Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 466: Banquet Ceremony

The weather was good during this New Year.

The next day, when she woke up, the sky was clear and the clouds were eclipsed.

Feng Yun was staying at Pei's house for the first time. She couldn't be as lazy as Huaxi. Last night, she told Xiaoman to call her to get up early and wash up to pay respects to Pei's father.

In the past, there were many rules in Feng's house. There were etiquettes for morning and evening visits. Feng Yun had always been there. It was just that she was lazy as the hostess in Huaxi, so she avoided it if possible.

She was here, so she made the best of it and tried to be as considerate as possible.

Unexpectedly, when she paid respects to her father-in-law for the first time, Pei Chong gave her a big gift.

"I have a disability, so I am more casual. You don't have to pay respects every day. Our Pei family is a military-based family, and we don't have the rules of aristocratic families. You don't have to be so polite in the future."

After that, he asked the servants to bring the gift plate.

There were jewels and gold and silver in it, which were very heavy.

Feng Yun hurriedly thanked her, and her heart was filled with pity.

In her previous life, she and Pei Chong were not married, and they lived in the General's Mansion at that time, not the Pei Mansion. Of course, she had no chance to talk to Pei Chong face to face, and she had never been valued so much.

She had always not wanted to have too much contact with the Pei family, that is, she did not want to get involved in those worldly affairs...

Therefore, Pei Chong's approach still surprised and delighted her.

She did not like the red tape, and Pei Chong did not like it either.

With his support, who in the Pei Mansion dared to say anything?

Even her eldest sister-in-law Pei Yuan, who she had been worried about for a long time, was very friendly.

Pei Yuan lived in her mother's house, and was more afraid than her that she would not be liked by her brother's wife. Therefore, she not only did not make things difficult for Feng Yun, but also showed her kindness, and even sent two lovable children, A Zuo and A You, to call her aunt and aunt, and coaxed Feng Yun to smile...

Life in the Pei Mansion was not as complicated and annoying as imagined in the deep courtyard...

But the Queen Mother's banquet in the evening was something Feng Yun had to prepare for.

After noon, several maids became nervous, wondering what hairstyle to wear, what accessories to wear, and what makeup to use...

They were from the Feng family and had seen the world, but that was in the Southern Qi, which was somewhat different from the Great Jin in terms of customs.

Several people were afraid of making mistakes, and their throats were almost smoking with anxiety.

Feng Yun himself was not emotional, and he was leisurely roasting the fire and drinking tea, and smiled faintly:

"It's a court dress anyway, what else can you wear?"

Xiaoman said: "Don't be careless, madam, remember that the wife of the Duke of Lu was convicted for wearing the wrong jewelry, and the Duke of Lu was implicated and imprisoned..."

Feng Yun looked at Xiaoman's innocent appearance and smiled slightly.

"Then you can discuss it again."

Wearing the wrong jewelry and the wrong clothes has always been just an excuse.

If you want to accuse someone of a crime, you can always find a pretext...

But Pei Jue is not the Duke of Lu, not to mention that she will not wear the wrong clothes and jewelry, even if she does, no one will dare to say a word.

Originally in Huaxi, Pei Jue came back on horseback every day, just like an ordinary husband, rarely talking about state affairs. Even though Feng Yun knew that he was extremely powerful, it was just a recognition.

When she saw with her own eyes that the civil and military officials were cautious and trembling in front of Pei Jue, she truly felt what it meant that Pei Jue was only one step away from that high position.

Everyone had to look at his face.

Including the Queen Mother Duan, the little emperor...

Therefore, when she came to Xijing this time, she also felt the undercurrent under the peace.

Pei Jue's military power and influence were like a huge rock pressing on the royal family and ministers of this empire. Everyone was afraid that the string of harmony would suddenly break...

Or, they were afraid that Pei Jue would not be willing to be the regent king "under one person" anymore, but would find an excuse to abolish Emperor Tianshou.


Under the careful dressing of several maids, Feng Yun looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't help but curl up the corners of her mouth.

She was wearing a solemn court dress and lightly made up her face, which made her graceful figure look more graceful and beautiful. Her black hair was tied up lightly, and she walked slenderly, looking noble and charming.

"My wife is so beautiful."

Even the people who served her every day couldn't help but sigh when they saw Feng Yun in her gorgeous dress...

With such a beautiful woman, ordinary beauties would be like chickens looking at phoenixes in front of her, right?

Feng Yun lightly brushed off the court dress of the lady of the state, and said to the bronze mirror: "Let's go."


Pei Jue was talking to his subordinates in the flower hall. When he heard the guard say that the princess had arrived, he turned his head.

In the setting sun, Feng Yun walked up the steps slowly, her skin was as white as cream, her face was like lotus, and her wide and winding court dress dragged across the ground, like a feather skimming across the water, creating ripples in their hearts...

Several people in the flower hall were stunned.

Pei Jue glanced at the expressions of several subordinates, and his eyes sank slightly.

"You go down first. The names of the dead and wounded soldiers must be checked again and again, and no one should be left out."

The subordinates were shocked and responded, "Yes."

Pei Cong said again, "The missing will be compensated as if they were killed in battle."

Several subordinates nodded frequently, hesitantly clasped their fists and said, "Yes, my order!"

Everyone filed out.

After Feng Yun entered the door, they paused for a moment, then stood to one side to pay their respects, not daring to look up for more.

Feng Yun returned the greeting and walked to Pei Cong.

"Your Majesty, it's almost time."

Pei Cong hummed, his eyes swept over her, his voice slightly hoarse.

"Ji You, tell them to prepare the car."


It was said to be a welcome for the little emperor, but the Queen Mother's banquet ceremony represented the earliest specifications of the Jin Dynasty. Not only was the ceremony solemn, but it often concealed the ability of political affairs, so the ministers all treated it with caution.

When Pei Jue led Feng Yun into the palace, there were many ministers waiting outside the main hall.

They were waiting in the biting cold wind, and only entered the palace with Yong Huai Wang when he arrived.

The music started, and the guards of honor were majestic.

Pei Jue led Feng Yun straight in.

Queen Dowager Duan was wearing court clothes and a phoenix crown, and she looked gentle with a smile on her lips.

Yuan Shangyi sat still, his face tense.

"Your Majesty, I pay my respects to you, Your Majesty."

Pei Jue was the first to pay his respects, and Feng Yun followed him.

The ministers who followed him were like cast from the same mold, all paying their respects and bowing deeply.

"Quickly stand up." The smile on Queen Dowager Duan's face never faded from beginning to end, and she looked like a friendly person.

"No need to pay your respects." Yuan Shangyi also raised his hand.

He was already very familiar with this.

He was like a puppet trained by an adult, knowing what to say and what to do at what time.

Feng Yun thanked him and looked up at him.

Yuan Shangyi was also looking at her.

Those dark eyes were deep, as if they hid countless words.

She smiled slightly, retreated to the seat on the left, and sat with Pei Jue, and then two or three palace maids came to serve.

The ministers sat down one by one and greeted each other politely.

Feng Yun sat upright, smiled appropriately, and waited silently.

During the banquet, there was continuous music, endless drinking, flowing delicacies, and beautiful singing girls in colorful colors, which made people dazzled.

Just looking at this scene, it was as if you were in a prosperous capital. It was hard to imagine that this was in a chaotic world...

After three rounds of wine, Feng Yun heard a lot of compliments and praises from those people to Pei Jue, but after all, there was nothing new, flattery and flattery, overflowing from words.

She couldn't sit still any longer.

She drank too much tea and felt the urge to urinate.

She bowed her head and said something to Pei Jue, then slipped out of the table to change clothes.

It was the New Year's Day, and the palace was decorated with lights and bright lights at night, which made people's eyes bright.

"So beautiful."

Feng Yun narrowed her eyes and walked up the steps to look at the railing.

The palace was high and the walls were prosperous like a dream.

This palace has gone through several dynasties and has been destroyed by wars and repaired many times. Now it stands under the starry sky, still majestic and magnificent, not comparable to the Qi Dynasty's palace...

It's a pity...

The powerful Qin and Han are all in the past.

Today's singing and dancing have been buried in the smoke of war.

Only the distant moon in the sky has remained unchanged and will stay forever, watching the world alone, round after round of wealth and luxury, all into dust...

Feng Yun looked up at the moon.

I didn't drink, but I felt a little drunk.

"Who? Who's there?" Xiaoman suddenly spoke, pulling back her thoughts.

Feng Yun turned around and saw a small figure hesitantly walking out from the shadow of the bushes.

"It's me... it's me."

"Your Majesty?" Feng Yun was stunned when he saw him alone, "Where's Dong Bai?"

Yuan Shangyi said, "He's over there, helping me keep watch."

He also learned to let someone keep watch?

Feng Yun wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

As an emperor, the supreme ruler of the world, if he wanted to see someone, he had to do it secretly...

"A Yuan." She felt sorry for the child, unconsciously slowed down her voice, squatted down, and opened her arms to him.

Yuan Shangyi was stunned for a moment, then he jumped up happily like a bird in the forest, and crashed into Feng Yun's arms heavily, like a child who hadn't seen his mother for a long time, hugging her tightly.

"My wife, I miss you so much. I want to be with you every day."

After the Chinese New Year, Yuan Shangyi will be seven years old.

But because he was weak and sickly since childhood, and was thin and smaller than other children of the same age, he felt like a small piece of firewood in his arms, so light that he could feel the bones on his back with a little force.

Feng Yun thought of Qu'er every time she held him.

She thought of him every time she held him.

She felt sad every time she thought of him.

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