Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 471: Furious

The Pei Mansion was going to hold a wedding, so naturally they couldn't go to Wei Zheng's wedding banquet.

Not only could they not go, but some people who were originally going to the Wei Mansion for the banquet would also think about it and change their schedules - even if the people who were holding the wedding were just the princess's personal maid and the Yonghuai King's personal guard.

The princess openly said that she treated Xiaoman as her sister.

Zuo Zhong was also someone Pei Jue spent every day with...

Sometimes invisible power is more useful than an official position in the open.

The wedding banquet was held in the Pei Mansion, and the bridal chamber was also in the Pei Mansion. Isn't it a wedding for the Pei Mansion and the Yonghuai King's family?

At first, some people hesitated, but when they saw their colleagues posting, some people followed suit and handed in the invitation to the Pei Mansion, saying that they would come to the banquet.

This made Xiaoman a little worried, "Madam, will it be embarrassing for Wei Sizhu? What should we do if the people in the Wei Mansion vent their anger on Luo Ji?"

Feng Yun smiled.

"Since I have wrestled with them in public for Luo Yue and embarrassed them, do you think they should consider how to treat Luo Ji in the future?"

Xiao Man suddenly realized.

Of course, the lady did not go against the Wei Mansion just to vent her anger.

It is a foregone conclusion that Wei Zheng will marry.

Luo Yue's status as a concubine cannot be changed.

Then in the future, Wei's mother will not be happy. Wei's wife is from a high family. How can Luo Yue and her son live well?

Feng Yun could not change anything. What he could do was to put on this attitude to prevent Wei's mother and Wei Zheng's new wife from bullying Luo Yue and her children in the future.

Xiaoman said: "Madam, you treat us sisters with all your heart and soul. Xiaoman will never be able to repay you in this life..."

"I'm sorry for you." Feng Yun smiled, "Originally, you didn't have to rush your marriage."

Xiaoman lowered her head shyly, "I just like to rush like this."

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Then I have to congratulate you?"

Xiaoman bowed: "Then I would like to thank you for your help, Madam?"

The two smiled at each other.


On the eighth day of the first lunar month, Pei's mansion held a lively wedding banquet. All the important people came, and even those who couldn't come sent gifts.

Of course, all of this was for Pei Jue's face.

Zuo Zhong's father and stepmother also came, bringing two younger brothers and sisters, carrying two loads of gifts. As soon as they entered the mansion, they bowed to apologize, saying that they didn't have time to arrange their son's wedding.

But others felt it was strange.

Isn't it blaming Zuo Zhong for not notifying them in advance?

When the guests came, Feng Yun did not chase them away. She smiled and asked them to accept the gifts and take their seats.

However, when it was time to worship in the hall, Zuo Zhong's father and stepmother looked around, but no one came to invite them to go up and drink the bride's tea.

They were unwilling to leave, but they did not dare to make a scene. They just sat there and insisted on waiting until the wedding banquet was over. Then, under the scrutiny of everyone, they left early.

The wedding ceremony went very smoothly. When Feng Yun took Huan'er and others to the bridal chamber, Xiaoman was so moved that she wiped her tears.


"Don't cry, don't cry. Your makeup is ruined. It will be bad if the groom sees it."

Feng Yun hugged her and patted her twice, and Xiaoman hugged her tightly.

"Madam... Xiaoman's life is yours."

Feng Yun was startled, "Puh, puh, puh, on the wedding night, what nonsense are you talking about?"

He bowed to the burning red candles in the bridal chamber again.

"God is wise. Don't listen to the nonsense of silly children."

Xiaoman burst into tears and laughed.


Feng Yun did not stay in the wedding room for too long. After the banquet outside was over, she left two maids to do some chores, and she took Huan'er and Pei'er back.

There were too many interpersonal relationships, and Pei Jue did not care about these things. She had to arrange them and record them in the book so that she could return the gifts in the future.

"Did the Grand Princess's Mansion also send gifts?"

She looked at the gift list in her hand and frowned slightly.

This time, Xing Dalang followed her to the capital.

All the matters on the account were handled by this young man.

Hearing this, Xing Dalang nodded and smiled: "Sister Xiaoman's wedding is really honorable. Not only the Grand Princess, but many dignitaries have sent gifts..."

Feng Yun took it and looked at it. Her hand was heavy.

This is not a gift list, it is a reflection of the control of King Yonghuai over the Xijing court...

What is presented on the gift list is not money, but attitude.


On the morning of the ninth day, Feng Yun just opened her eyes and heard Huan'er report.

"Xiao Man came here before dawn and waited outside to pay respects to the lady."

Feng Yun asked someone to call her in.

In the bright light, Xiao Man bowed to Feng Yun shyly. When she looked up again, the sweetness in her eyes almost overflowed.

Feng Yun teased, "You came so early, I thought Zuo Zhong bullied you and you came to complain."

"Madam, why are you laughing at me..." Xiao Man looked at the teasing light in Feng Yun's eyes, and suddenly thought of everything that happened last night, her ears turned red, "The maid wanted to come earlier to help the lady get up."

Feng Yun asked her not to come and serve her because of the wedding.

But Xiao Man insisted on staying, and said that Zuo Zhong had already been on duty, so Feng Yun had to let her go.

"Pack up and go to the Grand Princess's mansion with me to return the gift."


The Grand Princess's mansion was purchased in the early years.

She was favored by Emperor Xifeng since she was young, and her life was smooth. Even her daughter Puyang Yi was probably unaware of how much wealth she had.

The furnishings in the mansion were exquisite, with pavilions, towers, rockery and ponds. There was also a high platform built on the waterside pavilion for the eldest princess to entertain herself. It was extremely luxurious.

It can be said that the Pei Mansion is nothing compared to this house.

When Feng Yun went there, the Grand Princess was roasting a fire on the high platform and watching a few concubines fighting.

With her status, sometimes living in a deep house is really boring, and this is just a way to pass the time.

The Grand Princess did not avoid it and asked someone to invite Feng Yun over.

"Princess, you came at the right time. I have found a few martial artists to compete today. They are all very good at martial arts. Princess, please enjoy it together."

Feng Yun followed the host's wishes and sat down below the Grand Princess.

They were sitting in a very high position, with a light veil hanging in front of the table, so they could clearly see the situation of the competition in the arena, but the people in the arena could not see them...

Feng Yun knew that the eldest princess was a person who enjoyed life, but she had never experienced it personally, so she really did not know the happiness of the royal princess...

The several warriors were very handsome, each with their own merits, and they all learned good martial arts, strong and vigorous, and they could be said to be young talents picked from a hundred.

I don’t know what prize the eldest princess gave them. Several people fought to the death, and they did not give in. Although they did not use weapons, the sound of fists hitting flesh seemed to tear the air apart, and a murderous atmosphere made people terrified.

The eldest princess turned her head and asked with a smile: "Princess, who do you think will win?"

Feng Yun smiled, "I think it's hard to tell."

The eldest princess picked up the cup and shook it slowly.

"It's interesting to see them evenly matched. If they can be knocked down with one punch, what's the fun..."

Feng Yun chuckled, her eyes fixed on the field, sitting lazily, looking very relaxed.

The eldest princess looked at her from the corner of her eye, secretly complaining.

This Feng girl is calm and composed in the face of any situation, which shows her inner strength...

If it were her daughter today, she would be so panicked when she first arrived and saw this.

The eldest princess smiled and suddenly turned her head.

"Princess, why did you come to see me today?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Yesterday, I hosted a banquet at my humble home. I was so grateful for your kindness and gift. Today, I came here to thank you."

"Princess, you are too polite." The eldest princess smiled calmly, "Those are all trivial matters, not worth mentioning. I should be grateful for your care for my children."

The two of them spoke politely and looked very close, but Feng Yun's heart was not as calm as her face.

This eldest princess has a heart like an abyss. She looks easy-going, but it is difficult to see through.

Puyang Yi got the news and ran over just after the competition ended.

She always disliked her mother's behavior. Seeing that she actually invited Feng Yun over, she felt embarrassed and unhappy, but she couldn't hide her expression, so her face was very ugly.

"I want to talk to Ayun alone for a while, please give me permission, mother."

The eldest princess smiled and said, "You are a child who is usually not good at talking. The princess is a distinguished guest. Whether she wants to talk to you in private depends on her feelings. You should ask for permission from the princess."

Puyang Yi said "oh" and winked at Feng Yun.

"Princess, come with me?"

Feng Yun agreed.

But she had just drunk a lot of tea and was a little anxious.

"I will go change clothes first and come to find the county lady later."

Puyang Yi was happy and signaled to the maid.

"Shuangxi, take the princess to change clothes."

Feng Yun took Xiaoman and went to the nearby courtesy room built behind the water pavilion under the guidance of the maid Shuangxi.

When she came out after using the toilet, she saw a man who looked like a martial artist striding over. He was one of the ones she saw in the competition arena just now...

It was normal to bump into someone in the courtesy room. Seeing a distinguished guest, just avoid him.

Feng Yun did not expect that the martial artist would stare at her with his eyes, not dodging or avoiding, and asked with a smile:

"Whose young lady is this, born with such a beautiful face..."

"How dare you!" Xiaoman frowned, shouted angrily, and opened her arms to block Feng Yun.

The maid named Shuangxi was also angry, stomping her feet and complaining.

"This is Princess Yonghuai, you, why don't you apologize to the princess?"

The martial artist's face changed slightly, and he was also shocked, and immediately bowed his head and saluted.

"Tan offended the princess, and he deserves death. Please forgive me."

In the Grand Princess's mansion, even if someone deserves death, it is not Feng Yun's turn to punish. What's more, this person dares to be so bold and must be favored by the Grand Princess...

Feng Yun said lightly: "Go to His Highness to receive the punishment yourself."

After that, she left.

Feng Yun did not take this trivial matter to heart, and did not even tell Pei Jue when she returned home.

Unexpectedly, a so-called "rumor" spread in Xijing City the next day...

"Princess Yonghuai was molested by the concubine kept by the Grand Princess, and she was furious."

"The concubine's surname is Tan, and he is very valued by the Grand Princess. The Grand Princess is reluctant to hand him over to make amends..."

People are most interested in such romantic affairs and love to gossip.

One person spreads ten, ten spreads a hundred, and soon it was exaggerated to say that Prince Yonghuai was furious and was determined to seek justice for the princess...

Good night, good night, thank you readers for your support, love you!

Feng Yun: Mua mua!

Pei Jue: Sweet.

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