Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 456: It feels like a long time ago

Two days later, they arrived in Baihe County.

Feng Yun and his party of more than a dozen people were all obviously excited.

"Hurry up, hurry up, we're finally here."

"I don't know where the king is waiting for us..."

Everyone was discussing and suddenly heard the sound of "goo".

It was the bowel sounds caused by hunger. Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally their eyes fell on the two young ladies they had rescued.

According to themselves, they are twin sisters, the eldest is called Jin Shuang and the younger is called Yin Shuang.

According to Xiaoman, "She is a beauty."

The eyebrows are curved, the lips are red and the teeth are bright, the eyes are clear, and they look at people with affection. The gold twins have a gentle temperament, and the silver twins are smarter. The two sisters look very similar, and they have their own advantages, except that their skin is a bit rougher and their bodies are a bit too thin. , I really can’t find anything wrong with it...

However, it can also be seen that their family background is not very good. In the past two days, whether they were making fires to cook or picking up food on the road, they were very restrained. They would not eat until they were three-thirds full, for fear of causing trouble to others.

Xu has such a lovable temperament that he quickly won everyone's love.

Xiaoman stuck his head in and asked, "Are you hungry?"

Jin Shuang shook his head with a flushed face.

Yin Shuang nodded, "My sister is hungry, but I'm not hungry."

Xiao Man frowned and said: "My wife has not deprived you of food, how can you be so economical?"

Yin Shuang said: "It's a blessing to be able to survive. In this year of famine, we must not cause trouble to our benefactor and waste his food..."

They were born in Changmen, under the leadership of Feng Yun, and supported by King Yonghuai. They lived a richer life than most people in the world, but even though they had not been there, they knew the world and the common people. Life is hard, and besides, we are people who have suffered it, so we can relate to it.

Xiaoman immediately took out the snacks and two cakes on the table and handed them out.

"Pad your belly first, don't skimp on it."

Yin Shuang thanked him profusely, but he was reluctant to eat it, so he handed it all to Jin Shuang.

Jin Shuang also shook his head, "You eat."

The two sisters shirk each other, each wanting to leave the good to the other.

Xiaoman looked at this scene and thought of Daman inexplicably.

The two of them also suffered a lot when they were young. The father disliked his daughter and treated her very harshly. This was especially true for Daman, who never treated her well.

Daman would give it to her if there was anything to eat at that time, even if she was so hungry that she was dizzy and trying to swallow her saliva...

Xiaoman knew the suffering of being hungry, so he turned around and asked Feng Yun with tears in his eyes.

"Madam, you... accept them."

When they rescued Jin Shuang and Yinshuang, they asked Feng Yun to take them in, saying that their mother died early and their father had remarried, and their brother and sister-in-law were not happy at all...

Otherwise, they would not show their faces to make a living and let Liang Huanzhang's people arrest them...

But Feng Yun refused.

He didn't say anything else, except that it was not easy to lead them out of the fire pit when they were away from home. When Baihe was handed over to their families, they had to rely on themselves for the rest.

Xiaoman has doubts about this...

Madam has taken in so many homeless people in Huaxi, there is no reason not to have someone like Jin Shuang Yinshuang...

That's why she mentioned it again.

Hearing the sound, Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang stopped eating and all looked over.

His eyes were full of hope that his wife would take him in.

Feng Yun glanced at Xiaoman.

Xiaoman was soft-hearted and didn't even open her mouth when he was given food.

Faced with such a request, she darkened her face.

"We still have to go on our way. When we get to Baihe City, we will let them go."

The eyes of Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang showed disappointment, and they both lowered their heads and choked with sobs.

"Thank you so much, my benefactor..."

Xiao Man silently lowered the curtain and sat down in a dejected manner.

Feng Yun closed his eyes and rested his mind. He didn't hear her movement for a long time, so he opened his eyes to take a look.

"But do you think I'm cruel?"

Xiao Man lowered his head and said, "My maid dare not. My wife is the most virtuous person in the world."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "You don't mean what you say."

Xiaoman pursed his lips, then raised his head and asked her softly.

"In Huaxi, my wife has taken in so many people who were fleeing famine, so why wouldn't she take in two sisters, Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang?"

Feng Yun was silent for a moment and said calmly: "Let's see what they have done."

Xiaoman's eyes lit up, "So there is still a chance?"

Feng Yun glanced at her, said nothing, and acquiesced.

Xiao Man's emotions came and went quickly, and he became happy in an instant, "I knew the lady would not just leave them alone..."

When the carriage was approaching Baihe City, Feng Yun was about to send someone to inquire about the whereabouts of King Yonghuai and his party when he heard Ye Chuang's cheerful voice.

"Madam, Guard Ji is here."

The person who came was none other than Ji You, riding a bay-red horse. He ran close to him, bowed his hands and said happily:

"The princess came at just the right time. The king has been waiting at Baihe Inn for a long time. The princess arrived after not seeing him for a long time. She didn't think about food and tea, so she was very worried. She specially sent her subordinates to come down and have a look..."

Feng Yun knew Ji You's temperament.

If you don't think about tea and rice, it's all adding fuel and vinegar.

"Lead the way."

As if she thought of something again, she lifted the curtain to take a look and said: "I rescued two women from the command of Liang Huanzhang, the captain of Andu County. I claim to be from Baihe County. Let's send them home first, and then go to the inn."

Ji You naturally agreed.

He turned around and asked Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang.

"Where do the two ladies live?"

Jin Shuang lowered his head, not daring to look into Ji You's eyes, and spoke in a thin voice.

"The Chen family in Huitong Lane, Baihe County. Right at the doorstep is the Baihe Grass Market..."

Ji You frowned.

"Is it the one directly opposite the grass market?"

Jin Shuang nodded.

Yinshuang asked in confusion: "Does the strong man know my family?"

Ji You glanced at the two sisters and suddenly showed some sympathy.

"When I came here, I passed by Baihe Grass Market and saw that there was a fire on the opposite side of the grass market..."

Before his voice fell, he heard Ge Yi shout, "Look!"

Everyone followed the sound.

In the sky above the city walls of Baihe County, a thick smoke suddenly appeared, accompanied by thick fire, but it was swept into the sky in an instant.

Ji You said sternly: "That's right there. When I came over, the fire had just started. Many people rushed to put out the fire. I was worried that the princess would not dare to stay for a long time, so I quickly rode out of the city. Looking at it, the fire was so big that I couldn't control it. Living……"

When he spoke, the two young ladies tensed up. By the time he finished speaking, Jin Shuang was already shaky, unable to stand and fell down...

Fortunately, Ji You stood close and reached out to catch her.

Jin Shuang fell into his arms.

The sweet-smelling and soft little lady was placed in his arms, and her breath was warm, which made Ji You, who was full of blood, unable to restrain himself, as if his hand had been burned. It didn't matter if he threw it away, or if he didn't throw it, Holding up her thin waist, she turned around and called Xiaoman with a red face...

Xiaoman and Yinshuang quickly supported Jinshuang and fed him some sugar water, and the color returned to his pale face.


Feng Yun did not delay, and quickly entered the city with his people. There was talk about the fire everywhere in the city. When he took a look at the grass market, there were only ruins of Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang's house, and ashes flying everywhere. …

Their family members also died in the fire...

Several officers from the government came to investigate the fire.

Feng Yun asked Ge Yi and Xiao Man to stay and help the two young ladies deal with the aftermath, and then followed Ji You to the post house.

It gets dark early in winter, and the people in the post house were about to take a rest, but when Feng Yun arrived, they immediately became noisy again.

Yuan Shangyi asked Dong Bai to investigate, and the eldest princess also asked Puyang Yi to come over and ask about Feng Yun's situation...

Feng Yun was thinking about what Wen Xingsu had asked him to do, and just when he wanted Huan'er to take out the square silk handkerchief and hand it to Pu Yangyi, Pei Ran drove him away coldly.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. I have been tired from traveling and boating. I have to rest early today and wait until tomorrow to see Her Royal Highness the eldest princess..."

Puyangyi frowned and looked at Feng Yun.

"I'm rude. Then you two should rest earlier and rest more..."

This was an extremely ordinary statement, but because Pu Yangyi repeated it twice, it became ambiguous.

Feng Yun glanced at Pei Ran.

We haven’t seen each other for just a few days, but there is something indescribable...

The feeling of seeing each other again after a long absence.

Joy and desire quietly grow and flow in each other's eyes.

Feng Yun pursed her lips to hold back her laughter and followed him into his residence.

Baihe Posthouse covers a large area. Pei Man's residence is on the left side of the posthouse, called Chaoyangxuan. The room is extremely spacious, with tables, chairs, books and desks.

As soon as Feng Yun landed in the room, a servant came in with hot porridge and side dishes. Pei Mang put them in a bowl for her and wiped the temperature with his hand.


Feng Yun looked at his handsome and serious face, then looked at the neatly made bed, narrowed his eyes and said:

"Ji You said you arrived at Baihe Station yesterday?"

"Yeah." Pei Ran nodded.

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Look at your bed, it doesn't look like anyone is sleeping at all?"

Pei Ran looked up at her and said, "Yunniang is very observant and meticulous."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and said, half jokingly and half seriously: "Tell me the truth, which young lady's room did you rest in last night?"

Pei Madang sat down next to her and pushed the porridge bowl closer. His dark eyes were cold and lonely, and his voice was flat.

"I approved all the official documents last night."

Feng Yun smiled and said: "I thought you would say that you couldn't fall asleep while waiting for me last night."

Pei Ran looked down at her, stretched out his hand to smooth her hair, "Waiting for you."

The three words hit Feng Yun's heart lightly. It was clear that there was no emotion when he spoke, but she heard her heart beat like thunder, speeding up the frequency...

She lowered her head to drink the porridge, not looking at the man's burning eyes.

"When I came here, I brought some winter clothes for you, my father, my eldest sister, and my father and you. They are newly made this winter. You can try them later..."

Pei Madang asked: "Is Ao Qi there?"

Feng Yun turned his head. In the dim light of the fire, he saw a tall and tall man with a straight face, not a trace of ripples in sight.

There was a smile in her eyes, "Xiao Qi already has a family, so that's not convenient."

Pei Ran was a man who always showed his emotions and anger, but at this moment, Feng Yun still saw a flash of smile in his eyes.

She stared at him in surprise, stretched out her finger, and waved it in front of his eyes.

"The king smiled?"

Pei Ran paused: "Eat your food."

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