Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 469 Heartbroken

Feng Yun and Pei Yuan looked at each other and followed him out.

In the yard, Amir and Aozai stared at each other, neither of them moving.

Seeing Ao Qi appear, Amir subconsciously ran towards him.

"Husband, save me--"

Almost at the same time, Aozai also saw Ao Qi.

It also rushed towards Ao Qi excitedly.

Its two front paws were open, which was the same posture it used to get close to Ao Qi.

But Amir didn't know.

She thought Aozai was going to attack Ao Qi.

"Be careful!"

She shouted, and she didn't know where she got the courage from. She opened her arms and pounced on Ao Qi, facing Aozai with her back, as if she was going to protect Ao Qi from being attacked...

Then she was hit hard by Aozai who followed, and Ao Qi staggered to the ground...

So, this was what Feng Yun and Pei Yuan saw when they came over.

Amir was lying on Ao Qi with his legs spread out, and behind him was Ao Zai who was at a loss as to what to do after doing something wrong...

In this situation, the atmosphere became strangely quiet.

There was no sound around, and Ao Qi's blood was boiling, and he only felt a buzzing in his ears.

He spread his hands behind him, not touching Amir's body, and was furious at the sight coming from all directions.

"Why don't you get up?!"

Amir was a little dazed after falling, and she looked back at Ao Zai.

"I wasn't bitten?"

Ao Qi looked at her coldly.

She looked at Ao Zai again, "Isn't it a beast? Is it a poultry?"

Ao Qi was almost mad at her.

Being surrounded by the servants in the mansion was fine, but the key point was to embarrass himself in front of Feng Yun, which was more painful than killing him. He just wished he could find a crack in the ground to crawl into. The bride was still chattering about Ao Zai, her heart and eyes full of curiosity.

"What is it, a cat? A tiger? A leopard? What is it?"

"Can you get out of the way?"

Ao Qi bit his back teeth and pushed her shoulder hard.

"Get out of the way and talk!"

Amir was startled, and suddenly his eyes widened like copper bells.

"You hit me? You actually hit me?"

Ao Qi: "When did I hit you?"

"You did. My mother and aunt saw it."

Amir was not convinced, and suddenly sat up and rode on Ao Qi's body.

"I came to save you, but you hit me. You are ungrateful and turned against me, and, oh, you kill the donkey after you have done your work. Yes, you kill the donkey after you have done your work, and I am that donkey..."

These are the words she just learned, and she said them very fluently, but Pei Yuan's eyes went black when she heard them, and she almost fainted.

What kind of evil is this?

She was afraid that the young couple would continue to quarrel, attract more people, and make a bigger joke, so she shouted in a deep voice.

"Get up! It's New Year's Day, what's the point of fighting and making noise? Get up, change your clothes, and go into the house to talk."

Amir didn't know the rules, but he knew he had to respect his mother-in-law. Seeing Pei Yuan walk away with a gloomy face, he seemed to be extremely angry with her. He quickly climbed up from Ao Qi's body, hummed softly, walked aside, and stared at Ao Zai.

Ao Zai slowly walked towards Ao Qi and got close to him.

Ao Qi hugged him, put his face on Ao Zai's neck, squatted down, and was so embarrassed that he wanted Ao Zai to carry him away.

Ao Zai seemed to know what was in his mind and stretched out his tongue to lick him.

Amir was shocked again when he saw such a terrible action.

"What is this?"

"Zi. Let's go eat." Ao Qi recovered and ignored Amir. He stroked Ao Zai's head and smiled gently, "Brother brought you delicious food. Let's go and get it."


Only in front of Ao Zai were he and Feng Yun equals.

Aozai followed Ao Qi obediently.

A Zuo and A You giggled and told Amir.

"It's called Aozai, it's a big cat raised by my aunt, it doesn't bite people. Sister-in-law, are you a coward?"

Amir turned his head stiffly and looked at Feng Yun.

Feng Yun smiled, "I scared you. Let's go and change clothes, we'll have the New Year's Eve dinner soon."

Amir was aggressive in front of Ao Qi because she knew he didn't dare to do anything to her. When facing Pei Yuan and Feng Yun, she was much more obedient.

The two walked side by side, and when they walked out of the garden, Feng Yun saw Cui Zhi standing with two maids.

She seemed to always have the same face.

Haggard, pitiful, and so dull that no emotion could be seen.

"Princess." The maids saluted Feng Yun.

Then they bowed to Amir, "Young Madam."

Cui Zhi also saluted with the others.

Feng Yun's eyes passed over her head, and he smiled softly:

"There's no need to be so polite during the New Year. You all go find some fun and play on your own."

The maids thanked her with a smile, and then left.

From beginning to end, Feng Yun did not hear Cui Zhi's voice.

She glanced at Amir, who was completely unaware, and smiled lightly.

"This way."

Amir didn't know about Ao Qi's affairs. He lowered his head and pulled his sleeves, frowning in dissatisfaction: "It's all Ao Qi's fault. He didn't tell me that Ao Zai doesn't bite people, which made me embarrassed."

Feng Yun saw her innocence and straightforwardness, smiled, and didn't say much. He personally took Amir to change clothes, and then brought her back to the hall, and found that Pei Jue had returned.

Early this morning, Pei Jue went to the various garrison camps in Xijing.

This is his old tradition. On New Year's Day, he must have lunch with the soldiers, and at least say hello.

"Your Majesty." Feng Yun bowed and walked to his side and sat down.

Looking twice, she smiled.

"How's that? No one is causing trouble for you, right?"

Pei Ran: "On New Year's Day, no one can think so hard about it, right?"

Feng Yun was stunned and chuckled: "You sent Luo Ding to Beirong. How can the old party members tolerate this? At the banquet yesterday, I saw that Ruan Shangshu's face didn't look good."

Pei Ran suddenly reached out and grabbed her, staring at her.

"Mother Yun feels sorry for me?"

Feng Yun looked at him sideways, "What do you think? Where on my face does it look like it hurts?"

Pei Man raised his eyebrows and changed the topic.

"I heard something while I was out today, and it was related to you."

Feng Yun was slightly startled, "Me? What can I do?"

Pei Ran looked at her and said, "There are rumors that His Majesty wants to recognize you as your godmother and me as your godfather."

Feng Yun was startled.

It is a trivial matter for ordinary people to recognize a godmother and godfather. How could the emperor recognize each other casually?

What this rumor released is clearly a sign that Pei Madang has ambitions to usurp the throne...

"Who is so bold as to arrange such a major event in heaven?"

Pei Ran paused, his voice as cold as ice.

"The demons and monsters in Xijing City seem to be impatient and want to come out and die."

"It's really strange..."

She was talking to A Yuan last night, but she didn't find anyone there.

Unless someone is deliberately targeting you.

Either staring at her, or staring at the little emperor.

The wind blew from the corridor and passed through the curtain, making Feng Yun suddenly feel cold.


Pei Mansion’s New Year’s Eve dinner this year is very festive.

Feng Yun suggested that if the family eats for reunion, they should sit at the reunion table and have the reunion dinner, so a long banquet was set up and everyone sat together.

Pei Chong is sitting at the top, with Pei Mad and Feng Yun on the left, Pei Yuan on the right, Ao Qi and Amir, and the two younger ones, A Zuo and A You, at the bottom.

The family sat neatly together, and the atmosphere was beautiful.

Pei Chong, however, left the table in advance and was pushed out of the table.

Amir was a little scared when he saw the solemn expressions on everyone's faces.

Because she doesn't understand the rules, she has gotten into a lot of trouble these days.

She asked in a low voice: "Did I offend Aweng because I...can't speak?"

Ao Qi frowned when he saw her, "It's none of your business, just eat your food."

Amir said "Oh", lowered his head silently, took advantage of others' surprise, and gave Ao Qi another roll of his eyes.

"You..." Ao Qi was angry.

Pei Yuan glanced over lightly and sighed.

"I miss my grandma. We are reunited every year. How can we be reunited every year?"

Feng Yun had heard a little bit about Pei Chong's deep love for his deceased wife. In fact, she subconsciously felt that men like her father-in-law were real men. What kind of woman could not live and die for him with such deep love?

She picked up a chopstick for Pei Ran and smiled softly.

"If you are half as good as your father, I think the country and the people will be in peace."

Pei Madang raised his eyes, confused.

Feng Yun smiled brightly, "Eat it, I specially asked Zao Shang to make it for you. Human face and animal heart...oh no, hot chicken."

Pei Ran:......


That night, Ao Qi and Amir stayed overnight in Pei Mansion.

Since they were husband and wife, Feng Yun only arranged a room for them.

But when she woke up the next day, she was woken up by Xiao Man, and she heard that Ao Qi was angry with his bride, and had someone add a quilt and mattress last night, so he was alone in the second room, and later slept with Ao Zai.

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"There is no heater in the second room. I am afraid it will freeze. I ordered some ginger soup to be cooked on the stove and sent to General Ao."

Xiaoman promised.

Feng Yun asked Huan'er and Pei'er to come over and change his clothes.

Although the Pei family has no relatives in Xijing City, there will definitely be people coming to pay New Year's greetings on New Year's Day. Even if she doesn't want to socialize, she still has to stand up and do what Princess Yonghuai should do.

She was prepared, but she didn't expect that the first people to come to the house to pay New Year greetings were Wei Zheng and Luo Yue.

Feng Yun and Luo Yue hadn't seen each other for a long time, and both had a lot to say, so they left the men in the front hall and went to the backyard to talk.

Talking about what happened after they broke up, the two looked at each other and held hands, sighing.

"I really miss Andu and those sisters in need. It would be great if I could go back and take a look."

I heard that Wen Hui got married, Da Man returned to Nan Qi, Ying Rong became the shopkeeper of the garment shop, Chai Ying and Nan Kui could also take charge of their own business, Guan Wei had a sweetheart, A Wan also set up a noodle stall, and now even Xiao Man There is a marriage.

"Everyone is living so well. It all depends on my sister and you."

Luo Yue cried and laughed, and then talked about herself.

"I'm not with my sister, and it's much harder to be alone. At first, there were a lot of rumors. They said that I was a little trick brought out of the brothel by my husband, and I was not worthy to carry on the Wei family. Everyone inside and outside the house burst into laughter when they saw me. Later, my husband found out a few of them openly and secretly, and tidied me up. As time went by, there were fewer people making irresponsible remarks, and others became respectful when they saw me... "

After Luo Yue gave birth, her body became plumper than before, and her face became rosy. She looked like a blessed face.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "It's good that my sister is happy."

Luo Yue pursed her lips and smiled bitterly.

"As long as you don't gossip in front of me, and don't care about what you say about me behind my back. Anyway, my life now is happier than theirs... I have a son, and I have enjoyed the blessings. What's next? , Just do what you love.”

Feng Yun originally had a smile on his face, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, he felt a hint of frustration.

She asked, "Why are you disappointed?"

Luo Yue suddenly lowered her eyes and raised the corners of her mouth with a bitter smile.

"Wei Zheng is going to get married."

Feng Yun looked at her and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Luo Yue was not born in a high-class family, and her relationship with Wei Zheng was even worse, which caused controversy. It would be difficult for her to correct these things in her life.

Feng Yun asked, "What are your plans?"

Luo Yue shook her head, "I knew on the first day with Wei Zheng that this day would come sooner or later. I just didn't expect..."

She raised Feng Yun's hand and placed it on her heart.

"I never thought it would be so...heartbroken."

Feng Yun's face changed slightly.

How free and easy did Luo Yue say when she left Andu? She had already seen through the love between men and women, and only wanted what she should want, but not the man's heart--

Who knew that she would fall in love with him day and night?

Ao Zi: In the end, it was me, a big cat who took everything.

Ao Qi: Don't say it, brother, only you know my suffering.

Aozai: And your stinky feet.

Ao Qi: ...

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