Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 477 Storm is coming

When Feng Yun came out of the little emperor's bedroom, he found that the situation in the palace had changed.

The corridors of the palace wall are heavily guarded, and every palace gate is guarded by guards. In the short distance to Changxin Palace, we encountered five groups of inner court patrols along the way. Each of them was wearing armor and holding sharp weapons, with solemn expressions, and they were looking forward to the rain. Feeling like the wind is blowing all over the building...

In contrast, each palace was eerily quiet.

There was no sound at all.

Under the suffocating calm surface, the surging undercurrent has already flowed into everyone's heart.

Unexpectedly, the Changxin Palace was even more heavily guarded.

The armored guards held weapons in their hands, their eyes were like torches, and they watched everything around them vigilantly, looking like they were ready for battle.

The entire Changxin Palace seemed to be overturned by an invisible pressure, and it was silently suffocating.

Feng Yun calmly stepped across the threshold and walked slowly into the inner hall under everyone's gaze.

Passing around the rosewood screen carved with hundreds of birds facing the phoenix, what you can see is Pei Mad's tall and straight back.

He is alone.

Standing in front of a hanging curtain.

They are wearing loose clothes and belts, standing tall from behind, without armor or swords and guns, but it seems that one can see the roaring banners and the roaring mountains and tsunami of fighting at a glance. This kind of majesty and fortitude, which is very different from that of civil servants and scholars, seems to have a natural imperial aura...

Feng Yun looked around in a daze, feeling that he was the owner of this palace.

He is the emperor.

She was startled by her thoughts, gathered her thoughts, and bowed deeply to Queen Mother Duan on the other side of the curtain.

"My minister Feng Yun pays homage to Queen Mother Duan."

The curtain is silent.

A gust of wind blew from nowhere, lifting the hem of her skirt.

Feng Yun approached and stood beside Pei Madang sadly.

"Is Her Majesty the Queen Mother feeling better?"

Pei Ran hummed and held his hands lightly, "Your Highness, my wife is here to visit you."

Queen Mother Duan opened her mouth and took a long time to take a breath.

"The Ai family... want to have a few words... alone with the princess."

Feng Yun frowned.

Listening to the Queen Mother's voice, it was very vague and her words seemed to be unclear. It was indeed a sign of a stroke.

She said nothing and looked at Pei Ran sideways.

From the moment she stepped into the red wall of the palace, she understood that many things were about to change and she would not be allowed to be emotional. Moreover, she had to stand firmly with Pei Ran.

Pei Ran glanced at her.

"I'll wait for you in the outer hall."

He did not hesitate, walked firmly and calmly.

It was just that flickering glance that seemed to have the power to penetrate everything, causing Feng Yun's scalp to tingle slightly.

She stood quietly, waiting for Queen Mother Duan to speak.

After a while, I heard Queen Mother Duan's breathless voice.

"Princess...come in and talk..."

"Yes." Feng Yun responded.

The hall was dimly lit and quiet.

The air was oppressive and tense, and the cold wind rustled on the tent.

Feng Yun stood by the couch and looked down at Queen Mother Duan.

People all over the world probably don't know that Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother, who is pampered and pampered in the palace, is actually very thin, as if she is haggard, shrouded in haggard and light sadness that is inappropriate for her status. Now her brows are sickly, and her whole person has a terminal illness.

"Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother..."

As soon as Feng Yun spoke, Queen Mother Duan on the couch trembled.

At this moment, she was extremely sensitive to every slightest movement.

Feng Yun pursed his lips and asked bluntly.

"What does Your Highness want to say? Why don't you just say it?"

"You... come closer..." Queen Mother Duan's voice was very vague. She had to use extreme force when speaking, so that her mouth seemed a little crooked.

Feng Yun went one step further.

Queen Mother Duan suddenly stretched out her hand.


There was pleading in the voice and eyes.

Feng Yun sat down on the round spoon beside the couch and took a look at the water on the tray.

"Your Highness, would you like to moisten your throat before speaking?"

Queen Mother Duan's eyes were red, and she shook her head feebly, and the hand that was not held fell down.

" emperor..."

Feng Yun stiffened slightly, and a thoughtful frown appeared between his eyebrows.

"What does the Queen Mother mean by this? Your Majesty is the Emperor, why do you need me to protect you?"

"King Yonghuai..." Empress Dowager Duan tried her best to make her words clearer, "I want to kill the emperor."

Feng Yun's heart pounded.

The breath didn't come out, it was stuck between breaths.

"What did Your Highness say? I didn't hear clearly."

Empress Dowager Duan was in a state of confusion, her throat seemed to be holding a breath, and she spoke each word slowly and with difficulty.

"The emperor... was harmed by others... King Yonghuai... is King Yonghuai. Seeing that the emperor sincerely treats you... regards you as his mother... save his life..."

Feng Yun lowered his head and smiled.

"It's already come to this, and the Queen Mother still refuses to give up? We are deeply affectionate as husband and wife, and I have never had any intention of betraying the King. The Queen Mother has to go to great lengths to find evidence, in order to make the King doubt me, abandon me, and accuse me. Now that the Queen Mother is seriously ill in bed, she not only wants to sow discord between me and the King, but also wants to label the King a traitor? "

After a pause, she stared at Queen Mother Duan coldly.

"Pei Madang was under my bed when the incident happened. Your Majesty was in the palace, and the incident happened under the eyes of the Queen Mother. You are the one who is suspected, not Pei Madang."

Queen Mother Duan's eyes widened and she looked at Feng Yun in disbelief.

"No... in this world... the person least likely to harm the emperor... is the Ai family..."

Feng Yun sneered, "That's not necessarily true. Who knows if the Queen Mother has been promised great benefits?"

Empress Dowager Duan looked sad, "It's King Yonghuai... it must be him..."

Breathing heavily again, she suddenly grabbed her throat, her body trembling slightly, as if she wanted to tear the words out of her throat.

"He doesn't believe that the princess is plotting rebellion... precisely because the person plotting rebellion is himself."

"What he did in the main hall was to probe the courtiers' intentions and take the opportunity to establish his authority."

"He wants everyone to see that it is he, Pei Madang, who has the final say in this world."

"He showed his fox tail in the main hall, and then he couldn't wait to attack the emperor..."

Empress Dowager Duan moved her mouth and spoke a lot, but her tongue became increasingly inflexible and her voice was muffled. Feng Yun tried his best to lean down, but could not hear a word clearly.

"Your Highness, do you want some water?" she asked, "Would you like to moisten your throat?"

She asked her a second time.

The clouds are calm and the wind is gentle.

Queen Mother Duan looked downcast, her eyes became even more sad, and two strings of tears fell out of her eyes at the wrong time.

"Save...the emperor..."

She was almost speechless and her mouth was twisted out of shape.

But Feng Yun could still distinguish these three words from the shape of her lips.

"Don't worry." She said with a faint look in her eyes and a firm tone, "I will definitely try my best to save His Majesty, but if..."

Human lifespan is determined by God.

After two lives, my understanding of life and death is different.

She didn't want to let go of A Yuan, and she didn't want to let such a child die in the deep palace. But as a human being, her power was too small to snatch people from the hands of the King of Hell...

"Your Majesty, treat your illness with peace of mind and take care of yourself."

She lowered her head to tuck the quilt for Queen Mother Duan, and her eyes slowly swept over her puzzled face.

"At this moment, I am not hiding anything from Your Highness... In fact, you wrongly blamed me. I am not a craftsman, let alone Xiao Cheng's person..."

She paused for a moment, with a trace of pity in her eyes.

"Your Highness, you don't have to be in such a hurry. King Yonghuai helped you and your mother and your son to ascend the throne, and you should have coexisted and prospered together. The Queen Mother has no relatives she can talk to who are involved in politics, and she has never fought for power. Pei Madang will not be worried about you, let alone take the initiative. A murderous intention arises... Your Highness, why are you so eager to deal with the hero when you are still young? "


Queen Mother Duan's tears fell even harder.

She wanted to say something, but her lips were trembling.

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and emphasized his tone.

"Who gave you the idea... Queen Mother, this person doesn't want to help you, he wants to kill you."

"No..." Empress Dowager Duan used all her strength to make a hoarse voice, as if she was anxious to catch something, and stretched her body to catch Feng Yun.

Then, in the midst of this emotional rush, he opened his mouth slightly, slowly fell down on the couch, and fell into coma again.

"Come here, send the imperial doctor!"

Feng Yun turned around and shouted sternly.

Soon, Puyang Li came in carrying a medicine box.

He glanced at Feng Yun and said, "Your Highness is physically weak and mentally weak, and cannot bear to be provoked..."

"Really?" Feng Yun sat there with a graceful posture. A pair of dark eyes, calm and normal, said, "The Queen Mother is worried about Your Majesty."

Puyang Li was startled.

Sighing without making a sound.

The Queen Mother and the Emperor were having troubles one after another. Even if he didn't ask about court affairs, he knew the situation was serious.

The young master came to the throne, the Queen Mother came to the court, and King Yonghuai took the regent. This was a great situation. Now that the delicate balance has been broken, there may be another bloody storm in the court.

Feng Yun came out silently.

As expected, Pei Ran was waiting for him outside.

The two looked at each other.

Pei Ran said: "I will send someone to take you back to your home."

Feng Yun raised his eyes slightly, "I want to stay with A Yuan again."


On this day, Feng Yun stayed in front of the young emperor's royal couch until late at night before he had to leave the palace and return home.

Pei Chong and Pei Yuan both stayed awake waiting to hear what happened.

Feng Yun roughly explained the situation.

"It's going to be stormy, but I hope it's safe."

Pei Chong nodded and asked the servant to push out of the front hall.

Pei Yuan sighed a few more words before leaving.

In fact, when Feng Yuncheng entered the Jin camp and prepared to use Pei Mad to turn around and deal with Li Sangruo and Xiao Cheng, he thought of urging Pei Mad to overthrow the country controlled by the Li family and his daughter and establish himself as emperor.

But after the fall of the Li family, Pei Madang supported Yuan Shangyi, and she felt that since Pei Madang had no ambition, this was not bad. But Pei Madang and Jiuxi, who assisted the country as regent, were finally pushed above the storm by the momentum...

At night, Pei Ran didn't come back, and Feng Yun lay on the couch and couldn't sleep.

If A Yuan really can't wake up, who should sit on the dragon chair?

She believed that this must be the shadow hanging over everyone in the Xijing court...

By the way, what I said yesterday about not going out for three days doesn't mean that the two of them have been doing indescribable things for three days... they will also do some describable things, it's not that exaggerated.

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