Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 476: Signs of blood blockage

"Quick! Set up the car."

Feng Yun quickly put down the flower basket. He didn't have time to wash and change clothes, so he got into the carriage and hurried to the imperial city.

It was freezing cold at this time, and the weather was gloomy after the snow. The mist shrouded the huge palace, and there were still white snow on the eaves. The red walls and green tiles suddenly became desolate.

Before anyone arrived, I heard faint crying inside.

Feng Yun frowned slightly, walked over, and saw a person stopping here.

"Princess, please come this way..."

It was a small yellow door, standing in the cold wind, as if waiting for him.

As he got closer, Feng Yun realized it was Dong Bai.

Feng Yun kept walking and asked as he walked: "Why did your Majesty fall?"

Dong Bai's eyes were red, and he looked like he had cried.

As soon as he opened his mouth, his throat was choked with sobs, "The villain was not on duty and was not with His Majesty at the time. He said his feet slipped while playing in the snow and he fell down the steps of Yongshou Palace."

Feng Yun asked: "Well done, why did your Majesty go to Yongshou Hall?"

In addition to Empress Dowager Duan, there were usually only a few concubines left by Emperor Xifeng and a few Tai Huang concubines who were taking care of themselves in the harem, but none of them lived in Yongshou Hall.

Yongshou Hall is an empty dormitory hall that no one usually goes to.

Dong Bai pursed his lips, as if he was trying his best to endure something.

However, when he spoke, tears still fell and his voice had a crying tone.

"In the fifth year of Xifeng, Emperor Xifeng visited the west and took Queen Zhenjing with him. Queen Zhenjing... then lived in Yongshou Palace."

Feng Yun's throat tightened and he was speechless.

Queen Zhenjing is Yuan Sangyi's biological mother.

The child misses his dead mother whom he has never met before, walking through the snow to go to the uninhabited palace. Alone, the little one stands on the high steps, looking at the world covered in ice and snow, looking forward to seeing his biological mother... …

Feng Yun felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

It was so heartbreaking that she could hardly control her emotions...

In the previous life, Qu'er was trapped in Zhaode Palace with no food or clothing. Did she look at the sky every day, looking forward to the arrival of her mother...


Dong Baek's voice reminded her.

Feng Yun sniffed and said, "Let's go."

The entire dormitory was shrouded in an inexplicable sadness, and the atmosphere was heavy and depressing.

A group of important ministers were waiting in the outer hall, standing silently.

Pei Madang stood in front of the people, his face was cold and solemn, and his eyebrows were slightly frowned.

Feng Yun approached him and said, "Your Majesty, how is your Majesty?"

Pei Ran said: "The imperial doctor is still consulting."

Then he said: "Go and have a look."

Yuan Shangyi liked Feng Yun very much.

Feng Yun guessed that this was the reason why he asked him to come over.

"Okay." The atmosphere in the outer hall was too solemn, and she had no intention of saying anything to Pei Ran. She nodded and followed Dong Bai in.

Both Puyang and his son were there, as well as several imperial doctors from the Imperial Medical Bureau, gathered around the wooden desk in the inner hall, discussing something in low voices.

In front of the little emperor's dragon bed, there were several palace maids and chamberlains, all of whom were extremely nervous and restrained.

Feng Yun was a little surprised.

I didn't even see Empress Dowager Duan...

At this time, shouldn't she be the one who should be by Won Sang Yi's side the most?

She lowered her head and asked Dong Bai in a low voice, "Where is the Queen Mother?"

Dong Bai seemed to be worried. He looked around before speaking in a low voice:

"When the Queen Mother saw something happened to Her Majesty, she was frightened and fell to the ground in a daze. The imperial doctor said that the Queen Mother seemed to have... a stroke."

Feng Yun hesitated.

"So, when His Majesty came out, the Queen Mother was also in Yongshou Hall?"

Dong Bai lowered his head, "Yes."

After thinking for a while, he added another sentence.

"After the king arrived, he imprisoned all the palace servants who were serving in Yongshou Palace at the time of the incident and put them under strict interrogation by the Tiqi Division..."

Feng Yun nodded silently, and while thinking about it, he saw Puyang Jiu walking over.

"Mrs. sister-in-law."

Before Feng Yun could ask, Puyang Jiu spoke sadly.

"The bleeding on your Majesty's head has stopped, and the external injuries are not serious. At present, what my father and several imperial doctors are most worried about is...the blood is overflowing inside the skull, and it is difficult to remove the stasis..."

Feng Yun is not a doctor, but he also knows that external injuries are easy to cure, but internal injuries are difficult to heal.

She asked: "Do the doctors have any cure?"

Puyang Jiu looked back at the several imperial doctors who were talking quietly, his eyes darkened, and he shook his head at her.

"Every possible method has been tried. The blood is gushing and the symptoms are abnormal. Your Majesty has signs of blood obstruction. I'm afraid... it will be difficult to wake up."

Feng Yun was suffocated.

My heart felt like it was being hammered hard.

She slowly turned her head and walked towards the bright yellow dragon couch. She looked at the thin and thin Yuan Shangyi wrapped in a brocade quilt, and vaguely recalled in her mind the appearance of him when he first arrived in Huaxi. The child is small and mature, and is controlled by Ms. Lin. Although she loves liveliness so much, she is restrained in her body and does not dare to say or do anything out of line.

"A Yuan?"

Feng Yun's face was as pale as a piece of paper...

She sat stiffly on the edge of the couch, stared at Won Sang Yi for a moment, and slowly held his little hand.

Covered in the quilt, my little hands are cold...

Feng Yun thought of the way Yuan Shangyi came to hug her during the banquet that day.

Like a little bird, he crashed into her arms.

He said: "Madam, I miss you so much. I want to be with you every day."

He said: "Madam, I want to go back to Huaxi. Can you take me back to Huaxi?"

His desire to be close to her was a sign of admiration, and it was also a child's yearning for mother's love...

It's a pity that she had so many worries and couldn't satisfy him properly.

Even in order to balance the emotions of Queen Mother Duan, she said "I am not your mother, your mother is Queen Mother Duan" and left decisively.

She didn't know how disappointed Yuan Shangyi would be at that time.

But when he saw her in the Jinluan Palace, Ayuan still smiled at her.

From such a distance, all he could see was her.

When she was accused of treason and the evidence was conclusive, the child believed her without hesitation and protected her in front of the civil and military officials of the court...

Feng Yun's throat was choked, and he looked at the child on the dragon bed, feeling very powerless.

She leaned over, gently stroked Won Sang Yi's hair, and called him softly.

"Ayuan, can you wake up quickly?"

"When you wake up, I will take you back to Huaxi. Didn't you say that you want to go back to Huaxi? I ​​will take you back..."

"Be strong, A-Yuan. You are a good boy. You are the strongest. You must not want your wife to feel sorry for you, right?"

As she spoke, she thought of Qu'er again.

How scary it must be to leave alone and painfully, how much I want to hide in my mother's arms...

"A Yuan." Feng Yun closed his eyes tightly, but he still couldn't stop tears from pouring out of his eyes.

She buried her head and secretly wiped away her tears.

Puyang Jiu stood quietly behind her, looking at her, looking at the emperor, and sighed.

Feng Yun waited in the inner hall for about half an hour. The imperial doctor said that he would perform acupuncture for His Majesty and asked her to step aside. Then she came out of the inner hall.

When he opened the door, he saw several powerful ministers standing beside him, talking quietly to the south window.

"King Zhuang Xian is the younger brother of the late emperor. In terms of closeness and family order, he should be the one..."

"No matter what, it won't be the turn of King Runan of Yecheng..."

"Then it depends on what King Yonghuai wants..."

The conversation broke into his ears, and Feng Yun looked over.

Those people turned around to see Feng Yun, gestured awkwardly, and talked about other things as if nothing had happened.

At this time, these important officials in the court must have known about Yuan Shangyi's condition.

If the emperor cannot wake up, then who will inherit the throne will be their biggest concern.

Discussing this in private in the little emperor's outer palace is sad and unbecoming of etiquette, but it is also human nature.

Feng Yun didn't see Pei Ran. When he walked out of the palace door, he saw Zuo Zhong standing outside.

She asked: "Where is the king?"

Zuo Zhong said: "Changxin Palace visits Queen Mother Duan."


In the Changxin Hall.

A heavy curtain hangs in front of Queen Mother Duan's wooden couch.

She is lying on the bed.

Pei Madang stood outside the tent.

"The imperial doctor ordered you to see His Majesty first."

Puyang Li looked up at Pei Man's face, sighed silently, nodded and left.

Pei Ran said: "Everyone, get down."

There were about a dozen palace people waiting in the inner hall, all of them holding their breath and concentrating.

Hearing Pei Ran's voice, he was a little at a loss.

It is very inconvenient for the Queen Mother and her ministers to be alone in the same room.

What's more, Queen Mother Duan... didn't give any orders.

"You... get off... go..." Queen Mother Duan's voice was weak and vague, as if she couldn't speak clearly.

The palace people responded and filed out.

Empress Dowager Duan was so nervous that she clutched the quilt, as if she had used all her strength to spit out a few unclear words.

"The true..."

There was silence in the hall.

Pei Ran didn't answer her.

Queen Mother Duan struggled and seemed to want to sit up.

But her body's strength could not support her to do this, so she lay down silently, panting lowly, speaking each word with great difficulty, her breath was like a gossamer.

"King Yonghuai...that true..."

"The princess betrayed..."

"Aijia...there is nothing wrong..."

She never thought about targeting Pei Ran.

The evidence was presented just to let Pei Madang see Feng Yun's true face.

He also asked Yuan Shangyi not to accept a thief as his mother and be deceived by her hypocrisy...

She tried her best to make Pei Ran hear her words clearly...

Little did he know that Pei Madang had already read the letter.

In a previous life.

He had read this letter.

He can almost recite the contents of the letter...

It was precisely because of this letter that he made the irreversible decision to send Feng Yun back to Andu.

"Your Highness." Pei Ran said calmly, "What happens to my wife? Only I can comment on it, and no one else can interfere."

The air that was stuck in Queen Mother Duan's throat suddenly dissipated.

The earth dragon was burning in the bedroom, but she suddenly felt cold and desolate all over.

The fact that she realized at this moment made her regretful and helpless.

It turns out that King Yonghuai didn't know that the letter was true.

Even though he knew the truth, he still tried his best to protect Feng's daughter.

"Why...why so..."

Queen Mother Duan's voice was weak, as if she was holding her breath, and she spoke intermittently.

As if she thought of something again, she pulled the quilt and suddenly straightened her neck with force, showing a horrified expression.

"It was it...Your Majesty..."

Accompanied by a burst of rapid breathing, the remaining words were choked in the throat, and only a weak and muffled sound emerged from the wide and trembling mouth.

"Your Majesty."

Someone reported outside the door.

"The princess has arrived."

Pei Ran said: "Please."

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