Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 489 One in a Million

Pei Yuan lived in her mother's house. She was very cautious. She would not walk around the house when she had nothing to do, and she would not deliberately act like a hostess.

She had long told the servants around her to put the princess first in everything.

She made everyone know, both openly and secretly, that there was only one mistress in the Pei Mansion, that was Princess Yonghuai. She was a guest who came to her mother's house to take advantage of her brother's guest.

She came back from the back house of the Ao Mansion and knew that the women in the mansion loved to intrigue and were cautious everywhere.

But Feng Yun didn't care about this.

She never regarded herself as the master, let alone Pei Yuan as an outsider.

"Are you busy, elder sister? I'm here to bother you."

From a distance, Feng Yun put on a smiling face.

Today was sunny, and Pei Yuan was playing chess with Cui Zhi in the pavilion of Liushui Pavilion.

She was from a general family, and her chess skills were not good. She only learned a little in the Ao Mansion, but Cui Zhi was a good player, with a calm temperament, and the situation on the board seemed to be at his fingertips.

When Feng Yun arrived, Pei Yuan was being beaten to a pulp.

Hearing the voice, he looked up and saw that it was her, and stood up with a smile to return the greeting.

"Sister-in-law, you came at the right time. Come and help me deal with this little hoof. He is really good at chess..."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and looked at the situation on the board.

Cui Zhi just stood up and saluted her. Seeing this, he also looked over.

The Xuzhou Feng family and the Pingcheng Cui family are both famous families.

The two looked at each other.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "I am not good at learning. What if I lose?"

Pei Yuan said, "If I lose, I lose. The prize is mine."

Feng Yun curled his lips slightly, "Then I will show my ugliness."

Pei Yuan made way: "Come on, come on, let me see the master play chess."

Cui Zhi stood by and saw Feng Yun sitting down. He did not move for a long time until Feng Yun signaled.

"Sit down."

"Yes." Cui Zhi sat down.

Feng Yun saw her humble attitude, but her eyes were extremely arrogant and cold.

It was obvious that after the great changes in the family, she was convinced by her mouth, but her heart was not convinced.

Feng Yun curled her lips, "Please, Fourth Lady Cui. I will give you three pieces."

Cui Zhi stretched out his hand to the plate, paused slightly, and looked at Feng Yun in disbelief.

Generally, the upper hand is stronger than the lower hand, so he will give up the pieces and give up the first move freely.

And now the situation on the plate, she has obviously gained the upper hand. Is Feng Yun conceited or stupid?

Feng Yun is the master, Cui Zhi is the servant.

The master has an order, and she must listen.

Cui Zhi's lips inadvertently curled up a smile.

"Thank you, Princess."

At the moment of the move, Cui Zhi was very sure that this game could win Feng Yun beautifully. Because she couldn't figure out how to break the situation when she was alone and surrounded by enemies.


The situation on the plate suddenly changed.

Cui Zhi had never seen Feng Yun's tricky moves before...

She was surprised to find that Feng Yun was not a poor learner, but a rare master of hand-talking...


Cui Zhi made his final move, feeling very powerless.

"I admit defeat."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, without saying much, and without the arrogant attitude of a winner, but turned his head and looked at Pei Yuan, as if nothing had happened.

"I came here today to give a gift to my elder sister."

Pei Yuan was stunned, and her eyes and eyebrows bloomed with laughter.

"That's a coincidence. I also prepared some food and things to use, which are convenient to carry on the road. I was just saying that I would send them to you later..."

Feng Yun smiled and thanked.

He looked up at Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang again.

"Come here and pay your respects to Madam Pei."

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang came to Liufengyuan without knowing why. When they heard Feng Yun's order, they stepped forward nervously and bowed to Pei Yuan. Their voices were soft and sticky, with a kind of charm.

"Maids Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang, greet Madam Pei."

Feng Yun said, "From now on, you two will serve Madam Pei."

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang were both stunned, and their hearts were shocked.

They didn't expect Feng Yun to suddenly send them away.

Just now, they were still waiting happily to go back to Andu with her...

Pei Yuan was also a little surprised, and said with a smile: "These are two clever girls, and my sister-in-law is willing to give them to me?"

Feng Yun also laughed, "How can you give someone who is not clever to your elder sister?"

She took Pei Yuan's hand again and said frankly:

"We are a family, so there is no need to be polite. Anyway, there are many people in my eldest family, and I don't know what to arrange for them. It would be a waste. I think there are not enough servants in the mansion, so my elder sister can send them..."

Pei Yuan was originally a person of temperament. After encountering something, she saw clearly that only family members would be on her side.

So she had no grudges against this sister-in-law and protected her wholeheartedly.

"Since my sister-in-law is thoughtful, I will accept it with a smile."

The two of them decided the future of Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang with laughter, without even asking a question. Except Xiao Man, no one seemed to care...

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang lowered their heads, not daring to speak, but their eyes were red.

Xiao Man wanted to comfort them, but she was a little powerless.

It was not until she returned to Meixiangyuan that she asked Feng Yun sadly.

"Why didn't you want Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang?"

Feng Yun looked at Xiao Man and raised her eyebrows.

"How can you say you don't want them? I feel sorry for their poor life and found a good place for them. Or do you think it's not good to serve Madam Pei?"

Xiao Man was shocked.

"It's naturally very good to be with Madam Pei..."

Feng Yun asked back: "Then what are you worried about?"

Xiao Man was speechless because of her question.

Think about it, it seems to be the truth.

But she felt something was wrong...

Feng Yun saw her drooping her head, her slender brows were knitted together, looking like she was depressed and worried, and he snorted lightly.

"If you are reluctant to leave them, or are afraid that if they stay in the Pei Mansion, they will lure away your eldest brother Zuo, then you should stay too."

She had originally intended to keep Xiaoman.

Because Zuo Zhong is in Xijing.

But Xiaoman refused to be separated from her, and would rather stay with her than Zuo Zhong. He was still very stubborn and would cry whenever he talked about it. Feng Yun had no choice but to take care of her like a child.

Sure enough, Xiaoman's eyes widened when he heard this.

"What am I worried about..."

As she said this, she became shy again.

"If he is really taken away by someone, then just take him away. It's not my thing and I can't keep it by force."

Feng Yun liked this a bit and looked at her.

"Then why don't you go and clean it up quickly?"

Xiaoman then went down happily.

Feng Yun couldn't help but smile.

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang have been keeping to themselves these days, especially in front of Feng Yun. They are so humble that they are almost flattering. No one can be cruel if they see it...

Feng Yun couldn't tell based on his feelings that these sisters had ulterior motives, and he was unwilling to keep them by his side to affect his business, so he simply took advantage of them as a favor.

Time passes and people's hearts are revealed.

No one can pretend for a lifetime.

As time goes by, whether it is a mule or a horse, it will reveal itself.

Pei Yuan is not stupid, and there is a shrewd Cui Zhi beside her, so let them go, add some fun to the long days of loneliness in Liufengyuan, and take a look at the sisters to see if they have any flaws. …


The day we left Xijing, the sky was clear and clear.

The luggage was loaded into the car.

The attendants who were traveling with him were also ready.

A motorcade stretched out from the gate of the mansion, everyone was waiting...

Feng Yun let Pei Madang hold his hand and walked out of the gate of Pei Mansion. He glanced at the crowd seeing him off outside the house, was slightly startled, and quickly stepped forward to salute.

"Father, eldest sister, please send me off."

Pei Chong usually doesn't talk much, but today he was pushed out and personally sent his daughter-in-law to leave Beijing. Not only had Feng Yun never seen such kindness before, but even the entire Xijing city could not find anyone else.

The people watching the excitement on the street all thought that Feng's daughter was lucky.

Many people marry into wealthy families, but it is not easy to marry King Yonghuai.

After getting married, to be so valued by her husband's family is like one in a million...

Pei Chong still gave a few words of advice but nothing else.

Pei Yuan was reluctant to give up, took Feng Yun's hand and said a lot of words.

"When things are done, I'll come back early. It's not safe to fight there, and my family is very worried about you. Also, if you have a chance, help me keep an eye on Xiaoqi's bride, and don't let her act recklessly... "

Every time it was Feng Yun who was saying goodbye to others. Like today, it was the first time that so many people were seeing her off.

Feng Yun looked at the gentle and smiling faces and responded one by one.

Everyone said goodbye.

Only Pei Ran was left.

He looked on expressionlessly, without saying a word.

Feng Yun also looked at him with a solemn face.

"Your Majesty, I'm leaving now."

"Yeah." Pei Ran nodded, probably feeling too indifferent, and raised his hand to straighten her clothes.

"Be careful on the road."

Feng Yun curled his lips and looked at his frown, with a hint of smile in his dark eyes.

"Your Majesty, don't you have anything else to say?"

Pei Ran lowered his head and looked directly into her eyes.

"Take care of yourself."

Feng Yun's whole body froze.

Holding it for a long time, just these two words?

With so many people watching, she couldn't say what she wanted to say, so she moved her mouth slightly and bowed to him.

"Take care, too, Your Majesty."

"Yeah. Go ahead."

Too cold.

Feng Yun sighed secretly in his heart, but his face was filled with spring and warmth.


Feng Yun glanced at him, approached the carriage, then turned back without giving up and looked into the crowd.

Pei Ran remained motionless.

She hummed secretly, smiled at everyone, turned around, and got into the car.

"Brothers and sisters, go slowly..."

"Have a safe trip."

The people at the door of Pei Mansion kept waving.

Feng Yun lifted the curtain and looked over. Pei Man was standing in front of him. He was tall and blocked his view. If his clothes weren't fluttering gently in the spring breeze, his stern face and straight body would have looked like a sculpture.

She waved.

Only then did Pei Ran raise his hand and wave it towards her.

Then, with a flick of his robe, he turned around and returned home.

Feng Yun choked and his hands froze.

Will the dog man say goodbye?

Sure enough, you shouldn't give him any sweetness, you shouldn't let him go...

Once a man thinks he has won a woman's heart, he doesn't know how to cherish it.


Feng Yun dropped the bamboo curtain and "pounced" heavily.

The carriage slowly headed toward the street, its wheels rolling on the bluestone making a series of squeaking sounds.



Soon we left the city.

On the official road, the sun shines brightly, and through the car curtains, you can vaguely see the pleasant spring scenery.

Xiaoman was lying by the window, shaking his head and admiring it.

Feng Yun was in no mood. He sat upright without saying a word, closed his eyes and rested his mind. Unknowingly, he tilted his head and fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, the carriage stopped.

She opened her eyes slightly, and when she was about to ask, she discovered that Xiao Man was not in the car.

What caught his eye was a pair of smiling black eyes.

The tall figure of the man blocked the light, and his voice was low and magnetic.

"I'll take you a long way. A long way."

Pei Jue: I'll take you a thousand miles away...

Chun Yuyan: Thank you, brother Wangzhi. I'll pick her up.

Pei Jue: Get lost...

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