Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 465: The Storm in Xijing

The team traveled all the way to Xijing in the severe cold of December.

Since that night, Feng Yun paid special attention to Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang, trying to find clues from them to determine who sent them...

But the result was...


She and Yin Shuang were very active and cautious.

Whether it was work or people, there was almost no fault to be found.

They didn't even deliberately contact the master.

They treated everyone in the team equally, regardless of their position.

They were enthusiastic, kind, and dutiful. They were afraid that they would not do well enough and could not repay the kindness of taking them in, so they were cautious...

Such girls are naturally likable and distressing.

Everyone took good care of them, and Ji You wanted to hold Jin Shuang in his heart...

Feng Yun looked at all this, not knowing whether to be glad that her kindness was not misplaced, or to be disappointed with her unusually sensitive vigilance...

You can't believe it, but you can't not believe it.

She frowned unconsciously.

Xiaoman handed the hand warmer to Feng Yun.

"Madam, Brother Ji and Jin Shuang are a perfect match."

"Really?" Feng Yun stared at her, "Are they as perfect as you and Zuo Zhong?"


Xiaoman lowered her head in a grudge.

Ever since she let go of her worries and agreed to the marriage, she has been extremely shy these past two days. Not only does she avoid Zuo Zhong, but whenever someone mentions Zuo Zhong, she looks guilty.

Feng Yun looked at her and found it a little funny.

"You worry about yourself. I will arrange your marriage in the new year."

Xiaoman's heart was pounding. "What if Brother Ji asks you to give Jin Shuang to him? Do you agree? The maid wants to... They all have to be happy."

Feng Yun raised her eyebrows.

Compared to Zuo Zhong and Ye Chuang, those guards, Ji You is straightforward and enthusiastic. He says whatever he wants. If Jin Shuang is really a good person, she will naturally be willing to help him...

"Let's wait and see."

Feng Yun will judge a person based on her feelings, but she will not convict people based on her feelings.

Jin Shuang was born attractive, but it was not appropriate to judge people by appearance.

After all, she had been "convicted by her appearance" by countless people, and she did not want to be someone she hated...


It was the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month when she arrived in Xijing.

As the end of the year approached, Xijing was decorated with lights and was bustling.

The emperor's return was exciting, and the court and the public were excited. The eldest princess and Prince Yonghuai were also accompanying him, and the Princess Yonghuai, who lived in the spit of people, made countless people want to see her stunning face...

Since the day the news came, some people had already booked seats along the way, ready to wait for the emperor to enter the city and go to watch.

Even the Queen Mother Duan, who had been ill for many days, got up from her sickbed, changed into court clothes, and personally led the civil and military officials out of the city to welcome him...

"Here he comes, the emperor has arrived."

The crowd was crowded, excited, and tiptoed.

In the distance, there was a sound of horse hooves, kicking and clattering, and the creaking of the carriage, gradually approaching...

The crowd was silent for a moment, extremely serious.

It seemed that everyone's eyes were fixed on the team that seemed to emerge from the horizon.

The weather was clear today, and the sun was as warm as fire.

The team returning to the court was neatly arranged, like a long snake swimming, walking slowly.

Behind the imperial carriage, Pei Cong was wearing a black armor, black hair and black crown, riding on the tall Taxue, with an expression that was surprisingly cold and handsome.

A large flag with the word "Pei" fluttered in the cold wind, as if it was more majestic than the square umbrella of the imperial flag...

Feng Yun had been traveling for so many days, and his body was very tired and exhausted. He lay in the carriage, motionless.

Xiao Man curiously lifted a corner of the curtain and whispered excitedly:

"My wife, many people are praising the king's might..."

Feng Yun looked out the window along his line of sight.

Too many people came and were blocked outside by the long spears of the imperial guards.

Amid the music, many people were whispering to each other.

Even if the imperial guards blocked them in front, they couldn't stop their whispers.

Pei Jue was certainly majestic.

Especially when he was riding on horseback, he was so cool and seemed to be glowing.

But the emperor was in front, and the one who should be praised by the people should not be a king of a different surname with a large army.

Feng Yun's heart sank, and a chill rose on her back.

Has she been too sensitive recently?

Why did she have frequent illusions and always worried that someone was plotting to harm them?

"Welcome the emperor to return to the court--"

"Welcome the emperor!"

All the ministers bowed together, and the people followed suit and shouted long live.

Feng Yun was thinking, the curtain of the carriage moved, and a voice came in.

"Yun Niang."

Xiaoman pulled open the curtain and saw Pei Jue's face.

He rode his horse beside the carriage and said calmly, "Get off the carriage and pay respects to the Queen Mother."

The Concubine Duan came to greet them personally. The ministers saluted the emperor, and it was their turn to salute the Queen Mother.

Feng Yun nodded, and with the help of the maid, she bent down and got off the carriage--

Pei Jue stretched out his hand.

He stood quietly, his eyes gentle.

Feng Yun glanced at him and silently placed her hand in his palm.

Almost instantly, she noticed that countless eyes were falling on her and Pei Jue...

The two walked side by side, walked up, and saluted the Queen Mother Duan with everyone.

The Queen Mother Duan looked at the pair of beautiful people with a smile, and then slowly looked around.

"No need to salute, your majesty has been tired from the long journey, so please don't do it if you can. Everyone go back and rest. Tomorrow I will hold a banquet and invite all the ministers to welcome your majesty together."

All the ministers agreed.


The royal driver entered through Dongyang Gate and left at Yu Street.

Feng Yun wants to turn left and follow the Pei family back to the Pei Mansion...

Yuan Shangyi will naturally follow Empress Dowager Duan back to the palace...

I don't know if he had a natural fear of that palace, but when Yuan Shangyi saw Feng Yun's carriage turning, he suddenly stuck his head out.


The driver stopped his horse immediately.

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat, he raised the curtain and looked over, saying warmly:

"What other orders does your Majesty have?"

She said it politely and unfamiliarly, just to remind Yuan Shangyi to be careful in front of others.

Yuan Shangyi is sensible,

But after all, he is still a child...

He couldn't bear to part with Feng Yun, and he also knew that after returning to the palace, there would be fewer opportunities to meet Feng Yun. He could no longer take Dong Bai from Yangxinzhai to Changmen like he did in Huaxi when he was happy, even if Lin Nvshi didn't He is happy and cannot stop him...

With Empress Dowager Duan in the palace, he could no longer do whatever he wanted.

"Princess..." Yuan Shangyi cried red and called Feng Yun again with a cry, like a child about to be separated from his mother, reluctant to let go and attached to her in every possible way.

"You want to come to the palace to see me..."

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

Realizing that Queen Mother Duan was looking over her, she raised her hands and bowed politely to Yuan Shangyi.

"My wife accepts the order."

What else did Yuan Shangyi want to say.

But seeing Feng Yun lowering his head and maintaining the respectful posture of saluting for a long time, he curled his lips and swallowed all the words.

"Let's go." He lowered the curtain and shed tears silently as the carriage drove by.

Dong Bai was so frightened that he kept comforting him with a handkerchief.

"Your Majesty, don't cry. It's such an ugly day."

Everyone is celebrating the return of the Holy Emperor, which is of course a happy event.

But Yuan Shangyi didn't feel happy.

He even felt that all his happiness would be deprived from him the moment he entered the imperial city.

No one defends him anymore...

No one would listen to him patiently like Feng Yun and understand the innocent wish of a child of a few years old not to be an emperor...

Everyone in the palace, including Queen Mother Duan, is the same.

They would only put pressure on him, put the entire world's burden on his immature body, and use moral and ethical sticks to force him to be the most obedient and obedient little emperor in their eyes...

"Only my wife really cares about me."

Yuan Shangyi's low voice was filled with sobs, which made Dong Bai's hair stand on end.

"My little ancestor, stop talking."

He opened the curtain to take a look, then wiped Yuan Shangyi's tears and coaxed him with a gentle voice.

"Tomorrow night for the banquet, the lady will come to the palace, and your majesty can see her again."

"What's the use of that?" Yuan Shangyi curled his mouth and controlled his tears, "She sits on the other side and I sit on this side. She calls me your majesty and I call her princess. I can't say a single word of personal affection to her. , I can’t sleep on her, I can’t let her hug me...I can’t smell the fragrance of my wife anymore..."

Yuan Shangyi felt sad as he spoke.

Like a child who lost his mother, tears flowed down his face.

"It would be great if she were my mother..."

Dong Bai was almost scared out of his wits.

He is not old, but he has been in the palace for a long time, and he knows very well how many eyes will be staring at them in that cannibal palace...

The emperor is the emperor, no matter what he says is wrong, he can still save his life.

He is different. If he fails even one step, he will lose his head.

Dong Bai was worried and said, "Your Majesty, please take pity on me, please stop saying these words... If they fall into the ears of caring people, I don't know how many troubles will arise..."

Won Sang Yi looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"That's it, that's what you are now. You all have various reasons, and you want me to listen to you and rely on you... I am not the master of the Nine-Five, I am just a puppet..."

Dong Bai took a deep breath and almost covered the little emperor's mouth in anxiety.

But Yuan Shangyi is not a completely unreasonable person.

It was because he couldn't bear to be separated from Feng Yun that he spoke indiscriminately.

After a brief moment of venting, he said no more, lowered his head and rested it softly on his knees, lost in thought...


Feng Yun was also thinking about Yuan Shangyi, and the way Empress Dowager Duan looked at her...

His heart was impetuous, and his eyes were getting colder.

"We're home." Pei Madang opened the curtain of the carriage and waited for Feng Yun to get off as he did just now.

Feng Yun bent down and lowered his head. Pei Ran stretched out his hand, took her in his arms and hugged her down.

There were so many people at the door of Pei's house, Feng Yun didn't expect him to be so embarrassed.

Pei Ran said nothing, held her hand, and strode inside.

He couldn't wait to take her home. Although it was no longer the home in Zhongjing, nor the General's Mansion where they had lived together for two years, his eagerness was still reflected in his hurried steps...

Feng Yun was a little absent-minded.

She asked: "A-Yuan just called me that, wouldn't Queen Mother Duan be unhappy?"

Pei Ran turned around and asked, "Why?"

Feng Yun frowned, "Emotions in the world are all filled with the desire to be exclusive... Empress Dowager Duan will not be happy if A Yuan relies on me."

Pei Ran didn't think about this.

Don't care either.

"So what if you're unhappy?" Pei Madang put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

"You are my wife. No matter how unhappy she is, she has to endure it."

Feng Yun: I suggest that this book be renamed "The Temptation of the Overlord"...

Pei Madang: Mr. Ba, who is Mr. Ba? Let him come out and challenge me!

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