Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 467 The Secret

"Ayuan." Feng Yun held the child in front of him and patted him, "Go back quickly, the days are long."

The child's head was pressed against hers, sniffing madly, smelling her scent——

Fragrant and soft, he decided that this was his mother's scent.

The tide of longing just surged up.

He acted coquettishly and coquettishly.

"It would be great if you were my mother. If you were my mother, I could see you every day..."

Feng Yun frowned, realizing that what he said was inappropriate, and gently stroked his back.

"A Yuan, don't talk nonsense. If people listen to such words, you will get into trouble."

She was afraid that her children would be unhappy if she spoke seriously, so she smiled and said:

"A Yuan is loved by many people. The Queen Mother is kind and kind. She brought up His Majesty single-handedly. She is the person who cares about His Majesty the most in the world..."

"She is not." Yuan Shangyi was scolded by Queen Mother Duan today because of the rules of the banquet. Those red tapes made the little child suffocated, and also made the Queen Mother Duan angry.

He frowned and said displeasedly: "She doesn't treat me as a son, she just wants to be the Queen Mother."

Feng Yun was shocked and quickly stopped him, "Ayuan, have you forgotten what I said?"

Yuan Shangyi pursed his lips, knowing that his words were serious, and lowered his head again, leaning against her softly, like a little baby.

"I just want you to be my mother..."

Feng Yun sighed.

You can choose anything in this world, but you can’t choose your mother.

"Be good, be obedient, and go back soon. Don't keep people waiting."

Yuan Shangyi nodded, but his hands were tightly clasped around her neck. His voice was soft, but it was heartbreaking to hear.

"Madam, I want to go back to Huaxi. Can you take me back to Huaxi?"

"Your Majesty..." Feng Yun noticed that the child was in a bad mood tonight and wanted to comfort him, but in this palace, there were people everywhere, and he didn't even know who had eyes and ears.

She couldn't stay with the emperor for long.

The emperor cannot be allowed to say this.

She was determined to take off Won Sang Yi from his neck and stared into his eyes.

"A Yuan, I am not your mother. Your mother is Queen Mother Duan. You must honor her and be a happy little emperor. Do you understand?"

After she finished speaking, she touched Yuan Shangyi's head with compassion, turned around, and walked away decisively.


The banquet has not ended yet, the glass in the hall is flowing, the fragrance is lingering, and the silk and bamboo are lingering.

At a glance, he could see that the place was full of clothes and nobles, and they were filled with drowsy smiles in the high-hanging lamps and candles.

Feng Yun sat back, and Pei Ran looked at him intently.

She nodded slightly and lowered her eyes with a smile.

Pei Ran said: "You haven't eaten anything?"

Feng Yun hummed, "I ate roasted meat in the elder sister's courtyard at noon. It's still in my heart and I can't really eat it."

Pei Ran didn't say anything more and nodded slightly.

During the banquet, people came to toast and say complimentary words from time to time.

Feng Yun never knew that Pei Man could drink so well. He was very polite tonight, and the visitor would take a sip in return.

She sat for a long time without seeing Yuan Shangyi return to the table, and felt a little uneasy.

So he turned his head sideways and motioned for Xiaoman to come closer, "Go and have a look."

Xiaoman understood, nodded and retreated silently.

Pei Madang looked at her again, with a hint of inquiry in his expression, but said nothing.

They all knew that at this banquet, countless people were staring at her and Pei Madang, observing their words and expressions in order to make some judgments that would be beneficial to them...

But Feng Yun knew that no matter how hard they looked, it was in vain.

She spent time with Pei Madang day and night, and couldn't see through him. What could these people see?

"I would like to offer you a toast to the king. I wish the king and the princess a perfect match, may they have a son soon, and may they have a long and healthy life."

Feng Yun was stunned and turned slightly to look at Pei Mang, a subtle spark flashed in his eyes.

Pei Ran didn't make a sound, he sat up straight with his back and his eyes were cold, as if he was looking at Luo Ding through thick fog.

This sentence is not too abrupt, it looks like Luo Ding, who had had a few too many drinks, said it casually...

But in this hall, everyone is a human being.

There is no casualty, and no one dares to be casual...

"Thank you." Pei Ran didn't react at all. He responded softly, raised his glass to indicate it, and drank with his sleeves raised.

Luo Ding straightened his neck, drained the remaining wine in his glass, and laughed loudly.

"Your Majesty, tonight my daughter will accompany you to the palace to perform a song for Your Majesty and the Queen Mother. I also hope to receive your guidance from your Majesty..."

He looked back as he spoke.

At this time, the dancers in the hall had changed, and only a graceful young girl with a half-hidden gauze on her face walked into the hall, bowed to everyone one by one, and then stood beside the piano platform. sit down.

As you play the piano with your slender fingers, the lingering melody slowly flows out...

It seems that Luo Ding was very confident in his daughter's beauty. He stroked his beard and smiled contentedly, his face that was slightly drunk was glowing red.

Are you ready to be Pei Mad's father-in-law?

No wonder they wished her and Pei Ran "a happy baby soon".

Is this because she knew that they had been married for so long and she didn't even have a son or a daughter, so she deliberately reminded Pei Madang to use this crooked idea again?

Feng Yun seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and his fingers moved with the music, as if he was fascinated by the music.

I don't know how many people wanted to give concubines to Pei Madang in his past life. Luo Ding was not the first one, nor would he be the last one.

This kind of thing cannot be avoided.

They are actually the same as Feng Jingting. Their daughter is just an object for clinging to the powerful and exchanging benefits. Only they know how much they love her sincerely...

She was not surprised and didn't take it seriously.

Pei Madang's eyes seemed to be frozen.

He did not have an attack in court until the song was over, when the young girl walked up to him and bowed down to him, a little embarrassed.

"I have met the king and the princess... If you don't give up, I am willing to play for you again."

Many people at the table showed disdain, feeling that Luo Ding's flattery was disgusting.

More people are watching the show.

Only Ao Zheng knew that Luo Ding was probably going to hit the iron plate.

After the Li family and his daughter fled to Yecheng, Luo Ding and other old officials were in an extremely embarrassing situation in Xijing. Luo Ding was neither rising nor falling, neither warm nor hot. It was like a knife hanging over his head. He didn't know when he would be cut. Come down...

Is this a chance to take advantage of the drunkenness and gamble in public?

Generally speaking, people who serve as officials in the government will treat each other with a certain amount of dignity, and will not offend anyone easily, let alone make others unable to step down.

So he motioned to his daughter to come closer.

"My little girl Lan Qing, born in Xixian, is sixteen years old. She has always admired the king..."

"Luo Ding." Pei Ran's face turned ashen, and he put down the wine cup, "You are so brave."

Luo Ding's heart dropped when he heard him calling him by his first name.

Pei Madang didn't like his daughter...

Fortunately, he had left himself some room just now and immediately bowed deeply.

"It's my rudeness that dares to disturb your majesty's tranquility by making such a loud noise."

He turned back and glared at his daughter, "Why don't you back off now! You're making a bad statement and it's embarrassing to come out."

The girl was young and had nothing to do. She was scolded by her father in the main hall, and her face had already turned red with embarrassment. Even though her face was covered by a gauze, she could still see the embarrassment in her expression, and there were flashes of tears in her red eyes. …

Pei Ran remained silent, which gave Luo Ding face.

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "Why should Lang Cao be angry? Ling Aili is a natural, talented person, the music is good, and the tune is also good."

I just don’t have a good father.

Luo Ding didn't expect that she would hand him a step, so he immediately handed it over.

"The princess is ridiculous. My little girl is as good as the sky and the earth. I can't afford it. I can't afford it."

Feng Yun's lips curled up into a smile, his eyes flickered, his eyes lightly passed over Luo Lanqing, and then looked back at Pei Man.

This is really a hot potato.

I don’t know if Luo Ding is really a dead horse and a living doctor, making a desperate move to trade his daughter for a future, or is he just like the group of people who came to the city yesterday to shout about the majesty of King Yonghuai, and insists on putting a few high hats on Pei Mad’s head...

Then, step by step, he is pushed to the abyss of corruption and depravity after the peak of power...

Pei Ran's face was cold and solemn, and he said calmly: "Thanks to the grace of Your Majesty and the Queen Mother, I have been promoted by all the princes, and I am sitting on the top. How dare you take credit and be arrogant and act absurdly?"

After saying that, he slowly took Feng Yun's hand, stood up, and saluted Queen Mother Duan side by side.

"There's too much wine, let's break up the banquet."

The ministers were slightly stunned.

Watching the couple striding away, it took them a long time to come back to their senses and say goodbye in unison.

Luo Ding breathed a sigh of relief and felt sweat dripping down his spine.

But he did not expect that as soon as he returned home, he received a summons to summon him to be an envoy to Beirong at night, and he was specially praised.

"Only Cao Lang has the talent to help the world, the perseverance, and the heart to help the country. This trip is yours."

Who doesn’t know that Dajin and Beirong have just had a fight and have not yet entered into an alliance and reconciliation. The one bad thing about this trip is that the sheep is in the tiger’s mouth...

Luo Ding gritted his teeth, "Shu Zi is vicious."


Also unable to sleep like Luo Ding was Empress Dowager Duan in the Changxin Palace.

The moonlight was melancholy, and the light and shadow of the candle fell on her haggard face. Thinking of the words Yuan Shangyi said and his intimacy with Feng Yun, she was filled with sadness.

"Who can I blame? After all, he didn't crawl out of my belly. There is a difference between closeness and distance. It's harder than reaching the sky to ask him to be of the same mind as me... That's all, let him go."

Lin Nvshi choked up and said, "Queen Mother, I feel sorry for you. When Your Majesty was born, he was so skinny and crying. If the Queen Mother hadn't been so soft-hearted and had the courage to do it under the eyes of that poisonous woman Li Sangruo, If he pulls all the strings, how could he be like today..."

Queen Mother Duan lowered her face and said, "No nonsense."

Lin Nvshi knelt down and raised her head with red eyes, "The Queen Mother punished the slave, and the slave also said... In these years, others don't know, but the slave has seen it with his own eyes. How much hardship the Queen Mother has endured, and she managed to survive until today, because Why do you want to marry someone you've known for only a few months? This will break the Queen Mother's heart and smash her face into pieces."

Empress Dowager Duan was silent and lowered her eyes silently, with a swollen heart.

The great eunuch Xu Yongli stood in front of him and sighed, "Your Majesty is young, and he was coaxed around by them, not out of his true intentions..."

His tone was very light, as if he was chatting about everyday things, but every word he spoke to the Queen Mother only added fuel to the fire.

"What do you mean by this?" Empress Dowager Duan raised her red and swollen eyes and looked at him, "Did they deliberately deceive the emperor?"

Xu Yong narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a mysterious expression. He came closer and said in a low voice: "To be honest with Her Majesty the Queen Mother, the eldest princess just arrived in Xijing yesterday, and King Zhuang Xian and his son went to pay homage...and the eldest princess and The Lord of Pingyuan County has a good relationship with Princess Yonghuai, and no one in Andu knows about it."

He paused, leaving Queen Mother Duan time to think.

Then he said slowly: "This matter is by no means simple. It's just a mystery... I don't dare to understand it anymore."

Good night, my dear——

Feng Yun: Nasty. But let’s see who says it.

Chunyu Yan: Yes, Bao...

Feng Yun: I have vomited, thank you.

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