Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 457 How to react

This kind of time is really a long time coming.

Feng Yun ate very politely, chewing slowly and carefully, while Pei Ran didn't move even if he didn't eat. He sat behind the case, staring at her like an emotionless wooden sculpture.

A very uninteresting person.

But it doesn’t violate harmony.

Feng Yun even felt very relaxed in this silence, even the fatigue of the journey all the way from Huaxi was relieved.

She looked sideways at him and smiled.

"Your Majesty, what do you think I've done?"

Pei Ran's throat twitched, "It looks good."

She hadn't had time to take a shower yet. She was wearing the simplest and plainest petticoat. She didn't put any makeup on, her face was bare, and her face looked tired and haggard. How could she look good?

She smiled, pushed the bowl away and stood up.

Pei Ran looked up and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Feng Yun: "Change... let the maid serve you."

Pei Ran hesitated for a moment, then slowly grabbed her wrist and hugged her over, his voice hoarse.

"I will serve you."

How could he do this? This is not what a husband should do. Feng Yun was stunned for a moment. Only when he came back to his senses did he realize that Pei Ran had already brought him to Gongtong...

It can be seen that Pei Madang has made an explanation in order to wait for her to come.

Gong Tong was washed cleanly, and the room was still smelling faintly.

This fragrance is not her usual laughing lotus. It is quiet and elegant, and it makes Feng Yun think of plum blossoms on the snow for no reason...

Since Li Sangruo fled to Yecheng, Xueshang Meizhuang has disappeared, and Feng Yun is still a little regretful.

She asked: "What kind of fragrance is this?"

Pei Ran glanced at her and said, "I don't know what the post house provided."

Feng Yun knew that he usually didn't like elegant things like burning incense and making tea, so he couldn't explain it, so he pursed his lips and smiled at him.

"It's like a tree full of flowers blooming, which makes you feel relaxed and happy. It's very good."

Pei Ran didn't say anything, and carefully helped her arrange her clothes and serve him for his convenience...

However, he didn't show up, so how could Feng Yun be so embarrassed?

She would never make that gesture in front of Pei Ran.

After arranging her dress, she moved her eyebrows slightly when she saw that Pei Madang had no intention of leaving.

"Your Majesty, just go out and wait for me. If necessary, I will call you again."

Pei Ran took a deep look at her, didn't insist, strode out and lowered the curtain.

Feng Yun looked at his back and breathed a sigh of relief.

After changing, she arranged her clothes, washed her hands, wiped her face, and then came out slowly.

"What sound?" she asked.

Pei Man stood by the window, watching the banana trees swaying in the courtyard.

"It's raining."

At first it was just a sporadic drizzle, but within a few moments, the tick-tock-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tack sped up, and the raindrops fell on the eaves, tapping briskly, like the melody played by a beautiful woman, echoing in the night sky...

Feng Yun stood next to Pei Ran and said with a smile: "Fortunately we arrived a step early, otherwise we would have been soaked in the rain halfway."

After saying that, he thought of the gold and silver sisters he met halfway, and his face sank slightly.

"If this rain had fallen earlier, the fire in Baihe City might not have been able to ignite."

Pei Madang had just listened to Ji You's report about the fire. He reached out and stroked her back, his silent eyes filled with comfort.

He actually understood her.

The silent Pei Madang always made Feng Yun angry, no matter in his previous life or in this life.

At this moment, the way he stood tall and silently comforted her was particularly handsome, and he caught her eyes especially.

Feng Yun looked at him and said nothing for a long time.

Pei Madang whispered: "I'll ask someone to prepare water. You can wash up and rest early."

His breath fell on his ear, warm and a little itchy. Feng Yun trembled subconsciously and nodded.

Pei Madang went out, and Feng Yun turned on the fire and sat in front of the wooden desk to read the official documents he approved.

Open a piece of paper at random.

It's written on the paper.

"Waist waist."

All kinds of "waists" were showing their teeth and claws in front of her...

Feng Yun curled his lips, pressed the paper under the official document, and pretended not to see it.

A series of footsteps sounded in the corridor of the post house courtyard.

Soon, everyone returned to the tranquility of the night.

Everyone in the posthouse has fallen asleep, and there is only the sound of rain, fast and fast...

Feng Yun lay wetly in Pei Man's arms, his head resting on his shoulder, trembling uncontrollably, his teeth tapping lightly and making a rattling sound.

Pei Ran didn't say anything. He wrapped her tightly and tucked her into the corner of the quilt.

It's bitterly cold in winter, but it's not like Nagato has briquettes burning in the inn, and the ground dragon is keeping warm. After taking a short bath, the whole person feels cold.

Fortunately, Pei Madang was warm.

Feng Yun was not polite. He rubbed his hands and feet against him, sticking to where he felt warm...

Pei Ran lowered his head and looked at her, "Why are you so afraid of the cold?"

Feng Yun shuddered slightly, "Did you know that I'm afraid of the cold? If you can't bear it, I'll call Ao Zai to warm me up..."

There was a fire in front of the couch, and there was him on the couch, so where was the need for Ao Zai?

Pei Man glanced at it and saw that the head of Ao Zai, who was napping by the fire, just popped out, then he took it back and lay on his lap.

"I'll have someone cook a soup pot," he said.

"No need." Feng Yun refused and hugged him tightly, "Just hold me and it will be fine after a while."

She couldn't help but tremble as she spoke, feeling that she was so embarrassed. But it was really too cold. I was used to being pampered in Nagato. Suddenly I changed places. The bed was hard and cold. With the sound of rain, I felt like I was about to freeze...

She felt uncomfortable and frowned.

He looked very squeamish.

Pei Man hugged, patted and coaxed her, and found that not only did she not get better, but she was shaking more and more violently. After a moment of silence, he suddenly took her ankle and put it on his waist. He held her face, lowered his head and kissed her.

Feng Yun's eyes widened, "Huh?"

He was so forceful that he seemed to swallow her alive.

After some tossing, most of Feng Yun's original coldness dissipated, and his whole soul flew away. He couldn't care less about being cold...

The two of them were entangled, and neither of them spoke. After all, Feng Yun couldn't stand his silence, so he reached out to pull his belt. This touch was like an out-of-body experience.

He had already reacted, but he stood still and had to wait for her...

Feng Yun pushed him dissatisfied and cursed vaguely the word "Pei Gou".

There was a lump in Pei Ran's throat, and he gasped for air. He suddenly pressed down her hand, and without giving any chance to resist, he lifted up the hem of her dress...

Well! The fullness made Feng Yun couldn't help but feel excited, and she hummed. If she wanted to say anything else, Pei Ran kissed her deeply, swallowing up the rest of her voice.

The so-called thunder from the sky and the fire from the earth are probably like this.

This couch was far less spacious and comfortable than Nagato's. It was even a bit narrow for a person of Pei Man's height and build, but precisely because of this, the two of them hugged each other tightly, and the ups and downs were airtight...

Soon, Feng Yun's skin was burned hot, as if a fireball had exploded, and he no longer felt cold...

The sound of rain is getting louder and louder, accompanied by the howling cold wind, which seems to overturn the entire post house...

Feng Yun was breathing heavily, like a boat rocking in the wind and rain, not knowing where the shore was.

"Yunniang..." Pei Madang pecked her forehead, "Are you okay?"

Feng Yun's ears felt hot.

She knew what he was asking.

Because he wanted it a bit urgently tonight, he was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it.

This kind of subtlety between husband and wife that only you and I know without needing to explain made her even more intolerable...

"Yes." She hugged his neck with both hands, pulled his head down, put her forehead against his forehead, and asked softly, "What about you?"

"I'm fine." He held the back of her head and played with Wusi much more slowly.

"You asked me why I didn't sleep last night..."

His voice was so deep that it was almost drowned in the sound of rain.

"That's what I thought -"

Feng Yun's eyelashes trembled, and her body couldn't help but tremble. The familiar feeling piled up on her body again, getting higher and higher, until it burst like a dam. In her soft and broken voice, they all rushed out...

Puyangyi discovered yesterday that Feng Yun had something to say to her, and she thought about it restlessly at night.

Early the next morning, after packing up, he took two maids and brought some food over to find Feng Yun.

Huan'er was waiting outside and told her: "My Lord, please wait a moment, our wife hasn't gotten up yet..."

Puyang Yiliu's eyebrows moved slightly, half-smiling, "I said why it rained so heavily last night, it seems it was all for your wife."

Huan'er was young and didn't understand what he said at all. He smiled naively and heard Feng Yun coughing from inside.

"Come and wait for me to change."

Pu Yangyi pursed her lips and had fun, then sat down to drink tea and wait.

She was thinking about how to tease Feng Yun, and she felt very relaxed. When Feng Yun presented the silk handkerchief sent by Wen Xingsu, she was shocked.

Silly, dumbfounded, looking like surprise, but also like doubt. In just a short moment, his face changed into several expressions.

"Is this silk handkerchief...really a gift from General Wen?"

Feng Yun also didn't understand the meaning of Wen Xingsu's silk handkerchief, so he was very curious.

"My eldest brother asked someone to bring it from Southern Qi."

Pu Yangyi still couldn't believe it, and looked at her sideways, full of suspicion and uncertainty, "Ayun, could it be you... who deliberately fooled me?"

"Why did I fool you?" Feng Yun glanced at her funny and took out Wen Xingsu's letter, "Look."

It is indeed written to be handed over to Mr. Pingyuan County.

No mistake.

It was given to her by Wen Xingsu...

Happiness came so suddenly, Puyangyi didn't know how to react for a moment. She only felt that her head was light and she had the urge to stand up and jump a few times. Her voice was also shaky...

"I accidentally mentioned that I liked Gusu fabrics that day... I never expected that General Wen would remember it in his heart and send someone to bring me a silk handkerchief when he returned to Southern Qi..."

Before her voice fell, she suddenly grabbed Feng Yun's wrist and looked at her eagerly.

"Ayun, tell me... what is General Wen's intention for doing this?"

This question really stumped Feng Yun.

Because on the way here, she had been thinking hard for a long time.

"Then why don't you write to him and ask him?"

Pu Yangyi was a little timid, "Can I write a letter to him?"

Feng Yun smiled narrowly, "Why not? He gave you a silk handkerchief. Not only do you have to write a letter, but you also have to think about how to repay the gift to Mr. Lang..."

Chun Yuyan: Brother's peach blossoms are also blooming. When will it be my turn...

Feng Yun: Jiang Ji...

Chun Yuyan: Auntie, I am queuing up at your house, how can I chase away guests?

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