Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 468 What to do now

Xu Yong deliberately spoke in an obscure way, and Queen Mother Duan understood.

But she had always been timid. She was not favored at her mother's home, and she was not liked by Emperor Xifeng when she entered the palace. Later, she was repeatedly suppressed by Li Sangyeol with Yuan Shangyi. She was used to being submissive and swallowing her anger. She usually had no backbone at all and wanted to escape when she encountered troubles.

"Let them go, I can't do anything..."

Xu Yong lowered his head even lower, "Queen Mother..."

There was a bit of anxiety in his shrill voice, "If you don't think about yourself, you should think about His Majesty."

Queen Mother Duan looked up at him.

Xu Yong said: "Your Majesty is naive. If you really want to change your mother one day, what will Your Majesty do?"

Queen Mother Duan was stunned.

Everyone in the world knew that she was not the emperor's biological mother.

"How can we treat the affairs of the royal family as a joke? Can this mother be replaced just by saying so?"

"That being said, but now..." Xu Yong lowered his voice a little, "Prince Yonghuai holds the power. Not to mention that Your Majesty is coaxed into agreeing, even if Your Majesty is unwilling, he has a way to make Your Majesty recognize your mother again... Just like, everyone in the world knows why he was given the Nine Gifts, but he still dares to accept it. Doesn't the Queen Mother understand? Prince Yonghuai is just waiting for an opportunity, an excuse."

Queen Mother Duan stared at him blankly.

At the beginning, they lived together in the White Horse Temple, and it was Prince Yonghuai who helped them to the throne.

"Will the prince really do this?"

Xu Yong smiled bitterly, "Hasn't Your Majesty recently asked Hanlin to tell stories about ancient and modern emperors and generals? After listening to so much, I think Your Majesty should have made a judgment in his heart."

Ministers are unwilling to be ministers when they are powerful.

When the king loses power, he can only abdicate to save his life.

It has been like this since ancient times...

"Fate. It's all fate." Queen Mother Duan clasped her hands nervously, muttering and shaking her head, "Everything is fate. My biological parents don't love me, my husband doesn't like me, and the children I raised by myself don't want to get close to me... If that day really comes, it's my fate."

"Your Highness is confused!" Xu Yong sighed quietly, his eyes full of anxiety, "Your Majesty is only seven years old, what can he know? Others deliberately set up a trap, not to mention a seven-year-old child, even as wise as Prince Yonghuai, wouldn't he be fooled around?"

Queen Mother Duan frowned, "You mean... the princess also deceived Prince Yonghuai?"

Xu Yong nodded and glanced at Ms. Lin.

"You know, Queen Mother, when His Majesty went to Huaxi Village to recuperate, it was the Princess who arranged it all, forcing Her Majesty to compromise with her for His Majesty's health... With such meticulous thoughts, wouldn't Prince Yonghuai be fooled by her?"

Queen Mother Duan raised her eyebrows without thinking, "You don't have to exaggerate. No matter how cunning the Princess is, she is just a young woman. How capable can she be to play with Prince Yonghuai? It's exaggerated."

"The Princess is not an ordinary person. Maybe she is not a human at all."

Xu Yong's cold voice came out with his slightly hoarse voice, which made people shudder.

Queen Mother Duan shuddered and subconsciously straightened her back, "If it's not a human, then what is it?"

Xu Yong said, "I asked someone to ask. There is a saying in Southern Qi that the female Feng family is born with a disaster star and is the reincarnation of a demon. At the age of three, she was able to predict the shocking battle of Bingzhou, thanking General Xian for his annihilation of the whole army..."

He said again, "Feng Jingting is her biological father. How can a biological father push his daughter into the fire pit? The Queen Mother thought back and wondered if Feng Jingting had an ulterior motive when he offered her to the king? In addition, the king has always followed the laws of his ancestors and has never crossed the line. But for the sake of the princess, he repeatedly made exceptions and broke the law that women cannot be officials. Is this something that ordinary people can do?"

Xu Yong sorted out the things for Queen Mother Duan one by one.

After hearing this, Queen Mother Duan was shocked and her face changed.

"So, Princess Yonghuai is really weird."

Xu Yong narrowed his eyes slightly and made a terrifying expression.

"Maybe she used some magic to confuse the king and His Majesty - next she will surely help Southern Qi to destroy the foundation of our Great Jin."

Queen Dowager Duan felt a chill in her heart, and her handkerchief was twisted tightly.

"I was wondering, how could there be such a beautiful and talented woman in the world? No wonder, no wonder... The emperor is aloof and cold, and he is the last to get close to others, why did he get close to her... Is there really a demon in this world?"

After talking to herself, Queen Dowager Duan suddenly looked up and stared at Xu Yong, "Why don't we tell Prince Yonghuai quickly? What are we waiting for?"

Xu Yong was stunned.

He didn't seem to expect that after saying so much, the Queen Dowager came up with this method.

"You can't tell me, Your Highness." Xu Yong said earnestly, "Prince Yonghuai is bewitched by her. If we say that the princess is not good, he may not listen to us, and he may even regard us as enemies. This matter must not be told."

Empress Dowager Duan was anxious because of what he said, and asked with a frown:

"What should we do? Should we let her stir up trouble?"

She was undecided about everything.

Xu Yong said solemnly: "The most important thing for now is to convince Prince Yonghuai. I think as long as we can produce evidence to prove that the princess has deceived your majesty, has an affair with the royal family of Southern Qi, and has evil intentions towards Prince Yonghuai, this situation can be resolved..."

Empress Dowager Duan's eyes lit up, and she said anxiously: "Then send someone to investigate quickly, and you must find evidence to prevent your majesty and the prince from being bewitched by prevent my Great Jin Dynasty from being destroyed."

Xu Yong bowed his head and saluted: "Yes."


On New Year's Eve, the climate in Xijing suddenly changed.

The cold wind howled through the city, chilling the heart to the bone.

It was a rare reunion in the Pei Mansion. New lanterns were hung up and the yard was colorfully decorated. Then a sumptuous meal was prepared to prepare the family to stay up late.

At about noon, Ao Qi came to the house with his bride. Zuo and You were so excited when they saw their brother and sister-in-law that they ran around in front of and behind the house.

Children’s cheers are the most festive atmosphere.

Feng Yun specially served tea and fruit snacks, and made arrangements with a smile.

Amir did not expect that Pei’s house not only had various snacks that she had never seen before, but also could eat fresh fruits during this season. He was so surprised that he opened his mouth from ear to ear and talked about his aunt Chitose several times...

She was as excited as a child.

At this age, he is still a child.

Ao Qi frowned and looked at her with disgust.

But Feng Yun smiled and gave her a big frozen pear, and asked Zuo and You to take their new sister-in-law to order firecrackers.

Amir had a great time.

Until dusk, Pei Yuan saw that the young couple had no intention of leaving, and she became anxious.

"Brothers and sisters." She pulled Feng Yun to one side, "Go and ask, when will they return home?"

Feng Yun was startled, then narrowed his eyes with a smile, "Eldest sister, why didn't you ask yourself?"

Pei Yuan stretched her head to look out and curled her lips, "I'm going to ask. My daughter-in-law thinks I dislike her. I don't know what to think."

Sporadic sound of firecrackers came from the courtyard from time to time, accompanied by the screams of the two children and Amir.

In Cangyan Mountain, Amir had never set off firecrackers or seen fireworks...

Feng Yun listened to the festive voice and said with a smile: "Then why do you ask, eldest sister? If they want to stay and celebrate the New Year with their mother, then they can stay."

Pei Yuan knitted her brows together, "No. No matter what, Xiao Qi is also named Ao. I have taken A Zuo and A You with me. It is unreasonable to leave Xiao Qi and his wife behind..."

Feng Yun curled his lips and said, "Eldest sister doesn't want Ao Xiang to spend the New Year alone. Is it too desolate?"

Pei Yuan's face darkened, "He has two beautiful concubines, what's the point of being miserable? I'm afraid that others won't listen to me, and my father's face will be ruined. I'm even more afraid that others will say that my brother is bullying others... Alas, you don't know. Everything can be said from those people's mouths..."

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing when he saw her frowning and speaking seriously.

Just as he was about to persuade him, Ao Qi's voice suddenly came from behind.

"My father asked us to come."

He slowly lifted the curtain and came in. He didn't know how long he listened. His face was a little solemn, and his eyes quickly passed over Feng Yun's face without daring to stop. Then he lowered his head, cupped his fists and bowed to her two.

"My father said that it was not easy for my mother to give birth to me. I should honor my mother and stay with my mother during the Chinese New Year to talk about our family relationship."

"Hmph..." Pei Yuan said angrily: "Why are you pretending to be a good person? If you really care about me, how could you do such a bad thing? He is too old. He is afraid that if he cannot move back, my concubine will take advantage of him. Qian eloped with a wild man, and now he wants to find me, his enemy, to go back and serve him. "

Ao Qi was silent.

The atmosphere froze awkwardly.

Feng Yun looked at his mother and son, once to the left and once to the right.

Seeing the stalemate between mother and son, they chuckled to smooth things over.

"It's Chinese New Year. It's celebrated wherever you go. Xiaoqi is here. Sister, don't think too much, just be happy..."

After hearing her words, Pei Yuan restrained her expression and forced out a smile.

"Then you can stay. When you come back, remember to tell your bride to act more cautiously and learn the rules she doesn't understand as soon as possible. Don't make a fool of yourself..."

Ao Qi cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

Before he could finish his voice, a scream suddenly came from outside.

It's sharper, thinner and more terrifying than before...

Ao Qi's expression changed and he rushed out in the next moment.

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