Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 479: The man's heart is burning

After that day, the voices in the court about establishing a new emperor disappeared.

Feng Yun heard that Pei Jue was furious in Chongzheng Hall and scolded the court officials who spoke up for "not respecting the young master and having ulterior motives". No one dared to mention it since then.

But the queen mother fell ill and could not lift her limbs and her speech was disordered.

The little emperor had imperial doctors taking turns to guard the dragon bed and serve him with decoctions and acupuncture, but he still had no intention of waking up.

Even Yao Ru, who Feng Yun had hoped for, only had someone bring Feng Yun one sentence -

"External injuries are easy to heal, but internal injuries are difficult to recover. Decoctions and medicines cannot help. We can only recuperate for a few more days and ask God's will."

Therefore, even if Pei Jue issued a strict order to gag, he still could not stop the rumors that were spreading more and more fiercely, and the undercurrents in the Xijing court privately.

After the beginning of spring, the weather gradually became warmer and the climate was mild.

Until the end of the month, Wen Xingsu came from Southern Qi, just in time for a late spring cold snap, and heavy snow fell again in Xijing. The palaces and the city were covered in silver, and jade dust was flying everywhere, as if the winter had come again.

Feng Yun got the report from the gatekeeper, hurriedly put on a cotton cloak with wide sleeves, and went out to meet him.

Aozai was faster than her, and ran out in a whoosh, running ahead of her.

When Feng Yun arrived, she saw Wen Xingsu standing under the arch, wearing loose clothes and belts, with the grace of pine and bamboo, and waving at Aozai with a smile on his face.

Aozai did not come closer, but just looked at him from a distance.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "After all these days, Aozai doesn't even recognize you."

In the past, in Huaxi, Wen Xingsu rarely came back, and Aozai was seldom close to him, but every time Wen Xingsu came, he would jump up and down with Feng Yun.

This was clearly a little unfamiliar again.

Wen Xingsu smiled and sighed, "I'll ask Ao Qi later how he won Aozi's favor."

Feng Yun said, "Aozi likes to eat fish."

She smiled and agreed, and invited Wen Xingsu to come in, "Come in quickly, the food and fruits are ready, just waiting for you. They will carry the luggage to the wing room, don't be negligent."

Wen Xingsu smiled and bowed, leaving Pinshu here, and went to the flower hall with Feng Yun.

This time he came from Nanqi, because he didn't go back to Andu, he brought a lot of luggage.

Some of them were the New Year gifts that the Feng family asked him to bring to Feng Yun, and he rented more than 20 ox carts to bring them to Xijing.

The full car drove into the mansion, and it immediately became lively.

Wen Xingsu had just sat down when Zuo and You came over and asked him questions, their faces full of childish joy that could not be concealed...

Wen Xingsu had made preparations for his visit to Pei's house. He not only prepared gifts for Pei Jue and Feng Yun, but also for Pei Chong, Pei Yuan, Ao Qi and his wife, and the two children.

He smiled and asked the servants to take out the toys brought from the south, as well as some special snacks, from the box.

Zuo and You were overjoyed.

"Thank you, uncle."

The two children were sent away with joy.

Wen Xingsu smiled, took a sip of tea, and when he looked up, there was a bit of worry in his eyes.

"Is your majesty getting better?"

Feng Yun looked gloomy and shook her head.

Wen Xingsu knew that she loved the child very much, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"Your majesty is blessed with great fortune and is cared for by the gods. He will definitely be able to turn danger into safety. Yaoyao, don't worry too much."

Feng Yun nodded.

She was so ostrich-like about A Yuan that she didn't know how to continue.

Wen Xingsu noticed that she was in a bad mood, but he didn't say anything further.

"I can only stay in Xijing for about ten days, and then I have to return to Andu Camp. Yaoyao, do you want to go with me?"

This was Feng Yun's original plan, to go back to Huaxi with Wen Xingsu.

But A Yuan's life and death were uncertain, and the situation in Xijing was tense, so she couldn't leave freely and decisively.

"I'll wait a little longer."

Wen Xingsu nodded, without asking what she was waiting for.

"Tomorrow, I want to visit Pingyuan County Lord."

Feng Yun smiled gently at his eyes, "I have already made an agreement with the county lord after receiving the letter from my elder brother. The county lord is infatuated with my brother, and has asked people to ask about my brother's itinerary three times, and she can't wait."

There was no lovesickness, and no uneasiness.

Wen Xingsu's expression was extremely calm. He smiled faintly and bowed, "Thank you for your help."

Feng Yun was silent for a moment and said, "It's inconvenient to exchange letters, so I haven't been able to ask you. Are you really asking for your hand in marriage?"

Wen Xingsu nodded, and a complicated light appeared in his eyes.


Feng Yun asked again, "Have you thought about it carefully? You can't regret it."

Wen Xingsu said, "Think it over carefully."

Feng Yun glanced at his indifferent face.

"I remember that because of the matter of the Prince of Danyang, my brother didn't want to have any dealings with the Grand Princess's Mansion. Why did he suddenly change his mind after returning to Nanqi?"

Wen Xingsu smiled, "Everyone has to get married. The matchmaker's words may also be a mistake. Instead of letting them arrange a stumbling block of equal status, why not abandon the secular world and marry a pure and kind person who treats me wholeheartedly and has a simple mind?"

Feng Yun looked at him, wanting to say something but stopping.

Puyang Yi is a widow, so she naturally has some worldly prejudices. She is very happy that her elder brother can look down on this point...

But he said frankly that he was willing to marry Puyang Yi because she treated him well and was a simple and kind person. Feng Yun felt that it was not so wonderful...

Marriage between men and women should not be like this.

But it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

How many couples live together for a lifetime, but may not be praised by their spouse as a "pure and kind person".

At least the eldest brother values ​​Pu Yangyi's character.

What's more, Xiaoman and Zuo Zhong's happy marriage is right there.

If you follow the right person, life will get better and better. Even if the eldest brother and Puyang Yi are not in love, as a talented and beautiful woman, seeing each other day and night, maybe they are destined to get married...

Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing.

"Maybe the county prince will come looking for you before tomorrow."

Feng Yun made a clever plan.

Ever since she received Wen Xingsu's gift, Puyangyi had a little nervous deer living in her heart, which was tormenting her all day long. She wished she could fly to Wen Xingsu's side and ask what was going on...

She has a frank and enthusiastic temperament, does not like vague ambiguities, and wants to make everything clear.

When Wen Xingsu's carriage entered the city to go to the Pei Mansion, she happened to ride with the eldest princess and entered the palace to attend to His Majesty's illness...

She watched Wen Xingsu riding his horse across the long street.

At that time, my heart flew far away.

As soon as he entered the palace, the little emperor was lying on the bed silently, with a terrifying silver needle inserted in his head. The whole room was filled with the smell of medicine. Puyang Yi felt pity and couldn't bear to look...

Looking at the little emperor and thinking of Wen Xingsu, her heart felt like a piece of broken cotton wool, rising and falling. She waited until she left the palace, lied to the eldest princess, and sneaked to the Pei Mansion with two maids. .

Feng Yun is an enlightened person.

After welcoming people into the flower hall, he said goodbye and left.

She left the convenience to Puyang Yi and Wen Xingsu.

Wen Xingsu was also ready to have a good conversation with her...

Who would have expected that Pu Yangyi opened her mouth and said bluntly, "I am married and have no children, so I am a bit stupid. My last husband stayed with flowers and willows and died drunk in Fireworks Alley. I thought he was unlucky, so I killed him in anger. The house was smashed, a fire was set, and then he went back to his family's home. He didn't care for his soul, nor did he go to the funeral..."

The room fell silent.

Wen Xingsu frowned, "Wen has heard a little bit about the county prince's affairs."

Puyangyi did not dare to look directly into Wen Xingsu's eyes and looked away slightly.

"Then General Wen, have you thought about it? I have a bad reputation and am not very capable. I can't find many advantages even if I count on my fingers..."

If you like someone, you will become humble.

The domineering Lord of Pingyuan County actually had moments of guilt and nervousness.

Wen Xingsu was silent for a long time, "That's just right. I have nothing but a useless good reputation."

Pu Yangyi raised her head and looked at him, "General Wen, do you really want to spend the rest of your life with me?"

Wen Xingsu twisted his lips into a smile, and his dark eyes were extremely deep.

"I am not a hypocritical person. Once I speak, I must have this intention."

The little deer in Pu Yangyi's heart was anxious, jumping around and swallowing subconsciously.

General Wen is handsome and elegant, with an angular face. He has the intellectual demeanor of a gentleman from an aristocratic family. Because he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, his figure is straight and slender, and he has the heroic spirit of a man than the gentleman from aristocratic family...

No matter how you look at it, it fascinates her.

On the way here, Puyang Yi still thought about being reserved and polite in front of him, and not letting him easily see that she had promised her love and was not in a good position.

But when she actually sat in front of Wen Xingsu, she felt dizzy, lost in the clear smile, and couldn't extricate herself——

"I would like to marry General Wen."

She couldn't help but speak out.

When I realized that I was too proactive and straightforward, I blushed again, gritted my teeth secretly, and cursed myself for being useless.

Then, with a flushed face, he looked like he was in love for the first time, and his eyes were watery, full of admiration.

"I will go to my mother's side and ask General Wen to find a matchmaker to go to my house and propose marriage to my mother... We are both very old, so I don't think my mother will stop me."

Wen Xingsu:...

Marriage is a major matter, not a child's play.

He had thought it would take some time to get to this point.

Unexpectedly, in just one meeting, this proud girl who had been doted on and grown up had already made a decision.

"Okay." Wen Xingsu seemed a little helpless and said with a smile, "Wen has asked my sister-in-law to help me."

Pu Yangyi hummed sheepishly, lowered her head, and pretended to stroke her sleeves to make herself look calmer.

"With Princess Yonghuai coming forward, this matter can be accomplished."

The corners of Wen Xingsu's lips raised and he smiled.

Puyang Yi was startled.

Staring directly at his charming smile, she also laughed heartlessly.

It turns out that talking about marriage with the husband you like is like this...

So happy. (End of chapter)

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