Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 484: Feng Pei's End

"Ah Yue."

The Grand Princess stared at Yuan Yue and smiled.

This was definitely the most gentle and amiable smile Yuan Yue had ever seen from his aunt since he was a child.

"In your opinion, if something really happened to the emperor, who else in the Jin royal family could inherit the throne?"

When the flames in Yuan Yue's eyes came into contact with the Grand Princess's smile, it was like adding a handful of oil to a hot pot... burning fiercely.

The Grand Princess raised the corners of her lips and stared at him without blinking.

Yuan Yue's heart tightened and he couldn't open his mouth.

But the sudden hope on his face was like a ray of light bursting out in the morning light, shining in the eyes of King Zhuangxian and the Grand Princess.

King Zhuangxian was sweating faintly on his forehead...

His son was too young.

He doesn't know his aunt well enough...

"Ahem!" King Zhuangxian lowered his eyes slightly, cupped his hands, and was about to speak when he heard the eldest princess say indifferently:

"Don't think about it. Since you are allowed to enter the palace to serve the sick, you should serve well and wholeheartedly. These are not what you should think about."

Yuan Yue was slightly startled when he heard his aunt's stiff tone, and his hair stood up.


The eldest princess took a sip of the teacup, then slowly put it down and spoke.

"Do you think Pei Jue put you next to His Majesty so that you can take advantage of it? Humph..."

Looking at Yuan Yue's suddenly changed face, the eldest princess looked at each other coldly.

"You two, father and son, go back and burn some incense to pray to the Bodhisattva to bless the emperor to wake up soon and recover."

Yuan Yue's throat choked.

"Aunt, I don't understand."

Relying on his favor, he finally said what was in his heart, "There is no one else in the imperial family of Dajin. When the emperor passed away, the nephew was the closest blood of Emperor Xifeng..."

The eldest princess looked at his young and energetic face coldly, smiled tepidly, and asked slowly.

"Who said that the new emperor must be the nephew of Emperor Xifeng? It's adopted anyway, just pick one from the royal family, or simply change the surname of the country... At that time, who dares to question it?"

Yuan Yue was shocked, and sweat broke out in his palms.

He was young, impulsive, but not stupid.

After the eldest princess's suggestion, he understood.

"Pei Cong deliberately put me in front of the emperor to warn my father and aunt not to act rashly..."

The eldest princess showed a trace of relief in her eyes.

As Yuan Yue spoke, he was shocked, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

"Or is it that he is actually waiting, waiting for me to make a mistake, or even hoping that I will do something to the emperor... something he wants to do but cannot do? Kill someone with a borrowed knife?"

The answer is in Pei Jue's heart.

The Grand Princess cannot give it to Yuan Yue.

"Anyway, you just need to know what's going on. After entering the palace, be cautious and behave yourself."

Yuan Yue pursed his lips and said nothing.

The Grand Princess looked at him coldly, and then looked at the silent King Zhuangxian.

"Go back, pack up, cheer up, prepare to go to war, and don't destroy your own prestige."

"Eldest sister..." King Zhuangxian's throat choked, and his eyes looked at her eagerly, clearly afraid.

The Grand Princess frowned and said lightly:

"Go, this battle cannot be lost. When I chose Xijing instead of Yecheng, I was sure that Li Zongxun was not Pei Jue's opponent. Besides..."

She looked at King Zhuangxian, smiling.

"It's not that easy to be a prince. People like us have enjoyed the glory and wealth brought by our status since we were born. When the country is unstable and the dynasty is in trouble, we have to sacrifice when it's time to sacrifice."

Zhuang Xianwang's eyes widened slightly, looking at the eldest princess in disbelief.

He is her biological brother.

He came here today to ask his eldest sister to find a way, whether to pretend to be sick or to beg for mercy, at least not to go to the front...

Unexpectedly, he would get such a sentence.

"Eldest sister, you know that I don't have the ability to lead troops in battle, isn't this going to die?"

The eldest princess waved her hand and said nothing.

Yuan Yue and Yuan Yin looked at each other, stood up with gritted teeth, bowed to her, and left.

Yuan Yin's legs were a little weak, and he was half dead when he thought about going to the battlefield...

Yuan Yue's eyes were sharp, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He raised his legs to the threshold, put them down, and slowly turned around to look at the eldest princess.

"Aunt, do we...really have no chance?"


The eldest princess looked at her talkative nephew again and smiled.

"Life is like a chess game, and each game is new."


The news that King Zhuangxian was appointed as the Grand Marshal of the Anti-Rebellion Campaign and was ordered to go on the expedition spread like the wind across the country.

The whole country was shocked.

The princes and nobles in Xijing City knew what kind of coward King Zhuangxian was, but the common people didn't know...

This is a real prince of the Great Jin Dynasty and the uncle of the current young emperor.

He has personally led the troops to the front, what is there to be afraid of?

The scared King Zhuangxian never dreamed that his expedition would greatly boost morale and stabilize the people's hearts, and really made a little contribution to the Xijing court.

With the prince in charge and Wen Xingsu guarding the banks of the Tonghui River, the military and civilians had great confidence.

Even those people who were preparing to flee paused and prepared to wait and see...


In mid-February, Ao Qi came to Pei Mansion to say goodbye.

He had just gotten married and was going to say goodbye to his parents and his new wife and return to Shiguan Camp.

Everyone knew what was going on over there.

Pei Chong had a gloomy face and remained silent.

Ao Zheng followed beside him, sighing.

Pei Yuan suppressed the tears that were about to come to her eyes, and held her son's hand, reluctant to let go. However, she did not say a word to stop him, nor did she make a sound to persuade him to stay. She only warned him to be safe during the march.

The two younger ones, Zuo and You, also had their mouths pursed and their eyes kept dropping golden beans. They also sobbed and pretended to be strong, saying that they would take care of their parents...

Feng Yun looked at this scene.

Suddenly, I have more respect for the Pei family and Pei Yuan.

This family of generals is probably used to such separation...

When every war comes, they have to say goodbye to their loved ones, and rush to the war battlefield where the outcome is uncertain and the future is uncertain...

Even if there are tears and fear, they can only be swallowed in the stomach.

"Aweng, father, mother -" Ao Qi saluted each of the elders, then slowly turned his head and looked at Feng Yun, "Aunt."

There was a slight lump in his throat, and he paused before slowly bowing his head.

"When I return in triumph, I can devote myself to my elders again."

After saying that, he glanced sideways at Amir.

"I am leaving."

Amir didn't cry.

From beginning to end, she was calm, like an outsider...

Pei Yuan was still blaming her for being ignorant and heartless just now.

Unexpectedly, before Ao Qi's voice fell, she responded with a smile.

"let's go."

Then, under the eyes of everyone, she climbed onto the maroon horse led by the maid, raised her head proudly, and patted the crossbow that Feng Yun had given her as a gift.

"Father, mother, aunt, and bride, farewell."

Then he looked at Ao Qi, who looked stunned, and said provocatively:

"I have never seen such a big scene. Aren't you bragging about how good you are in fighting? Come on, show me something. Drive--"

She rode Juechen and ran very fast...

Only then did Ao Qi react and called her "ai".

Amir didn't even look back.

Ao Qi hurriedly bowed his hands to several elders, galloped on his horse, and chased after them.


In early March, Tonghui River received another good news.

The Yecheng Army's Ge Pei Division encountered the Red Armor Army led by Ao Qi. Li Chaozong, the forward force of Ge Pei's Division, was defeated in three battles. In the end, his throat was sealed by Ao Qi's sword and he became the first general to die in battle.

Ge Pei was severely punished by Li Zongxun and personally led an army to reinforce Tonghui River, vowing to crack this hard nut.

Wen Xingsu urgently reported to Xijing for instructions on the next step.

Guarding the Tonghui River to prevent the enemy from invading, and repelling the enemy and penetrating into the hinterland of Yecheng will be completely different layouts and tactics.

The good news ahead excites the government and the opposition, but the discussions at the Chongzheng Hall, without exception, lead to disagreements between the old and the new parties...

As soon as Ruan Pu and others joined the old party, they advocated giving up when things were good.

The reason was that the country had no heir, internal and external troubles, and the Xijing court could not withstand a protracted war. As long as the Yecheng army cannot reach the Tonghui River, there is no need to fight with them, let alone rashly cross the river to counterattack...

On the other side is the new party headed by Ao Zheng, who advocates doing everything possible.

The reason is that Yecheng is less able to fight this battle than Xijing. Li Zongxun gathered his army and suddenly launched an attack. What he wanted was a quick victory and a quick victory. How could he fulfill his opponent's wishes? What's more, Xijing can't stop now if he wants to. He has to ask Ye Chengtong if he agrees...

Both sides have their own reasons.

Then the matter came to Pei Ran again.

Pei Ran did not go to Chongzheng Hall today. Instead, he came back from practicing before dawn and locked himself in the study, meeting one group after another...

The situation was tense. Feng Yun saw him busy with his own eyes. He wanted to say goodbye to him several times and return to Andu, but he couldn't do it.

Unexpectedly, after several staff members left the study, Pei Madang sent someone to pass her over.

Feng Yun thought about it for a moment, and then he had an idea.

When she entered the door, she walked very lightly and looked extremely serious.

"Your Majesty."

She stood in front of the wooden case and bowed to Pei Ran.

What is done is the courtesy of vassalage.

"I wonder if the king has summoned me and ordered me?"

Pei Ran raised his eyes and stared at her, suppressing the emotions on his face and being meticulous.

"I would like to hear what Feng Changshi has to say?"

Feng Yun looked at his deeply gazing eyes, bowed deeply, and said with a smile:

"Your Majesty, just come to me and ask. What conclusion can you and I draw together?"

Pei Ran didn't expect her to ask this question, and he frowned, with no expression on his face.

Feng Yun curled his lips, "You and I, Feng and Pei - we have to stay with you to the end."

Sisters, go to bed early. I'll get up after a nap and sort out the outline. I'll update tomorrow...

Then, don’t be impatient, this book won’t be too long. Just a quick calculation, it will take about two months to read the article.

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