Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 446: Difficult Marriage

Feng Yun spent very little time cooking in person, and most of it was just to warm Xingsu.

The knot in her heart was lifted, and her whole body was filled with a happy smile. Even the cooks in the kitchen could see that the master was extremely happy today.

Before noon, Pei Yuan came with Ao Qi and his wife.

When Feng Yun got the news and went out to greet them, they had already arrived at the atrium.

Pei Yuan led Ah Zuo and Ah You in front. The two little ones were chattering, as if they had endless things to say.

Ao Qi and his wife followed behind, silent.

The newly married General Ao was not wearing any armor, but was wearing newly made loose clothes. He was handsome and tall. There was no joy of being a bridegroom on his face, and there was nothing unusual about him.

The bride lowered her eyes.

Yesterday Feng Yun didn't see her too clearly, but today when he saw her, his eyes lit up.

She wasn't the kind of extraordinarily beautiful and delicate lady, but she had the kind of appearance she liked - thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose and deep eyes, walking with rustling clothes, neat and neat, and could not conceal her exotic charm and wild nature.

When A Zuo and A You saw Feng Yun, they pounced on him, like birds throwing themselves into the forest, and they were particularly affectionate.

"Auntie." Ao Qi also saluted.

Feng Yun smiled and agreed.

Pei Yuan coughed lightly when she saw that the bride was motionless.

The bride still didn't react.

This was the first time she saw Feng Yun, and she was really surprised.

She had never seen such a beautiful woman.

The skin can be so fair and tender, so delicate, the waist can be so narrow and thin, so soft, the chest can be bulging, the legs can be long and the shoulders can be slim, and the manners can be graceful...

In the Black Back Canyon, in Cangyan Mountain, when have you ever seen such pretty people?

Isn't this what fairies can do when they come down to earth?

She was stunned.

It wasn't until Pei Yuan reminded her dissatisfiedly again that she came back to her senses, raised her eyebrows inadvertently, then lowered her eyes and bowed to Feng Yun.

"I met my aunt."

Her words were thickly accented, but her voice was crisp.

Pei Yuan is a person who attaches great importance to rules. She probably thinks that the bride does not know the etiquette and her face is not very good.

Feng Yun liked it very much and smiled slightly.

"You're welcome, please sit inside."

The bride and groom were expressionless.

The atmosphere is not right.

Pei Yuan glanced at them and asked Feng Yun with a smile.

"Where's Ah Ran?"

"Playing chess with my brother in there."

"Playing chess? When did he become arty?"

Pei Yuan looked surprised, Feng Yun smiled, and welcomed the person in without saying anything else.

A group of servants followed closely behind.

Feng Yun took a special look and found that Cui Zhi was not among them.

She smiled slightly and didn't say much. Pei Yuan was very warm today.

"I can smell the delicious food in your village from afar. What delicious food did my brother and sister cook?"

Feng Yun responded with a smile.

She was really a little surprised when he came to her door on the second day of their wedding, and asked Xiaoman to add more food.

Pei Yuan said: "My brothers and sisters don't have to work. They came to serve tea to my uncle and aunt, and then they have to leave. I am the only one who stays with my two children and can't eat anything. It saves me the trouble."

Her expression was a little unhappy.

"There is still a big family in the Ao family, and we can't stick to our Pei family. If the young couple doesn't go back, they will have something to say..."

Only then did Feng Yun realize that it was because of the reconciliation between Ao Zheng and Pei Yuan, so the tea for Ao Qi and the bride had to be served by both parties. In my mother's family, my uncle is the most respected person.

"It's not troublesome." Feng Yun said with a smile: "If you don't come, we will still eat. Just add a few more pairs of chopsticks..."

"We want to stay for dinner." Ao Qi suddenly said.

He glanced at Pei Yuan and the bride.

"I'll send someone to tell my father."

Pei Yuan's face brightened visibly.

Of course I hope that the son I raise will look towards me...

She smiled and said to Feng Yun: "Then I really need to help your aunt. This boy is big and eats a lot..."

Feng Yun also laughed: "Just in time to try my craftsmanship."

Ao Qi glanced at her but said nothing.

After several people entered the main hall, tea was prepared and asked the bride to serve tea to her uncle and aunt.

Pei Yuan was not particularly close to the bride, but although she showed emotions and anger on her face, she was not a vicious woman in her heart, so she did not deliberately embarrass her.

In front of Pei Madang and Feng Yun, she specifically explained that her uncle is like her biological father and her aunt is like her biological mother. They are people that the young couple must respect. She told them to treat their uncle and aunt the same way they treat their parents.

The bride reluctantly agreed.

Ao Qi didn't say much.

Feng Yun prepared the gift, drank the tea and asked his servant to bring it to him.

"I hope you and your husband will get along well and grow old together."

Feng Yun prepared a pair of fine iron wrist guards for Ao Qi, and a small and exquisite crossbow for Amir.

Both were weapons, placed on a brocade-covered tray, which made Pei Yuan tremble with fear.

On the day after the wedding, give weapons to the bride and groom...

Only her sister-in-law can do it.

Fortunately, she was in Huaxi, and she herself was from a family of military commanders, so she didn't have any taboos. If she were in the Ao family, her mother-in-law would probably be furious if she saw it.

Feng Yunhun didn't know what was going on in Pei Yuan's heart. He looked at the gift that he had carefully prepared and looked at the young couple expectantly.

"Take a look and see if you like it."

Ao Qi took it and clasped the wrist guard on his hand.

There is a row of iron buckles that can be shrunk in size, and in the darkness of the wrist guard, there is also a hidden push shaft...

He clenched his fist and pressed it, and a sharp knife popped out.

Ao Qi's eyes lit up, and he suddenly looked up at Feng Yun, so surprised that he didn't know what to say...

Only Feng Yun understood his intentions.

Pei Yuan didn't expect that this wristband would be so magical. She had thrown away all her previous thoughts and touched it with surprise and curiosity.

"Good stuff, how did my sister-in-law get it?"

She understood better than anyone the importance of good weapons to soldiers.

Giving her son a good weapon is equivalent to prolonging her son's life...

Feng Yun smiled, and then looked at Amir who was studying the crossbow, and said lightly:

"I asked someone to make it in Tujiawubao. It's good as long as my nephew and his wife like it."

Pei Jue glanced at her and said nothing.

Others don't know, but he knows it in his heart.

The farm tool workshop in Huaxi Village does not only make farm tools.

Their level of weapon making came from Tujiawubao, and they were already as good as Tujiawubao. They were wearing the cloak of making farm tools, but they actually made a lot of weapons.

This thing must have come from Huaxi Farm Tools Workshop...

But even he didn't expect that such a delicate thing could be made.

Moreover, the first person to be given it was not him, but Ao Qi.

He glanced at Feng Yun.

Feng Yun noticed the man's glance and smiled slightly.

"Does my nephew's wife like it?"

"I like it, I like it very much." Amir was as excited as a child.

From yesterday to now, Feng Yun saw her smile with teeth showing for the first time, and she was visibly happy.

Give people things, and hope they like them.

Feng Yun was also very satisfied.

"It's good that you like it. It's almost time, let's take your seat."


The food was placed on the wooden table, and everyone sat in their own seats.

There was no big fish and meat, mostly home-cooked dishes, but Feng Yun was very attentive. Although the presentation was ordinary, everyone praised it.

Two children were clamoring to live in Huaxi.

Amir also showed a trace of unexpected joy on his face.


She said in a low voice, and took a sip of the earthenware soup made by mixing minced meat and eggs into balls and adding cabbage. Suddenly, she looked sideways at Ao Qi who was sitting beside her and lowered her voice.

"Is this what you like in your heart?"

Ao Qi's heart jumped, as if he was frightened, and he turned his head suddenly and stared at her.

The bowls and chopsticks collided with a loud sound.

Everyone looked over.

Ao Qi smiled stiffly.

"It burned my hand."

Pei Yuan cared about her son and complained: "You are so old, and you can get burned when eating..."

Ao Qi lowered his head and stopped talking. The bride also lowered her eyes and ate seriously and quickly.

After a long while, seeing that no one was paying attention to them anymore, Ao Qi couldn't help but looked at her and asked:

"What do you mean?"

Amir looked at him with a puzzled look.

"What I said just now." Ao Qi added.

"Isn't it?" Amir asked, and when he saw his face sank, he pointed at the food on the plate, "Isn't this what you like?"

Ao Qi was so shocked that his back was sweating.

Suddenly realizing his misunderstanding, he relaxed and hummed in silence.

Amir smiled and said, "Aunt is also very likable."

Ao Qi straightened his back and became stiff again.

The two spoke in a low voice, and sat at the bottom, away from the elders, so no one else could hear them.

But Feng Yun saw them looking at each other from time to time, talking with their heads down, and felt a little relieved inexplicably in his heart...

A man really needs to get married to mature.

The bride looks very good, and I think the wedding night will be happy.

After dinner, the Ao family sat for a while and left.

A Zuo and A You quarreled for a while, and were picked up by Ao Qi and thrown into the carriage.

Feng Yun went to change clothes and came out to see Wen Xingsu waiting in the courtyard, enjoying the cold wind. The figure under the camphor tree was tall and lonely. He looked up at the two birds perched on the treetop, motionless for a long time.

She was surprised.

"Brother, do you have anything to say?"

Wen Xingsu turned his head, a faint smile on his lips.

"Yaoyao, I'm here to say goodbye to you."

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