Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 490 Double Happiness

He was cold and indifferent when seeing him off, but he sneaked up again halfway. If he hadn't spoken, Feng Yun would have thought it was a dream...

Pei Ran is not the kind of person who likes to be a man and a concubine.

She squinted her eyes slightly, looked at Pei Madang from top to bottom, and asked firmly: "But what happened?"

Pei Ran hummed.

Feng Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

"What is it that makes the king so embarrassed?"

Pei Ran lowered his head, took her hand on his knee, slowly held it in his palm, and suddenly raised the corners of his lips.

"Miss Yun Niang."

Feng Yun's hand trembled.

My whole body felt stiff.

This is so unlike Pei Madang.

She suddenly made a bad guess, "Did something happen to A Yuan? You don't have to hide it from me. Just tell me if you have anything. Don't pretend to be mysterious or scary."

Pei Ran sighed, squeezed her palms tighter, stroked her temples, and looked down at her.

"I'm worried that Xin Yunniang will go on the road alone and come to see me off. Is this difficult to understand?"

Feng Yun nodded: "It's difficult."

Pei Ran:......

The two men looked into each other's eyes.

Pei Ran hesitated and said, "It's my fault that I gave you such a bad impression before."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "Do you know it now?"

Pei Ran's Adam's apple rolled up and he stared into the little lady's guarded eyes, dumbfounded.

"Yunniang is really good at talking."

This irony is too obvious.

Feng Yun curled his lips and smiled slightly, disapprovingly.

"But the king came just in time. I was bored on the road and Xiaoman doesn't know how to play chess. Please accompany me."

When it came to playing chess, Pei Madang felt something was wrong.

In Bingzhou, he designed to defeat Feng Yun once and also won his wedding.

Wouldn't she still be worried about it?

Pei Madang: "If you are not good at chess, you will not dare to show your embarrassment."

Feng Yun stared at him and smiled coldly.

"When we were in Bingzhou, your Majesty defeated me. Did you forget it so quickly?"

Sure enough, all the old grudges were hidden in my heart, and I had not forgotten them even a little bit.

Pei Madang held her hand, pulled her closer, and said warmly:

"How can I forget? That chessboard is between you and me and the great matchmaker. I wish I could invite it back to my house and offer it three sticks of incense every day."


Feng Yun stared at the man in front of him with a half-smile, then couldn't help but open the curtain and look outside.

"There are no strange things happening in the sky. How come the king doesn't look like a human being?"

Pei Madang coughed lightly: "Let's play chess."

It takes a game of chess to shut her mouth.

If she doesn't win back the Bingzhou game, she's afraid she'll have to hate him for the rest of her life.

Feng Yun hasn't played chess for a long time.

That day in the Liushui Pavilion, he played against Cui Zhi. Although he started from the endgame, he was not considered an opponent. What's more, she really didn't know what Pei Ran's chess skills were and didn't dare to underestimate him.

Putting out the chessboard, she deliberately tested the depth.

"Don't show weakness on purpose. I, Feng Yun, am not someone who cannot afford to lose. I don't need your Majesty to give in."

Pei Ran pursed his lips slightly and said, "No."

Feng Yun looked at him, thought for a while and then said: "I won't take it lightly this time. Your Majesty, you need to be more careful..."

Pei Ran: "Go all out."

Feng Yun: "How many rounds?"

Pei Ran: "Old rules."

Feng Yun: "Okay, one game will determine the outcome."

Pei Ran: "You go first."

Feng Yun smiled and spread his hands magnanimously, "Your Majesty, you go first."

She magnanimously gave way, obviously very proud of her own chess skills.

Pei Madang did not refuse, he sat upright, holding the black piece in his hand, staring at the chessboard with burning eyes, and moved very cautiously.

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, with a slight smile on his face, but his heart was very tight, and he did not dare to underestimate him.

The carriage moved slowly and slowly.

The silent contest in the carriage was like two armies confronting each other on the battlefield——

Neither man spoke.

The atmosphere gradually became tense.

Feng Yun frowned, his expression becoming more and more solemn.

Pei Man's chess style is changeable, he plays step by step, plays steadily, every move is like a famous general's formation, tricky, ruthless, smart and sharp, like a carefully crafted battle, slowly drawing Feng Yun into the game...

Feng Yun had a faint sweat on his forehead.

If nothing else, the accident is going to happen.

Even though she was already vigilant, she tried her best to fight, but still lost to Pei Madang.

Playing chess is not only about wisdom and strategy.

It also tests one’s patience…

With the defeat already revealed, Feng Yun braced himself to deal with it calmly, attacking east and west again and again, trying to reverse the situation.

However, Pei Madang's defense was like an iron wall, and she couldn't find a single flaw...

"It turns out that the general is hiding something secret."

Feng Yun glanced at him and snorted, pretending to be ashamed and angry.

"In my last life in Andu, I played chess to keep you from sleeping with you. It was just acting like a clown. The general didn't want me to sleep with you at that time, so he lost on purpose."

Pei Ran:......

He looked at the chess game and frowned.

"Yunniang still has a chance."

Where did the opportunity come from?

The defeat was written clearly.

Feng Yun snorted: "I give up."

Pei Madang glanced at her and said, "I lost the opportunity to sleep with you."

Before the voice fell, he dropped the last piece.

As his hand pulled away from the chessboard, Feng Yun looked at the chessboard and his expression changed.

On the chessboard, two black and white stones were intertwined to form the word "happiness".

He said: "Last time in Bingzhou, I wanted to induce you to win this game. Unfortunately, I couldn't do it."

In order to avoid losing his beloved wife, he decided to make a quick decision and did not dare to give Feng Yun a chance to make a comeback.

"Thankfully, Yun Niang went all out this time. Although it took some work and the characters were a little deformed and not very neat, it still looks good. Next time, it should look better."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes, "Do you still want a next time?"

Pei Ran looked at him with a sincere expression.

"When you get old, you will be discharged and returned to the fields, spending the rest of your life in desolation. If you don't play chess, what can you do?"

Feng Yun laughed twice.

I was both convinced and unconvinced by the loss.

"Why don't you tell me frankly, did you intend to lose to me in your previous life?"

Pei Ran: "No."

Feng Yun looked at his sincere look, and a smile sneaked out of the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph. I believe you are evil!"

Pei Ran: "If you don't believe me, you should believe Puyang Jiu..."

Feng Yun was puzzled, "What does it have to do with him?"

Pei Madang: "I am seriously ill. If I hadn't lost the chess game, how could I have endured half a point?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "Then why have you improved your chess skills?"

Pei Ran said nothing.

He looked at her lightly.

Feng Yun guessed, "Have you made a special trip to learn from a teacher?"

Pei Madang hesitated for a moment, "In my previous life, after you followed Xiao Cheng, I was seriously injured and it took me more than a year to recuperate."

During those long days, he passed the time by playing chess.

Not only did they study chess skills, they also studied Feng Yun’s chess style and reviewed every chess game they had played before...

Feng Yun was startled, vaguely remembering the arrow shot from the chest at Shiguan Pier.

It turned out that Pei Madang had been recovering from his injury for a year and a half.

"Then what? What are you going to do to practice your chess skills?"

Pei Ran: "Looking for you."

He raised his slender hand and tapped the chessboard.

"Place the word "happy" in front of you."

"Then what?"

"Take you back and let you sleep with me."

Feng Yun's heart moved slightly but he had no words.

After all, there are few people in this world like Pei Ran who talk about lust in such a serious way, as if it were a major event of the country.

She paused, her eyes slowly swept across Pei Mad's stern face, and smiled slightly, "What if I don't want to?"

"You've lost the chess game and you still refuse? That's being a rogue."

Feng Yun laughed at his serious appearance and glanced over, half-smiling but not smiling.

"Your Majesty, you don't understand me very well. I am just a scoundrel."

Pei Madang snorted heavily.

Looking at her, the corners of his lips suddenly twitched and he couldn't help but laugh.

Feng Yun was stunned.

In her past and present lives, she had never seen Pei Madang smile from the bottom of his heart, so relaxed, so friendly, so lingering and gentle...

"The king laughed? Can he really laugh?"

Pei Ran hummed speechlessly: "I am a human being."

"I know." Old God Feng Yun responded on the ground. He didn't know what he thought of, and then he started laughing. The more he laughed, the more he couldn't stop. He fell down, laughing so hard that his cheeks twitched and his shoulders I was shaking, my heart ached, and I couldn't stop.

Pei Ran quickly removed the chessboard and ran his palms along her back.

"Why is it so funny?"

"It's so funny." Feng Yun seemed to have turned on some kind of mechanism, his pretty face lit up with a smile, and he threw himself into Pei Madang's arms, laughing and beating him.

"Why are you so funny?"

Pei Ran:......

He stretched out his arms to wrap Feng Yun tightly, fixed her hand, lowered his head and kissed her face.

Feng Yun's red lips pursed slightly and closed tightly. When he was about to push him, he made another squeaking sound. He couldn't help but smile, and his eyes curled up in laughter.

Pei Madang blocked her mouth and kissed her hard for a few times, then pressed his breath unsteadily to her lips and whispered: "Still laughing? Let's see how I punish you..."

Feng Yun raised his eyes and couldn't stop laughing.

"How to punish?"

Pei Ran kissed the corner of her eye and said, "I won the chess game."

Feng Yun pouted, very dissatisfied, and asked half-truthfully: "Why didn't you just quietly... let me go? Don't let me find out?"

Pei Ran laughed dumbly, stared down, and pinched her cheek gently, his eyes full of meaning.

"According to Yun Niang's temper, I can only make a profit if I win."

Feng Yun was suspicious: "What does the king mean by this?"

Pei Ran sighed suddenly, lowered his head, held her face in his hands, and kissed her gently and lingeringly.

"Only if I beat you every time, the game of chess in this life will never be over."

The laughter spread.

Outside the carriage, Xiao Man's face was flushed, and he was particularly excited and sweet.

Because she was kicked out by the king, it was inconvenient for her to sit on the carriage shaft and go with Ge Guang who was driving the car. Huan'er's car was full of luggage.

So, she could only happily sit on Zuo Zhong's horse.

Riding together was something she had been looking forward to for a long time...

Ever since she saw the king and his wife riding together, she started to dream...

Today's dream came true. Listening to the lady's smile, she also hugged Zuo Zhong's waist with her hands, pressed against his back, and smiled sweetly.

Zuo Zhong's tall body was slightly stiff.

Why are there so many people watching on the road?

He glanced back, but there was no stopping him.

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