Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 455: Beauty saves beauty

Feng Yun glanced at the sunlight on the window curtains and said nothing.

The person who went to inquire came back soon.

"Madam, the official road was dug up by digging a canal, and the car can't pass..."

Ever since Huaxi started well canal irrigation, all places have followed suit. Dig the canal in winter so that it can be used in the spring of next year. Even at the end of the year, I saw many people working along the way.

But how can the official road be dug up directly by digging a canal?

Feng Yun frowned slightly, "Which village is it from, and who is responsible?"

Before she finished her voice, she heard an unhappy rebuke from the front.

"I said this road is blocked, why are you still blocking it? Go back two miles and turn west. We need to dig a canal here, don't block us from carrying stone slabs..."

Feng Yun frowned.

Ge Guang said loudly: "If we go west, we will have to travel dozens of miles. It's too roundabout..."

"That's none of our business." The voice of the visitor became louder and louder, clearly impatient, "Quickly retreat. Can you afford to delay the construction period of the Duwei's office?"

Duwei's office?

Feng Yun frowned, "Liang Huanzhang?"

Her voice was very low, and the man didn't hear her, and kept urging her.

Ge Guang asked again: "If you dig up the official road, how will you restore traffic?"

Probably because they were close, the man saw Feng Yun's carriage and entourage, his face changed slightly, his voice immediately lowered a few points, and his tone became polite.

"The canal goes under the official road, and when the canal is built, stone slabs will be added to the road surface, which will not affect traffic... This will save distance and reduce losses..."

Ge Guang frowned, "Then may I ask, brother, how long will it take to complete?"

"At least one hour... You can either take a detour or wait here..."

Ge Guang turned around to ask Feng Yun for his opinion.

"Madam, what should we do?"

Feng Yun pondered for a moment, "It will take even longer to take a detour. We are all tired after walking for so long. Let's stop and rest for a while and fill our stomachs before we continue on our way."

Ge Guang clasped his fists and replied, "Yes."

Everyone noticed that Feng Yun was a little unhappy.

This Liang Huanzhang is really reckless. He can't just dig the official road without saying anything when digging a canal. He doesn't want any solution, right? At least he can temporarily open a passage next to it, and then talk about digging a canal...

"The captain is really arrogant."

Xiaoman saw Liang Huanzhang arresting people and smashing things in the teahouse that day, and she didn't like him.

"More bandit than bandit..."

Feng Yun listened to her mumbling, and said nothing with a gloomy face.

The existence of the county captain's office is due to the actual rule of the court. It effectively disperses the troops and prevents the garrison from holding the imperial power hostage. It is also a functional differentiation of the garrison's defense--

So, this is for decentralization.

It was just because of the in-law relationship with the Ao family that they were all in the same group in the eyes of others.

Feng Yun didn't think much of Liang Huanzhang's character.

But at this time, there was no need to quarrel with him again.

Especially after the white-clothed official took office, the county commander might still be angry?

In just a moment, another ox cart came.

Knowing that the road was blocked, they either turned around and left, or stopped on the side and waited...

Feng Yun said: "Let's stay away and don't block the road."

The entourage received the order and immediately drove to the right side of the official road.

There was a flat open space there, which was just enough for them to make a fire and cook.

It would take quite a while to get from Andu to Xijing, and the car brought rice, pots and bowls and other utensils...

The servants were quick and nimble, and now they had coal briquettes and stoves, so they didn't have to build a stove and make a fire when they went out like before, so it was much more convenient to cook.

Feng Yun leaned on the carriage and took a nap.

In a short while, someone from the administration came with the foreman to apologize.

"I didn't know it was the princess' carriage. I'm sorry, sorry."

The man said a lot of words of apology outside, and the foreman apologized again and again.

Feng Yun didn't say anything.

Ge Guang said: "Just hurry up, no need to be polite."

The man nodded and bowed to Feng Yun's carriage again and again, but got no response, so he left in a huff.

Feng Yun opened her eyes and snorted softly.

If the person she was going to meet today was not her, others would probably just think they were unlucky and would not get an apology...

But these...

Will the affected people blame King Yonghuai?


The waiting time passed exceptionally long.

After Feng Yun and his party finished their meal, they waited for a long time, but the road was still not open.

It had been more than an hour, and as the day was getting darker, Ge Guang became a little anxious.

"This speed, are they raised on shit? They are not as slow as them in building the imperial city..."

He asked someone to ask him.

This was the third time he asked him. Every time, the other party apologized politely and said "it will be soon" every time...

When Ge Guang asked again this time, the other party finally had a new explanation, "There are still some stone slabs for building ditches that have not been transported. We have to wait a while..."

The sun had already stopped shining, and the sky was gloomy.

The followers were a little anxious.

"With such a delay, when can we get to Baihe and meet up with the king?"

"Yes, the king is still waiting for us in Baihe?"

Listening to their whispers, Feng Yun became calmer.

"It doesn't matter. If we can't leave, then wait."

Feng Yun was not stupid. Even if he believed it was just a coincidence at first, at this time, he had already noticed something strange.

This was clearly intentional.

While apologizing humbly, she was secretly doing something.

However, whether Liang Huanzhang was vindictive and holding a grudge against her because of the last incident, or something else, Feng Yun didn't know.

She waited for the result, so she was not in a hurry at all...

"My wife." She waited so long that Xiaoman couldn't wait any longer.

She looked anxious, "I, I want to go to the toilet."

It was extremely inconvenient for women in the wilderness.

Feng Yun frowned, "Take two people and find a secluded place..."

Xiaoman's face flushed red, and she nodded. As soon as she jumped off the car, she saw a flatbed cart carrying stone materials coming over from the other end of the official road.

In addition to the stone slabs, there were two beautiful young ladies with their hands tied behind their backs on the flatbed cart. They looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, wearing thin clothes and messy hair. They cried in the cold wind, and their thin bodies trembled...

Feng Yun was startled.

Xiaoman was so scared that she didn't even want to pee.

What is this for?

Saving a common woman in broad daylight?

How could such a dirty thing happen under Liang Huanzhang's rule...

The cart driver probably didn't expect that Princess Yonghuai was here, and she was shouting to take credit from a distance.

"Old Qi, come and see what good things I brought back..."

The man called Old Qi was the square-faced man who had just come to apologize to Feng Yun.

Upon hearing this, his face changed and he became anxious.

"What are you doing? Where did this young lady come from? Chen San, what are you doing?"

Chen San was stunned when he heard his words. Just as he was about to speak, he saw his eyes squeezed hard.

"This is, this is... a spy who sneaked over from Yecheng. We happened to run into them when we pulled the stone slabs here. Seeing that they were sneaking around, we were going to take them back for interrogation..."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows.

His brain was quick enough.

It was such a misfortune that they discovered the spies again and again...

She sneered and said nothing, but the two young ladies were very smart. They seemed to see that these people were afraid of Feng Yun. They shook their heads in fear and shouted for help.

"Sir, help me!"

"Sir, save us sisters..."

"We are not from Yecheng, we are not spies..."

"We are from Baihe County, we are innocent, we were kidnapped by them..."

The two of them spoke quickly, fearing that Feng Yun could not hear clearly enough.

"Nonsense." Lao Qi shouted coldly, seeing Feng Yun sneer with a gloomy face, and scolded his subordinates, "Assholes, did you make a mistake... Did you see it clearly?"

"This..." The subordinate named Chen San looked at his eyes and said cautiously: "I saw them coming from the other side of the mountain with my own eyes... But whether they are from Liujia Village, this... this... has not been convicted, we will know after taking them back for trial..."

It was vague and could not be explained clearly at all.

Old Qi turned his head and glanced at Feng Yun, pointing at him and scolding him again.

"Go check it quickly! If you make a mistake, you will be punished by military law."

"Yes, yes, yes." Chen San whipped his whip and wanted to leave with the flatbed cart.

"Wait." Feng Yun looked over casually: "I happened to pass by Baihe on this trip, why don't you let me check it for you."

A quarter of an hour later, the official road was paved again.

The people at the Duwei's office trembled and untied the two young ladies and sent them to Feng Yun.

"Then I'll trouble you, Princess. If Chen San made a mistake, the Duwei will definitely not forgive him, and he will definitely be beaten up..."

Feng Yun smiled and said nothing, glancing at the young lady who was still sobbing.

"Take it with you."

When I'm away from home, the computer doesn't work well... Ah, I'll just have to wait until I get home on the 29th.

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