Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 492: Ugly words but reasonable reason

As soon as he returned to Andu, Feng Yun had no rest at all.

After being tired these days, I returned to my comfortable couch and slept until dawn.

As soon as I opened my eyes and stood up, several beauties rushed over to serve me. They were singing sweet words and competing with each other for their beauty.

Not even a woman, let alone a man, could resist this kind of happiness surrounded by beauties.

No wonder all men want to be emperors...

Feng Yun experienced it personally and finally understood a little bit.

During breakfast, a group of beauties gathered around Feng Yun, each talking about their current situation in the past few months.

Guan Wei was in the briquettes workshop, following the delivery, and went as far as Yongzhou. Her horizons have broadened and she has gained more knowledge. She speaks more eloquently than usual, and her face is more confident.

Awan's snack stall also changed its location. He rented a shop near the newly built pier, hired two waiters, and became the proprietress herself. Thanks to the snack recipes Feng Yun gave him before, the business is booming and he pays Nagato money every month...

Not to mention Ying Rong and Wen Hui, they are already capable of taking charge of their own affairs and handle their subordinates' errands properly.

Nan Kui and Chai Ying have not returned from Mingquan, but the account books they saw from Ah Lou show that the errands they manage are also flourishing, and each one is more capable than the other.

The remaining concubines either went to Ying Rong's tailor shop or Wen Hui's Yu Tangchun. They all thought that they had to find a way out and refused to idle in the village...

Jiang Yin, on the other hand, was very silent and seemed to have no idea of ​​getting ahead.

In the past few months since Feng Yun left the village, she had been helping Alou, running up and down with him, managing some of the chores in the village, and gradually, she became a bit like a housekeeper in Changmen...

Everyone has changes.

Even Huaxi Village is completely different from when Feng Yun left.

In just a few months, the Changhe Ferry has begun to take shape, with shops gradually taking shape and various businesses diversified. It is no longer the rural appearance it was when Feng Yun first arrived...

Of course, it was no longer a village originally.

It is Huaxi Township after restructuring.

In the township, in addition to Feng Yun, who was granted the title of township magistrate, there were also several minor officials in the township. Chefu and Youfeng are responsible for farming and general affairs, as well as patrols and arrests in a township.

Feng Yun had a full-time job, but she couldn't do everything by herself. Therefore, before she left, she recommended Xing Bing as the deputy to the township government, responsible for local affairs.

Xing Bing used to be a military official in the governor's mansion, and he was in charge of the tribes for Feng Yun in Changmen. He had already been trained. He quickly got started and found a few tribesmen in Zhuangzi to help him. Picked it up.

Nagato has a private school, and even the boy in the village can read and do arithmetic, and he can do anything if he is pulled out of it.

So when she came back from this trip, Feng Yun was pleasantly surprised to find that during the days when she was away, Nagato was very organized from top to bottom. Even if there were any mistakes or omissions, it was as she said, Alou, Xing Bing, Ying Rong, Wenhui Several people discussed the decision and settled it.

She was very pleased.

There is a feeling that all the home-grown flowers are blooming, and all the worries before returning to Huaxi are gone.

"It seems that I can breathe a sigh of relief in the future."

A'lou and the others were very happy to receive their master's approval, smiling from ear to ear.

When Ren Rude arrived at Zhuangzi, he heard peaceful laughter and laughter.

He sighed secretly in his heart.

The report to Taicheng has been written again.

He wanted to write one, "Feng Twelfth Mother returned to Huaxi, escaped from the clutches of King Yonghuai, her mood was as comfortable as clouds, and she was as happy as summer flowers. She was so contented that it was difficult to express. She gathered the servants in the house and held a banquet to celebrate. newborn."


Ren Rude stood under the eaves and saluted with both hands.

"Huaxi Village learns from Ren Rude and pays homage to Princess Yonghuai——"

He was more respectful than ever before.

Feng Yun smiled when he heard the sound, motioned to the servants around him to go down first, and then invited Ren Rude to come in.

"Mr. Ren, please take a seat."

"Thank you, Princess." Ren Rude saluted again, raised the corner of his robe slightly, and sat down politely at the guest seat.

"I wonder if the princess has sent the villain here to give you any advice?"

Feng Yun's eyes were gentle and there was a smile on his lips, "The Jin court was fighting internally. Yecheng and Xijing were fighting fiercely at the Tonghui River. I wonder what Mr. Ren has to say about this?"

On the second day after returning to Huaxi, he was invited to inquire about the war, which surprised Ren Rude a little.

"Princess, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "There are no outsiders here. You and I are chatting. Mr. Ren, please make it clear."

This "outsider" is used brilliantly.

Ren Rude immediately felt comfortable being treated by her as one of his own. Even though he knew that this young lady was not sincere, he could not help but show a look of pleasure on his face.

"It is easy to win, but too difficult to destroy. It can take as little as three years, as long as five years. For a protracted war, the Xijing court must be prepared..."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, "I would like to hear the details."

Ren Rude's mood at the moment was very complicated.

He was a counselor from the Southern Qi Dynasty, and he came to analyze the dispute between the Jin Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty. He was in front of a female class, and his thoughts were weird.

He pursed his lips and smiled casually: "From Ren's point of view, with King Yonghuai in Xijing, the government is clear and clear, and everyone is united, Yecheng is destined to be undefendable, sooner or later. Li Zongxun must have thought it through in his heart. This is why we will break the boat, take advantage of the trouble in Xijing, and attack first, and the army will press the border, and we will do whatever it takes, even if it means chewing a piece of Xijing's flesh, but..."

He paused slightly.

"In just over a year, Li Zongxun gathered half a million troops. It shows that this old man has accumulated some wealth by being shameless. Once he cannot break through the defense of Xijing, he will definitely retreat to Chuzhou and use the rivers and mountains to Delay, gather troops, and try to fight again. Even if the Yecheng army is unmatched, it is not difficult to hold on to the natural dangers of Chuzhou for three to five years..."

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

"It turns out that Mr. Ren is so unfavorable to Xijing..."

Ren Rude quickly handed over his hand.

"It was Ren who was abrupt and unreasonable. But... although the words are ugly, the truth is such a truth. The way of heaven, the people's sentiments, the terrain, and the people's hearts are all incalculable. It is definitely not something that can be achieved overnight, let alone chopping melons and vegetables... "

Feng Yun chuckled.

"If Mr. Ren helps, the situation will be very different..."

Ren Rude was slightly stunned.

Let’s not talk about why Feng Yun thinks he has this ability, just why Feng Yun... thinks he will help?

"Mr. Ren?" Feng Yun smiled, "But are you embarrassed?"

Ren Rude smiled lightly and stroked his beard.

"Ren considers himself to have no talent or virtue... I really don't understand what the princess said."

"Mr. Ren is so humble. Now I only care about you, whether you wish or not..."

Ren Rude's cheeks twitched slightly and his eyelids closed slightly.

"Please give me a clear explanation, Princess."

Feng Yun's lips curled up slightly, calmly and directly.

"Instigating rebellion against Zheng Shoushan is for my use."

Ren Rude was shocked.

Not because of Feng Yun's boldness, but because... Feng Yun's idea just fell into Xiao Cheng's plan.

In fact, whether he saved Zheng Shoushan's brother-in-law or showed kindness to him, he did it all with intention.

Although Xiao Cheng has made peace with Da Jin, sooner or later, Jin and Qi will fall out...

Therefore, Xiao Cheng has always been able to have both sides between Xijing and Yecheng, and no one can be offended...

But secretly, he also put a lot of thought into planning Zheng Shoushan's line long ago...

Before this, Ren Rude felt that it was too early for the emperor to make this move. Unexpectedly, not only Xiao Cheng wanted to do this, but Feng Yun also thought about it...

No wonder she was willing to use 200,000 carts of briquettes to help Zheng Shoushan. It turned out that she had the same idea as His Majesty...

Ren Rude did not agree on the spot.

He only said that there might be difficulties in this matter, so he had to write a letter and give it to Zheng Shoushan's brother-in-law to test it out, if there was a chance.

In fact, I wrote a letter when I got back, and the flying pigeon sent the letter to Taicheng——

He didn't dare to hide anything on such a major matter.

Then all I could think about was how to deal with Feng Yun...

Unexpectedly, Taicheng actually agreed.

Xiao Cheng ordered, "The Twelve Mothers are like pearls in a box, we can work together to make great plans. If you have any doubts, you can act on her words and assist her to achieve great things and live up to my expectations."

Ren Rude stared at him.

He turned sideways and looked at Jin Ge.

"Whose subordinates are you and me? Why am I getting more and more confused..."

Jin Ge pursed his lips and didn't answer.

That night, he went to Kong Yun'e's residence.

Feng Yun arrived slowly.

Jin Ge handed over his hand and told the truth about the correspondence between Xiao Cheng and Ren Rude.

"Your Majesty treats your wife wholeheartedly without asking for anything in return."

Feng Yun snorted a sneer from the wings of his nose.

"This man is vicious, can't you tell?"

Jin Ge was stunned.

If he believed other things, he had seen it with his own eyes. His Majesty was not wary of Feng Twelve Niang, and was willing to give away all the bait and fish he caught without any selfish motives.

Why is this so vicious?

Feng Yun glanced at him and couldn't say anything clearly, so he just said:

"Lend me your hand and do what he wants. It's just waiting for the opportunity... hum, the snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman wins."

Jin Ge was confused.

But he saw one thing.

When Your Majesty is here with Feng Twelve Niang, even breathing... is wrong.

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