Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 448 Before the New Year

Before the New Year in Andu County, the market was filled with a dazzling array of New Year products, and the streets were crowded with people.

From time to time, there are a few people singing, selling this and that. Vendors shouting and children playing, this lively scene happens once a year and is irreplaceable.

Yuan Sangyi can always feel happiness from the fireworks-filled market.

"Madam, it would be great if I could be with you every day."

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing, "When A Yuan grows up, he won't be like this."

Yuan Shangyi asked: "Then the lady doesn't like it?"

"Of course I do. I'm also very grateful to A-Yuan for accompanying me."

Feng Yun carefully kept the innocent heart of a little child and took Yuan Shangyi to play and run wildly outside. What wouldn't he like?

When Yuan Shangyi heard what she said, he became happy again.

"Then let's go have tea."

Of course, children don't like tea, but they like to listen to books in the teahouse and listen to the storytellers telling stories about the three religions and nine streams, the mountains and the wastelands.

Feng Yun satisfied him and said, "Let's go."

The waiter invited them in, and Feng Yun asked for a private room on the second floor. A curtain separated him from everyone in the lobby.

People come and go in the tea shop from time to time.

The voices were loud and noisy.

No one knew that there was a little emperor sitting in the private room. There are always some people who like to talk about state affairs, discussing the situation in the world, divisions and reunions, and also talking about the crumbling Jin Dynasty.

"Sooner or later there will be a battle between Xijing and Yecheng."

"Those who have the means in the north have either gone to the south or have moved. Don't look at the prosperity of Andu. Once the war starts, this house and village will be wiped out..."

"How can I see it?"

"The front lines of the two armies are in the flames of war. Where can we avoid them?"

"How could King Yonghuai allow Yecheng to attack Andu? I think my worries are unfounded. You don't even have a look at how bad the Yecheng court is. Where can I find the ability to attack Andu..."

"How bad is Yecheng?"

"Didn't you hear about what happened a while ago? Bandits robbed the coal briquettes bought by Jiedushi Zheng Shoushan. The place where the bandits appeared was where Li Zongxun's Yecheng army was stationed... The bridge between Li and Zheng , the knot is big.”

"The bandits are robbing coal, are they really close friends?"

"It seems that I didn't understand. This bandit is the Yecheng Army in disguise... Even if Zheng Shoushan doesn't say anything, he must be scolding his mother in his heart. Our Huaxi Changmen, how kind and righteous it is, in the middle of winter. , directly replenished the robbed goods and sent them to Chuzhou. This magnanimity made Zheng Shoushan understand clearly after a moment of comparison. Yecheng was going to attack Xijing. You said Chuzhou. Will you take advantage of it?"

"Brother, you are worrying too much. I just heard someone say that Li Zongxun married a niece of his family to Zheng Shoushan's cousin. These two families are already married, how can their relationship be so different?"

"Hey, you don't know something about this. There's something fishy about rushing into a marriage. In short...just wait and see, the Yecheng court is like a rotten tree, unable to withstand wind and rain."

"Hey boy, things are unpredictable. Maybe the Xijing court will start a fight before the Yecheng people can coax..."

"Where to start?"

"What kind of person is King Yonghuai? How can we allow the little emperor to grow up and rule personally..."

"Uh? Brother, you mean..."

The voice came faintly, and Feng Yun saw Yuan Shangyi frowning, knowing that he heard it, but did not speak, and just looked at him with a smile.

This is the marketplace.

Everything was said.

She wanted Yuan Shangyi to experience it for himself.

"Madam." Yuan Shangyi looked up at her and slowly leaned on him, but did not continue.

"What's wrong? A Yuan is unhappy?" Feng Yun asked.

Yuan Shangyi shook his head.

After a moment of pause, he asked: "Does King Yonghuai want to be the emperor?"

Feng Yun was shocked.

What makes him ask this is definitely not because of the few words in the market.

She asked back: "What does A Yuan think?"

Yuan Shangyi said: "He wants to be emperor, so I will give it to him."

The surprise just now was expected, but this sentence was unexpected.

Feng Yun lowered his head, looked into the child's eyes, and then subconsciously looked at the curtain.

The servants were all standing guard outside.

She whispered: "Ayuan, do you believe me?"

Won Sang Yi nodded.

Feng Yun said: "Then such words cannot be said outside..."

She paused and then warned: "Your unintentional words and one careless move may cause many heads to fall to the ground."

A Yuan was kind-hearted. When he heard this, his face changed and he nodded heavily.

"Madam, I understand, I won't say anything more..."

Feng Yun was deeply moved by being trusted by a child, "Good boy."

In fact, such rumors have been popping up in endlessly since the day Pei Madang was given the Jiuxi ban, and they can't be stopped.

On the contrary, Feng Yun did not expect that the story of the coal briquettes being robbed spread among the people, pointing out that the bandits were Li Zongxun's people...

Can Li Zongxun and Zheng Shoushan not know?

At this juncture, the Zheng and Li families are getting married. It has to be said that Li Zongxun is still willing to give up the child...

"Madam, A Yuan doesn't want to hear the story anymore..."

Yuan Shangyi pulled Feng Yun, and Feng Yun smiled at him. Just as he was about to leave, there was a shout from the street outside.

"The officers and soldiers are here, the officers and soldiers are here -"

In Andu City, the teahouses and wine shops are always lively, and it is certainly not unusual for official officials to pass by.

The horse's hooves stopped right at the door of this teahouse.

No one knew what was going on, so they stretched their necks to look outside.

Immediately afterwards, several soldiers in uniforms came over, holding weapons in their hands and looking fierce.

"I have just received news that there is a detailed story about King Yonghuai in the public, leading the people to discuss the government affairs... Whoever it is, stand up for yourself."

The tea room immediately became quiet.

No one spoke.

The few people who had been talking so happily and foaming at the mouth all turned pale with fright.

"You're not willing to stand up and plead guilty, are you?" The leader of the officers and soldiers snorted heavily and looked around at everyone in the cell. "Xi Zuo refuses to admit it, so it's up to you to identify who it is?!"

He roared loudly.

Everyone in the tea room trembled.

Even Yuan Shangyi in the private room tensed up.

Feng Yun hugged him, caressed him gently, shook his head and said nothing.

At this time, a weak response finally came from outside.

It's not an identification, but the store owner is trying to defend himself.

"My lord, the people of Jin Dynasty are free and there is no reason to be punished for words."

"Hmph! When will it be your turn to point fingers and direct me to do things? I blame you people for harboring traitors, allowing dirty tricks, and using filthy words to slander King Yonghuai. Don't say it, okay, you all won't say it. Then I will take the entire tea house back to the government office and interrogate them..."

See how serious he is.

The tea room could no longer be peaceful.

There were noisy voices, some bold enough to directly accuse the officials of being unkind.

Is this a big deal? The official immediately stepped forward to arrest the person...

Seeing this situation, those people who were talking loudly were bloody and unwilling to let others suffer on their behalf, so they pushed away their chairs and stood in front of others.

"We chatted about state affairs and expressed our own opinions, but we never slandered King Yonghuai... We are trying to save the people, not some trickery from somewhere... May I ask the official, who identified it? Is there any evidence?"

"Evidence? You all admitted to chatting about state affairs, what more evidence do you need? Someone, bring these spies who disrespect the king back for interrogation!"


"And this teahouse, I can't even see it clean. Search it for me, and I must find evidence of their affair with Yecheng."


The teahouse is full of porcelain and earthenware pots, and there are constant banging, cracking and screaming sounds.

Feng Yun frowned, held Yuan Shangyi's nervous little hand, and she called out in a low voice.

"Ye Chuang."

Because she was traveling with the emperor, in addition to Mei Ling Buqu, Ye Chuang and Lin Zhuo were also accompanying her.

They all heard and saw what happened just now.

Ye Chuang lifted the curtain and went in, cupped his fists and said, "Madam, please give me your instructions."

Feng Yun said: "Look who is taking the lead in arresting people and bring them to me..."

Ye Chuang was stunned for a moment, then pursed his lips and said: "Those people are also presumptuous, and they are too open-mouthed. When they hear some rumors, they throw dirty water on the king, and it is good to make them suffer a little. Kill them to serve as a warning to others, and we will see who dares to do so in the future." That’s nonsense. Madam, it’s better not to interfere…”

Feng Yun raised his head and stared at him coldly.

"From what you said, could it be that the king ordered the arrest?"

"This..." Although Ye Chuang is following Feng Yun now, he has been with Pei Ran for so many years and knows very well what kind of person he is.

If he cared about what others said, he wouldn't have left such a bad reputation and would have cleaned it up long ago...

But as a subordinate, he also hopes that these people will learn a lesson.

However, Feng Yun had an order, and Ye Chuang had no choice but to obey it. After a moment's hesitation, he handed it over.

"My subordinate understands."

After a while, Ye Chuang came back.

He said: "This is the captain of Andu County, Liang Huanzhang."

Duwei is the permanent military attache of the border county, specializing in military affairs. He has troops ranging from 2,000 to 5,000 people under his command. They are under the jurisdiction of the local area and used to maintain the daily routine of the local area. After the split of the Jin Dynasty, Andu County was also regarded as a border county, and there were heavy troops inside and outside Andu.

This Liang Huanzhang was sent from the new army.

Speaking of which, he and Pei Ran are somewhat related by marriage.

His wife was Ao Zheng's cousin, and she followed Ao Zheng to heaven, so she got the plum job of Captain of Andu County.

Feng Yun looked at him calmly and said nothing.

People and affairs in aristocratic families are the most complicated, and in-law relationships are even more intricate. Seriously speaking, anyone in a circle can be related to in-laws, and she has long since stopped paying attention to these things.

She only looks at what the person's motives are...

The sound of smashing was getting closer and closer, and those people came upstairs.

Feng Yun glanced at Ye Chuang.

Ye Chuang understood and walked out.

I don’t know what he said, but the sound of smashing quickly stopped, and the footsteps moved further and further away.

Ye Chuang came back, cupped his hands and said, "They left and took six or seven people with them, saying they were fine craftsmen from Yecheng."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and held Yuan Shangyi's little hand.

"Where is your Majesty today?"

Ye Chuang was stunned for a moment and shook his head.

They are just a couple. Shouldn't the princess know the whereabouts of the king best? Why did she come to ask him? (End of chapter)

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