Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 482 Raising an army to punish the criminals

The person who spoke was Xu Yong's apprentice, Shunzi, who was waiting in front of the emperor.

"Please, Your Majesty, be merciful and give me a way to survive. I will be willing to explain everything, everything..."

After a brief silence, Feng Yun turned his head slightly and looked at Pei Ran.

Pei Madang looked at her and raised his sleeves lightly.

"Wei Zheng."

Wei Zheng's heart skipped a beat, his nerves protruded, and he bowed his hands to Pei Man in a polite manner.

"I understand."

In the dark prison cell, there were wooden desks, chairs, and tea.

Pei Ran sat at the top of the table without saying a word.

Feng Yun stood by quietly, as if nothing had happened, and there was even a hint of a smile on Yun Danfengqing's face.

The oil lamps in the prison cell were dim and smelled of sourness.

There is a cold wind blowing from the corridor, as if it comes from hell.

The atmosphere around him was stagnant.

From the attendants to the jailers, everyone held their breath and walked on thin ice.

Only Feng Pei and his wife were taking their time.

A hole has been opened, and the next interrogation will be much simpler.

Either way, it's death. Rather than die yourself, it's better for others to die——

The palace officials were worried that speaking slowly would not be enough to alleviate the crime, so they rushed to explain.

Wei Zheng mastered all the confessions without much effort.

The confessions pointed to only two people - Xu Yong and Lin Nvshi.

That day, all these palace people were in the Yongshou Palace, but they all said that they had not seen what happened before the little emperor rolled down the steps.

Because Xu Yong was the eunuch of the inner court, he asked the palace people to guard the door and not allow anyone to disturb His Majesty, and they did not dare to disobey.

By the time they heard the screams and ran over, the little emperor had already fallen at the foot of the steps.

Xu Yong said that His Majesty accidentally slipped and fell down the steps.

He also threatened them to make consistent confessions and not to talk nonsense about him.

Otherwise, if one person commits a crime, the entire palace will be closed, and no one will be able to escape, and they will be buried with the little emperor.

After further digging, Lin Nushi admitted her affair with Xu Yong.

But she did not admit that she had any selfish motives for harming Queen Mother Duan and the young emperor.

"The Queen Mother is very kind to the villain. If the villain harms the Queen Mother, he is harming himself. The villain is not stupid and will not do that..."

"Xu Yong asked me to persuade the Queen Mother to go to the Yongshou Palace that day. The villain also complained about the Queen Mother and thought that Her Majesty was not affectionate enough to the Queen Mother. It was all because of the instigation of Princess Yonghuai that she would rather worship her deceased biological mother than take care of her. His adoptive mother who has raised him for many years..."

"The villain was angry with the Queen Mother, so he said some unpleasant words in her ears..."

Lin Nvshi continued to complain.

"Please be aware, Your Majesty, that this villain has no intention of harming Your Majesty and the Empress Dowager."

Feng Yun and Pei Ran looked at each other and suddenly asked about Lin Nv's history.

"The Queen Mother suddenly fell ill and fainted. Does it have anything to do with you?"

Ms. Lin kowtowed frantically and shouted that she was wronged.

"No villain, no villain would dare to murder the Queen Mother..."

Feng Yun: "Then if you think about it carefully, there is something weird about the Queen Mother's daily diet."

"I don't know--"

When Lin Nvshi said this, she suddenly turned her head as if she suddenly thought of something, and looked at Xu Yong with a faint look.

"Eunuch Xu gave the Queen Mother a box of ginseng slices from Tutai Mountain, saying that it can nourish the blood of the heart and spleen and cure insomnia and irritability. The Queen Mother used it several times and slept soundly at night. She was very satisfied and took it often. Could it be..."

Before her voice fell, while everyone was listening to her explanation attentively, Xu Yong, who was being held on his knees by the jailer, suddenly broke away from the jailer with a force and hit the tip of his knife.


No one expected him to seek death, screaming.

Suzu retracted his sword and retreated, but he slammed into him, fast and hard, and he was about to hit him...

A bang!

A slash was made from the diagonal thrust, and the jailer's waist knife was directly deflected.

The tip of the knife slid past Xu Yong's chest...

There was a lot of blood, but no vital parts were hurt.

Zuo Zhong coldly put away the knife, grabbed the back of Xu Yong's neck with an expressionless expression, and threw it in front of Pei Mang.

Xu Yong's face was ashen, the corners of his mouth were pursed coldly, without raising his head, and his voice was full of hatred.

"Princess Yonghuai has such deep thoughts. Unfortunately, the fact is that Your Majesty threw it yourself. Even if you ask a thousand or ten thousand times, it will not change..."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke each word slowly and forcefully.

"Xu Yong, his family was poor when he was young, and he lived in the rough. In the second year of Xifeng, he was naturalized from the palace in order to make a living. He did menial chores in Yeting and was bullied. Later, he relied on fawning to gain talents and got a job as a servant in Zhongchang. ... Li Sangruo was granted the title of empress, and Fang Fu was appreciated by him. When he was in charge of the Jiafu Hall and was prospering, you suddenly turned against him, turned around and clung to the powerless Concubine Duan, and began to seduce people in Fanglan Garden. Walking until Princess Duan gained power, entered the Changxin Palace, and took the throne at the court, then the tide rose and all boats were lifted, and she took sole control of the power of the inner court..."

These things about Xu Yong were just seen by Feng Yun on the wooden case in Tiqisi.

The inner court files are complete, and Tiqisi has also investigated the past of everyone here in private, and has uncovered all the eighteen generations of ancestors.

There is little doubt.

The only thing that made Feng Yun suspicious was that Xu Yong and Fang Fucai had an intersection...

Although the final result is that they become enemies with each other and never interact with each other until death.

But it was precisely because of this that Feng Yun became suspicious.

Feng Yun and Fang Fucai had dealt with each other before.

That is an out-and-out villain...

During Li Sangruo's reign, Fang Fucai was the head of the eunuchs. It was easy to handle the little eunuchs next to the concubine.

"Xu Yong, you offended Fang Fucai, how do you survive until now?"

Xu Yong's expression changed slightly.

But the next moment, there was a sneer.

"Then the princess will have to ask Fang Fucai."

Feng Yun smiled: "Okay, shall I send you down to ask him? You two are brothers, and he is down here right now. I can't say he misses you so much."

Her voice was clear and pleasant, without the slightest hint of cruelty, just like a normal joke, but Xu Yong felt creepy for no reason...

Fang Fucai also died in Tiqisi prison.

He was also killed by this woman.

Xu Yong slowly raised his head and looked at Feng Yun with cold eyes.

"No matter what the princess says, no villain dares to bear the things that a villain has never done."

Feng Yun nodded, "You and Fang Fucai are similar in one thing. You know there will be no easy end if you confess, so you just bite the bullet and get a word of loyalty."

Xu Yong: "I don't know what the princess is talking about."

Feng Yun turned his eyes and smiled.

"You know it very well. When Emperor Xifeng died, there were only two princes left. One was Empress Dowager Li's legitimate son, Emperor Xinghe, who passed away in Zhongjing. The other was Emperor Duan who was raised by Empress Dowager Li. The King of Qin next to the concubine, the son of Emperor Xifeng’s first concubine, the current majesty..."

"The enemy between you and Fang Fucai is nothing more than a cover-up. Your real purpose is to sneak into Fanglan Garden and monitor every move of Princess Duan and Prince Qin in order to protect the rights of the Li family and his daughter..."

Xu Yong looked at Feng Yun quietly.

"Joke! Why should I help the Li family?"

Feng Yun's eyes were cold, "Of course you are not helping Li and his daughter, you are helping Fang Fucai. You have known him since childhood, he saved you from fire and water, and you are grateful for his kindness..."

After saying that, she snorted quietly.

"Speaking of it, you are also a bloody person who knows how to repay kindness. Fang Fucai's death made you hate the king, me, and the Xijing court. That's why you secretly communicated with the Yecheng court and did such a crazy thing. ...right or wrong?”

Xu Yongdao: "Does the princess have any evidence? If not, with red lips and white teeth, she is just using her power to bully others and let the villain die in vain... If you ask me, the people most suspected of harming Your Majesty and the Queen Mother are clearly the eldest princess and King Zhuang Xian. …”

He stared at Feng Yun with dark eyes, and then glanced at Pei Madang, Wei Zheng and others.

"Whoever benefits will be the murderer. It's such a simple truth. You nobles, don't you need a villain to remind you?"

Not only do you deny it, but you also want to sow discord?

Wei Zheng was impatient.

With a clang, he drew his sword and pointed it at Xu Yong.

"Bullshit, do you think we are all fools? If it has nothing to do with you, why did you hide the truth? Instigated everyone to conspire, saying that His Majesty fell under everyone's noses..."

Xu Yongdao: "Your Majesty misses his late mother, but he doesn't want the Queen Mother to be sad. He only allows me to serve him by his side. I'm afraid that he can't explain clearly and cause trouble, but he also wants to save his life."

Wei Zheng gritted his teeth: "You are still arguing when you are about to die. It seems that you will not be able to speak without severe punishment. Someone -"

As soon as his voice fell, Feng Yun stood up and held his hands towards Pei Madang.

"Your Majesty, I don't want to see this. I don't want to see blood, so I have to take the first step."

Pei Ran hummed and stood up, "Let's go."

Feng Yun glanced at him, "Isn't the king waiting too?"

Pei Madang held her hand and turned back to Wei Zheng:

"Greeting you good greetings and having fun, don't waste food."

Wei Zheng was startled.

It took a while to understand what Pei Ran meant, and he cupped his hands and said:


Xu Yong also understood.

He fell to the ground, looked at their leaving figures, and suddenly yelled.

"Pei Madang, Feng Yun, you two bitches will be punished. The sky will be struck by lightning, five horses will dismember the body, and you will be reincarnated in hell for generations to come...I will not let you go even if you are a ghost..."

He knew that his death was coming, and he would still have to suffer the consequences of living. He chewed every word in his mouth, as if he had deep hatred.

Feng Yun asked Pei Ran with a smile.

"He said we were a couple of bitches. What does your Majesty think?"

Pei Ran looked at her and said, "I am."

He was calm and indifferent.

Feng Yun put his arms into his arms and was very close, "Your Majesty, don't you want to know what Xu Yong wants to explain?"

Pei Ran said: "He won't explain."

I've said it a long time ago, and I won't wait until now.

Feng Yun asked: "Then you don't want to know who is behind him?"

Pei Ran looked sideways at her.

"Yunniang has just made it very clear."

Feng Yun pursed his lips, a slight smile crossed the corners of his lips, and then pursed his lips tightly again, his eyes cold.

Ah Yuan, my wife will avenge you sooner or later.

The opportunity for revenge came sooner than Feng Yun expected...

Just as the Xijing court was making plans for the young emperor's illness and the choice of heir apparent, criticizing each other, and secretly stirring up war, an urgent military intelligence report suddenly came from the two sides...

Li Zongxun recruited troops and horses in Yecheng and recharged his strength. After a year of silence, he suddenly mobilized troops and horses and issued an edict to the world at the same time.

He claimed, "The imperial power is given by heaven, and those who care about the world can live in it. Today in the Xijing court, traitors and sycophants are in power, and powerful ministers are tyrannical, making the emperor's heirs in trouble and the people living in dire straits. It is really a sign of divine punishment."

It is also said: "The city of Ye has a sage king, the government is clear, and the people are healthy... For the sake of the Jin Dynasty, I am raising the flag of righteousness to kill the chief evil Pei Mad, obeying the will of God, rectifying the world, and saving all people from water and fire."

He also said that "this time we raise troops to punish criminals, we will not harm the people, and we will not harm the innocent. We hope that people with lofty ideals in the world will join us in this righteous cause and restore peace to the Great Jin Dynasty"... (End of this chapter)

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