When Feng Yun took Yuan Shangyi away from the tea house, the street had not yet returned to calm. There were still many people, in small groups, gathering together and whispering about the things that had just been done in the Duwei Mansion.

Feng Yun's carriage drove over and the crowd moved to one side.

Liang Huanzhang had already stepped on the horse's pedal with one of his legs, then pulled it back and pulled the reins.

Just now, Ye Chuang only said that there are noble people having tea in the private room on the second floor, so don't disturb them.

He didn't recognize Ye Chuang, only saw his waist badge, and kept guessing which noble person it was.

Take a closer look at this.


So it’s the princess inside?

He had seen Feng Yun at Ao Qi's wedding that day, but he had never seen the little emperor. When he saw Feng Yun coming out with a child, he didn't think much about it, stepped aside, and bent down to salute.

Feng Yun walked over with a smile on his face and didn't look at him again.

Liang Huanzhang coughed lightly, "I have met the princess before."

Feng Yun then turned his head and smiled faintly.

"Thank you, Captain, for doing your best to safeguard the reputation of the king."

Her voice was smooth and gentle, but Liang Huanzhang felt a layer of sweat on his spine, feeling slightly uneasy.

"The lower officials should fulfill their responsibilities."

Feng Yun didn't stay long, the tail of his eyes slightly raised, and he glanced at his face, his eyes dimmed slightly, then his smile returned, and he hugged Yuan Shangyi and got into the carriage.

The carriages and horses left slowly.

After they walked away, Liang Huanzhang asked his side.

"The child held by the princess..."

The more he thought about it, the more panicked he became, and there was already a vague suspicion in his mind.

The guard gave him the answer directly.

"Replying to the captain, I saw him once in Huaxi from a distance. He should be the one from Yangxinzhai..."

Liang Huanzhang's expression changed.

I don’t know your face.

It almost caused a disaster.

"Let's go back home."


Before noon, Pei Ran got the news.

It was Qin Dajin who came to report it in person.

"Liang Huanzhang took the lead in arresting the person who spread the rumors and caused trouble, and almost offended the princess and His Majesty. By acting like this, he clearly does not take the King seriously."

Pei Ran glanced at him.

Tan Dajin and Liang Huanzhang used to have a little fun in Zhongjing, but it has been many years, and he is not such a stingy person, so he has not taken it to heart.


Liang Huanzhang suddenly came to Andu to take office and was directly promoted to the county captain, with thousands of troops under his command. This made Tan Dajin very unhappy.

He's such a coward, his subordinates are defeated, he can't even withstand a few blows from his fists, why should he be the captain?

It’s not because of Ao Zheng’s relationship.

Tan Dajin had something in his heart that he wanted to say out, but as soon as it reached his mouth, he swallowed it back.

"Anyway, I think he has no good intentions."

Pei Ran looked coldly and said: "Inform Prime Minister Ao and interrogate Liang Huanzhang for his misconduct in front of the emperor."

Tan Dajin was startled.

"A direct question of guilt?"

He didn't expect this. The king was a bit too straightforward.

"Yeah." Pei Madang waved his hand, "Go and do it."

This matter was actually very difficult for Pei Ran.

If Liang Huanzhang is wrong to arrest people, then he is allowing others to say bad things about him. What's more, Liang Huanzhang is doing it in the name of catching people who are meticulous, so how can he not be arrested?

If Liang Huanzhang is not dealt with, and he arrests people and puts them in jail at every turn, Pei Madang will really live up to his reputation as cruel and cold-blooded, and will take the blame...

A mild punishment can be regarded as a warning to Liang Huanzhang, telling him to act in a restrained manner in Andu County.

Tan Dajin quickly figured it out and stepped back.

"I'll take care of it now."

As soon as he left, the room fell silent.

Ji You snorted coldly: "There have been a lot of rumors over the years, and they are even worse than this. Your Majesty has never been in control. Today, if you arrest people for such a trivial matter, there must be people saying that Your Majesty has no tolerance and is cruel and unkind." "

Zuo Zhong also rarely agreed.

"Yes, Captain Liang really shouldn't."

Ji You glanced at Pei Ran and said, "If I would be jailed for saying a few bad words about the king, then Zuo Zhong and I should have been beaten to death long ago."

Pei Madang looked at him coldly.

Zuo Zhong stared at him and coughed.

Isn’t this self-inflicted, indicating that they often speak ill of the king?

Ji You: "Why are you staring at me? I have never lied. Haven't we always said that the king is good at everything, but his mouth is not good. If you were willing to say a few more words, we wouldn't be blowing the cold wind here right now. Instead, he eats and drinks in Nagato and lies on the hot bed.”

He looked like he had been corrupted by comfort and enjoyment, which made Zuo Zhong's eyelids jump. He was afraid that Pei Madang would turn around and ask him to carry the person out and chop him down.

Will he cut it or not when the time comes?

Surgery on the left or right?

"That's all." Pei Ran said calmly, "Go prepare the horse."

Ji You was pleasantly surprised, "Are you going back to Huaxi?"

Pei Bang said humbly and strode forward.

Ji You proudly raised his chin towards Zuo Zhong and followed quickly, "Your Majesty, please slow down and let your subordinates come down to serve you."

Zuo Zhong's cheeks twitched.

Think about it, even Ji You can live well under the nose of the king. The king really deserves the name of "cruelty" in vain.

As soon as Pei Madang left the yard and before he could say goodbye to Pei Chong, Pei Yuan came over with his two children, Zuo and You.

When Pei Yuan heard that he was going back to Huaxi, the two children screamed without saying anything.

"I want to play with uncle."

"I also want!"

"I'm going to find my aunt."

"I also want."

"I want to eat the pastries from my aunt's house."

"I also want!"

A Zuo said, and A You responded, and the two of them sang in harmony. Pei Yuan felt dizzy when she heard this, and her brows just furrowed. Before she could refuse, Pei Madang nodded.

"Go ahead."

Ah Zuo and Ah You cheered immediately.

Pei Yuan was stunned and looked at him strangely.

Do you have the patience to take care of your children today?


After Feng Yun returned to Zhuangzi, he did not send Yuan Shangyi back. Instead, he asked Dong Bai to go back and send a message to Lin Nvshi, saying that your majesty would have dinner here today and there was no need to wait long.

Lin Nvshi was unwilling at all costs.

But with people under her roof, she couldn't refuse Feng Yun.

I just thought that when I returned to Beijing, I would never come again. I would just endure the suffering for the remaining few days and could only follow her.

Won Sang Yi was very happy.

Feng Yun put aside the chores in the house and concentrated on playing with his children. Unexpectedly, Chun Yuyan would come to his door.

I don’t know what kind of medicine this man took. He was full of joy and led seven or eight followers. He walked over like a star over the moon. You could feel his uncontrollable joy through the mask. When he saw Feng Yun, he asked:

"Have you got all the New Year's goods? I'm going to send someone to Yunchuan tomorrow. If you have anything to bring, just ask."

When Yuan Shangyi saw him, he suppressed his expression.

Chun Yuyan seemed to recognize the little emperor now, and stepped forward to salute, "I have met your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, no gifts." Yuan Shangyi automatically changed into the appearance of a young adult and glanced at Feng Yun, "I'm waiting for you in the inner room."

Feng Yun touched his head, said hello, and said to Chunyu Yan, "I don't need to trouble you anymore, Your Majesty. We are a prosperous country in Jin Dynasty, and we have abundant people. We have everything we need, so why should we sacrifice the near for the distant?"

Chun Yuyan raised the corners of his lips, "You can't buy Yunchuan specialties anywhere else. That's all. If you're too embarrassed to ask, I'll make the decision for you. I'll have a little of everything in the shortbread mushroom tea..."

Feng Yun took a breath, "Which of your eyes saw that I was embarrassed to speak?"

Chunyu Yan curled his lips: "I understand you."

Feng Yun: "...I thank you, no need."

Chunyu Yan said: "Why should we be polite between neighbors?"

Feng Yun didn't bother to argue with him, so he turned around and left. Unexpectedly, Chun Yuyan stepped forward in three steps and then stopped in front of her with his arms outstretched.

"Feng Twelve."

Feng Yun stood still and looked at him.

Chun Yuyan lowered his arms and cupped his hands towards her.

"Don't be so unkind." He gestured to Feng Yun, his eyes bright: "With so many subordinates watching, please save some face for me. After all, if we cooperate with each other, I won't owe you anything, right?"

Feng Yun hesitated for a moment, smiled, and returned the greeting deeply to him.

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty. I'll bring you a cart each of the specialties you mentioned."

She originally tried to silence Chun Yuyan with words, but unexpectedly, the prince actually became happy upon hearing this.

"Okay, you are my little ancestor. As long as you ask, what do you want? Don't say one car, even ten cars, I will have someone bring it to you."

Rich and wealthy.

Feng Yun curled his lips and refused to pay attention to him.

Chunyu Yan actually made arrangements on his own.

"When they return to Beijing to celebrate the New Year, we will be the only ones left in Huaxi, so we can spend it together..."

Before Feng Yun had time to speak, he saw Pei Ran coming with A Zuo and A You.

The cold wind is biting and the vegetation is rustling.

He stood on the wind outlet, letting the strong wind puff up his sleeves and robes, and flutter...

The child screamed when he saw Feng Yun.


As he spoke, he rushed forward.

Pei Madang walked behind calmly and met Chun Yuyan face to face, his eyes as heavy as water.

Chunyu Yan raised his eyebrows, gave Feng Yun a "be patient" expression, and then bowed to Pei Ran.

"Brother Wang came back at the right time. I was talking to Feng Twelve about the New Year..."

After that, he explained it specially.

"I didn't talk about anything else. Brother Wang, don't get me wrong."

Is this for fear that others will not misunderstand?

Ji You behind Pei Madang clenched his fists in anger.

Chun Yuyan's attendants, Sang Jiao and Yin You, lowered their heads, looking ashamed.

Feng Yun said nothing.

Seeing Pei Ran coming over, she was in a trance.

But I haven’t seen him for two days. Why do you feel like he has lost weight?

"Your Majesty." She saluted.

Pei Ran hummed and glanced at Chun Yuyan, "We husband and wife have something to say. Your Majesty, please come."

Chun Yuyan hated his "gentleman" indifference, dragging him as if he was something...

What an amazing couple...

The evil fire surged up in him, but the look in Feng Yun's eyes faded away again.

Masao is truly amazing.

People can eat and sleep with Feng Twelve openly and honestly...

Do whatever you want.

How does he look like him?

When giving something as a gift, it depends on the person’s expression.

Chun Yuyan smiled lightly, not wanting to make Pei Ran feel comfortable, and cast a meaningful look at Feng Yun.

"It's settled. You have a good talk with Brother Wang, and I'll take the first step."

Feng Yun looked at the back and wanted to laugh a little.

She didn't respond or explain. She touched the heads of Ah Zuo and Ah You and asked Pei Ran, "What does your Majesty have to say?"

Pei Ran stared into her eyes, was silent for a long time, and asked:

"Did you feel frightened at the teahouse today?"

As soon as his voice came out, Ji You closed his eyes.

I thought he would ask the princess, "Can we go back to Beijing to celebrate the New Year together..."

How could this be such a harmless sentence?

Does the princess look frightened?

Ji You was worried for him, but Pei Madang didn't react at all.

Of course, neither did Feng Yun.

She shook her head and chuckled in response, "A Yuan was a little frightened, but I have calmed him down. I have stopped his schoolwork for a while and let him have fun. He won't be so free after returning to Beijing."

She said it with a smile.

She didn't mention returning to Beijing, but she knew about it.

Pei Jue pondered, "Okay."

Feng Yun asked, "Have you decided on the date of departure?"

Pei Jue said, "The fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month."

Feng Yun calculated, "That's not many days away. I have to prepare some New Year's goods for the king so that I can take them back."

Pei Jue's throat moved slightly, "Thank you."

Feng Yun laughed, "Why are you being polite? What's our relationship?"

She winked at Pei Jue, took the two children and went to see Yuan Shangyi.

A Yuan was used to being lonely, and he must be very happy to have these two clever ghosts.

Feng Yun probably felt a little pity for Pei Jue returning to Beijing for the New Year without inviting her, but it soon disappeared.

Since it was my own choice, there was nothing to complain about.

It was better without burden.

She didn't take it to heart at all, and soon the laughter of her and the children could be heard in the room.

Pei Jue stood in the corridor, and his whole body seemed to be fixed on that beautiful face, blinking and smiling charmingly for a long time, without moving his feet. (End of this chapter)

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