Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 478 Who inherits the ancestral system

Although the court deliberately concealed it, the bad news about Yongshou Palace spread to the people. The young master fell into a coma, and the Queen Mother suffered a stroke and fell ill.

That is not only a major matter for heaven, but also related to people's livelihood.

The atmosphere in the palace was tense, rumors were spreading among the people, and everyone was in danger. The joy of the New Year seemed to be dissipated overnight. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, there were still lantern night parades, but the excitement faded away.

If the young master dies, who will be his successor?

Everyone is waiting for a definite news...

Although there was little hope, Feng Yun still sent people to return to Huaxi quickly to ask Yao Ru for advice, and then ran to the palace every day.

She was restless and busy.

Sleep becomes less, often tossing and turning.

The same goes for Pei Ran.

Every day he stayed in Chongzheng Hall until nightfall before returning home. He refused to rest and stayed up until midnight to read the book.

"Madam." Xiaoman came in with a frown on her face, worry written on her face.

"Reading at night like this will hurt your eyes."

Feng Yun raised his eyes with a calm expression.

"You should go back and rest early. Newlywed Yan'er, don't let Zuo Zhong wait for you."

Xiao Man curled his lips and said, "Brother Zuo is also on duty tonight."

She slowly walked to Feng Yun's side again, put her hands on her shoulders, and kneaded them gently.

"Brother Zuo and I are the same. The master is kind to us. The first thing we should do is to serve the master well. Where the master is, our little family will be there..."

Her voice was soft and soft. After getting married, she was no longer the little girl who was inexperienced in the world. Her face seemed to have become much softer, her eyebrows relaxed, the corners of her mouth turned up, and she felt like she was smiling when she spoke.

Obviously, this is a good marriage.

Zuo Zhong is also an excellent husband.

Feng Yun was happy for her, patted her hand, turned around and said:

"Stop pinching and go to the stove to see if the soup I want is ready."

Xiaoman responded, "Yes."


When Feng Yun took Xiao Man to the study with the soup cup, there was not only Pei Ran in the study, but also several diners and staff from the mansion, sitting around.

The moment Pei Ran saw Feng Yun appear, there was obvious surprise in his eyes, but he quickly turned back.

"Yunniang, why don't you rest?"

After being married for so long, this is the first time that Feng Yun personally delivers food to Pei Ran, and he does it so gently, which Pei Ran is not used to.

"The king won't sleep, how dare I sleep?"

Feng Yun took the soup cup out of the food basket, put it in an exquisite white jade porcelain bowl, tasted it with a spoon, and said warmly:

"This is stewed with astragalus and carp. It was served piping hot from the bowl. I walked to the study and blew some cool air, and it just went into my mouth. Your Majesty, please try it."

Pei Madang pushed the fold aside, glanced at Feng Yun, took the bowl, and swallowed spoonful after spoonful without saying a word.

"Slow down, be careful of fish bones. Don't get stuck in your throat..."

Pei Ran hummed, drank it all in a dignified manner, and nodded to Feng Yun.

“Good soup.”

Feng Yun's eyebrows arched, "Doctor Yao said that drinking this soup can replenish the body's temperature and spleen, restore righteousness, and is most suitable for tonic in winter."

She said it seriously, but Pei Ran didn't answer.

He put down the soup bowl, wiped his lips, and said to several of his subordinates with cold eyes:

"Let's all go down and rest."

Several staff members responded in unison and said goodbye to Pei Mang and Feng Yun.

Pei Madang glanced at Zuo Zhong and Xiao Man again.

"You also stand down."

Zuo Zhong and Xiaoman looked at each other, "Here."

Xiao Man packed up the soup bowl and food basket and went out silently.

Zuo Zhong stood quietly outside the door, waiting for her.

She smiled and lowered her head, "Brother Zuo."

Zuo Zhong stretched out his hand.

Xiaoman lowered his head and glanced: "This is not heavy."

Zuo Zhong said nothing, took the food basket from her hand, and walked in front. Xiao Man pursed his lips, smiled shyly, and followed him.

The wind lanterns in the courtyard were filled with dim light.

The path was slippery, and she was afraid of stepping on her skirt, so she walked cautiously.

Zuo Zhong always walked very fast, but walking with Xiao Man, he would subconsciously slow down his pace and even turn around to wait for her.

When Xiaoman lowered his head, he could see the shadow reflected by his wind lamp, and when he raised his head, he could see his serious and upright face.

There is neither the intimacy of those so-called loving couples, nor the enthusiasm that makes people blush and their hearts beat. Even if they are tender at night, they are reserved and step-by-step...

It's a little different from what Xiaoman thought marriage was.

But she is also content.

In fact, what she wants is exactly this kind of stability.

Money was given to her, and people were given to her. She relied on her in everything in life, and she was used to her...

His emotions are not rivers and oceans, surging and passionate, but a trickle, a drop of care...

These are Xiaoman's quiet and good years.


There was no one else in the study, only a round-bottomed oil lamp with four lamps interspersed, burning quietly beside the table.

Pei Ran motioned for Feng Yun to sit down next to him.

"You can say it."

Feng Yun was slightly startled, "What did you say?"

Pei Ran looked at her with an unspeakable hesitation.

"Didn't Yun Niang doubt me?"

Feng Yun looked at the glint in Pei Ran's eyes, thought about it carefully, and then realized that the man had heard the words "get back to normal" in his ears.

Do you have a lot on your mind?

It seems that in Pei Gou's heart, she is not a kind person, but a female seductress who "shows courtesy for nothing, and either rapes or steals".

She said: "I shouldn't have brought midnight snacks to Your Majesty. It would have caused a misunderstanding."

Pei Madang looked at his face and remained silent.

It was unusual for her to bring food in the middle of the night, so how could she not make people suspicious.

But at this moment, he couldn't say such words.

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows inadvertently, "Seeing that the king is diligent in his work, I feel uneasy... His Majesty and the Queen Mother are both ill in bed, and all important affairs of the country are on the king, but this is not a long-term solution after all... If your majesty is really dead, what will your Majesty do?"

After the incident that day, the two ran away separately.

Feng Yun was a little taboo about talking about this matter. This was the first time they sat down and talked quietly.

If Feng Yun was just Pei Man's wife, according to the rules of our ancestors, she would not be allowed to interrupt in such important government matters.

But now that she is the chief historian of the palace and the head of Pei Madang's staff, it is natural for her to ask these questions.

Pei Ran was silent for a moment, then took a few envelopes nearby and placed them in front of Feng Yun.

"Yunniang, take a look."

Feng Yun read all the excerpts and then put them back.

He looked up at Pei Ran again without saying a word.

Pei Ran didn't speak either.

The wind swept the curtains, the oil lamp flickered, and the pages on the desk were turned by the wind, making a rustling sound.

Nothing is trivial in heaven.

What surges in every excerpt is the undercurrent of empire.

The courtiers were testing openly and secretly to see who would be the winner of a new king, but these hints were direct advice...

"Yuan Yue, the crown prince of Zhuang Xian, is intelligent and resourceful, and can inherit the ancestral system. He will be educated at the knees of Queen Mother Duan to extend the imperial line..."

In the past few days, Feng Yun would meet the eldest princess every day when she entered the palace. She could also clearly feel that the attitude of the people in the palace towards the eldest princess had changed...

This King Zhuang Xian is the biological brother of the eldest princess from the same mother.

It is difficult to say whether there is any instruction from the eldest princess behind these excerpts.

Feng Yun thought of A Yuan's pale complexion lying on the dragon bed, and his temples ached.

She asked: "What does the king think?"

Pei Madang slowly raised his hand, pressed the center of his eyebrows, and said in a low voice:

"The advice of the staff is an opportunity not to be missed."

Just eight words.

Explain clearly the thoughts of his subordinates.

This is indeed a good opportunity for Pei Ran.

A real man walks through life with nothing more than fame and fortune.

Although Pei Madang has reached the pinnacle of fame and fortune, he is not yet at his limit...

Feng Yun looked at him.

"Where is your Majesty? What do you think?"

The dark night is silent.

The two looked at each other.

Pei Ran didn't answer immediately.

There was a "crack" sound.

An unknown wild cat overturned a pot in the courtyard and shattered it to the ground with a muffled sound.


The wind suddenly picked up and beat on the window lattice.

Pei Madang stood up slowly, walked to the window and looked at the night scene, and said in a low voice:

"It's raining, Yun Niang."

Feng Yun looked at his tall figure and gave a faint hum.

"Spring began yesterday, Your Majesty."

Pei Ran turned his head, looked at Feng Yun's face, and said calmly:

"If I say we will go with the flow, will Yun Niang be disappointed?"

Go with the trend, the key is to look at the trend.

Feng Yun slowly let go of his hand on his knee.

"No matter what happens to the king, I support him."

Pei Ran's eyes darkened.

It was an accident.

Also a surprise.

He could certainly see Feng Yun's feelings for Yuan Shangyi.

After the little emperor's accident, Feng Yun controlled his emotions and did not show too much grief or anxiety.

But Pei Ran knew that she looked forward to the good health of the little emperor more than anyone else...

His imprisoned gaze fell on Feng Yun's face.

A bit soft, a bit exploring.

"I've always had a question."

"What?" Feng Yun looked at her.

"Why does Yun Niang love the young emperor so much? In just a short time, she has become like a loving mother?"

His eyes were sharp, as if he was swiping with a knife, as if he wanted to get a glimpse of the unspeakable secrets hidden deep in Feng Yun's heart.

Feng Yun's heart tightened and he smiled reluctantly.

"A mother's love is innate, and so is my concubine."

Pei Ran asked: "Is it just that?"

Feng Yun frowned slightly and asked with a stern face: "Otherwise, what else? A Yuan is frail and sick, but he is sensible and considerate... Could it be that when the king sees him, he won't feel pity?"

After that, she turned around and led another army.

"When the king chose A Yuan, he must have taken a fancy to this, right? If he didn't feel pity, then what did the king see in him? Could it be that he was just frail and sick?"

Pei Ran choked.

Who can compare to this exquisite heart with seven orifices and a mouth of eight treasures and glazed glass?

Pei Ran said: "Since this is the case, Yun Niang and I have a close connection."

Have a tacit understanding?

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

How could Pei Ran know that the woman sitting in front of him had such a desolate and numb heart and what kind of life she had experienced... (End of Chapter)

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