Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 450 White-collared job

Ao Zheng's reply came quickly. He didn't stay overnight and sent someone over that night.

In front of Pei Mang, he apologized carelessly.

Feng Yun had just come out of the shower and was twisting her hair by the fire. When she heard Pei Madang talking to someone outside the door, she pricked up her ears and slowed down her movements.

After a while, there were footsteps coming from behind, and a calm, familiar breath stopped behind him.

Pei Ran leaned forward, took the velvet towel in her hand and wiped it for her.

"Why don't you let the maid serve you?"

Feng Yun smiled casually and said, "Because the king doesn't like outsiders in the room. I don't want them to stare at you either."

Half joking and half serious, she didn't have much emotion in her words.

Pei Ran paused and his movements became a little gentler...

Feng Yun noticed something strange about him, smiled slightly, and half-closed his eyes to let him wait. Surrounded by the gentle breath, her whole body felt warm, and she simply leaned into his arms.

Pei Ran held her up with his arms.

There was a long moment of silence in the house.

No one spoke, but the atmosphere was very quiet and warm.

Sometimes, Feng Yun actually likes to stay with Pei Madang like this. He doesn't talk sweetly, but he doesn't cause her any trouble either. He has a sense of security that makes her feel safe...

Although Feng Yun would be wary of his past life experiences and remind himself not to indulge, he couldn't help but like this feeling.

Who doesn't want to be cared for, pampered, and pampered by others like a waste who eats, drinks, and has fun?

She was determined to work hard and start a new life, not because she didn't want to, but because she didn't dare.

The fire was warm and she fell asleep.

Pei Madang smoothed her hair and asked in a deep voice: "Going to sleep on the couch?"

Feng Yun hummed and yawned, "What about you?"

Pei Ran said: "I still have something to deal with."

Feng Yun then turned around and looked at him strangely.

He had something to take care of, so he stayed to wipe her hair.

She said: "Then king, go quickly. It's freezing cold. Take care of it as soon as possible and go to bed early."

Pei Madang looked at the concern in her eyes, gently stroked the hair on her cheeks, and said calmly: "Ao Zheng punishes Liang Huanzhang and wears white clothes to take charge."

After reporting to him, he must come up with regulations.

Feng Yun curled his lips, "I guess so."

White-clothed leadership is actually a preferential treatment for noble officials and some powerful ministers and favorites.

Those wearing white clothes refer to the clothes worn by common people. Of course, before being appointed officials, the sons of noble families were also white. In other words, it is to let the person wear white clothes and still hold the original position, which is usually a minor punishment for senior officials.

This kind of punishment is more casual and sounds intolerant, but the actual punishment is not serious.

However, Liang Huanzhang's punishment is considered reasonable.

After all, he didn't do any evil deeds. He smashed the tea house because he suspected a spy and attacked Long Yan. He didn't know that the emperor was inside, so he couldn't be blamed.

Feng Yun looked at Pei Ran's expression and said, "The king is probably afraid that they will use chicken feathers as arrows to cause trouble outside."

Liang Huanzhang is from Ao Zheng, and in the eyes of outsiders, he is Pei Mang's person.

If these people are not restrained, they may cause a big trouble one day and it will not end.

The incident between Marquis Xuanping and King Hui of Xingyang is a good example...

When the time comes, it will be hard to pick it off, and it will be covered in mud.

"Your Majesty is right to be concerned. However, in fact, I am the one who worries the most..." Feng Yun looked at Pei Madang with a smile, and the corners of his lips raised slightly, "I often rely on Your Majesty's influence and act recklessly. Your Majesty, Do you want to punish me too?"

Pei Madang lowered his eyes, "You are different."

Feng Yun deliberately smiled and asked: "What's different about me?"

Pei Ran raised his eyebrows slightly, "You are mine. Husband and wife are one."

Feng Yun laughed and played with his collar with his fingers, "That's why you should be afraid of me."

Pei Ran lowered his head and said, "Okay, be more careful in the future."

Seeing his nonchalant look, Feng Yun curled his lips and said, "Then your Majesty, go get busy. Don't delay too long. I'll wait for you on the couch."

As she spoke, she hugged Pei Madang's arm.

Pei Ran was startled for a moment, then he hugged her, smoothed away her long hair, and kissed her on the face.

Feng Yun didn't react for a moment, "What's wrong?"

She turned her face away slightly and looked at the man with disturbed breathing suspiciously.

Pei Ran looked at her and frowned, "Don't Yun Niang want it?"

Feng Yun:......

She just felt sorry for him that he had to be busy in such a cold weather. Where could he have those thoughts?

"It's okay if you don't want to." Pei Madang retracted his hand and hugged him to sit on the couch, calmly looking like he would pick up his gun and mount his horse if he wanted to, instead of leading his troops to retreat.

Feng Yun looked a little happy.

"Then go and come back quickly."

Pei Madang's breath, which had just calmed down, was disturbed again.

"This matter can be dealt with tomorrow."

Feng Yun:......

Pei Mang glanced over: "Wait for me to wash up."

He was really rude about this matter. Whenever Feng Yun showed any clues, he would climb up the pole and try his best to come back twice more.

Ever since Feng Yun learned about Pei Madang's physical condition from Puyang Jiu's mouth, he no longer thought of him as a beast as before. Instead, he felt that this man was actually very hard-working to restrain himself.

With his current position of power, no one would dare to make irresponsible remarks, let alone find a woman to vent to, even if he found ten or a hundred others.

But among the men Feng Yun knew, Pei Madang was considered to be the most self-sufficient.

Therefore, she sometimes indulges him, even if she has to endure a little discomfort, even if she has to open her body to bear more...

The most I can do is pinch him a few more times, and forget it.

Pei Madang is really capable.

After struggling until the fourth night, he lay down with a heavy breath and gently squeezed her wrist.

"Are you tired, Yunniang?"

Feng Yun collapsed there like a dead person, too lazy to move her fingers, just looking at her newly made silk mattress with pity. The soft and fine fabric was very comfortable to sleep on, but after being ravaged by the stinky man, it was already wrinkled. Some places were like pickled vegetables that had been minced, wrinkled into a ball...

"Look, the best material is ruined like this." She took the opportunity to scold.

"Compensate you." Pei Cong grabbed her hand and kissed it.

Tonight, he had kissed her many times. He seemed to have not kissed enough and played with her repeatedly. Feng Yun frowned, "How to compensate?"

Pei Cong said: "When I return to Beijing, I will send someone to send you a few more tribute satin."

"Tribute satin." Feng Yun laughed softly, "It turns out that King Yonghuai would be blinded by lust and listen to women's words."

Pei Cong raised his eyebrows, "How can I find a virtuous wife to show my goodwill,"

Feng Yun smiled and turned her face into his arms, her arms crossed over to circle her, and her shoulders shook with laughter.

Pei Jue looked down at her face which was blurred by her smile, and the corners of his lips lifted up, revealing a smile.

She didn't see his smile.

But at this moment, they knew each other's feelings.

Their married life was free from worldly ties and generally happy.

Feng Yun was in a trance for a moment, and suddenly found in surprise that she and Pei Jue should be a rare harmonious and loving couple among ordinary couples, respecting and tolerant of each other, and not quarreling.

The two chatted in the quilt for a while, and Feng Yun didn't know when she fell asleep.

When she opened her eyes again, it was already bright.

Pei Yuan came to the manor with a lot of things, saying that she would take A Zuo and A You back, but she was asking about Liang Huanzhang in a roundabout way.

The worry in Pei Yuan's tone was obvious.

Subconsciously, she also protected Ao Zheng.

Although the two divorced, as a couple, she obviously didn't want Ao Zheng to make a mistake and go the wrong way.

Feng Yun sat with her and said a few polite words, but didn't answer directly.

It was not appropriate for her to say anything more.

Unexpectedly, Pei Jue did not save face for his elder sister. In front of Pei Yuan, he was far less generous than he was to Feng Yun. He spoke in a rigid and cold manner.

"If the elder sister pities her brother-in-law, she must be well disciplined. Don't wait until it is difficult to end before regretting."

Pei Yuan would certainly not admit that she was still worried about Ao Zheng, and she blushed immediately.

After leaving Changmen, she led A Zuo and A You to Ao's house immediately. She originally wanted to give Ao Zheng a warning, but Ao Zheng was not at home, and she met two concubines coming from Xijing.

The concubines' carriages just arrived at the door, and they said they were here to welcome their husbands back to Beijing.

Pei Yuan did not let them have children in order to protect the status of her own children, but she never treated concubines harshly in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Therefore, the two concubines, who did not have children, have lived a life of luxury and luxury over the years, dressed up in fancy clothes, and indeed looked younger and more beautiful than Pei Yuan, who had given birth to three children...

Pei Yuan did not move.

Mrs. Chang and the two maids beside her were already furious.

"Madam treats them too well, so they are so arrogant that they even found An Du."

Pei Yuan: "I have divorced him. There is no need to say this."

The servants quickly shut up.

The two concubines were stunned when they saw Pei Yuan, exchanged glances, and hurried forward to salute.

"I greet the mistress."

Pei Yuan sank her face and did not respond. She turned around and left with the child without leaving a word.

Mrs. Chang sighed secretly in her heart.

She was an old man beside Pei Yuan, following her from Pei Mansion to Ao Family, and she knew her affairs best.

The girl of Pei Family was arrogant and could not bear to be cruel, and this was the root cause.

If Pei Yuan had been more forceful and sold the two concubines earlier, what would Ao Zheng have done? He had to make it to the current divorce situation... (End of this chapter)

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