could this be possible? It's just the beginning, and there's still this..."

Pei Ran groaned, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Feng Yun: "What about this?"

Pei Man's back was tense, as if there were a hundred thousand ants crawling on his body. He was sweating even more as he watched the hateful brush roaming around his body. He gritted his teeth and stared at her, his eyes dark and deep.

"Yunniang, don't play with fire and burn yourself."

Feng Yun whispered, "I'm so scared."

She narrowed her eyes again and looked at him smiling.

"Fortunately, I had the foresight to tie up the king's hands and feet. Don't worry, I tied him tightly. I will definitely give the king an unforgettable one tonight... ah..."

Feng Yun was really tied up tightly.

She even pulled hard just now, but she couldn't get it open.

She never expected that Pei Madang could actually break free, or unknowingly, when she thought he could only be captured...

Just watching helplessly as she fell into his hands.

Her whole body was overturned, and the man restrained her fiercely. She was a little angry for a moment.

"Pei Gou, you are cheating!"

Pei Ran hummed, "Why did I cheat?"

Feng Yun said: "As promised, you were wrong and you have to accept punishment... let me do whatever I want..."

"Isn't that enough to do whatever you want?" Pei Man grabbed her chin, raised his gaze, as if it was difficult to relieve his hatred, lowered his head and bit it lightly, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Feng Yun, no one has ever dared to do this to me, only you..."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly: "The king can't afford it."

"You play with me, I play with you, it's the same."

"..." Feng Yun raised his foot to kick him, but he held him down. He couldn't help but gasp, and glanced at the brush guiltily, "What do you want to do?"

Pei Ran said in a deep voice: "I decided to give you, this ungrateful evil woman, some punishment."

Who is the evil woman?

Feng Yun's eyes widened.

"Are you crazy?"

"Just right." Pei Ran gently wiped the sweat from her forehead, laid her body flat, kissed her temples again, and said, "You are drunk, I am crazy."

Trapped in a cocoon, Feng Yun was shocked by Pei Madang's power for the first time.

In her past and present lives, she had never seen him hold back so hard.

So ruthless, so crazy...

Since her rebirth, Pei Manleng has become a little colder, but he has always behaved and abided by etiquette in front of her. From daily routines such as eating and sleeping to the details of his words and deeds, it can be said that he can't find any faults.

If Feng Yun hadn't known what kind of person he was deep down, he would have regarded him as a modest gentleman...

In other words, she had never seen Pei Madang get angry.

Strictly speaking, what is arousing now is not anger, but evil fire, and she picked it out herself.

For a moment, she suspected that she was going to die at his hands.

There is no such thing as restraint.

It is even more nonsense to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade.

She was like a doll in his hands that he could manipulate at will, and could only be rounded and flattened by him...

"Pei Gou, after pretending to be a gentleman for so long, you don't want to pretend anymore, right?"

Pei Ran didn't speak.

All the strength in her body seemed to be used on her.

Like ten thousand horses galloping.

Feng Yun felt that he was really going to die in his hands.

The fragrance is dripping with sweat, and the delicate oriole is tactful.

Huan'er's low voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"The eldest man is back, do you want to let me know..."

"My wife has been looking forward to your husband for many days..."

Feng Yun didn't hear what Xiao Man said.

Because Pei Man covered her ears and covered her eyes with the quilt.

"Pei Gou." Feng Yun gritted his teeth, "My brother is back..."

Pei Madang stared at her and said in a deep voice: "General Wen is coming here at this time. He must not have eaten. Don't wait too long. He will greet you with good wine and food. He said that the lady has rested and will see you again tomorrow morning..."

He was like a master, making the decision for Feng Yun.

Xiao Man listened for a long time with his ears perked up. He didn't hear Feng Yun's voice and stepped back.

Feng Yun's body trembled and trembled, as if his whole body was immersed in warm water. After a long time, he stretched out his head and let out a long breath.

"I want to go to dinner with my eldest ease the conflict..."

"You're very full, there's no need to use it anymore." Before Pei Man finished his voice, he pinched the thin waist and exerted force suddenly.

Feng Yun whined, her nails almost digging into his flesh.

Pei Madang gasped, his scalp numb, he stabilized himself, gently stroked the sweaty hair on her forehead, lowered his head and kissed her.

Deep, deeper...

The noise in the room became even louder.

This is the most brutal robbery that Feng Yun has suffered since his rebirth. He has no reservations about allowing his invasion to turn the world upside down and turn the small world upside down...

The magical rhythm of two people becoming one.

It seemed like all the unhappiness had disappeared.


always like this.

It was early morning when the wind and rain stopped.

After washing her and putting her into bed, Pei Man lay on one side and looked at her.

The light was dim, and his eyes were deep and difficult to see.

Looking at each other for a long time, Feng Yuncai sighed quietly.

"Brother came to Huaxi, have you forgiven me?"

Pei Ran: "Go to sleep."

His voice was low and hoarse, and had a kind of power to confuse people.

Feng Yun yawned, "I always felt that I had done nothing wrong, but the thought of meeting my eldest brother made me uneasy."

Pei Ran was silent for a moment, then gently pulled her face.

"If you don't want to sleep, can you still come?"

Feng Yun pulled up the quilt and closed his eyes.

Late at night.

Nagato Village was silent under the vast starry sky.

Its daybreak.

The sun peeked out from the clouds, blushing with shame.

It's another sunny day.

Feng Yun was very reluctant to sleep in and let Wen Xingsui wait for a long time, but he was too tired from being tortured by Pei Gou last night. After falling asleep, it was already three o'clock in the morning when he opened his eyes.

She got up in a hurry to wash up, changed into fresh clothes and walked over. She found Wen Xingsu talking to Pei Ran in the flower hall.

It was as if what happened to Mrs. Chen had never happened, and the two of them had a very happy conversation.

Wen Xingsu was as gentle and gentle as ever, with friendly eyes. When he saw Feng Yun, he gave her a warm smile without hesitation.

Feng Yun suddenly felt a little guilty.

When she hit Mrs. Chen, she didn't.

After the fight, I have no regrets.

After all, that beating was the catharsis and explosion of resentment she had accumulated for two lifetimes.

But Wen Xingsu didn't know those things.

He is innocent...

No child can watch his mother being beaten and remain indifferent.

Therefore, seeing the tolerance in Wen Xingsu's eyebrows at this moment, Feng Yun felt as if his heart had been stabbed with a knife.

"Brother, Mrs. Chen's matter..."

"It's all over. There's no need to mention it again." Wen Xingsu glanced at Pei Man's face vaguely, paused, and then said: "My mother was at fault in the first place... No wonder you were so harsh."

He said it calmly.

It seems like it was just brushed off.

Feng Yun didn't feel so good.

But when Wen Xingsu could say this, she breathed a long sigh of relief.

"I haven't seen my eldest brother over these days, and you didn't show up for Ao Qi's wedding. I thought... you were angry with me."

Wen Xingsu smiled and said, "Isn't this coming?"

Feng Yun said angrily, "I think you are here to see the king, right?"

"It is true that I have official business." Wen Xingsu smiled warmly and said, "But I also made a special trip to see you."

Feng Yun saw that he had no grudges at all, and his whole body relaxed. Even the aches and pains caused by Pei Gou last night seemed to have disappeared.

"Then you guys sit down for a while, and I'll go see what's on the stove. Brother, I must eat at home today, and I'll cook it myself."

A faint smile overflowed from Wen Xingsu's eyes, "Okay, then I won't bother you."

Pei Jue pursed his lips and said nothing.

He saw Feng Yun's smiling face, which was a genuine happiness and unguarded trust that he had never seen before.

Er Jin was on a business trip, and the laptop he brought was a little crazy, so it was not very good to write. At this time, I owed a chapter today, and I will make up for it later! ! Love you~~

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