Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 447: Can't Let Go

The smile on Feng Yun's lips froze.

"It's just around the corner, do you want to go back to camp?"

"It's not going back to the camp." Wen Xingsu was silent for a moment after saying that, then looked at her again, "It's the middle of winter and the New Year is approaching. I want to go back and have a look."

Feng Yun was slightly startled.

She hoped in her heart that Wen Xingsu would stay for the New Year.

In her heart, if she had to talk about family ties - it was Wen Xingsu, and only Wen Xingsu.

That is the emotion brought about by two lifetimes of care and cannot be replaced by others.

New Year’s Eve is incomplete without a big brother.

What's more, she was a little worried about Wen Xing going back.

Will there be trouble if we go back to Nanqi?

She had many concerns, but she could not stop Wen Xingsu from fulfilling his filial piety.

Especially after that incident, Mrs. Chen must have complained about him a lot. The relationship between mother and son was not close at first, but after this incident, it only made matters worse.

"Brother. I can't help you..." Feng Yun did not regret beating Mrs. Chen, but he could not avoid feeling sorry for Wen Xingsu.

"I always give my brother a hard time."

Wen Xingsu looked at her and smiled lightly.

"Having a waist is enough."

Feng Yun felt like a gentle feather was brushing against his heart, and he couldn't help but laugh again.

"Whether you go back or not, seeing that your brothers are all getting married and having children, you should have someone beside you who understands both the cold and the hot. When you go back this time, they will definitely find a sister-in-law for your brother..."

Wen Xingsu was silent for a long time, then raised his eyelids slightly, "I wish there was such a person."

Feng Yun laughed.

Wen Xingsu has always been cold and indifferent.

In the past, every time Wen Xingsu mentioned his sister-in-law, he was noncommittal, which made her often worry that this brother would become a bachelor.

At least he was relieved.

It seems that the day of marrying my sister-in-law is not far away.

She said: "It's rare to go back. Please stay a little longer and I'll tell the king..."

Wen Xingsu smiled when he saw her enthusiastic look.

"I have made it clear to the king that I will stay a little longer, and the king has agreed."

Already a Jin general, he returned to Southern Qi. Although the two countries were now allies, it was inevitable that there would be various opinions. Wen Xingsu not only had to get Pei Mad's approval, but also had to deal with and resist countless spurns and rumors.

Feng Yun felt sorry for him.

"Then have a safe trip, brother. I'll wait for your return in Huaxi."

Wen Xingsu looked at her pretty and charming face and frowned slightly.

"Why don't Yaoyao go back to celebrate the New Year?"

Feng Yun asked: "Where are you going back to?"

Wen Xingsu pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I heard the king mentioned before that he would take General Pei and His Majesty back to Xijing in a few days to celebrate the New Year. Why, you don't know about me?"

Feng Yun said nothing.

She really didn't know.

Even though he had just spent the night with Feng Wencun last night, Pei Madang didn't even mention a word about it. She pursed her lips slightly and said with a smile:

"Maybe I haven't had time to say it yet. Your Majesty has been in Huaxi for so long. There is no reason not to go back during the New Year. Besides, Queen Mother Duan is still in Xijing, and her filial piety must be fulfilled. Your Majesty cannot not return to the court for a long time. He has been staying in Andu to handle government affairs. When he returns, Jing is right, that’s exactly what it should be.”

She said it lightly.

But Wen Xingsu still saw a hint of darkness in her eyes.


There is always some parting that makes people sad.

Feng Yun took Wen Xingsu to the entrance of the village and reluctantly watched him ride away. Walking back again, he felt lonely.

When her eldest brother was around, she felt like she had a family.

The eldest brother is gone, and she seems to be an orphan again.

Feng Yun doesn't often think wildly, and he doesn't pity himself. But people are not gods and Buddhas, and it is inevitable that there will be times when his emotions rise...


Pei Madang was sitting in the study. The book in front of him had not been turned for a long time. In the small red clay stove beside him, the tea was boiling and steaming.

Qian Sanniu made tea for him and retreated to the door.

Zuo Zhong came in, took a look at the man sitting quietly, cupped his hands and said:

"Your Majesty, the princess is back."

Pei Madang raised his head and Zuo Zhong said again: "As soon as I returned to the house, I closed the door and shut out the maids. I heard from the people in the room that they seemed unhappy."

Hearing this, Qian Sanniu chuckled and said, "It must be because Da Langjun left. Our wife misses Da Langjun the most. Every time he comes, she is happy. When he leaves, she is always depressed."

He has been with Pei Ran for a long time, but when he talks about Feng Yun, he still calls him "our lady", as if he has always been Feng Yun's.

Pei Madang never corrected him.

"Got it. Get down."

Zuo Zhong raised his eyes and said yes.

Pei Madang said again: "Over at Yangxinzhai, we need to prepare early and leave after the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month."

Zuo Zhong didn't seem to expect it to happen so quickly. He looked up at him blankly before taking the order again.

Ji You had a more impatient temper and couldn't bear to see the King being neither plague nor angry. Seeing that he was motionless, he couldn't help but say:

"The king is the person closest to the princess. It's time to talk to the lady more..."

Pei Ran looked up at him.

Ji You was afraid of his eyes and scratched his head.

Still couldn't help but burst into tears.

"When I was very young, my mother taught me that I have to say what I want. If you don't tell me, no one will know why even if you cry to death..."

Pei Ran's eyes became sharp.

He suddenly realized that the metaphor of "crying" was not suitable for the king.

He quickly added: "The princess is very concerned about the king. I heard from Alou that the king disappeared in Cangyan Mountain. The princess sent several groups of people to inquire about the news, and even asked to be in front of Prince Chunyu..."

Pei Ran couldn't listen anymore, "You are the only one who talks too much."

At that time, his life or death was uncertain, and Feng Yun was already preparing a way out.

Inquiring about his news is nothing more than a way to facilitate advancement and retreat.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with doing this. If a man does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth...

In this life, Feng Shier Niang lives more and more soberly.

Ji You curled his lips, not knowing what the king was thinking, and plucked up the courage to persuade, "You will return to the capital in a few days, what are you still hesitating about? Hurry up and let the princess pack up and go back to the capital to celebrate the New Year together."

Pei Jue said, "She won't go."

Ji You wondered, "How do you know she doesn't want to go if the king didn't ask?"

Pei Jue looked at him coldly, "Go down."


Ji You and Qian Sanniu looked at each other and retreated.

Pei Jue picked up the teacup and looked at it silently.

The light of the fire reflected on him, his black clothes were dyed red, and his handsome face was shining. Although he was so warm, he seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

"Let go of the ties and take what you need. No entering the harem, no child. Have fun together, no entanglement after separation..."

She always wanted to keep a distance from him, hated his control the most, and was even more unwilling to go back to the mansion with him...

How could he break his promise and ask so much of her? -

The cold wind was bleak in the twelfth lunar month.

Feng Yun sat alone in the room listening to the sound of the wind hitting the bamboo forest and filling the window. She sat for about an hour before gradually regaining her calm.

She liked to be alone to heal.

Some things could not be shared with others, and no one could share them with them.

When she went out again, it was as if nothing had happened, with a faint smile and warm eyebrows.

Xiaoman ran to tell her.

"The king left, saying that he would not disturb the lady for a rest, and sent a maid to tell the lady that he would not be back tonight, so that the lady could go to bed early."

Feng Yun nodded.

She had to leave anyway.

One day earlier or later, there was no difference.

She cheered up and went to the study.

The New Year is coming soon, and there are still many things to do. Those brothers who followed him should not let their heroes work for nothing. They should be given what they should be given and rewarded. These should be calculated.

After the New Year, she will open a new workshop. There are too many things to do and no time to feel sad.

The room is quiet.

The charcoal fire in the red stove has gone out, but you can still feel the residual heat when you sit close. Even the cushion seems to have some of Pei Jue's temperature.

Feng Yun was stunned, and her eyes fell on the old wooden table made of elm.

The ink on the paper was not dry, and it was Pei Jue's new words.

She picked it up and took a look.

It was his copy of "Ping Fu Tie", the handwriting was majestic, and every stroke was steady and powerful...

"I don't know Le Zhengzi, and I don't understand Ping Fu Tie."

Feng Yun thought of what he said, slowly picked it up to appreciate, the corners of her mouth slowly curved up, and she wanted to smile, but it slowly disappeared from her lips...

Now they are neither good nor bad.

Everything is as she wished at the beginning.

Comfort each other, but don't talk about feelings.

Respect each other, but don't involve privacy.

One more is too much.

One less is too shallow.

This is just right, right?

She called Xiaoman and just asked her to put away the "Ping Fu Tie", and then she seemed to think of something.

"Send it to the city to find a good craftsman to mount it."

Xiaoman smiled softly, "Yes."

Feng Yun looked at her winking and raised her eyebrows, "What are you laughing at?"

"The maid is laughing at the lady." Xiaoman was a bold person, not afraid of Feng Yun at all, and Yingying bowed and slipped away with the things.

Feng Yun snorted and laughed, "It's a habit."


Feng Yun didn't expect that the official news of returning to Beijing was first heard from Yuan Shangyi.

The little emperor was used to living in Huaxi and was also attached to Feng Yun. When he learned that he was going back to Beijing, he stopped reading books and ran straight to Changmen to find Feng Yun regardless of Lin Nvshi's obstruction.

Seeing her, he rushed over without saying a word and hugged her.

"Madam, do you want to go back to the capital with the king?"

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, bent down to pick up the child, sat on the soft couch, and touched his cold little face.

"Why are you running so fast? Look at your face, it's cold. If you sweat, you might catch a cold. Then Ms. Lin will say you..."

Yuan Shangyi looked up at her.

After a moment of silence, he didn't ask why she didn't answer, but seemed to understand something and whispered disappointedly.

"Madam, are you really not going back?"

Feng Yun chuckled, "Why do you say it's true?"

Yuan Shangyi lowered his eyes, "Ms. Lin said that she saw the rules and list of the imperial carriage returning to Beijing... Madam is not on it."

Feng Yun thought about it and smiled, "I can't go back this time because I have something to do. A Yuan should go back and spend the New Year with Queen Mother Duan to fulfill his filial piety. Andu is now the secondary capital. When the palace is repaired, you can come and live here, and no one can stop you."

Yuan Shangyi said, "Prince Yonghuai can stop me."

Feng Yun looked at his serious face and smiled.

"Why would Prince Yonghuai stop you?"

Yuan Shangyi's little head drooped, "Everyone doesn't like me in Andu and wants me to go back to Beijing. They say that the emperor should sit in the Golden Throne..."

The child's voice was soft, and as he spoke, he suddenly hugged Feng Yun with both hands and put his head against hers.

"My wife, can you tell Ms. Lin that I won't study before returning to Beijing?"

Feng Yun looked down at him and wanted to turn his little head up, but he refused and insisted on sticking to Feng Yun.

Feng Yun was helpless and smiled, "Why don't you want to study?"

Yuan Shangyi pouted and said, "I want to accompany my wife..."

Feng Yun felt warm in her heart and stroked his back again, "Yuan is really good, but my wife is an adult now, and she doesn't need Yuan to worry about her anymore."

Yuan Shangyi shook his little head gently, "We all went back to Beijing, and my wife will stay alone for the New Year. It will be very lonely. A Yuan wants to accompany you more..."

Feng Yun did not speak.

For a moment, her throat was hoarse.

She was afraid that if she spoke, the child would find something wrong.

"No. How could it be?" She laughed softly: "I still have Grandma Han, Xiaoman, A Lou, Ge Guang Ge Yi, Master Xing, A Zhou, and many people in Changmen..."

"That's different." Yuan Shangyi frowned and looked at her, and repeated seriously, "It's different."

Feng Yun smiled and coaxed him.

"Okay, okay, A Yuan said it's different, so it's different. But you still have to read books..."

Yuan Shangyi said: "Can't I just not read for a few days?"

He was a very obedient child, and he knew his responsibilities. He was rarely willful and rarely acted recklessly, even though he was already an emperor.

Feng Yun felt sorry for him.

"Okay, I will tell Ms. Lin tomorrow that Yuan will not be allowed to study before the New Year. Don't worry, I have a way to convince her."

Yuan Shangyi then showed a smile on his face, very sweet, very obedient, and very warm.

"I want to accompany my wife, and I also want my wife to accompany me."

Feng Yun smiled softly, not knowing how to love him, and then heard him say: "I am afraid that if I return to Xijing, I will never see my wife again..."

After that, he hugged Feng Yun again.

"My wife, being an emperor is so tiring. Yuan doesn't want to be an emperor..."

Feng Yun: He doesn't ask me to go back for the New Year.

Pei Jue: He doesn't like to go back with me for the New Year.

Chun Yu Yan: Yes, yes, you are all right, so Feng Shier will spend the New Year with me, it just so happens that I am also alone...

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