Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 488: Joy or Sorrow

Before Feng Yun returned to Huaxi, he visited Yuan Shangyi once in the palace.

She came to say goodbye.

It's a sunny day today, the carriage is coming from outside, the wind is gentle and the sun is shining brightly, and once you enter the emperor's chamber, it feels inexplicably bleak.

The air was filled with the smell of medicine, the windows were closed and the curtains were drawn tightly.

The large dragon couch almost submerged A Yuan's small body in it.

Feng Yun looked at it and said, "Open the south window and let some air in."

Dong Bai said: "The imperial doctor said that the cold in spring is sharp, and wind and cold are easy to take advantage of, so be careful to prevent external infections."

Feng Yun looked at Yuan Shangyi and said softly: "At the beginning of spring, when everything wakes up, it's time for Ayuan to adjust his emotions."

Dong Bai said in his heart, the little emperor is like this, how can he have any emotions left?

He sighed secretly, raised his hands and saluted: "Here."

The south window was opened, a gentle breeze was blowing, and the morning sunlight fell gently, spreading like fine sand. The wooden windows were coated with a layer of golden light, shining quietly, sweeping away the coldness in the hall.

Warm and bright, this is where people should stay.

Feng Yun sat in front of the couch and gently held his hand.

Skinny as firewood.

From the first day I met this child, he was recuperating...

Always sick.

On the most noble dragon couch in Jin Dynasty, lay the most pitiful child...

Feng Yun controlled his emotions, but his breath still showed a bit of sadness.

"Ayuan. I'm going back to Andu."

She gently stroked Won Sang Yi's hair, apologizing falling on her fingertips.

"I promised to take you back to Huaxi, but Madam Feng can't do it anymore..."

No one would agree with Feng Yun taking the seriously ill little emperor away. Even Feng Yun himself could not bear such a heavy responsibility...

She couldn't imagine what might happen to A Yuan on the road.

Staying in Xijing and being cared for by imperial doctors like Puyang Li was the best treatment that Yuan Shangyi could receive, who was unable to take care of himself.

"A Yuan."

Feng Yun slowly lowered his head, touching Yuan Shangyi's body with his forehead, feeling the still warm body temperature, and did not move for a long time.

After two lives, she actually knows that the essence of life is to say goodbye one after another until the end.

But she was still so afraid of death.

There was silence in the hall.

The people in the palace stood there with their heads lowered.

The entire hall seemed to be shrouded in despair, and an invisible pressure almost swallowed people up...

Dong Bai stood silently for a long time, suddenly startled and rubbed his eyes.

He suspected that his eyes were dazzled...

The little emperor's fingers seem to be moving?

He held his breath and looked straight with his eyes. His chest was beating hard, and he felt like he was about to hold his breath. Finally, he looked at Won Sang Yi's little hand exposed outside the quilt and moved it again...

"Princess..." Dong Bai spoke cautiously, not daring to blink for fear of disturbing something.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty...has moved."

Feng Yun suddenly raised his head.

Yuan Shangyi's eyes were still closed, but that skinny little hand was really trying its best to... twitch.

Feng Yun's mind buzzed.

In an instant, it seemed as if the whole world was lit up.

"Quickly, call the imperial physician."

"Yes, little man, go right away."

Dong Bai cried with joy, stuttered in response, and ran out panting.

"Imperial physician, imperial physician, come quickly... Your Majesty is awake, Your Majesty is awake..."

Within a moment, the two imperial doctors on duty hurried in. Because they ran so fast, one of them almost kicked the threshold and fell.

Soon, Puyang Li also trotted in.

Later, after receiving the news, Pei Ran, the eldest princess, Ruan Pu, Ao Zheng, and several important ministers of Chongzheng Palace were all waiting in the outer hall, holding their breath, waiting for the news from the imperial doctor.

The hourglass flows quietly...

A group of people have their own thoughts, as if they are boiling in a frying pan.

After an unknown amount of time, the door to the inner hall finally opened, and out came not only the imperial physician Ling Puyang Li, but also Feng Yun.

Everyone looked over in unison.

"The imperial doctor ordered, can your majesty be restored to health?"

All the people talking were asking about Yuan Shangyi's condition.

Puyang Li glanced at Feng Yun.

Feng Yun pursed his lips and said nothing.

Puyang Li lowered his eyes slightly, "Your Majesty, wake up..."

Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief.

He heard him sigh heavily again.

"But Your Majesty... his spirit is damaged and he cannot recognize people well. He can neither recognize us nor Princess Yonghuai."

Puyang Li's throat was choked.

Everyone was also shocked.

"Why is this..."

Puyang said politely: "Husband is the god, the master of man, and the soul is possessed by the spirit. Your Majesty was injured in the back of the head, and his soul was damaged. He is like a lamp that is blind at night, unable to illuminate the road ahead, so he cannot see what is in front of him. Things, the people in front of me..."

"Then... can you recover?"

Puyang Li pondered for a moment.

"According to the classics, His Majesty's illness is not an isolated case. Those who recover are no different from ordinary people. But..."

Everyone looked at Puyang Li with inquiring eyes.


Puyang said politely: "There are very few people who have completely recovered. Most of them have residual symptoms and it is difficult to recover as before."

The ministers sighed.

"Your Majesty is the body of a true dragon, blessed by the gods. Seeing the dawn now, you will surely have all the hardships and joys in the future, and there will be a turning point..."

For them, as long as the little emperor wakes up, that's a good thing.

When people are awake, they can stabilize the situation.

Even if he is just a decoration.

Everyone's faces were filled with smiles and the joy of finally breathing a sigh of relief.

Ruan Pu suddenly spoke and looked at Puyang Li solemnly.

"The imperial doctor ordered, if heaven does not obey man, what is the worst result?"

Ruan Shangshu is indeed thoughtful.

Puyang Li frowned, and after a long time under everyone's gaze, he sighed.

"The worst outcome is that Your Majesty... will never grow up again."

Everyone was surprised.

"The imperial doctor's order, what does this mean?"

Puyang Li was silent for a moment and said: "The mind is like a child, staying at the age of the present for a long time. As people grow older, their wisdom does not grow longer."

Before the voice fell, the faces of the eager ministers around him became frozen.

There are obviously so many people in the hall,

But not a single word was spoken.

After a long time, the eldest princess broke the silence with red eyes.

"Can I come in to see His Majesty?"

Puyang Li bowed and said: "Your Highness wants to visit the palace, which is natural, but His Majesty is weak and has just fallen asleep again... It is best for one or two people to enter the palace, and don't disturb Your Majesty with their talk. It’s better to rest…”

The eldest princess should claim to be.

Everyone nodded frequently.

Pei Madang looked over at Feng Yun.

The two looked at each other, and Feng Yun pursed his lips slightly at him.

"let's go."


Feng Yun entered the palace by car, while Pei Ran rode a horse.

Feng Yun got in the car and sat down. He was about to lift the curtain to take a look and say something to Pei Ran. Unexpectedly, the curtain was drawn and he came in too.

"Let's go."

The two rode together, and Ta Xue followed the carriage obediently.

Feng Yun pursed his lips.

"It's so cute."

Texue is Pei Ran's darling, and she will praise her from time to time. The corners of Pei Madang's lips are slightly raised, and it can be seen that she is very helpful.

But in an instant, he returned to normal.

Looking over again, his eyes were a little more scrutinizing.

"Your Majesty really doesn't recognize people anymore?"

Feng Yun nodded: "The medical officer in Puyang said that maybe it was caused by being comatose for too long and the soul was closed. If we slowly nurse back to health and use acupuncture to dredge the meridians, it may get better after a while..."

Pei Ran hummed lightly and said no more.

Through a layer of window curtains, the sunlight outside was vaguely visible. It filtered in and fell on Pei Man's side face, with mottled light and shadow.

Feng Yun said: "After I leave, you have to send someone to keep an eye on A Yuan. I don't know if the eldest son of Prince Zhuangxian's palace had any thoughts before, but after the ministers petitioned countless times to establish the crown prince... his ambitions will inevitably be fed. You have to When you send someone to watch him, you must not underestimate him, let alone his ambition.”

Pei Ran said: "Okay."

No matter what Feng Yun said, he responded to everything.

Feng Yun stood close to him, resting his head on his shoulder, and unconsciously, he fell into his arms.

"If the itinerary hadn't been decided and the war was going on, I would have wanted to stay with A Yuan for a few more days before leaving."

Pei Ran lowered his head and asked, "Won't you accompany me?"

Feng Yun raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a teasing smile.

"What can you do to keep me company, Your Majesty?"

Pei Ran's heart softened when he saw the smile on her face.

The carriage moved slowly, the curtains swayed, and the light and shadow jumped into Feng Yun's eyes from time to time. She held Pei Man's big hand, and she felt so happy that she felt like she was about to fly...


Pei Mansion.

The atmosphere of leaving has been particularly strong.

As soon as I returned to the backyard, I heard laughter coming from under the flower trees in the yard.

After living in Xijing for so long, Xiaoman, Huan'er and others have made friends in Pei Mansion. Before leaving, they naturally said goodbye and gave each other gifts...

Seeing Pei Madang and Feng Yun coming in, all the servants stopped quickly and saluted in unison.

"I've met the king."

"I've met the princess."

Pei Ran snorted.

He rarely responds to people, even if he just gives a faint reply, it is considered rare.

Feng Yun glanced over.

She found that in addition to Huan'er Pei'er and a few girls from Pei's house, Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang were also there.

The twin sisters were as lovable as ever in the Pei family. Even Pei Yuan, who had always been extremely demanding of her servants, had praised them several times.

Feng Yun smiled faintly.

"What are you talking about, so lively?"

Huan'er said: "Return to my master, we are talking about Jin Shuang..."

Before she finished speaking, Jin Shuang blushed and glanced at her frequently, his expression shy and annoyed.

Huan'er cleared her throat and said with a smile:

"It is said that Jin Shuang is both talented and beautiful, and he is also good at making delicious pastries. Today he outshone Mrs. Cui Si, Mrs. Pei's side. Ms. Cui was so angry that her face turned green..."

They all know Cui Zhi's identity, and she is not like an ordinary maid. Cui Zhi is extremely favored around Pei Yuan, and she usually has a cold and noble appearance. Therefore, it is difficult for the maids in the house to play with her, naturally. There was a distance.

Kan Huan'er couldn't help but laugh when he talked about it. Feng Yun thought about that scene and raised his lips in amusement.

"That's good."

She said lightly and let them play by themselves, and then followed Pei Ran into the Meixiang Courtyard.

Pei Man went to the study to be busy. She sat at the south window for a while, listening to the faint laughter in the outer courtyard, and called Xiao Man.

"Go and call Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang, and let's go to Mrs. Pei's courtyard."

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