Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 480: The Harmony of Qin and Flute

The affairs between Wen Xingsu and Puyang Yi went more smoothly than expected.

She did not hide her feelings for Wen Xingsu at all, and confessed to the Grand Princess when she returned that day.

"I will not marry anyone but you."

These four words hit the Grand Princess's vital point.

After Puyang Zong's accident, the Grand Princess looked at her children like the apple of her eye, and she would never let them suffer any grievances.

Moreover, after Puyang Yi became a widow, the Grand Princess watched her daughter waste these years, and she also hoped that she could marry a good family.

The Grand Princess had already sent people to investigate Wen Xingsu.

The Jiangdong Wen family had a clean background, the surname was Wen, the personality was also gentle, talented and good-looking, and he was a perfect husband picked out of a hundred.

The only thing that made her uneasy was...

Why was Wen Xingsu willing to marry Puyang Yi.

The Grand Princess certainly didn't look down on her daughter, but Puyang Yi's experience and past as a widow were no secrets. With a little inquiry, it would be clear...

Why would a good man marry a widow? If not for love, then for profit.

Then what could Puyang Yi give to Wen Xingsu?

The Grand Princess fell into deep thought, hesitant.

But Puyang Yi was determined. After Feng Yun asked the matchmaker to come to her house with gifts, she bluntly said that she wanted to marry Wen Xingsu, and urged her mother three times a day to agree quickly...

She was afraid that if she hesitated, her man would fly away.

The Grand Princess felt uneasy.

But firstly, she couldn't prepare for her daughter to be too opinionated, and secondly, Princess Yonghuai wanted to marry for her brother. Her brother was the deputy general of the Northern Yong Army, and with such a family background, there was nothing that he couldn't match Puyang Yi...

She couldn't refuse.

This was not a simple marriage of a daughter.

It was more like a marriage with another force.


In today's world, due to frequent wars and unrest, the six rituals are often not complete.

The two sides agreed on the marriage, and without asking for the name of the marriage, they directly decided on the marriage. Wen Xingsu immediately presented the wedding gift and asked for a date...

The marriage was naturally too late to be held. After asking someone to divine, the wedding date was set in midsummer, late May.

After the marriage was decided, Feng Yun made some wishes and asked the kitchen to prepare food. He wanted to celebrate Wen Xingsu in the mansion and also give him a farewell party.

Xiaoman went to Wen Xingsu's residence, but didn't find anyone.

Pinshu said that the eldest son was in the waterside pavilion in the backyard.

This weather is warm and cold, and the pavilion is windy, so few people usually go there.

Feng Yun frowned and thought about it when he heard the news.

"Xiaoman, take my cloak."

The plum blossoms in the garden have not yet withered, and the winter jasmine is in a hurry to spit out new buds. Feng Yun passed through the hanging flower gate. Before she reached the waterside pavilion, she looked up and saw Wen Xingsu sitting on a wooden chair in the pavilion by the water...

He did nothing.

Quietly, he sat on the railing facing the water, his eyes slightly closed, his expression lazy, showing his elegance.

Feng Yun paused for a moment and walked over slowly

Guanqi saw her, called "Big Langjun", and was about to salute, but was stopped by Feng Yun's eyes.

"Guanqi." Wen Xingsu suddenly said, "Go get some wine--"

Guanqi was a little embarrassed, "Big Langjun, my wife is here."

Wen Xingsu's posture froze slightly, turned his head and saw Feng Yun, and a gentle smile appeared on his handsome face in an instant.

"Why is Yaoyao here?"

Feng Yun said, "I prepared wine and food for my brother on the stove, but he didn't come to drink, but hid here and drank alone."

Wen Xingsu laughed, "You caught me."

Feng Yun frowned slightly, "Why did you think of drinking alone? But...still hesitant?"

She was referring to her marriage with Puyang Yi.

No matter what, she was unwilling to force Wen Xingsu.

Wen Xingsu smiled and shook his head, saying in a calm tone, "It has nothing to do with marriage. It's just that this scene is intoxicating, so I got a little drunk."

After that, he stepped over the wooden fence and smiled at Feng Yun.

"It's windy outside, let's go back to the house and drink."

Feng Yun looked up and looked into his eyes, "Brother, you and I have been close relatives for many years. If you have something on your mind, don't hide it from me."

Wen Xingsu seemed stunned.

He looked down at her for a long time, then smiled softly:

"Life is full of different situations, how can everything go well? There will always be times when you feel down, don't take it seriously, it will pass quickly."

Feng Yun saw that his eyes were full of gentle smiles, and then he relaxed his tense emotions and joked:

"If you dare to hide something from me, I will see if I will pay attention to you."

Her voice was slightly coquettish.

It seemed that she was still the little girl in Taicheng who was ignorant of the world...

Wen Xingsu's eyes were dazed for a moment, and his eyebrows opened.

"You, too, are a bully in your own home. Don't dare to be so ostentatious in front of your brother-in-law."

Feng Yun glanced at him, "Then you are wrong, brother. I treat my brother the most kindly. I am not so good-tempered to him."

Wen Xingsu smiled faintly: "After getting married, you can't be as naughty as you were in the boudoir. My brother-in-law..."

He paused here, and his tone was slightly hesitant.

"The present is different from the past. He is not only the Prince of Yonghuai, but also holds the throne of the Jin Dynasty. There are so many eyes watching him. You have to keep an eye on him."

Feng Yun said, "I can't keep an eye on him. He is not someone I can control."

Wen Xingsu remained silent.

Feng Yun said, "The king told me today that he cannot see my brother off when he leaves Beijing tomorrow."

Wen Xingsu nodded, "I am not a three-year-old child, so there is no need to see him off. I left early, and you are used to sleeping in, so you don't have to get up..."

Feng Yun said, "I have to see you off."

After a hesitation, she slowed down her pace and her voice became much lower.

"I don't know why, but after A Yuan's accident, I couldn't let go of my uneasiness for a long time... Now that I think about it, I have to cherish the fate between people."

Wen Xingsu frowned and sighed.

"Yao Yao is absolutely right. No one knows if we meet again, we will never see each other again."

Feng Yun frowned dissatisfied, "Brother!"

Wen Xingsu smiled and said, "No more. Then you have to let me drink a few more drinks later."


Having wine in your belly always makes you feel melancholy.

Feng Yun and Wen Xingsu talked a lot.

From the situation in front of me, I recall the rough fights in my childhood.

Perhaps after experiencing too much, people will always miss their childhood.

Feng Yun drank several glasses of wine, and his eye circles were a little red.

"It would be great if my mother was still here."

Wen Xingsu looked at her with deep eyes.

"Brother will protect you from now on."

Feng Yun pursed his lips, looked back at Wen Xingsu, and smiled lightly.

"I only hope that my eldest brother can be happy, and that my sister-in-law and I will be safe and sound until we grow old."

Wen Xingsu frowned and said nothing.

He didn't know the meaning of Feng Yun's words.

I don’t even know how much Feng Yun hoped that he would live to the end of his life, instead of following the same path of his whole life and dying in a foreign country...

After three rounds of drinking.

The sorrow of separation gradually faded away.

Feng Yun's recent depression caused by Yuan Shangyi was also washed away by the wine.

When Wen Xingsui saw her relax, his eyes lit up with a smile.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve heard the beautiful music from my waist. I wonder if I’m going to be blessed today?”

Feng Yun snorted, "Who doesn't know that my eldest brother's piano skills are the best? Don't laugh at me. How can my three-legged cat skills compare with my brother's?"

Wen Xingsu laughed so hard that his eyes rolled up.

"What is my piano skill called? Compared with Xiao San..."

He suddenly stopped talking, paused, and looked at Feng Yun, "Bring the piano."

The young master of Southern Qi is the only one who can surpass Xiao San.

There are not many people in this world who are more talented than Xiao San.

Feng Yun curled his lips, as if he didn't hear him say "Xiao San", and seemed to have forgotten that there was such a person in the world, and there was still a faint expression on his face.

"Bring me the harp, my eldest brother wants to play a song on the harp to celebrate the new happiness."

The servants were all smiling and welcoming.

When the strings vibrated and the melodious music danced on Wen Xingsu's fingertips, Feng Yun couldn't hold himself back, so he picked up a bamboo flute due to his drunkenness.

"What a beautiful song, Guanshan Qiuyue, I'll come and play with you."

She hasn't touched an instrument for a long time, but she doesn't look unfamiliar. She has a smile on her face and plays the flute, which is in harmony with the melodious sound of the piano. Sometimes she whistles as low as mountains and rivers, sometimes as high as the excitement of a battlefield. Each note hits her ears in unison, accompanying each other and showing her full expression. Aristocratic family romance...

The servants were all fascinated by this.

No one noticed that Pei Ran walked through the winding path and stood outside the window, listening to the soft and melodious piano and flute ensemble, standing with his hands behind his hands.


Early the next morning, Wen Xingsu said goodbye to the Pei family and set off from Xijing with his servants, preparing to return to the Andu camp.

Feng Yun forced himself to get up and escort him to the city gate.

Unexpectedly, Puyang Yi had been waiting in the cold wind for a long time.

"General Wen, take care."

After uttering a few words in a low voice, her eyes were already red, as if she was about to shed tears in the next moment, with a look of reluctance.

Feng Yun grabbed her shoulders, patted her gently, and said with a smile: "Why are you sad? It's not like the county prince won't go to Andu. By May, you will be a newlywed..."

Pu Yangyi scolded her in embarrassment and lowered her head.

It was not a separation of life and death, she had gone too far, but she had finally established a relationship with Wen Xingsu. She just wished she could see her husband every day, so how could she be willing to be separated like this...

Wen Xingsu saluted her and said warmly:

"The county gentleman returns to Andu, I will pick you up."

He used the word "hui", which made Puyang Yi feel warm in her heart, thinking of the farm in Huaxi and Puyang Zong who guarded the village.

"If it hadn't been for everything in the capital, we should be ready to set off, but now..."

In this situation, the eldest princess cannot leave.

The same goes for Feng Yun and Pei Ran.

Wen Xingsu couldn't say more and looked sideways at Feng Yun.

"Ayun, I'm leaving."

Feng Yun said: "It's a long way to Andu. Brother, you have to take care of yourself, otherwise someone will feel sorry for you."

Puyangyi glared at her angrily.

The corners of Wen Xingsu's lips curled up slightly, his Adam's apple moved, but without saying anything, he slowly saluted them with cupped fists.

"Goodbye Andu."

Feng Yun returned the favor and said, "Goodbye."

Wen Xingsu nodded, got on his horse, and turned around.

"General Wen——" Puyang Yi still couldn't hold back and shouted to him.

Wen Xingsu paused for a moment, turned around, and stood on his horse facing the wind, his clothes fluttering.

Pu Yangyi looked at him, then looked at the vastness of heaven and earth, and suddenly felt sadness coming over him.

"You have to be nice."

She pursed her lips and wanted to cry.


Wen Xingsu smiled slightly, holding the reins and clasping his fists.


The morning light was dim, and the glow seemed to have broken through a hole in the sky, shining on the towering city wall. Wen Xingsu was accompanied by more than a dozen servants and several carts of luggage. They did not walk very fast and slowly disappeared from sight...

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