Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 475 The King Serves

It's snowing in Xijing City today.

The carriage leaving the palace was covered with snowflakes flying in the sky. Feng Yun did not hear Pei Ran speak all the way from Kaiyang Gate to Pei Mansion.

She didn't think too much and said nothing, the letter was still lingering in her mind...

How did it leak out, and how did it fall into the hands of Queen Mother Duan?

Feng Yun was puzzled. It wasn't until the carriage stopped that she smiled resignedly.

"Your Majesty, just say whatever you want to say, and ask whatever you want to ask. There is no need to do this..."

Pei Ran looked back at her, "Are you hungry?"

Feng Yun thought he heard wrongly and raised his eyes, "What did you say?"

Pei Ran said: "I saw you didn't use much after eating early."

Feng Yun: "That's because I'm worried about how the king can protect me from being bullied..."

Pei Madang looked at her intently and said, "Yes, very clever."

Feng Yun smiled and was about to speak when he saw Pei Madang stood up, jumped out of the car, and came to pick her up.

Feng Yun didn't see anger on his face.

But Pei Gou always acted out of control, and she didn't dare to take it lightly. She looked directly at him and reached out to him...

Pei Ran picked her up, but did not put her down. Instead, in front of everyone, he picked her up and went to Meixiangyuan where she lived.

In the yard, the red plum blossoms are in full bloom.

The origin of Meixiangyuan is precisely because of the plum blossoms in the courtyard.

Feng Yun actually likes it.

But because of the plum blossoms on the snow, I was inexplicably a little reluctant to the name "Meixiangyuan".

But this was the Pei Mansion, not Nagato, so she was too lazy to say anything.

Unexpectedly, Pei Ran glanced at the door lintel casually, and looked at her tepidly, as if he had seen through it.

"If you don't like it, give it another name."

When did you start guessing a woman’s thoughts?

Feng Yun said lightly: "How can I care about it at this moment? For the sake of my life, I can actually be humble and act like a small person."

Pei Ran: "You don't have to be small."

Before Feng Yun could speak, he said again: "You are the legal wife."

He is a person who knows how to tease.

No, for Feng Yun, it was better to have Pei Mant laugh at her than to be sulky with a sullen face.

She smiled softly and said nothing, just looking at how he was doing.

When the servants came out of the palace, they found the two masters with sullen faces and "respecting each other as ice".

Everyone was a little nervous at first, but they didn't expect to see Feng Yun actually smile.

Xiaoman took the lead and stepped into the courtyard.

"I'll get some water."

Coming back from outside on a snowy day was a very serious thing for Feng Yun, who loved cleanliness, but now that Pei Man was holding her, some of the little girls lowered their heads shyly, and Xiao Man's words added some ambiguity inexplicably. …

After going out in the morning, Feng Yun resisted subconsciously.

As soon as Pei Madang put her on the couch, she bounced up.

"Your Majesty, sit down, I'm going to take a bath..."

Pei Ran grabbed her wrist.

Dark eyes.

"I'll help you."

Feng Yun looked at the fire in his eyes and didn't speak for a long time. It wasn't until Pei Ran opened the box solemnly, found some strips of cloth from her box and put them on her pillow that she asked in surprise:

"what you do?"

Pei Ran glanced at her.

His eyes seemed to say, "Don't you know what you brought?"

Feng Yun actually hasn't used this thing for a long time. He gradually got used to him and became like a fish in water. He didn't expect that Pei Madang would be so considerate today...

First, turn the tide in the palace.

Will you show love to the beautiful woman in the back house again?

The more Feng Yun thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Treating her so well is abnormal.

Xiao Man came back soon, smiling. Just as he was about to speak, he saw a cold look from Pei Madang.

"You all get down."

Xiao Yan swallowed back the words that reached his mouth, bent down and saluted, "Here."

He looked at each other again and smiled at several maids.

The king and his wife are in love, and those around them understand it best.

Anyway, their wives are capable. Don't look at the angry look on the king's face now. Once he gets up from sleep, his anger will be gone.


The room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Feng Yun watched Pei Ran touch the cloth on the pillow, took it out, and tied her hands bit by bit...

"Your Majesty." Feng Yun stared at him, "I can explain."

"It's too late." Pei Ran put his arm around her waist and turned her over, while the strip of cloth came and went.

"Can you talk properly?" Feng Yun struggled wildly twice, and the cloth became tighter and tighter with her movements.

She gave up.

"You said that we are husband and wife, what can't we talk about?"

Pei Ran didn't speak.

His eyes were cold and deep, his facial features seemed to be covered with a layer of ice, and the dark light in his black eyes was terrifying.

His binding method was very unusual.

It looked like a slip knot, but once you fiddled with it, it turned into a dead knot. The tightness was just right so that it wouldn't hurt her or make it impossible for her to break free.

Feng Yun looked at himself speechlessly: "Do you want to eat crabs?"

Pei Madang kept a straight face until he tied her up, then stopped and stood up slowly.

Feng Yun said: "Untie it."

Pei Ran ignored it.

He just stood in front of Feng Yun, stared at her, raised his hand and pulled open his collar...

He was wearing a prince's python robe, which was of luxurious and elegant texture. It set off his deep eyes and gave people a sense of natural oppression and majesty.

One thing, and another.

He threw it aside on the wood -

The exposed arms, chest and abdomen are firm and powerful.

The almost perfect figure fell into Feng Yun's eyes.

Feng Yun blushed subconsciously, "It's broad daylight, you're not afraid of people laughing at you, I'm still afraid."

Pei Ran ignored him.

Feng Yun was almost furious.

Although it won't hurt when tied up, it is uncomfortable.

She couldn't bear it for a moment, so she softened her voice.

"Your Majesty..."

Pei Ran looked back and asked, "Suffering from humiliation?"

So vindictive.

Feng Yun didn't write this in his letter, but it probably meant something like this -

Even if she has to compromise, she will live well and wait for the day she reunites with Xiao Lang.


Feng Yun, Feng Yun.

This is called self-inflicted evil.

She thought about it from Pei Madang's perspective and sighed.

"My lord, do whatever you want."

Pei Man glanced at her and saw that she suddenly became obedient, her brows darkening slightly.

"No need to bend your eyebrows and bend your waist..."

Feng Yun: "I naturally admire the king."

Pei Madang snorted lightly.

Suddenly he lowered his head, placed his hands on her sides, and looked at her brightly.

"I know what you are thinking. Mother Yun, you don't have to bear with me, you can just be yourself calmly..."

Feng Yun hesitated: "Pei Mad..."

She wanted to explain again, but Pei Ran didn't give her a chance. He ticked the strip and said coldly: "Anyway... whether you can bear it or not, I won't let you go."


"This is the fate of you and me in this life. We must be tied together whether we live or die..."

Feng Yun said nothing and watched as he slowly wrapped the remaining piece of cloth around his wrist, then grabbed her, hugged her hard, and went to the clean room.

The water mist curls up and ripples in the room.

Bathing was originally Feng Yun's favorite thing, but now that his hands and feet are restricted, he can only do it for Pei Madang, which makes it extremely painful...

His hand is like a key that opens a mechanism,

She is so soft and slippery, and there is plenty for him to use...

"Pei Ran."

"Yeah." His jawline tightened and his expression was grim.

"I wrote the letter before, I think you can tell."

"Yeah." He pursed his lips tightly and said nothing, humming through his nose.

"Then what's the point of you being like this?"

"Yes." The corners of his eyes were red, but his hands were moving slowly. He watched her tense up, watched her lose her mind, watched her gently tremble as if flying into the sky, and then fell limply. She looked at him feebly and gasped softly.

There was silence.

Neither of them spoke.

Feng Yun half-closed his eyes and couldn't move his hands, so he raised his feet, gently pressed against him, and stepped on...

It's a knife anyway.

Why not make yourself happier?

Feng Yun thought that Pei Madang wanted to calm down his anger, so he was ready to let him be unbridled this time.

But I didn't expect...

Pei Madang's desire for revenge was stronger than she imagined.

Not once, but for three days.

In the Meixiang Courtyard, in front of everyone's eyes, he didn't leave the room for three days, and even his meals had to be brought to the door by the maid.

Feng Yun had never felt that he had ever been so dissolute. He was so embarrassed and annoyed that he couldn't do anything about him...

She vaguely felt that Pei Madang had emotions weighing on his heart.

Even far more than that letter——

After all, the letter was written before Andu City was destroyed.

She explained.

With a temper like Pei Ran's, he won't hold on to something.

There must be something else going on.

However, what could be more serious than the content of the letter, and what could make him more difficult to calm down?

"No more..."

Pei Ran put his arms around her and didn't do anything. He just pressed against her, and she felt like her whole body was going to smoke, and she couldn't help but tremble.

"Yao Yao." Pei Ran asked, "Are you still aggrieved?"

"Never wronged." Feng Yun groaned softly. He pinched his cheeks with both hands and pulled them to both sides. He smiled viciously and bared his teeth. "Never wronged him."

Pei Wanzhi knew how to torture her.

It is not to cause pain, but to make her unable to help herself, to be seduced by him wholeheartedly, and then become more and more unsatisfied until she completely falls into his trap. Time and time again, it makes her feel itchy and unbearable, and then cooperates in a mysterious way...

Of course, he didn't feel any better.

In the game between men and women, Feng Yun is not someone who is willing to suffer losses.

Three days.

They seemed to become one.

Like a sword, like a scabbard.

Perfectly matched, a perfect match.

"I am a vulgar person. If you give it, I will take it."

Feng Yun's eyes were gleaming, as if stained with mist, like a kitten's, and his eyes were full of smiles, "One drink of wind and moon, two drinks of sorrow, I will accompany you to the ground. Let's see who dies first."

"Don't move." When she moved, Pei Madang felt even more uncomfortable than she did.

No one knows how annoying this woman is...

His breath was heavy and his voice was hoarse, "Feng Yun, you are cruel."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows: "Who makes the king serve you so well?"

Pei Madang was so angry that his back teeth were almost broken.

Neither of them would admit defeat, even verbally.

"Okay, here you go..."

Pei Man grabbed her waist, his eyes were cold, like a wild beast about to bite off the prey's neck, he pressed against the tip of her nose, and then straightened his waist, without even a moment's pause, until he exploded like a dam bursting.

"Waist waist..."

He called her in a low voice.

Feng Yun had a lump in his throat, his temples were twitching, his tense body was shaking silently under his impact, and then he bit him on the shoulder.

Pei Madang waited until she calmed down before turning his face on her.

Eyes facing each other.

There was a long moment of silence in the house.

Feng Yun asked him, "Is this matter over?"

"Yeah." Pei Madang's warm breath fell on her cheek and hit her.

"Pei Gou..." Feng Yun groaned, digging his nails hard into his strong back muscles.

A lot of new injuries have been added to it.

Pei Ran was completely unaware.

He grabbed her chin, lifted it up, and crushed it deeply until she stared at him with labored breathing, swallowing him completely, and then stared deeply.

"Yao Yao, what should you call me?"

It took Feng Yun a while to regain his consciousness.

Take a long breath.

She said: "Pei Gou."


That night, Feng Yun slept extremely soundly, like a dead person. He was so tired that he had no dreams, so he slept until dawn.

When she opened her eyes, Pei Ran had left.

When Xiao Man said that the king went to court without breakfast, she let out a long breath.

"Xiaoman, help me up."

Not wanting to change clothes or put on makeup, Feng Yun called for a table of breakfast and ate a hearty meal before he felt like he was alive again.

Xiaoman asked: "Madam, how did you...excite the king?"

What happened in the past three days, the maids in Meixiang Courtyard were tight-lipped to the outside world, but full of doubts to the inside.

Xiaoman is now a woman.

Much more sensible than before.

But I still can't understand this... intense emotion between the king and his wife, which is as intense as a flash flood. It seems like love and hatred at the same time.

Feng Yun couldn't explain it either, so he said half jokingly and half seriously:

"I told you that the king hates me, but you won't believe me."

"Xin." Xiaoman looked at the light red marks on her collarbone and his eyes turned red. "It's not because of any grudges. How could he torment his wife like this..."

Her skin was too tender, and Pei Madang really took a lot of blame.

Feng Yun raised his eyes funny and looked at Xiao Man.

"So, Zuo Zhong is very considerate of women on the bed?"

Xiaoman blushed with embarrassment and did not dare to talk to Feng Yun anymore.

Feng Yun had breakfast, rested for a while, put on a thick snow fox cloak, and then took his maid to pick plum blossoms in the yard.

The snow melted on her fingertips, and it was cold, but she felt very comfortable.

The past three days have been boring in the house.

She said lazily: "Xiao Man, just pick half the basket, so as not to fail and waste the flowers..."

She wants to make plum makeup on the snow.

This was the idea that came up that day.

Li Sangruo is guilty, Xiang is not guilty.

Xiaoman responded and looked up to see Zuo Zhong striding over with a slightly cold look on his face.

She was startled, "Brother Zuo?"

After marriage, she still called Zuo Zhong this way.

Zuo Zhong quickened his pace, and when he came closer, he nodded towards her and gave Feng Yun a fist.


Feng Yun smiled and asked, "Why aren't you with the king?"

Zuo Zhong hesitated and looked at Feng Yun's face.

"The king came to the palace early in the morning because the palace came to report that Your Majesty... was playing in the snow in Yongshou Hall and accidentally fell..."

The plum blossom in Feng Yun's hand fell to the ground. After calming down for a while, he asked:

"Where did you fall? Was it serious?"

Zuo Zhong said: "I fell on my head and passed out on the spot. I haven't woken up yet. The king told me to let the princess go to the palace when she wakes up."

This chapter is so long...

ah! Please eat and good night!

Feng Yun: ...I don’t care whether I am tired or not, mother.

Pei Madang: Not tired, but the inventory is running low.

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