Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 470 Entrustment of Life and Property

On the first day of the new year, Luo Yue sat for an hour before saying goodbye to Feng Yun.

When she left, it started to snow in Xijing City. It was a drizzle at first, but when Feng Yun watched her get into the carriage, the snowflakes began to fall.

Luo Yue still had no grudge against Wei Zheng, and Feng Yun couldn't tell from her face that she was "heartbroken". She was smiling and showing off to Wei Zheng what Feng Yun had prepared for their son. little clothes and little toys...

It seems to be written on his face:

"Look, I'm loved by someone too."

"I have a natal family and a younger sister."

Wei Zheng was naturally extremely polite and bowed to Feng Yun repeatedly.

Feng Yun smiled and waved to Luo Yue without saying anything.

Everything that needs to be said and can be said has been said in the backyard.

As the carriage gradually went away, she hugged Mrs. Tang tightly and returned home.

From time to time, people in the house came to pay New Year's greetings, and Feng Yun helped to receive the women's family members. It was not until dusk that it became quiet.

Feng Yun asked Pei Ran, "What did Wei Zhengyou tell you?"

Pei Madang was changing his clothes. When he heard the sound, he turned around and said after hesitation: "I sent a wedding invitation."

Feng Yun said: "When is the wedding date?"

Pei Ran looked at her and said, "It's the eighth day of the first lunar month."

That's only a few days away.

Luo Yue didn't say anything just now, so naturally she had no intention of inviting Feng Yun.

Maybe she didn't want Feng Yun to see her forcing a smile, right?

Feng Yun didn't speak for a long time.

The dim light illuminated her solemn face.

Pei Madang didn't seem to expect her reaction to this matter to be so big. He changed his clothes and sat over, put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his arms.

"I don't know how to take concubines."

Feng Yun didn't move or struggle, and looked up at him.

"I don't want to go to Wei Mansion's wedding banquet."

Pei Ran frowned slightly.

When it comes to some social activities, it’s not about whether you want to or not, but whether you want them or not.

Seeing that Feng Yun was not happy, he hesitated and said, "If you don't want to go, don't go. We call it sick and stay at home."

Feng Yun said with a straight face, "Why am I sick? I'm not sick."

Pei Ran:......

Don't you give me any face at all?

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, "When Wen Hui got married, she was in love with He Chuandong. Even though the He family complained a lot, they couldn't say anything, so they had to welcome her as a real wife. But Luo Yue..."

She lowered her eyes.

"I didn't see her much at first, I gave her opportunities, and I had the intention of taking advantage of her. That's why she married into the Wei family so unbearably... Now that there is an additional mistress, she will be turned upside down in her life. I can’t survive anymore…”

What she didn't say was...

The first encounter between Luo Yue and Wei Zheng was unbearable. Although it was Luo Yue's own choice, it was also the result of her small tricks.

Pei Ran was silent.

He knew that Feng Yun was right.

But I don’t know why Feng Yun is so kind to these concubines...

"Maybe we feel sympathy for each other." Feng Yun saw his doubts and sighed, as if thinking of something, he suddenly stared at Pei Mad.

"Since the eighth day of the first lunar month is a good day, let's arrange the marriage between Xiao Man and Zuo Zhong."

Pei Madang was unprepared, but there was no surprise.

"Is it too hasty?"

Feng Yun said: "I have experience and I have enough time."

She specifically chose that day to hold a wedding for Xiao Man and Zuo Zhong. First, she didn't have to go to the wedding banquet in Wei Mansion, and second, it was really hard to wait any longer. She wanted to go back to Andu as soon as possible, but now that she was gone, she didn’t know when she would come back...

Zuo Zhong's mother passed away in his early years, and his father worked as an errand in the Ministry of Household Affairs. He was an eighth-grade second assistant officer and did some accounting work. In the second year after his mother passed away, he married another woman and had another child. Zuo Zhong's The two younger siblings are less than ten years old.

Zuo Zhong never came home these years and almost cut off contact with his father.

Feng Yun asked for his opinion.

"Do you want to inform your family?"

Zuo Zhong lowered his head, "No need."

Feng Yun appreciated this freedom and ease.

Those who have love and care are called family members. Those who don’t are inferior to passers-by. Why should they be subject to those rules and make their lives miserable?

"Then I will help you take care of it."

Zuo Zhong hummed and clasped his fists.

"Thank you, Princess."

Feng Yun smiled softly and said, "Thank you for whatever I do. As long as you treat Xiaoman well in the future, I will treat you like your own brother-in-law."

Zuo Zhong was flattered that she used such an affectionate name.

"My subordinates don't dare to take it seriously."

Feng Yun pursed his lips slightly, "You deserve it. Xiaoman and I share the joys and sorrows, and I will definitely make the decision for her in the future."

Even if she sacrificed her life for Xiao Man in her previous life, she should still be supported.

However, Zuo Zhong and Xiao Man did not know what Feng Yun was thinking, and they were both grateful. Xiaoman was even more so. Before Zuo Zhong could retreat, tears already filled her eyes and she knelt down towards Feng Yunying.

"Madam, my maid is willing to work for you in this life..."

Feng Yun smiled and helped her: "You don't have to be a cow or a horse, just get up early tomorrow and accompany me to help my Xiaoman buy wedding supplies."

Xiaoman blushed with embarrassment.

Zuo Zhong said goodbye and left. Before he had time to drink tea, he hurried back and found Xiao Man. He was holding a box in his hand, which contained all the money he had saved.

"I have saved some money over the years, and I think it will be enough for the wedding."

He opened the box again and motioned to Xiaoman to take a look.

"I bought a house in Zhongjing and rented it to others. When the princess bought a house and shop in Andu at a low price, I also bought a few houses with Ji You. I usually didn't have time to take care of them, so I let Ya Po rent them out. These are all given to you."

Xiaoman was shocked.

I was flustered, moved and a little at a loss.

"Brother Zuo, you can keep your things by yourself. I also have some personal money, all of which I received from my wife, and I have saved them all..."

Having said this, she shyly pursed her lips and lowered her head.

"I really don't have enough money, and I can't let my wife spend it all. Then I...just use some of your money to hold weddings, and you can keep the rest yourself."

She had no idea that Zuo Zhong would have so much property.

She never thought that Zuo Zhong would give it all to her.

At this moment, Xiaoman was wrapped in happiness. He was very careful about this sincerity. He was afraid that something would be broken if he didn't pay attention. He didn't dare to reach out at all...

Seeing her like this, Zuo Zhong sighed, took her hand and hugged the box.

"Since you and I are going to be husband and wife, we shouldn't separate ourselves from each other in the future. What's mine is yours. Take it."

Xiaoman's arm was in his palm, as stiff as a stone, nervous and happy at the same time, his eyes were full of heat waves, and he almost cried.

"Xiao Man is so lucky to be able to marry his beloved..."

Zuo Zhong looked at her and pursed his lips.

"Take it, I'm leaving."

Xiaoman's mind was empty and she stood there in a daze. It wasn't until Zuo Zhong left and her back could no longer be seen that she came back with the box in her arms and stood in front of Feng Yun, smiling like a fool.

"He gave it to me, ma'am. He gave it to me."

Feng Yun was reading under the lamp and raised his head in confusion.


Xiaoman twitched his lips, as if he was laughing, and seemed about to cry, but his eyes were full of happiness.

She opened the box in front of Feng Yun and showed her each item.

"Madam, Brother Zuo said these are money for weddings. Madam, he is so kind to me...not my sister. He said that we are husband and wife, and he entrusted all his wealth to me..."

Is this all incoherent?

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Okay, okay, put it away quickly. I know that you have a husband who loves you, has a family and money, Xiaoman."

Generally, servants don't need to make any fuss when getting married, but Feng Yun doesn't want to wrong Xiao Man, nor does he want Zuo Zhong to lose face, so he still needs the proper pomp.

The next day it cleared up after the snow. After breakfast, Feng Yun asked Ge Guang to set up his car and took Xiao Man and a few maids to the market for shopping.

During the Chinese New Year, many merchants only work for half a day. A few people take the list listed by Feng Yun and work separately to buy everything.

Feng Yun took Xiaoman to a tailor shop to make wedding clothes.

"You'd better be in a hurry, otherwise I'll ask Ying Rong to make the wedding dress for you. The wedding dress she made will have to be compared with the embroiderers in the palace..."

"That's good." Xiaoman felt a bit dreamy and erratic since last night, "Xiaoman never thought that there would be such a good day."

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing when he saw her dazed there.

"You have said this many times. Don't worry, there will be better things in the future..."

"Xiaoman doesn't dare to be greedy, this is enough."

While the two were talking, the shopkeeper came over and called Xiao Man.

"Please also ask the young lady to follow me to the inner room and measure the size."

Xiaoman's eyes were bright and he said to Feng Yun, "I'll be back as soon as I go."

Feng Yun smiled, "Go ahead."

Xiaoman went in, and the curtain behind him swayed slightly, as if a cold wind was blowing over him.

Feng Yun turned around and saw a figure quickly disappearing in front of him.

She curled her lips slightly and looked at Ye Chuang, who was standing by the door.

"Guard Ye, your knife can have eyes."

Ye Chuang was standing in the wrong direction and saw no one, but he understood Feng Yun's expression and clenched the handle of the knife without saying a word.


Ye Chuang strode out.

Feng Yun sat down and sat idle for a while, then Xiaoman came out.

"Madam, the measurement is done, let's go."

Today, Xiaoman was shy. Feng Yun didn't say anything to her. He told the shopkeeper to make the wedding dress within three days and then asked Ge Guang to pay the bill.

Xiaoman refused and had to pay for it himself.

Feng Yun didn't want to compete with her and planned to subsidize her in other ways.

Whatever Wenhui had when she got married, Xiaoman also wanted to have it.

The group went out happily and returned with a full load.

The whole mansion became lively, and Pei Yuan also sent someone to ask if she wanted to help. Feng Yun thanked her for her kindness, but refused.

After waiting for about an hour, Ye Chuang returned home.

"Madam." His eyes were dark and his expression was slightly solemn. "That person came from the palace. He said he was out of the palace on errands. He was carrying medicinal materials in his hand... It doesn't look like he was following her intentionally."

Came out of the palace.

Won't it be tracked?

Feng Yun thought for a moment, then raised his eyes with a smile.

"I understand, there are guards from Laoye."

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