Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 485 The two are honest

Stay with me to the end?

Pei Ran looked at the faint smile on her beautiful face, suddenly lowered his head and took her hand.


In this life, I will accompany you to the end.

Feng Yun felt that Pei Madang's expression was very strange.

Such a rigid and serious person actually started to get romantic in front of others.

She glanced at the attendant who stood with his head on one side.

"Your Majesty."

Slightly angry.

Pei Madang let go slightly and raised his eyes.

"Everyone get down."


The attendants left one after another.

The study became quiet.

The breeze was blowing gently, and there seemed to be bamboo leaves whispering outside the window. The two people looked at each other, looking at themselves in each other's pupils, motionless, as if time had frozen at this moment.

"Pfft." Feng Yun broke the silence and couldn't help laughing.

"It's scary to stare at me like that."

Pei Madang raised his eyebrows.

Feng Yun pushed his arm away, walked slowly past him, looked up at a map hanging on the wall, and frowned slightly.

"Although I don't want to emulate others' ambitions, Li Zongxun has been planning for a long time. For more than a year, he has used all deceit and abduction to recruit troops. This time, taking advantage of the incident in Xijing, he went out with all his troops. This must not be underestimated."

Pei Ran hummed.

Feng Yun added: "If the Beiyong Army faces the enemy head-on, casualties will be inevitable..."

She slowly turned her head and looked at Pei Ran.

"Has your Majesty thought of a way to deal with this?"

Pei Ran looked like he was willing to hear the details.

"I dare to ask Feng Changshi for advice."

Feng Yun pointed at the map.

The fingertips followed the flow of the river eastward and stopped on a mountainous landform.

"On the east side of Tonghui River is Chuzhou."

Pei Ran: "Yes."

Feng Yun asked: "Is Zheng Shoushan going to fight?"

Hearing her mention Zheng Shoushan and Chuzhou, Pei Madang seemed not surprised and nodded lightly, "If I didn't borrow the road from Chuzhou, Ge Pei wouldn't be able to get here so quickly..."

"Your Majesty." Feng Yun showed a smile in his eyes, "I have a way to kill two birds with one stone."

She has not forgotten Zheng Shoushan's betrayal of Li Zongxun in her previous life, nor has she forgotten the friendship she built up by selling the briquettes she sold to Zheng Shoushan for winter use.

What happened in the previous life, if it happens again in this life, it can be regarded as complying with God's will, right?

She stood up slowly and pointed to Chuzhou on the map.

"If I tell the king that there is a way to instigate Zheng Shoushan's rebellion, so that he can turn the spear and target Yecheng, will the king find it ridiculous?"

"No." Pei Ran's face was calm, and he didn't even ask Feng Yun what method he used. "Everyone in the world is just pursuing profit. Betrayal is human nature."

Is betrayal human nature?

This is a bit awkward to say.

It was as if he was often betrayed.

Feng Yun glanced at him.

The atmosphere was heightened here, and she bowed towards Pei Mang.

"I am willing to take on this important task and try my best to persuade Zheng Shoushan to submit to the king. No matter how unaware he is, I can give Li Zongxun a counterattack."

Pei Ran asked: "Are you going back to Andu?"

Feng Yun was startled.

Or Pei Gou will grasp the key points.

Feng Yun did not lie to him and said bluntly: "I do have this intention. All my wealth is in Andu, and during the war, I am afraid that something will happen. Of course, the other purpose is Zheng Shoushan. At the beginning, I asked Ren Rude to pull the strings and give him benefits. The seeds for today's rebellion have been sown, and it's time to harvest. Please allow me to go back..."

Pei Madang's black eyes darkened slightly.

"Yunniang has already thought about it, so she can make her own decision."

Although they are a couple, she is a free person.

This was a promise the two had from the very beginning.

Pei Madang had not forgotten it, and Feng Yun certainly would not, but she did not expect that after getting married, Pei Madang would keep their promises so thoroughly...

Feng Yun: "Then I will set off in three days?"

Pei Ran hummed, not looking unhappy at all.

The huge boulder hanging in Feng Yun's heart fell. The thought of returning to Andu made him feel happy. For a moment, his eyebrows softened and his mouth seemed to be dipped in honey.

"Then I will spend the next three days with the king. I wonder if the king is free to have dinner with your princess?"

Pei Ran glanced at her lightly.

"It seems that Yun Niang has been neglected recently."

Pei Ran has been really busy lately, and Feng Yun goes to bed early again. He often goes to bed before he can get back to the house, and he doesn't even do close things...

His eyes were burning, subtly conveying some kind of change. When Feng Yun was stared at by him, his heart beat faster for no apparent reason, and his ears seemed to feel faintly hot. He lowered his head in panic and looked for a topic...

"Suddenly I really want to eat Magu feast, and I also miss the Magu wine very much..."

When she said this, her voice paused.

Look up slowly.

Seeing that Pei Ran's expression didn't change, he smiled.

"I'm overthinking it. Where can I go to Xijing to have a Magu feast, and where can I buy Magu wine... That's all. I'll go back and see what's on the stove, and see if I can make some new dishes..."

As she spoke, she turned towards Pei Madan.

"The king is busy. I will go first..."

A pair of big hands reached out and held her arms.

Pei Ran's eyes were deep.

"I also like to drink Magu wine."

Feng Yun's pupils were shocked as if they were hit by a storm.

She just looked at him so glumly, forgetting to speak or move.

Pei Ran seemed unable to see her surprise, his tone was light and his eyes were scorching, "Magu wine is amber and slightly yellow, like the color of flowing light. The wine has a long line, a mellow mouth, and a fragrant aroma..."

Feng Yun's legs and feet went weak.

My heart was beating so fast that I could hardly breathe.

The emergence of Magu Banquet and Magu Wine became popular all over the country, and was highly sought after by talented people, beauties, and poets. Calculating the time, it should have happened two years later——

Magu wine is fermented with sweet rice flour and has a unique taste. It is more intoxicating than ordinary wine. After getting drunk, you will feel like you are in a fairyland, and you can smell the continuous fragrance of flowers...

As soon as Magu wine came out, in that troubled world with frequent wars, a "wind of credit wine" was set off——

Live one day at a time.

One day, a beautiful day.

Rich or not, Magu wants to drink.

In this decadent world, soft wine seems to be a perfect match at that time...

Feng Yun even remembered the intoxicating aroma of wine, and he often looked forward to drinking another glass of Magu wine.

It's a pity that they are currently in the second year of Tianshou and there is no Magu wine yet.

She had just started talking about Magu feast and Magu wine, but she quickly stopped.

Then I thought, there are many things that Pei Ran has never heard of.

I wanted to be vague.

Who knows, Pei Ran said, he likes it too.

"Your Majesty?" Feng Yun looked at her.

"Yeah." Pei Ran was also looking at her.

The silence in the study seemed to be flowing with some secret that should not be revealed. Their eyes seemed to be stuck together, strangled, entangled...

They haven't let each other go for a long time.

Feng Yun's heart was filled with thousands of threads, boiling like a pot of hot water.

But she still feels lucky——

It's not like there haven't been changes in my new life.

Maybe it's the same name.

Maybe Magu wine arrived early.

She controlled her frantic heartbeat and asked with a faint smile:

"Where did your Majesty hear about Magu wine?"

Pei Ran's eyes were silent.

"What about you, Yun Niang?"

Feng Yun: "Zhongjing."

Pei Ran: "Me too."

Feng Yun: "When did you hear this?"

Pei Ran: "The seventh year of Xinghe."

Feng Yun took a step back and sat back slowly.

Li Sangruo's son, the young emperor Xinghe, died in Zhongjing three years after Xinghe.

There will never be another seven years of Xinghe in this world.

The most incredible thing happened.

Pei Ran is the same as her...

The same reborn person.

It is shocking and scary enough for a person to come back from rebirth and change his fate against the will of heaven.

Now it's happening to both of them at the same time?

Feng Yun looked at Pei Ran.

He tried hard to put on a smile and make himself calmer, but he couldn't hide his feverishly beating heart.

"You're back too, aren't you?"

Pei Madang pondered for a long time.

A very light, very light hum.

But it fell like a heavy hammer on Feng Yun's heart.

"Yes, Yun Niang, I'm back too."

Feng Yun moved his lips, then pursed his lips and sneered after a while.

"No wonder you could predict the betrayal of Hu, Chu, and Han in advance and make a clever plan. So, you have already suspected me, right?"

"Not very early." Pei Ran came closer, lowered his head, and leaned over to stare at her.

"The day you ask me if one can go back to the past..."

He slowly grasped Feng Yun's shoulders, sat down beside her, and stared at her sideways for a long time. Finally, he couldn't help but pinched her fair cheek gently.

"Is it early?"

Feng Yun remembers that time.

At Shiguan Pier, the two of them had a frank conversation under the moonlight...

She told Pei Ran that if she could start her life over again, she would like to go back to before her mother passed away.

She still remembered that Pei Ran said that it was best to stay in the present.

"Ha!" Feng Yun looked at him.

She refused to believe that there was such a mysterious thing in the world, but she had to believe that someone was really reborn like her...

Or Pei Mad, who is entangled in grievances and hatreds.

She curled her lips slightly and glanced at him.

"You're not telling the truth, are you?"

Pei Ran's eyes moved slightly and he looked at her.

Feng Yun: "You have suspected me a long time ago. Otherwise, you would not have indulged me like that and married me in Bingzhou after Andu City was destroyed..."

Pei Madang sat close, hugged her with one hand, and raised her face with the other hand, speaking in a low voice with a hint of depression.

"Whether you are born again or not, I will marry you."

Feng Yun smiled sweetly and stared at him sharply.

"So, your Majesty, you have any regrets about not marrying me in your previous life?"

Pei Madang acquiesced.

Feng Yun smiled lightly.

Once she said it, the complaints in her stomach surged up like a tide.

"What do you regret? Is it that you sent me back to Andu, or that you committed adultery with Li Sangruo, or that you watched me marry into Qi Palace and were unable to do anything about it?"

Her words are sharp.

It seemed like he was carrying a knife.

The debts that the two of them had not had time to settle in the previous life should be inserted into Pei Madang's heart.

Pei Ran looked at her deeply and suddenly grabbed her wrist.

"follow me."

His fingertips were strong and his palms were warm. There was an incredible tenderness against Feng Yun's skin.

But something like this just happened, and it was difficult for Feng Yun to feel the other person's emotions calmly.

She looked down at her big, iron-like hands.

"What to do? Kill and silence?"

Pei Ran looked back at her, with a hint of smile in his dark eyes.

"Speak somewhere else."

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