Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 487 Love in the Past Life (2)

Eyes facing each other.

Feng Yun was in a daze.

"Have I changed a lot?"

Pei Ran hummed, "A lot. To him, to me."

Feng Yun twitched the corner of his mouth.

She almost forgot what Xiao Cheng looked like.

Every time she thought about it, his face was always blurry, and she refused to think about it carefully.

After carefully experiencing the feeling of his previous life, Feng Yun's lips turned slightly white. He took a sip from the cup and then spoke calmly.

"How did Xiao Cheng explain to the world after I died? How long did he and Feng Ying live happily afterwards?"

Pei Madang's eyes moved slightly and he said calmly:

"Feng Ying died less than half an hour after you."

Feng Yun was stunned.

When Feng Ying walked away from her proudly, her face was glowing, she was alive and well, and she didn't look like she was seriously ill. How could she die in less than half an hour?

Feng Yun shook his head.

"How could it be? How could Feng Ying die? Was she struck by lightning?"

Pei Madang: "I chopped him up."

Feng Yun's bright face immediately calmed down.

Pei Madang's eyes were slightly cold.

"The hands and feet were chopped off first, then the tongue, eyes, nose were gouged out... Finally, they were thrown into the stable."

He cut off the horse's rope and set fire to the horse grass. The horse was frightened and trampled over Feng Ying's body.

Feng Yun was so surprised that her throat was choked, her nose was sore, and tears were about to burst out of her eyes. She looked at the sky again and suppressed it.

After a moment of silence, she asked in a hoarse voice.

"So you... came to Qigong?"

Pei Ran: "Yes. I'm here."

It turns out what she saw that day was real.

The person walking towards her carrying the bloody Piyong Sword.

And the trembling "waist" sound before death...

It's not an illusion, but it really comes from Pei Ran's mouth.

he came.

Not only did he come, he also avenged her and killed Feng Ying...

But, what about Xiao Cheng?

How could you watch Pei Madang break into the palace and kill people?

Is he a dead man who can't even protect his most beloved woman?

Inexplicable worry hung in his throat, and Feng Yun tensed up.

"Then...where is Xiao Cheng?"

Pei Madang said: "There were many guards around him, but I couldn't kill him."

Feng Yun's heart almost jumped out of his throat.

"What about you? Did you escape later?"

Pei Ran's Adam's apple rolled slightly and his brows wrinkled inadvertently.

The battle situation in Qigong that day was as vivid as before.

The fire spread and rushed into the sky...

A piercing cry of murder rattled the eardrums, rushed up to the high eaves of Qigong, and broke through the sky at the four corners.

Blood flowed under the feet, washed away by the cold rain, and flowed quietly along the base of the wall...

He kills all the way...

Swords, spears, shields, and arrows flew everywhere.

Screams, roars, bloody flesh, hell on earth.

Until he falls -

Falling into the midst of Xiao Cheng’s thousands of troops...

It wasn't that he was careless and lonely, it was because he got the news from Qi Gongli and didn't have time to make a more careful plan, so he rushed in...

Unfortunately, it's still a step too late.

Pei Ran let out a long sigh and looked deeply into Feng Yun's expectant eyes with his dark eyes, "I escaped."

Feng Yun asked: "You said Qi Palace was heavily guarded, so you... broke in with an army?"

Otherwise, how could one escape?

Pei Ran hummed lightly.

"Your Xiao Lang is no match for me, so what's the difficulty in leaving Qigong?"

Feng Yun's lips twitched slightly.

Man’s strange desire to win...

She nodded and suddenly sighed.

"I died tragically in Qigong, and then my soul came back. What about you? How did you come back again?"

Pei Ran frowned.

After hesitating for a moment, Yun Danfeng said quietly:

"I came back as soon as I woke up. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I had already crossed the city gates. I heard from my subordinates that they had come to report that Feng Jingting wanted to beg for surrender."

Feng Yun frowned, looking at his stern and calm face, he couldn't help but ask.

"Then what happened to you in your last life? Did you marry a wife and have children?"

Pei Ran glanced at her lightly and said, "I was reborn before I had time."

Feng Yun looked at his serious and handsome face and curled his lips, "That's such a pity. It seems that you were inspired by my soul. It's your fault that it delayed the important events of your life..."

After saying that, he sighed again.

"I wonder how sad Xiao Gou was after Feng Ying's death. He cried bitterly... Could he have a harem of three thousand and live a long life?"

Feng Yun got goosebumps and shook his head violently, denying his idea.

"Impossible, impossible. He has done many evil things and will definitely die violently."

Pei Ran looked at her, his lips moved, but he didn't say a word.

Feng Yun: "Do you have anything else to say?"

Pei Ran: "No, what about you?"

Feng Yun: "I...yes."

She looked deeply at Pei Madang, suppressing the overwhelming emotions in her heart, and finally asked.

"Did you go to Zhaode Hall that day? Did you see my son... my Qu'er? How... was he?"

Pei Ran's eyes dimmed slightly.

"I was a step late. I only saw... Feng Ying who was doing evil in Zhaode Hall."

Feng Yun felt a sudden pain in his chest, as if a piece of his heart had been cut out by life. Tears welled up in his eyes. He felt dizzy and almost fainted.

Pei Ran didn't say how Feng Ying committed evil, but why did Pei Mad deal with Feng Ying in such a cruel way?

One can imagine that in Qu'er's last moments, Feng Ying did something inhumane to her son, which made Pei Madang unable to stand it anymore and struck her cruelly...

Feng Yun covered her chest and felt a gloomy air swirling inside, causing her pain.

Pei Ran said: "It's all over. Once Feng Ying dies, your little son should live a good life."

Feng Yun looked at his calm face, and the grief that had been suppressed for a long time surged into his throat almost instantly.

He could face Qu'er's death so calmly because he didn't know Qu'er's life experience.

In this case, why should she expose the truth and let him suffer the pain of losing his son with her, and be trapped in guilt and regret, unable to get out of that nightmare forever? -

It was dusk when the two of them returned from the back garden.

The servants looked at them and secretly cast envious eyes.

The king and princess are really in love.

Even after being married for so long, they are still inseparable. Even though the king has many things to do, he never forgets to accompany the princess to enjoy the flowers...

Watching them carry each other back to the house, the maids were thinking about something, changing quilts and making beds, preparing water and incense, and preparing a spring night for the king and princess early...

But today, Xu was thinking too much about the past, and Feng Yun's heart was too painful. She couldn't pretend that nothing happened and have a romantic relationship with Pei Ran.

Pei Madang was probably the same as her, unable to escape from the past for a long time. He sent her back to the house and said:

"You rest earlier, I will be back later today."

His throat was hoarse.

Feng Yun hummed, "Your Majesty, don't be too tired."

Pei Madang looked at her and said, "Okay. You can make your own arrangements for the trip back to Andu. If you need anything, just ask me."

Feng Yun: "Don't worry, after all, I am also the chief historian of the palace, so I won't be short of anything."

Pei Man looked at her red eyes, raised his hand and clasped the back of her head, then slowly slid it to her back, pressed her to her chest hard, hugged her for a moment, then let go and looked down at her eyes.

"The past is over, we just have to look at the rest of our lives."

Feng Yun was crying in the corner, his heart trembling slightly.

"The past is over, but let's look at the rest of our lives."


This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Feng Yun tossed and turned in bed until the sound of Pei Madang's deliberately gentle footsteps came from the dark corridor.

"Your Majesty."

It was Huan'er who was yawning and greeting Pei Madang.

Pei Ran: "How is the princess?"

Huan'er said: "The princess went to bed at the designated time and did not get up at night."

Pei Ran said nothing more and opened the door and came in.

There was a wind lantern left in the house, lonely, its tongue of flame swaying in the night wind.

Pei Mang walked around the screen, slowly walked over, lifted the curtain, and looked at the people inside quietly.

After a while, Feng Yun heard him sigh quietly, and then went to the clean room to wash up.

Feng Yun felt like he was in a mess as he listened to the sound of water.

Pei Man dried himself and gently pulled away the corner of the quilt. As soon as he lay down, a soft body slammed into his arms.

Pei Ran was startled, his arms wrapped around her waist, and he lowered his head to caress her face.

"What's wrong?"

Feng Yun buried herself deeper in his arms, not letting him look at her, immersed in the faint fragrance of him after bathing, and said in a muffled voice:

"Your Majesty, just think of me as saying goodbye and being pretentious."

Pei Man hugged her tightly and gently raised her face.

"But you blame me for not accompanying you?"

Feng Yun shook his head slightly, "I'm not that ignorant."

This was originally her truth.

At this juncture, no matter how ignorant she was, she knew better than to pester a man.

Unexpectedly, Pei Ran seemed to have misunderstood and thought she was speaking out of anger.

"Fool." He pecked Feng Yun's soft red lips, and whispered seductively: "You are my wife. It is only natural that you want me to accompany you."

Somehow, Feng Yun remembered the previous agreement.

She half-closed her eyes and asked softly: "Are they really married?"

Pei Ran gently held her chin, "What do you think?"



Pei Man's lips curled into an unpleasant arc, he turned over, gently held her hands, and pressed them to both sides as if punishing him. He lowered his head and kissed the delicate neck, all the way down, with heavy breathing. , as if trying to suck her soul out of her body, teasing her carefully until she shivered slightly and a string of charming moans escaped from her throat...

The green-waisted and delicate flowers are weak in spring.

The phoenix trees listen quietly to the March rain.

All my worries were absorbed tonight.

Pei Madang was particularly indulgent this night, as if he was deliberately trying to create the peak of bliss for her before leaving. He no longer restrained himself, was strong and gentle, as if he wanted to string her together in his bones...

I'm sleepy, good night, babies~~~

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