Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 481 Cut it down as you say

Yuan Shangyi never woke up after the fall.

Even the Queen Mother Duan was getting worse day by day.

Feng Yun went to Changxin Palace to see her twice. She was even more exhausted than that day, as if she had lost her mind. She stared at Feng Yun as he came in, without any response for a long time.

"Is the Queen Mother ever awake?" she asked.

The maid bowed and said, "Your Highness is often in a coma. When she wakes up occasionally, she only calls Your Majesty by his nickname, and can't say anything else..."

Feng Yun sighed.

"Please serve her with the medicine."

The two maids bowed together.


Feng Yun looked over.

The palace servants serving in Changxin Palace had been replaced.

None of the old people around the Queen Mother Duan, including Ms. Lin, were left.

Feng Yun walked out of Changxin Palace, looked at the red walls of the palace, sat on the sedan chair, and walked through the long corridor in the spring breeze of February.

The wind was strong, and she felt cold all over.

This deep palace is really not a place for people to stay...

No wonder Yuan Shangyi refused to be the emperor.

There were many taboos when she entered the palace in the past.

Now, she can come and go freely in this palace.

Her face is more useful than any waist badge.

No one dares to disrespect Princess Yonghuai...

Seeing that the sedan chair was about to leave the palace, Feng Yun suddenly spoke.


The servant paused slightly.

Then he heard the mistress on the sedan chair order:

"Go to the Tiqi Division."

After Wei Zheng's wedding, Feng Yun met Luo Yue twice more.

It was she who brought Lin'er to Pei's house to recognize her relatives, and taught the child to call her "Auntie" with a smile on her face, without showing any worry at all.

Feng Yun saw the haggardness in her eyes, but he just ignored it. He gave the child a red envelope, stuffed a cloth tiger or a little cloth deer, and sent them away, only asking them to come often.

The sharpness of Luo Yue was lost.

Feng Yun felt a little regretful.

I can't force her.

When you encounter something unpleasant, you have to spend some time to get out of the mud, you can't force it.

She came to see Wei Zheng today, not for Luo Yue, but for Yuan Shangyi.

All the palace maids who were in the Yongshou Palace incident that day were detained in the Tiqi Division.

Feng Yun learned from Pei Jue that these people would not confess, so she wanted to come and see for herself.

She suspected Xu Yong.

Before the incident in Yongshou Palace, she felt that this eunuch had ulterior motives.

Other palace maids may be innocent.

Xu Yong, I'm afraid he is the culprit...


Wei Zheng, wearing a brocade robe and jade belt from the Tiqi Division, came out to greet him. He looked smiling and like a spring breeze...

Feng Yun's eyebrows subconsciously raised.

"I see that Master Wei is walking lightly and looking radiant. It seems that he has benefited a lot from meeting a virtuous wife."

She kept smiling and spoke casually without any sarcasm, but Wei Zheng could hear sarcasm in her gentle voice.

Wei Zheng bowed deeply to Feng Yun, "The affairs of the harem are a mess, and the princess is laughing at me. I wonder if the princess has any advice for you today?"

He thought Feng Yun was causing trouble for Luo Yue.

Since his wedding, the woman refused to let him enter her yard again.

She also said that the mistress had just married and the husband should accompany her, so as not to let the concubine take away the favor and make the mistress unhappy.

Wei Zheng admired her.

He was also afraid of her.

Every time she said she was going to visit relatives at Pei's house, Wei Zheng was terrified...

Look, the relatives came by themselves.

Feng Yun glanced at him, "I came to the palace to see His Majesty today. He is not feeling well, so I want to ask Wei Sizhu whether the suspect has confessed. If they refuse to speak, is there nothing the Tiqisi can do?"

Wei Zheng smiled bitterly, "Princess, you don't know that the Tiqisi is investigating day and night, and dare not slack off. But this bastard, his mouth is like sewn with threads, and he can't open it..."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes and stared at him.

"Could it be that Wei Sizhu is newly married and only cares about his new wife in the harem, so he neglects to investigate the case?"

Wei Zheng's forehead was throbbing, and he lowered his voice. "Princess, please forgive me. How dare Wei delay the task assigned by the king? These people refuse to admit it, and I am helpless..."

Feng Yun asked, "Can I see it?"

Wei Zheng stood up, and said "this", with an embarrassed look on his face.

"There is a law first... Please forgive me, Princess."

Feng Yun: "I understand."

She gave Wei Zheng a look and turned away.

Not far from the gate, she saw Pei Jue standing in the wind, silently.

He was waiting for her.

Feng Yun walked over and bowed to him.

"Your Majesty."

Pei Jue said, "What are you doing at the Tiqi Division?"

Feng Yun nodded, "I heard that the suspect in Yongshou Palace refused to confess, so I wanted to come and see the situation..."

Pei Jue said, "No one has confirmed that your majesty fell down because someone did it on purpose."

Feng Yun: "So, Your Majesty also thinks that A Yuan fell down by himself?"

Pei Jue looked at her and was silent.

"Yes, it is indeed possible." Feng Yun nodded, looked at him and said, "But even if A Yuan fell down by himself, the people who served him are also to blame, and they should be dealt with together."

Pei Jue frowned.

Feng Yun is usually kind-hearted, very kind to the servants in the mansion, and never too harsh.

Why did he suddenly become so domineering?

Pei Jue narrowed his eyes slightly, "If they are wronged..."

Feng Yun said: "It's fate."

Pei Jue: ...

He sighed secretly, "Let's go, I'll take you to see him."

Feng Yun then turned his worry into joy and bowed to Pei Jue.

"I am willing to share your worries."

Pei Ran hummed lowly.

Feng Yun glanced over and then stopped his expression.

After a moment of silence, Pei Ran said: "The imperial doctor said that His Majesty suffered a serious head injury and the chance of recovery is extremely slim..."

Feng Yun's heart sank.

"Then you can't give up."

Pei Madang looked at her with dark eyes.

"Yunniang must be prepared."

Feng Yun was in a trance and fell silent.


When Wei Zheng saw Feng Yun leaving and returning, followed by King Yonghuai, he didn't dare to be careless at all. He greeted them with a smile and quickly took them down to the prison cell.

Xu Yong, Lin Nvshi and others are all detained here.

Their confessions were placed on the wooden table outside the prison cell.


It is said that Yuan Shangyi once lived in Yongxin Palace when he learned that his own mother was on the Western Tour with Emperor Xifeng. He ignored the dissuasion of the palace people and stepped on the snow. When he was going up the steps, he accidentally slipped and fell down. …

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes and looked at Wei Zheng.

"I remember that day, there was a rumor in the palace that His Majesty fell while playing in the snow?"

Wei Zheng said: "Xu Yong explained that His Majesty missed his deceased mother and did not kiss his adoptive mother. They were afraid that Empress Dowager Duan would be sad for this, so they changed the story."

Does the adoptive mother feel sad when she misses her deceased mother?

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes and pointed to the prison cell.

"Can I say a few words to Eunuch Xu?"

Wei Zheng saw that Pei Ran was speechless and quickly handed over his hand.

"Princess, please."


It was cold and gloomy in the cell.

Xu Yong huddled on the dirty straw, his hair was fluffy, his face was pale, and there were streaks of blood on the back of his hands and neck.

It can be seen that the life of this great eunuch was very difficult after he was released from prison.

Feng Yun said: "How did your Majesty fall?"

Xu Yong's eyes were unfocused, "I've told you many times that Your Majesty ran up the steps and slipped..."

Feng Yun said: "Their confession stated that they ran down the steps. Did they run up or down? Eunuch Xu, what are you hiding?"

Xu Yong was stunned for a moment.

"No way, they must have made a mistake. I remember running up, yes, it was obviously when I was going up the steps..."

Feng Yun said: "Then let me ask you, why was Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother also in the Yongshou Hall that day?"

Xu Yongdao: "The Queen Mother was extremely worried when she heard that Her Majesty was going to Yongshou Palace, so she asked the villain and five other servants to go with her..."

Feng Yun: "Then what?"

Xu Yongdao: "The Queen Mother had just stepped out of the palace gate when she saw Her Majesty falling down the slippery steps. She ran over regardless of her manners..."

Feng Yun: "Then when did the Queen Mother faint?"

Xu Yongdao: "I heard from the imperial doctor that His Majesty has bleeding in his skull and may not be able to cure it."

The answers are fluent.

Feng Yun stared into his eyes.

"Eunuch Xu, why did you lie?"

Xu Yong looked at her, "How dare a villain deceive the princess?"

Feng Yun said: "Someone from the palace told me that you were behind His Majesty when the incident happened. It was you who wanted to kill His Majesty."

Xu Yong's eyes widened in shock, "That's nonsense, who is slandering the villain..."

Feng Yun said: "Your apprentice, Shunzi, who is serving in front of His Majesty, said that he saw it with his own eyes..."

Xu Yong's expression changed and he almost gritted his teeth when he spoke.

"Bullshit, I even said he pushed His Majesty down the steps with his own hands."

Feng Yun: "How do you know that it was he who pushed His Majesty down the steps..."

Xu Yong was startled, "I am, just making an analogy."

Feng Yun smiled coldly and turned around suddenly.

"Xu Yong confessed that it was his apprentice Shunzi who pushed His Majesty down the steps."

Everyone was stunned.

Is this still possible?

Soon, Shunzi cried out that she was wronged after learning that she had been sold by Xu Yong.

"It was Eunuch Xu who recommended it. It has nothing to do with the villain."

Feng Yun said: "Dog bites dog, it's a hair in the mouth. Okay, since you have admitted that someone pushed His Majesty, it doesn't matter who pushed him, you are not innocent..."

She turned around suddenly and raised her hands to Pei Ran:

"Your Majesty, in the opinion of my subordinates, none of the people here are good, so we should simply deal with them all."

Wei Zheng:......

All the jailers:...

Everyone thinks Princess Yonghuai is a little crazy.

It was obvious that she was the one who led the two men to identify each other and killed them all, leaving no one alive.

Where is the case resolved like this?

Isn’t this all an unjust, false and wrongful conviction?

The princess is unreasonable, let alone the law.

Wei Zheng did not think that King Yonghuai would comply so blindly.

Unexpectedly, there is only one word for Pei Ran.


That's a living person, not a melon. Just chop it off?

Wei Zheng disagreed in his heart, but King Yonghuai had said that he would not be responsible for the murder, so he would not disobey the order...

Seeing the jailer dragging all the palace residents out of the prison, Feng Yun waited expressionlessly.


When they learned that their heads would be beheaded soon and they would not even be able to eat, the crowd immediately burst into cries.

Some people are complaining and exposing each other's wounds.

Immediately afterwards...

Feng Yun heard a shout.

"The villain explains, the villain knows the truth."

Pei Ran: My wife has the final say. Cut it off.

Xu Yong: Don’t think I don’t know, you are singing a double act...

Feng Yun: It’s a pity that you know it but they don’t.

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