Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 454: Awakened from Sleepiness

Feng Yun stayed in Huaxi for another three days, explaining all the things that needed to be explained, and then he was ready to set off.

Before leaving, she made a special trip to see Prince Danyang.

Puyang Yi and the eldest princess followed the little emperor's chariot and returned to the capital together.

Before leaving, she came specifically to say goodbye to Feng Yun and asked her to take care of her brother. Puyang Zong's hand injury has not recovered, and the eldest princess is afraid that something will happen to him when he returns to the capital, so she lets him stay in Andu to celebrate the New Year.

Now that Feng Yun is leaving, naturally he can't be taken care of.

Therefore, she specially brought Ah Lou and Xing Bing over.

"If the prince has any inconvenience in Huaxi, he can come to these two."

Puyang Zong seemed to be a different person after being injured. Feng Yun was polite to him, and he was even more polite. He took his wife Ruan with him, bowed his head and saluted, and spoke very lightly.

"My mother left a servant before she left. I have no worries about food and clothing, and the princess can go on the road without worries."

Feng Yun saluted him and said goodbye.

Puyang Zong returned the favor and personally sent her to the door.

The two of them got along harmoniously, talking and laughing. Thinking back to the day when Puyang Zong first came to Huaxi, they were completely different.


People in Huaxi learned that Feng Yun was leaving and rushed to see him off.

The vehicle was parked on the village road outside Changmen, and many people were crowded on both sides.

After saying goodbye, some people's eyes were wet, and some were thoughtful. Seeing Feng Yun's carriages and the large number of people accompanying them, they felt very uneasy and asked her tentatively:

"My wife is gone, will she come back..."

Feng Yun is the backbone of Huaxi. Huaxi can become as good as it is now because of her. Many people are afraid that she will leave and never come back.

If she is not in Huaxi, even if Nagato is still there, will Huaxi still be Huaxi?

Some people even doubt it in private.

"My wife left suddenly. Could it be that Andu is going to fight again?"

Once bitten by a snake and fearful of well ropes for ten years, they are like a flock of frightened birds, nervous at the slightest disturbance.

Feng Yun knew their concerns, looked at the villagers seeing them off, stood at the front of the car and smiled.

"Huaxi is my home, how can I not come back? Don't worry, everyone, I will go back to Andu after the New Year. There is no need to panic about the war. There are 100,000 Beiyong troops stationed there. What are you afraid of?"

"If you have a wife, you can rest assured."

"Madam, we are waiting for you to come back."

"Waiting for my wife to come back."

With her promise, everyone put on smiles and wished peace.

Sister-in-law Wang squeezed through the crowd, carrying a medicine box and stuffing it into her hand.

"Lao Yao specially prepared this. The journey to Xijing is long and bumpy. It contains ointments for application, pills for consumption, and sachets for refreshing your mind. If you are dizzy, my wife, you can use them all. "

Feng Yun actually had a lot of medicine prepared in his car.

This was her travel habit, but she accepted it anyway.

"Thank you, sister-in-law Wang, and thank you Doctor Yao for me."

Sister-in-law Wang raised her head, and soon many people came up to deliver things. Feng Yun saw that she couldn't hold back her attitude, smiled and rejected them one by one, and quickly ordered Ge Guang to set off.

"Go back, everyone, go back."

She sat in the car and waved goodbye to the villagers.

On both sides of the village road, familiar faces slowly slid past, many of them reluctant to leave.

Then, she saw Ren Rude and Jin Ge in the crowd...

Looking at each other across the distance, Ren Rude cupped his fists and saluted her.

Feng Yun smiled and nodded in return.

Jin Ge didn't react at all, but followed Feng Yun's carriage farther and farther away, until the carriage turned a corner and disappeared from sight, then he asked Ren Rude.

"Sir, you are in trouble again..."

Ren Rude glanced at him, "What's the difficulty?"

Jin Ge looked back: "Sir, I just reported to Your Majesty a few days ago that King Yonghuai and his wife are not in love, and they will live separately in the new year... How should I report it now?"

Ren Rude stroked his beard, with a meaningful smile in his eyes, glanced at Jin Ge and said:

"Isn't this easy? Just look at it."

Jin Ge frowned, "What did you say, sir?"

Ren Rude snorted, "Prince Yonghuai and his wife each had their own hidden agendas. The princess was dissatisfied with King Yonghuai's return to the capital alone and became suspicious. She led her troops to follow her three days later..."

Jin Ge was startled.

Slowly give a thumbs up.

"It's still my master's skill. He can talk about the dead."

Black, white, good or bad, it all depends on his clever mouth.

Ren Rude suddenly had a serious face, raised his sleeves, cupped his fists and saluted the sky, and said seriously:

"It's my duty to share His Majesty's worries, it's nothing."

Jin Ge:......

Jin Ge doesn't know whether Qi Jun, who is far away in Taicheng, knows the real situation. But for so long, Ren Rude has been bragging well without being reprimanded, which at least shows that His Majesty likes to hear it.

He said: "You always know how to serve the king."

Ren Rude pursed his lips slightly, and did not look away from the village road for a long time. The look in his eyes was a bit solemn, and his voice was soft and indifferent, as if it was a little sad.

"I have lived in Huaxi for too long, and I can't bear to see it destroyed by war again..."

Jin Ge caught the meaning of the words and looked down hesitantly.

"Sir, I don't understand what you said... Why would the war rekindle and be ruined? You see now, the wharf is being built, and the village is converted into a township. It is obviously getting better day by day..."

Ren Rude pursed his lips and smiled.

"Isn't there a battle between Xijing and Yecheng sooner or later?"

This is true.

But Jin Ge still had doubts in his heart.

Ren Rude smiled mysteriously.

"Let's go, we're back too. Aren't you going to buy New Year's goods for your Lady Kong?"

Jin Ge looked at him and said yes.

Xiao Cheng asked him to obey Ren Rude, but in fact, he also wanted to monitor Ren Rude in reverse. During these days of getting along, he found that Ren Rude did have connections. Apart from other things, the source of information alone was beyond reach.

Jin Ge believed that he would not say this for no reason.

There must be something that Ren Rude knew but he didn't know.


Probably because she was sleepy, Feng Yun leaned on the cushion and fell asleep in the carriage. Aozai lay beside her, perhaps a little bored, and soon after the carriage left the city, he jumped off the carriage and left.

Feng Yun opened his eyes and looked, but didn't call it.

Aozai has his own way of finding his way. He goes out to get some fresh air, and when he wants to come back, he will come back by himself...

Xiaoman was a little worried, "Aozai is not familiar with these roads, he won't get lost, right?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Do you think it's you?"

Xiaoman stuck out her tongue, leaned on the side, and in the bumpy carriage, she lifted the curtain and looked for a long time, and suddenly sighed faintly.

"The maid suddenly remembered the panic when we surrendered out of the city. Now thinking back, it seems like it happened yesterday..."

Feng Yun looked at her and chuckled.

"How can you have these feelings at such a young age?"

Xiaoman pursed her lips, as if thinking about something, "I later thought that we were able to escape death and have such a rich and comfortable life, all because my wife has changed, and is no longer the weak and bullied wife before, so she can lead us to live a good life..."

Feng Yun snorted and laughed, saying nothing.

Xiaoman suddenly turned her head and looked at Feng Yun, "Now, my lady has changed again."

Feng Yun raised her eyebrows, smiling, "Have you grown older?"

Xiaoman stared at her and shook her head.

"I can't explain it clearly, I just changed."

Feng Yun asked, "Has it changed for the better, or for the worse?"

Xiaoman shook her head again, "Neither for the better nor for the worse. It's just that there has been a change. For example, towards the king... For a while, the maid felt that my lady was very unkind to the king. But now, my lady has become nice to the king again..."

"Is that so?"

"Yes." Xiaoman nodded seriously, "If it were in the past, my lady would never go to Xijing with the king to celebrate the New Year, but now my lady has gone."

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat.

Xiaoman's language was very plain.

There was almost no embellishment, she only said what she observed and felt.

But it was like a heavy hammer, falling on Feng Yun's heart.

She never thought that she had changed, including this trip to Xijing. Although it was because of Pei Jue, she also weighed her own gains and losses in private and found many reasons for the trip - to see Luo Yue and her children, to see what Queen Mother Duan was like, and to understand the situation in Xijing.

But Xiaoman was the person closest to her.

He was also the person who could best understand her emotions.

If she hadn't changed, why would she be more and more soft-hearted towards Pei Jue?

"I won't change."

She gently hugged the hand warmer with a slight smile, as if telling Xiaoman, and as if telling the self in her heart.

After two lifetimes, how could she allow herself to go astray again?

The winter sun fell on the curtains, a little dazzling.

Feng Yun closed her eyelids: "I'll sleep for a while."

Xiaoman responded.

Feng Yun was floating in the bumpy carriage, half asleep and half awake. I don't know if it was affected by Xiaoman's words, but her consciousness brought her back to her previous life, like a dream...

Until the carriage suddenly stopped, Feng Yun's body leaned forward.

Xiaoman stood in front of her and didn't hit her, but she still woke up from her sleep.

Feng Yun opened her eyes, "What happened?"

Xiaoman didn't answer, but opened the curtain to see.

Ge Guang said outside: "The road ahead is blocked, I'll ask someone to go and see what's going on..."

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