Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 453 An accident occurs

Feng Yun regretted it when he woke up from sleep.

She shouldn't have been blinded by sex and agreed to Pei Madang's trip to Xijing to celebrate the New Year.

She had too many things to do in Andu, and she couldn't spare any time.

But she was a person who kept her promises, and even though she agreed happily on the couch, she couldn't break her promise right away.

Moreover, she really wanted to visit the ancient capital of Xijing, so she called A'lou, Xing Bing, Mrs. Xu, the village's chief and five chiefs, etc., and also asked people to go to Xiaojieqiu to bring the foremen of the mines and several workshops. Call me and let Hou Zhun know.

The whole day, she sat in the living room, meeting people one after another, explaining what happened after she left.

Ao Zai seemed to know something and lay at her feet and refused to leave. The older one wanted to hug her legs with both hands.

Taking Ao Zai to Xijing is very inconvenient.

But after Feng Yun made eye contact with it, he couldn't bear to refuse.

It’s Chinese New Year.

Ao Zai also wanted to celebrate the New Year with her.

"Take you there." Feng Yun touched Zai Zai's head, lowered his head and smiled, "Don't look at me like that. My sister will not abandon Zai Zai, so why do you look so pitiful..."

Ao Zai licked her palm and rolled on the ground.

It's like this when it's happy.

Feng Yun was also very happy to see it.

Leng Buding heard a sneer coming through the curtains.

She was startled.

"Why are you hiding outside the window, Your Majesty?"

Chun Yuyan's voice was filled with deep resentment.

"Are you pathetic if you don't see me?"

Feng Yun:......

She walked over and opened the curtain and looked at the man outside the window.

The weather was cold and windy outside, his hair was in a mess, his clothes were flying, and he looked a bit pitiful indeed.

But she couldn't sympathize.

"No one asked you to blow the cold wind here, who can blame you?"

"Feng Twelve." Chun Yuyan narrowed his eyes and looked at her intently, "Are you going to Xijing?"

Feng Yun: "Yes."

The corners of Chunyu Yan's lips raised, revealing a mocking smile, and he said in a sinister manner: "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Feng Yun saluted politely. Seeing that he didn't move, he added, "The new year is approaching, won't the prince return to Yunchuan?"

Chun Yuyan sneered coldly, leaning his back against the cold wall, lazily, with eyes that were tired of the world and careless, standing alone, with an elegant posture, but it made people sad.

"Forget it if you don't speak." Feng Yun said and closed the window.

Chun Yuyan turned around suddenly and stared at her, "Are you so impatient with me? Do you just let Pei Wanzhi do whatever he wants?"

Feng Yun made him stare speechless and smiled slowly.

"That's natural, he is my husband."

Chun Yuyan raised his chin, "Don't think that I don't know what's going on with you. Feng Twelve, you can fool Pei Wanzhi, but you can't fool me."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows slightly and said calmly: "What did I lie to him about? Can you please tell me?"

Chunyu Yan said, "You don't love Pei Wangzhi."

Feng Yun was slightly startled.

In a flash, he smiled slowly again.

"I don't love him, how can I love you?"

Chun Yuyan glanced sideways, with a hint of a cold smile in his eyes.

"Of course you don't love me either."

Feng Yun withdrew his gaze and said, "It's winter, please come back, Prince. What kind of love is it? Can you eat or drink?"

"Feng Twelve." Her ruthlessness was on her face, and it was reflected in every glance that looked at him.

Even though he knew that she didn't care about his life or death, Chun Yuyan couldn't help but tell her.

"I'm hurt, can't you see?"

Feng Yun was startled and glanced over.

The sky-blue loose clothes and fur cloak make Prince Chun Yu tall and tall, and the exposed skin is like jade, delicate and fair. His face cannot be seen through the mask, but he doesn't look like he is injured...

She asked: "Where is it hurt?"

Chun Yuyan slowly raised his wrist and opened his wide sleeves, revealing a wound that was more than an inch long.

Because of his fair skin, even if he applied plaster, he still looked shocking.

Feng Yun pursed his lips and looked at him, "Did your concubine do it?"

Chun Yuyan slowly put down his sleeves and remained silent.

Feng Yun looked at the tightly pursed lips and suddenly felt pity for him.

No one knows better than her how difficult it is for someone who is not liked by their parents and relatives to grow up with cold eyes and bullying.

Even if there is no physical injury, those scars on the heart will never heal...

For life.

No, it still hurts after a lifetime.

"Didn't you see Dr. Yao?" Feng Yun stared at him, "Doctor Yao's medicine is the best."

Chun Yuyan lowered his eyes, "I can't die."

Feng Yun: "I will suffer the consequences if I die. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. If I get better early, I can eat and drink as much as I can..."

Chun Yuyan looked back at her and suddenly raised his lips, "Feng Twelve, you care about me."

Before Feng Yun had time to answer, the guy who was climbing up the pole suddenly leaned on the window with his elbows and jumped in.

The sleeve slid across Feng Yun's cheek, and she was startled.

"What are you doing? In broad daylight..."

Chunyu closed the window smoothly, "No one will see it now..."

After saying that, he glared at the cub walking towards him with eager eyes, pointed at its nose, "Don't be a white-eyed wolf, at least I have raised you for a few days. There is no credit but hard work."

Ao Zai stopped.

Feng Yun rolled his eyes.

"Tell me, what the hell?"

Chunyu Yan pursed his lips lightly and smiled.

"I'm here to help you, Feng Twelve."

"Follow me?" Feng Yun looked confused.

Chun Yuyan said nothing, looked at her, and slowly stretched out his hand to take off the mask, his voice was clear and moving.

"Didn't you want to see me for a long time?"

Feng Yun:......

Chun Yuyan is probably the only man who is so narcissistic that no one can deny his handsome appearance.

When the mask was lifted, his face, which had never seen the light of day, was as finely carved as jade, with clear outlines and transcendental features. A few strands of hair were fluttering in the breeze, which made his eyes clear and lively, as if he had not been stained by the world, and his elegance was unparalleled...

Sometimes Feng Yun is also very strange.

For a person like Chun Yuyan, he is obviously full of bad things, but as soon as he takes off his mask and reveals his face, the whole world will glorify him, as if all his mistakes are worthy of forgiveness...

"You are really..." She sighed and couldn't continue.

Chun Yuyan touched his lips, with an imperceptible smile on his lips, "How is it?"

Feng Yun thought for a while and said: "You can make a living by relying on your face, and you can also make a living by being shameless."

"Feng Twelve." Chun Yuyan raised his brows in anger. After calming himself down, he snorted again: "I thought you were like me, homeless and nowhere to celebrate the New Year... Unexpectedly, in the end, you were just I'm the only one left."

One word after another, the words are full of sadness.

It's not that he has no home, he just can't go back.

That Yunchuan, Wufu and the people are prosperous. His palace has everything except him.

Feng Yun asked: "Does your father really have no control over your concubine's treatment of you?"

Chun Yuyan looked at her, "I thought you understood best."

Feng Yun choked.

Yes, when Mrs. Chen and Feng Ying treated her like that, why did Feng Jingting ever control them?

If there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather.

Feng Yun said: "If you have nowhere to go, come to Changmen to celebrate the New Year. There are many people in Zhuangzi and it is lively."

"No need." Chun Yuyan slowly picked up the iron mask and was about to put it on but not wearing it. His beautiful eyes looked slightly resentful, "Without you, what's the point?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "There is Jiang Ji. She will stay in Zhuangzi to celebrate the New Year."

After a moment of pause, he emphasized his tone again.

"Jiang Ji's parents are both dead, and she is also alone."

Chunyu Yan raised the corners of his lips slightly, looked at her deeply, and slowly put the mask back on.

"Thank you for making it happen."

After putting on the mask, he became indifferent, and his eyes and mouth seemed to become a bit colder.

He wasn't angry.

There are no other emotions.

He looked at Feng Yun like that for a long time before smiling softly.

"Have a safe trip."

After that, just like when he came, he jumped out with a slight jump.

The cold wind rushed in fiercely.

Feng Yun paused and looked again.

Amidst the rustling wind, there was only a fleeting figure.


Feng Yun wrote a letter to Wen Xingsu, telling him that he was going to Xijing to celebrate the New Year, and asked him about his family situation in a subtle way——

She was worried that her eldest brother would be there alone.

Unexpectedly, before her letter was sent, a letter came from Wen Xingsu.

In addition to reporting peace, there is a silk handkerchief inside.

"I'll take the trouble to leave it to the county magistrate."

Was it something Pu Yangyi secretly gave to Wen Xingsu?

No, Puyangyi didn't mention Wen Xingsu in front of her for a long time.

Based on Feng Yun's observation, she should have given up long ago, so she gave up trying to bring them together. The eldest brother unexpectedly brought a silk handkerchief, which puzzled her.

Puyangyi gave it as a gift before, but the eldest brother kept it?

Not right either.

She would have repaid her a long time ago, why did she choose now?

Feng Yun picked up the silk handkerchief and looked at it for a moment...

Clues were found.

This is not a fabric from Jin Dynasty, but from Gusu.

Her heart skipped a beat and she handed the things to Xiao Man, "Find a box and put it away. When we get to Baihe, we can hand it over to the county magistrate."

Chun Yuyan: Their peach blossoms have blossomed, and Ao Qi has also gotten married. I am still single, and I can’t find a place to celebrate the New Year... I am so jealous of Lan Yan...

Ao Qi: Vomited.

Wen Xingsu: Sin.

Xiao Cheng: Ayun is right, you can survive by being shameless.

Reader: It’s shameless upstairs.

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