Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 486 Love in the Past Life

March in Yangchun is the time when the wind is warm and the flowers are blooming.

The spring sunshine falls on the sparkling lake. A sea of ​​flowers is blooming on the lakeshore, and the air is filled with the leisurely fragrance of flowers.

In the sea of ​​flowers, there is a high platform pavilion.

Under the cornices, Feng Yun and Pei Madang sat leaning on the railing.

An old elm table, a few plates of side dishes, a jug of fine wine...

Feng Yun took a cup and took a sip.

"Although Zuiyue is good, it is not as mellow as Magu Wine."

Pei Ran looked at her, raised his eyes and stretched out his hand.

A butterfly flew over from nowhere and landed on Feng Yun's hair.

Before Pei Madang could touch it, the butterfly flew away.

He said: "It's a pity."

Feng Yun was startled and smiled.

"What's the pity? Caterpillar."

She knows how to spoil the scenery.

The romance in the garden can be completely destroyed in one sentence.

Pei Madang looked at her slightly sarcastic eyes and knew that this was Feng Yun who was no longer pretending, the Feng Yun who was ready to face him calmly and show his emotions...even disgust.

No more pretending.


He said: "I have never committed adultery with Li Sangruo. Yun Niang, I am innocent..."


Feng Yun smiled.

On the way from the study to the garden after being dragged by Pei Ran, Feng Yun's mind flashed back to the scenes of his previous life uncontrollably.

In the Andu Villa, Li Sangruo's body was stained with joy, and his face could not hide the pride and contempt.

When the noble ladies in Zhongjing City saw her, they sneered, "She's nothing more than a cheap concubine."

In Jiafu Hall, the fox fur cloak and self-esteem were stripped off in public.

Xiao Man died tragically in front of her.

The scarred Daman.


Pei Madang's cold face, and the scene of someone sending her back to Andu...

Of course, she also thought of Shiguan Pier.

Burning flames, Ao Qi's heartbreaking curses.

The laughter is harsh, the cry is sad...

The things I experienced in my previous life will not fly away like this butterfly landing on my hair, and disappear without a trace, as if nothing happened.

She smiled coldly, "So it's Li Sangruo who set up a trap out of wishful thinking, pointed a knife at your head, made you make out with her, and forced you to drive me out of Zhongjing and send me back to Andu?"

Pei Ran frowned.

Look into her eyes.

"I don't know where you got the conclusion that I was intimate with her. But Li Sangruo is a human being, and you know it."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and said simply.

Gritting her teeth, she told him the most humiliating moment of her life.

"That's when I accidentally discovered a black mole on her front."

He laughed again: "It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. If not, I would not be able to nail her to the pillar of shame in this life. She will be subject to humiliation and infamy for the rest of her life."

Pei Madang nodded as if he had figured something out.

"I see."

Feng Yun: "You remember it too? I wonder how many times we had sex with her that day? That's when I made those marks..."

Pei Madang pursed his lips, "I said it wasn't me, but you didn't believe it. She said it was me, so you believed it."

Things between men and women are the most difficult to explain and the most difficult to prove.

What's more, it happened in a previous life.

Even if Pei Madang had a hundred mouths, he wouldn't be able to explain clearly.

So, he came back to another matter - why he wanted to send her out of Zhongjing.

"I have read the letter you wrote to Xiao Cheng before."

Feng Yun knew that he was talking about the letter that day Xu Yongcheng came to the Empress Dowager Duan and wanted to punish her for a serious crime of treason in front of the civil and military officials of the court.

She said: "I wrote it."

Pei Ran sneered, "You have been waiting for me day and night, and I will help you. But it's mine, right?"

Feng Yun was speechless.

Even without that letter, when she was imprisoned for the tragic death of Granny Han and his servants in General Andu's Mansion, she still hated Pei Man so much that she didn't want to return to Taicheng every day.

During that period, she also wrote many letters to Xiao Cheng...

Later, Quan was handed over to Pei Ran by Daman.

Feng Yun closed his eyes.

"Yes, you have a reason to treat me like that. I deserve it. I deserve to be by your side for the rest of my life, to be a concubine who can't help myself, to be humiliated, beaten and scolded by others, and not to have delusional thoughts, not to be half-hearted..."

Pei Man thought carefully, his dark eyes staring at her very tenderly.

"So, Yun Niang didn't want to leave Zhongjing or me back then?"

Feng Yun glanced: "Don't be so self-righteous, I just don't like being abandoned."

Already abandoned by his father once.

She has an indelible shadow over this...

But do you really have no other thoughts about him?

Feng Yun might not admit it before, but now, sitting in this spring garden with blooming flowers, it is difficult for her to lie to herself.

After a moment of pause, she looked directly at Pei Madang.

"General Pei in my previous life, even if he gave me a smile or a gentle word, I wouldn't be able to do those things."

As the voice fell, she clearly felt that the atmosphere around her had cooled down.

One was a man who read the private message and was convinced that the concubine beside him loved Xiao Cheng wholeheartedly.

One is a woman who is behind bars, terrified and anxious, trying to grab a life-saving straw as if she is drowning...

In a situation like the previous life, neither Pei Madang nor Feng Yun could tell clearly how to deal with it in the most appropriate way. I don’t know who is wrong and who is right, or maybe they are both wrong...

After all, in their previous lives, they had not been reborn, nor had they experienced love. They were all human beings for the first time...

"It is my fault."

Pei Madang stared at the lingering resentment on Feng Yun's beautiful face, and slowly stretched his hand from the table to hold hers.

Then he curled his lips and gave her a smile.

His eyes were as quiet as an ancient well that had been dry for thousands of years, and this smile seemed precious and desolate.

"I failed you."

Pei Madang did not mention how he was heartbroken when he was betrayed by Feng Yun and surrounded by the Qi army at Shiguan Pier. He watched the brothers who had followed him for many years die tragically one by one...

He didn’t say that being shot through the heart by Wen Xingsu, then watching the building boat leave, thinking about his woman nestled in Xiao Cheng’s arms, how painful it was...

Not to mention, he was dying while recuperating in Zhongjing. He heard news about her one after another, how he hated her to the core when he heard that she got married, married Xiao Lang as she wished, and gave birth to princes for Xiao Lang one after another.


Pei Madang once hated Feng Yun.

I wish I could strangle her to death with my own hands——

After returning from rebirth, he was full of hatred and had a thousand reasons to seek justice from her, pay with blood, make up for the debts in his previous life, and avenge his brothers who died in the war...

There are also a thousand and ten thousand ways to trample her completely under his feet and make her a taboo in his house, and she will never be able to turn around for the rest of her life.

But he didn't do that.

Don't even know why that wasn't done.

"Yunniang, I'm sorry."

Feng Yun had a lump in his throat.

She wanted to take her hand away, but stopped and let him hold it.

Reply him very calmly.

"When I was sent to Beiyong Army Camp by my father, I was more afraid of you than I was hating you. When I was sent back to Andu County by you, I was more resentful than afraid of you. When I was young, I admired Xiao Cheng. Later, I felt happy with you. Pass the general."

She never thought that she would tell Pei Ran frankly, the truth that even her previous self was unwilling to face——

Yes, she liked Pei Madang.

In those warm passions in the dark nights, and in those small moments of life...

The companionship of more than three years is as far away as a dream, but it suddenly feels like yesterday.

The two men looked at each other motionless.

The clothes are floating gently in the spring breeze.

Feng Yun said: "I thought you sent me away because you were tired of it and no longer wanted me."

Pei Ran said: "I thought you wanted to leave me and go back to your Xiao Lang."

Feng Yun asked: "If I had not contacted the three generals Hu, Chu and Han, and had not conspired with Qi, would you have come to Andu to pick me up?"

Pei Madang's Adam's apple rolled slightly, "Yes."

Feng Yun asked again: "When will it be? How long do I need to wait?"

Pei Madang's black eyes were gray.

He was silent for a long time and then said hoarsely: "I don't know either. It's Xiao Cheng, faster than me."

Feng Yun chuckled and lowered his eyes slightly.

I don't want to mention Xiao Cheng, especially in front of Pei Madang, in such a spring.

"If I don't talk about him anymore, I'm afraid it will be dirty."

Pei Madang slowly raised his lips and his voice was unusually gentle.

"So, you're right."


"I was suspicious of you at first because I noticed your change in Xiao Cheng..."

As soon as she entered the camp, she recommended herself as a counselor and wanted to work for the Beiyong Army.

How could Pei Ran believe in her sincerity?

He was convinced that Feng Yun was faking it.

It's just that in this life, she has become smarter than in the previous life.

Pretend to please him, pretend to be resentful of Xiao Cheng, pretend to get along with the people around him...

He thought it was just for profit.

But in Bingzhou, when she insulted Xiao Cheng with a loudspeaker and was really willing to put on her wedding dress and pay homage to him...

No matter how many doubts he had, he had to believe that the Feng Yun of today was not the same as before.

However, Pei Madang didn't dare to believe whether she was a reborn person like him, and he didn't dare to pry.

In their previous lives, they had too many entanglements, too many resentments, and too many unbearable things...

If she only knew Pei Madang in this life, it would be the greatest blessing for him.

He didn't ask or dig into it until she told her about Magu wine.

Pei Madang had to face that Feng Yun from his previous life was back.

That coward, who loved Xiao Cheng wholeheartedly, stabbed him in the back, causing the Beiyong Army to be defeated miserably, and when he was seriously injured and his life was hanging by a thread, he turned around and married Xiao Cheng's evil woman...

She's really back.

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