Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 458 Understanding the People's Feelings

The rain last night didn't stop until dawn, and there were still flying snowflakes.

The weather was cold and the road was slippery. The imperial driver decided to rest for another day at Baihe Inn. When the rain stopped and he started on his way, there would be no further delay.

After breakfast in the post house, Xiaoman and Ge Yi came back.

"The Baihe government said that the Chen family accidentally caused the fire by burning charcoal for heating, and the whole family died neatly..."

As she spoke, she glanced at Feng Yun.

"The sisters Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang are homeless now. They are really pitiful..."

Feng Yun noticed that they did not follow them, so he asked, "Where have they gone?"

Xiaoman and Ge Yi looked at each other, Xiaoman lowered his head and said, "Without Madam's permission, we didn't dare to bring the person back, so we spent a lot of money to hastily bury their family members, and temporarily put the person in an inn in Baihe. Going forward, I won’t be able to help you much..."

Feng Yun looked at her and then at Ge Guang.

Then he looked at Huan'er, Pei'er and others beside him.

"You all want me to take in their sisters?"

Everyone lowered their heads and said nothing, but acquiesced.

Feng Yun said: "In that case, take it over."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Xiao Man was even more happy to be blessed.

"The maid will pick you up."

"There's no rush." ​​Feng Yun glanced at her, "I'm also planning to go to Baihe City for a stroll."

She has not forgotten what she does. Whether it is Xijing or Baihe, if she has the opportunity to make a living, she does not want to miss it.

The rain hadn't stopped yet. Ge Guang went to hitch the car. Xiao Man put on Feng Yun's cloak and was about to go out when Pei Man came back from outside.

Qian Sanniu held the umbrella for him, but he took long steps and Sanniu followed him with a huff, which still made his shoulders wet.

"Your Majesty." Feng Yun saluted.

Pei Ran asked her, "Where to go?"

"White River City..."

Feng Yun saw his stern face and was about to find an excuse when Pei Ran nodded.

"Let's go, I'll accompany you."

Feng Yun turned his head in surprise and looked at him without blinking.

Pei Ran remained silent, holding her hand and getting into the car.

Before leaving the post house, Yuan Shangyi came over in the rain. Hearing that Feng Yun was going to the city, he didn't dare to make any request in front of Pei Ran, so he looked at Feng Yun eagerly.

Feng Yun looked at Pei Ran, his lips curled up slightly.

"Your Majesty wants to go?"

Yuan Shangyi handed over his hand and said, "I'm going to understand the sentiments of the people."

puff! The excuse is that I learned it.

Feng Yun looked at him and said, "It's okay to understand the sentiments of the people, but you have to change your clothes."

They all changed their clothes and went out, but the little emperor was dressed too gorgeously, and he could tell he was noble at a glance.

"Okay, madam, wait for me."

Yuan Shangyi was very happy and ran back to change clothes happily.

Dong Bai trotted behind him holding an umbrella and chased him all the way. He saw the emperor being blocked by Lin Nvshi at the entrance of Youhuang Courtyard, and he stopped panting.

"Your Majesty, you can't go."

Lin Nvshi flatly refused.

"You are His Majesty and the Emperor, how can you..."

"Nv Shi Lin!" Yuan Shangyi interrupted her, "It was King Yonghuai who asked me to go. King Yonghuai is in the car. He is waiting for me to change my clothes and go together to understand the sentiments of the people."

Lin Nvshi left him speechless.

As soon as the little emperor left, she took the things with her back and went to the eldest princess's courtyard, complaining endlessly.

"Your Highness, you have to take more care of His Majesty. If this continues, what should we do?"

The eldest princess lowered her eyes and smiled slightly.

"I can't control this. With all my abilities, I can't control your majesty."

Lin Nu Shi gritted her teeth, suddenly lowered her voice, and said in a chewy tone, "It's not me who said that, Your Highness, you are His Majesty's aunt... Your Majesty, there is no one closer to you in this world. No matter what, you shouldn’t let an outsider take control and let others manipulate you..."

After saying that, she looked worried again.

"If this continues, what should we do? I'm afraid that the Xijing court will all change their surname to Pei..."

"Insolent!" The eldest princess put down the tea cup and stared at Lin Nvshi with a serious face. "Can you, a female historian, say such treasonous words? If you don't take good care of and teach the emperor, you will spend all your time fighting for power. I Look, you are the scourge of Dajin."

Lin Nvshi's expression changed and she almost fell down.

Hasn't this eldest princess always been at odds with Pei Ran's group?

The eldest princess stared at her, "Don't let me hear such gossip again, otherwise, even if you are someone close to Queen Mother Duan, I will never let you go. Get down!"

Lin Nvshi trembled and stepped back with her hands lowered, not daring to defend herself or say a single extra word.


She stepped forward.

The eldest princess lowered her eyes and sighed.


It was not so convenient to travel in the sleet and snowy weather. The group took two carriages and drove slowly towards Baihe City.

After arriving in the city, Feng Yun learned that Xiaoman had placed the two sisters Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang in the largest Yuelai Inn.

She couldn't help but look at Xiaoman one more time.

This girl is usually very frugal.

It didn't cost much to stay with her, so I saved up everything one by one. I didn't expect that this move would be quite generous.

Feng Yun did not go with him and asked Xiaoman to pick him up.

Just as Xiao Man responded, Ji You suddenly said: "My subordinates, please go with Xiao Man. I'm afraid there are still some unfinished business. It will be much easier with my help."

Feng Yun looked at her and nodded.

Seeing him following Xiao Man so actively, Zuo Zhong pursed his lips and said nothing.

On the contrary, the serious Pei Jue looked at the strange atmosphere between the two subordinates and said to Feng Yun softly: "You can arrange it later. If it is suitable, help them find a wife."

Feng Yun knew that these guards had been with Pei Jue for a long time. Although Pei Jue didn't say anything, he had feelings for them.

At this age, men should also get married.

This kind of thing should be handled by the mistress of the family...

Although she didn't want to admit it, she did bear such a heavy responsibility at the moment.

What's more, she also took a salary as the chief historian of his palace?

She bowed her head and saluted, "I understand."

Pei Jue glanced at her and didn't say much. He just silently put his palm on the back of her hand and squeezed it.

It was raining today, the market was very deserted, and there were few customers in the shops.

Feng Yun walked around for a while and roughly understood the price situation in Baihe City.

She found that rice and cloth were much more expensive in Baihe than in Andu.

When she walked to Baihe Hengjie, she saw a shop selling coal briquettes. From the simple coal stove to the appearance of the coal briquettes, she knew at a glance that it was from Huaxi.

Feng Yun motioned Ge Guang to park the car on the street, and walked over with an umbrella to ask.

"Boss, how much is a coal briquettes?"

It was raining, and a middle-aged bearded man sat behind the counter and looked up at Feng Yun lazily.

"Ten big coins each, buy ten and get one free."

Before Feng Yun could speak, Ge Guang took a breath of cold air.

"Isn't this robbing money?"

The price of this shop is more than three times higher than that of Huaxi Coal Briquette Workshop...

Ge Guang was very upset and whispered to Feng Yun:

"We worked hard to dig it out from the mine and make it into coal briquettes to sell, but we dare not ask for such a high price."

"Isn't this breaking the rules of Huaxi?"

When the coal briquettes leave the workshop in Huaxi, they are sold at a unified price, but Feng Yun has no control over how much others sell them for. However, her original intention of doing this is indeed for the purpose of civilian use, so when the contract was signed, there was a clause that no excessive profits could be made.

But when the things are in the hands of others, the constraints of this clause are extremely limited.

Feng Yun also knows this very well, so she is not as excited as Ge Guang, and only said:

"The shopkeeper sells it at such a high price, how can ordinary people afford it?"

The shopkeeper was a little sleepy at first, but he became energetic after hearing this, and looked Feng Yun up and down with his eyes.

Feng Yun was dressed plainly today, with a veil on her head, which slightly covered her too beautiful face...

The shopkeeper certainly couldn't recognize her, but seeing that she was with servants, she didn't look like a girl from an ordinary family, so he swallowed the ridicule on his lips and smiled lightly.

"How can such things be prepared for ordinary people? Only noble people like you can afford it..."

Feng Yun listened to this argument and said calmly:

"But why did I hear that this kind of coal briquettes are sold in Andu County at a very cheap price."

"Cheap?" The shopkeeper raised his eyebrows, thinking more and more that he might have misjudged Feng Yun...

Rich families would not care about such trifles.

This person is so fussy that he travels in the rain. Who knows where he comes from...

He said with a little contempt, squinting his eyes: "It's true that it's much cheaper to buy in Huaxi, but so what? You have to be able to buy it?"

Seeing that Feng Yun didn't answer, he lazily picked up the teacup on the counter, took a sip calmly, and shook his head.

"Not to mention the loss of manpower and the danger of transporting coal from Huaxi to Baihe, just say how scarce coal briquettes have been since winter. People without connections can't buy them even if they want to."

Feng Yun frowned.

One of his words was right.

After winter, coal briquettes are indeed scarce.

There is a continuous flow of graphite from Jieqiu and Yunchuan, but it is still not enough to sell.

The orders from Chunyu Yan alone can kill most of the production for half a year, so they are already working on expanding the capacity, and the production will be able to increase after the beginning of next spring...

But the key is this winter.

At present, it is no less than last year.

In Feng Yun's memory, in the following years, droughts and floods will occur successively in summer, and winter will be extremely cold, with continuous blizzards and frequent disasters...

This is why she had to make coal briquettes.

But obviously, things did not develop as she thought...

Baihe is like this, what about other places?

How many of the coal briquettes sold can reach the hands of the people?

And how many people are willing to spend ten big bucks to buy a coal briquettes? (End of this chapter)

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