Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 459 The General's Order

Feng Yun felt a little sad, and her brows knitted unconsciously.

The shopkeeper looked at her expression and thought that she couldn't afford it, so he snorted coldly, and his face was a hundred times uglier than before.

"If you want to buy it, buy it. If you can't afford it, leave quickly. It's raining heavily, and your umbrella is dripping water all over my house..."

To show his disgust, he even raised his sleeves and waved them, like chasing away flies.

This made Yuan Shangyi frown.

"You are so unreasonable..."

"I am unreasonable?" The shopkeeper's eyes fell on Yuan Shangyi's face.

A thin and small child, looking at the thin body, it is known that his family must be not very well off.

He was even more certain of his thoughts.

This family is a poor family. Maybe they were rich in the past, but now they are poor. They can't afford such rare things as coal briquettes. It's a waste of time to talk to them...

"Go, go, go, go, go, go, if you can't afford it, then don't afford it. What's the use of reasoning? Can I give you a few coal briquettes?"

Ge Guang's face changed.

Ge Yi reached out and touched his waist.

Unfortunately, in order to better understand the people's sentiments, they didn't wear swords.

The two people glared at him and strode closer. Seeing that look, the shopkeeper took a step back and his face turned pale.

"Why, you can't afford it, so you have to rob? I warn you, the imperial carriage just passed Baihe, and there are patrolling officials everywhere in the city. If you dare to mess around, you will eat, and you will be in trouble..."

"Open your dog eyes and see clearly--" Ge Guang grabbed the shopkeeper's collar.

However, before he finished speaking, he heard Feng Yun cough lightly.

"Ge Guang, Ge Yi."

She had a smile on her face, not a trace of anger, "Don't make things difficult for him, let's go."

The Ge brothers let go of their hands, but they couldn't suppress their anger.

Yuan Shangyi's pursed lips were also extremely serious.

There were all their people outside, as long as he made a sound, the shopkeeper would be finished...

Yuan Shangyi had been the emperor for so long, and he already understood what power meant...

He wanted to call someone to teach this shopkeeper a lesson.

But Feng Yun took the lead and gently held his little hand.

"Let's go, Yuan."

Yuan Shangyi suppressed the fire burning in his chest and abdomen, and looked up at her.

"My wife, they insulted you."

"It doesn't matter." Feng Yun curled his lips, looked at him deeply, and chuckled softly, "We can teach him a lesson in another way."

Yuan Shangyi said "oh" and nodded his little head.

He knew that his wife would have many ways, but he didn't expect that Feng Yun would raise her voice lightly as soon as she stepped over the threshold of the coal shop.

"I thought we could cooperate with the store and transfer the coal briquettes at a low price, but who knew that the store would directly chase away customers? Forget it, I'll find another merchant..."

The store owner was stunned.

It took a long time to come back to his senses.

"Madam, please stay. What do you mean by what you just said?"

Feng Yun turned around, "I'm from Huaxi, and I have a lot of low-priced coal briquettes..."

The shopkeeper's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Feng Yun curled his lips, "Why would I lie to you? You know how much you pay for the goods and how much you can get at a time. I have better goods on hand, and the quantity is not limited to you. Don't you want it?"

"Yes, yes, yes, with such a good thing, of course I want it." The shopkeeper was half-believing and half-doubting, but his attitude was much more humble, "So, the young lady is from Changmen?"

Feng Yun smiled faintly and didn't answer.

She pretended to be profound, and the shopkeeper believed it a little more.

"Then how can I do this business with you?"

Feng Yun said: "I will supply the goods and deliver them to your door. The shopkeeper just needs to prepare the money."

The shopkeeper had never thought of such a good thing, so he immediately agreed and sent her to the door. Seeing Feng Yun walking towards the carriage with many followers beside the carriage, the remaining doubts in his heart disappeared...


Pei Cong was waiting for her in the carriage.

Feng Yun said that he was famous (notorious) and was afraid that someone would recognize him and he would not be able to better lead the little emperor to "understand the people's feelings", so he left him behind.

Back in the car, Feng Yun didn't say much, and Pei Cong glanced at their faces.

"What happened?"

Just as Ge Guang was about to answer, he saw Feng Yun lift the curtain of the car.

"Look, across the street, is there a store to rent out?"

Everyone looked over there.

There was indeed a store with a wooden sign hanging on it.

The cost of renting a house was clearly written down...

Feng Yun smiled faintly and said to Ge Guang: "Lease it, find two reliable managers, and open a coal briquette direct supply store here."

Ge Guang stared at her in surprise, "But my wife just said that she would supply the coal briquette store..."

"Supply, I will definitely supply, as much as you want." She waved to Ge Guang, explained this and that, and then raised her eyebrows.

"I want him to lose all his pants."

Ge Guang showed a happy face and cupped his hands.

"I understand, I will do it right away."

Everyone looked at her blankly.

Even Pei Jue's face, which had always been expressionless, showed a hint of surprise.

Feng Yun's tone was light, but the domineering tone revealed in her words was extraordinary.

But this matter seemed like a joke.

While strolling around the street, she casually opened a store?

He said: "Have you thought about it, Yun Niang?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "There is no need to think about it. There is no room for loss in this business... Not only Baihe will open a store, but also other counties. Humph, you are making my money, but you still want to take my blame? Why don't you give me some money? Look at the color, you really think I grew up a vegetarian!”

Pei Madang rarely cares about her business affairs, and seems to know but not know.

Yuan Shangyi pursed his lips and suddenly whispered: "The shopkeeper just now made fun of the lady who couldn't afford the briquettes and told her to go away..."

Pei Ran frowned and said nothing.

In my heart, I thought, that store owner is in a terrible situation.

Yun Niang is a person who really holds grudges, and she will definitely retaliate.

Feng Yun visited the rouge shop, ready-made clothing shop, jewelry shop, and then ate in Baihe City before returning to the post house.

Xiao Man and Ji You arrived a step later than them and came back with Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang in the afternoon.

The two sisters' eyes were red from crying, but they were grateful to have the princess help them when they were in such a predicament.

Feng Yun didn't say much and asked Xiao Man to take him and teach him, making sure to be familiar with Nagato's rules.

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang died with great gratitude.

Xiaoman prepared clothes and food, and treated them very enthusiastically...

The rain and snow stopped in the afternoon, and the team is scheduled to set off at 9 o'clock tomorrow.

Feng Yun was afraid of the cold, so he stayed alone in the Chaoyangxuan room, holding Ao Zai to warm himself by the fire, and read a book.

At dusk, a faint sound of silk and bamboo suddenly came from the courtyard. It was soft and sweet. If you listen carefully, it also contains a bit of deep sadness. It fell on your ears, and your mood dropped unconsciously.

Feng Yun put down his book and went out to watch.

There are many people under the corridor in the courtyard.

Many people, including maids, servants, and guards, were gathered around.

Two sisters, Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang, one plays the harp and the other plays the panpipe to accompany the music. Their semi-wet green silk pine silk is tied into a bun. They have two very similar beautiful faces. They are beautiful, sad and touching. Because they are twin sisters, they are extra special. Added a fascinating part.

Feng Yun saw that the guards Ji You, Ye Chuang, and Lin Zhuo were all watching.

Several maids were also very excited and kept cheering.

In Nagato, the concubines would also play, sing and entertain themselves on a whim. Feng Yun did not prohibit it, and even liked it a little...

Life is hard and troublesome, and only when music accompanies it can we find comfort.

But today she stood here and watched for a moment, without even a hint of a smile on her face.

In the silence, there were footsteps behind me.

Feng Yun turned around and saw Pei Ran.

He came from the main hall and stood beside Feng Yun with his hands behind his back.

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

"Did the sound of music also attract the king?"

Pei Ran looked down at her: "What is attraction?"

Feng Yun asked: "Doesn't it sound good?"

The music is melodious and melodious, and the rhythm just falls on the heart, making people moved.

She believed that even Pei Ran could not deny that it did not sound good against his will.

However, she still guessed wrong.

Pei Madang took one look and said, "I don't understand."

Feng Yun:......

His face was cold and devoid of any arty pleasure.

Feng Yun found it a bit funny.

Even if you don’t understand the music, you can still understand it, right?

This man is pretending.

So she smiled and raised her eyebrows again, "Then, your Majesty, let's see how good these two beauties are."

Pei Madang glanced at the crowd gathered around him and said, "Can't see."

Feng Yun: "Then your Majesty, come over and take a look?"

Pei Ran turned around and stared into her eyes.

He didn't speak, just looked.

The light in the black eyes was cold, making Feng Yun's back feel numb...

He suddenly said, "If Yun Niang doesn't like it, why do you want to take her in?"

Pei Madang never interfered with Feng Yun's matters.

But Pei Ran couldn't see through her behavior.

Feng Yun didn't say anything more, and slightly raised his lips, "If you don't take it in, you won't be able to hear such amazingly talented music."

While the two were talking, someone discovered their presence.

The maids and guards all turned their heads to salute.

Seeing Pei Ran appear, Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang seemed to be frightened. They stopped quickly, hugged their instruments, and saluted him and Feng Yun warmly.

"The daughter of the people has met the king and the princess."

Pei Madang glanced lazily, noncommittal.

Feng Yun glanced at his thick black eyebrows, laughed softly and asked: "What kind of music are you playing that sounds so sad?"

Jin Shuang hugged the harp, her elegant little face drooped slightly, only her full forehead was exposed, her voice was soft and soft, like an oriole emerging from the valley, with a moving aftertaste.

"Replying to the princess, this song is called "General's Order". It was learned by a common girl from Lady Liu of Huitong Lane. It is just a vulgar song, and it made the king and the princess laugh..."

Feng Yun chuckled, "This is considered vulgar, and others won't have to live with it."

Then he asked: "Do you have any words?"

Yin Shuang was bolder than Jin Shuang. Hearing her question again, he boldly raised his head, his bright and smart black eyes moving back and forth on Pei Madang and Feng Yun.

"I put my horse down to drink, recalling the old general, and arousing old sorrows..."

She sang softly, recounting a snowy frontier battle and the heroism of General Hengdao, who immediately bent his bow and set an arrow, and she burst into tears in an instant.

Feng Yun high-fived, "Good music, good tune, good lyrics."

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang both bowed down and said, "Thank you, Princess, for your compliment."

Feng Yun glanced at Pei Ran, smiled slightly and said, "You continue to play, but it's cold at night, so you have to take a rest early, and don't miss tomorrow's schedule."

"Here." Everyone saluted in unison.

Feng Yun covered the stove and turned back to the house. Pei Madang followed her in.

She turned around suddenly and accidentally bumped into his arms.

Pei Jue reached out to hold her, "Be careful."

Feng Yun rubbed her nose, "You should be careful!"

"It's my fault." Pei Jue's apology came unexpectedly. Feng Yun had no time to react. She only felt the heat in her ears, and her waist was circled by his arms. He held her tightly and pressed her whole body against his hard chest.

Feng Yun called softly, "Don't make trouble, my king, they are all outside."

Pei Jue stroked her hair lightly, lowered his head and pecked her forehead, then hugged her by the waist, "I don't understand music, but there are plenty of antidotes to cure the princess's illness."

Feng Yun: ...

She lost weight, put her arms around Pei Jue's neck, and subconsciously looked out the window.

In the courtyard, a group of people were playing again.

They really like Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang.

These are indeed two lovely young ladies...

However, although they are obviously fifteen or sixteen years old and have not yet married, the aura they exude is completely different from Xiaoman...

They have both the beauty of a young girl and the charm of a young woman.

Especially Jin Shuang, with her frowns, smiles, and slight sorrow, her childishness is mixed with a kind of enchanting and seductive manner that only married women can have.

This is why she didn't want to take them in at first.

Feng Yun has seen many beauties, and none of the twenty chosen by Feng Jingting at the beginning is inferior, and each is beautiful in its own way...

But the strange thing is that she never felt any threat from them...

The appearance of Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang may be the wrong time, or their families happened to die in the fire, which triggered her inner uneasiness... (End of this chapter)

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