Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 493: Almost mad to death

Chun Yuyan waited in Huaxi for half a month before meeting Feng Yun again despite his busy schedule——

Both attempts to see him were rejected. He sat in Feng Yun's study with his account books and waited for about another quarter of an hour before he saw Feng Yun come in.

There was a lot of depression in my heart, and every time I spoke, it was ridicule.

"Feng Xiang is very busy. Meeting you is more difficult than meeting the emperor."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows.

"Sorry for keeping the prince waiting."

The two armies were fighting, and the flames of war continued. The people in Huaxi were multi-faceted, and there were people from all walks of life. Pei Madang was afraid that the Yecheng army would not give up and would play tricks behind his back, assassinate, and make sneak attacks. He specifically told Ye Chuang to add troops to Feng Yun's side. Manpower was sent.

No matter where Feng Yun went or what he did, the people from the guard camp would always stay by his side, refusing to allow anyone to get even half a step closer...

Therefore, Feng Yun was surrounded by a weatherproof protective net. There was no way Chun Yuyan could easily appear in front of Feng Yun when she didn't summon him, let alone have a "private meeting" late at night...

"Pei Wangzhi did it on purpose."

Feng Yun was looking through the account books on the case and was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound.


Chun Yuyan sneered lazily, "He was on guard against me."

"Guarding against you?" Feng Yun looked him up and down, "Why should he guard against you?"

Isn't this asking knowingly?

When Chun Yuyan reached his mouth, he noticed the confusion in Feng Yun's eyes and stopped.

She really... didn't think Pei Ran regarded him as a love rival.

Or maybe she didn't think... that he, Chun Yuyan, was worthy of being Pei Madang's opponent.

Chun Yuyan's heart suffocated, and his eyes suddenly filled with anger, as if someone poured cold water on a newly ignited flame. His heart was wet with boundless anger, and he didn't dare to give in. He sneered, looking arrogant. attitude.

"Stop talking nonsense and look! I don't have time to wait for you."

When Feng Yun heard this, he closed the account book.

"It's okay if you don't look at it. I'm at ease with the prince..."

Chun Yuyan almost couldn't lift it up in one breath, so he quickly leaned forward, unfolded the account book again, and placed it upright in front of her.

"Take your time, don't be in a hurry. I will accompany Feng Xiang to check the accounts. I have plenty of time..."

Feng Yun glanced at him.

Isn't this man yin and yang weird? Doesn't he know how to speak?

She paid no attention to her and started reading by herself...

Soon, his brows slowly furrowed.

"Your Majesty..." She raised her head and hesitated, "Didn't Your Majesty pay Mr. Qu a salary? The calculation was wrong!"

Chun Yuyan's heart skipped a beat.

Damn it, finally found it?

Chunyu Yan raised his eyebrows and said, "I have never made a mistake in my calculations."

Feng Yun pondered for a moment and understood.

"Why didn't the prince abide by the contract?"

Chun Yuyan's expression suddenly changed and he looked at her in disbelief.

He was waiting for Feng Twelve to burst into tears of gratitude and show his hospitality. Why did he talk about not abiding by the contract?

Chunyu Yan's starry eyes half-squinted, "Did I make you suffer?"

Feng Yun looked at him with a complicated expression, "No."

Chun Yuyan: "Even if that's the case, you have gained, what else is there to be dissatisfied about?"

He smiled all over his face and even raised his eyebrows, waiting to see her happy and grateful...

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun put down the account book and simply said:

"In doing business, honesty is the basis, and not taking advantage that should not be taken is my principle and the cornerstone of Nagato's survival. The prince broke the contract without my consent and gave me profits, not to mention whether he had any contempt for me or not. He treated me as such. For those who are short-sighted and greedy for small profits, this kind of behavior is really not convenient for them to stay in the market and do long-term business. "

Chunyu Yan's throat was lumpy, his stomach was turbulent, and he almost gushed out a mouthful of old blood.

It was obviously out of good intentions, but who would have thought that after waiting for so long, I didn’t have any good feelings, not even a kind word, but all the trouble...


Chun Yuyan sneered, "I am a villain, do I have a contemptuous heart? Feng Twelve, you are cruel."

Before his voice fell, he reached out and picked up the account book on the wooden table, rolled it into his hand, threw it to Xiang Zhong who was standing there, and walked out without saying a word with a sullen face.

Feng Yun felt suffocated.

"Your Majesty, stay here——"

After knowing him for such a long time, this was not the first time that Chun Yuyan lost his temper, but it was the first time that he left in anger like today.

Feng Yun knew his good intentions.

But she only wanted to earn what she deserved, and didn't want to accept his extra affection, so she spoke in a more serious tone.

"I appreciate your prince's kindness."

Feng Yun took a piece of calculation paper without changing his expression.

"Brothers must settle the accounts. If the prince is not in a hurry, why not sit down for a while and wait for the accounts to be verified before leaving? If there are other important matters, I will send someone to present them to the prince later..."

Chun Yuyan's eyelids twitched, making her breathless again with anger.

"You called me to stop, not because I was angry and you felt guilty? Just to settle the accounts with me?"

Feng Yun looked at him puzzled and smiled softly.

"I gave the prince money to prevent him from suffering any loss. Why should I feel guilty?"

damn it!

Chun Yuyan stopped where he was, looking at the woman with a faint smile, unable to advance or retreat, his heart seemed to be soaked in sour water...

"Okay." He spread his hands towards Xiang Zhong, "I'll settle it with you."

Xiang Zhong glanced at his master, lowered his head carefully, and took the account book back with both hands.

Chun Yuyan didn't look at him. He stared at Feng Yun with his eyes unblinking. He took the account book and threw it hard on the table.

"Forget it."

Feng Yun: "Yes."

She sat back calmly and checked carefully, as if she didn't even notice his overwhelming dissatisfaction...

Chun Yuyan stared at her.

Feng Twelve, who works hard, is very good-looking.

There seemed to be an intimidating light all over his body, but it excluded him.

Chun Yuyan remained silent, neither drinking water nor tea, and looked at her with a sharp look on his face until Feng Yun had to calculate the result.

"I will ask someone to replenish the portion of the profits that the Crown Prince gives up."

Feng Yun spoke calmly and relaxedly.

The accounts were clear, and she felt relieved.

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. From now on, we can just handle it according to the contract. No one takes advantage of anyone. This business can last for a long time. What do you think?"

Chun Yuyan looked at her.

She was smiling at him, a soft, demure smile.

She wasn't wrong at all.

In comparison, he looks like a clown.

"Feng Twelve..."

Chun Yuyan stared stiffly, without the usual lazy and contented look. His whole person was cold and indifferent, as if he was a different person.

Feng Yun didn't listen to what he said for a long time and tilted his head suspiciously.


Chunyu Yan fisted his heart tightly, feeling helpless and hopeless.

No matter what he did, no matter how much he did, he couldn't change Feng Twelve's mind at all.

"According to your."

After saying that, before Feng Yun could speak, he stood up.


Feng Yun bowed slightly and saluted politely.

"Your Majesty, move slowly."

Feng Yun knew that those words hurt him.

Chun Yuyan's attitude at this moment was even more terrifying than the time Bingzhou got angry with her.

But she doesn't regret doing it...

Also knows what to do.

"Alou, see you off."

Chunyu Yan never looked at Feng Yun again.

Turn around and stride away.


Jiang Yin stood under the wooden corridor in the courtyard, waiting for Alou to come back from seeing off his guests, then he stepped forward and asked with a smile:

"Why did the prince leave in anger?"

The woman came towards me with a pleasant fragrance.

Ah Lou has been in contact with her a lot in the past few months and is very familiar with her, but she is still young and energetic. Whenever a woman approaches, his heartbeat speeds up uncontrollably and his chest becomes tight...

He coughed lightly to calm down.

"Your Majesty is so angry, do you still need a reason?"

Jiang Yin was startled.

Chun Yuyan did have a bad temper, but his bad temper was very different from that of King Yonghuai.

King Yonghuai refused to allow people to approach him from thousands of miles away.

He is uncertain, moody and angry, and can draw a knife at any time, making people afraid to approach him.

"I guess it's because the lady refuses to comply with his wishes." Jiang Yin smiled lightly, and when Alou didn't speak, he added: "Manager Lou, you said that the prince has ulterior motives for the princess, but... he has ulterior motives?"

Ah Lou's heart skipped a beat.


Although Chun Yuyan often came to see Feng Yun, the two of them were never polite when talking to each other. They had more bad looks than bad ones, and seven out of ten times they broke up on bad terms...

Therefore, there were widespread rumors that Prince Yunchuan valued Princess Yonghuai, but people in Zhuangzi were very suspicious and refused to believe it...

No one who values ​​him or her speaks sarcastically.

Ah Lou has never been in love and can't explain why.

Moreover, he doesn't like to talk about Feng Yun's personal affairs, and he is even less likely to talk nonsense and tarnish his wife's reputation...

"The prince is doing business with the lady and has more contacts. Jiang Ji, please don't think blindly."

"That's what Mr. Lou taught me a lesson." Jiang Ji bowed slightly and said sheepishly, "I shouldn't talk too much. Mr. Lou, please forgive me..."

Ah Lou laughed, "It's just a few gossips, it doesn't count. There are many people outside who say that Prince Chunyu came to Zhuangzi because of you Jiang Ji...Jiang Ji didn't take it seriously."

Jiang Yin lowered his eyes and smiled bitterly, "How can you get into the eyes of the prince with a body of cattails? Just kidding."

Ah Lou smiled and scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed. Seeing that she was holding something in her arms, he added:

"Jiang Ji, go and do your work, I'm leaving."

"Manager of the building..." Jiang Yin called him, "When my wife came back, all the sisters expressed their feelings, but I was much slower -"

She said, passing the clothes she held in her hands to Alou's hands.

"Summer is about to begin, so I sewed a dress for my wife to express my feelings..."

Ah Lou was startled, "Why don't you leave it to your wife yourself?"

Jiang Yin smiled and said, "I saw that the building manager was busy all day and had no time to take care of himself, so I made one for you and brought it over. You can try it on later to see if it fits you."

Ah Lou shook his hand and looked at the young lady's gentle eyes, feeling both grateful and guilty.

"This... no reward for no merit... I'm afraid, I'm afraid it won't be easy to accept Jiang Ji's gift..."

Jiang Ji smiled slightly and said, "It's just a piece of clothing, it's not worth anything. The manager of the building, please don't see me outside. You and I are both in Changmen, and we are both poor people. Our family is not around, and we are alone. We should take care of each other..."

She stuffed her clothes into Alou's arms.

"Building Manager, please don't be polite to me again."

With that said, the person turned and left.

Ah Lou stared blankly at her back, holding the clothes in his hands. It took him a while to realize that his cheeks were already burning red.


Feng Yun glanced at Ah Lou coming in with his peripheral vision, but didn't pay attention. He didn't move for a long time, then he raised his head strangely and looked at the clothes he was holding in his hands.

"What's wrong?"

Ah Lou then came back to his senses and said with a blushing face:

"Jiang Ji sewed clothes for the lady and gave them to the lady."

Feng Yun put down the book and raised his head to ask him.

"Why doesn't she come? Why are you blushing?"

These are two questions, but they seem to be the same question.

Ah Lou has never had such worries in his life. He was completely confused. Looking at Feng Yun's eyes, he said in a panic: "Jiang Ji, I also made a dress for the villain."

Feng Yun looked at him without saying anything or making a sound.

Ah Lou felt even more guilty, "Jiang Ji has no other intentions. She only thinks about the villain because he...has no parents..."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows: "That's you. Do you have other ideas?"

Ah Lou almost didn't dare to look Feng Yun in the eyes, but he didn't dare to avoid the question. He just looked at her at a loss, then held his clothes and slowly knelt down.

"The villain dare not..."

Feng Yun's eyes were sharp, "Are you afraid or don't want to?"

Alou said quietly for a long time, "I don't dare."

Feng Yun was silent for a moment and motioned for him to put down his clothes.

"I will take your heart to heart. But right now the imperial court is at war, and I have received my salary anyway. I have to do things for the imperial court, so I can't take care of you for the time being..."

Ah Lou's face was as red as a monkey's butt.

He didn't originally have that kind of intention, and he didn't dare to have any intention towards Jiang Yin. Even if there were occasional ripples during the days they were together, it was just a young boy's spring, passing by in a flash...

I was accidentally provoked today, and my heart was set on fire, so I lost my sense of proportion in front of Feng Yun.

Hearing this, he broke into a cold sweat and felt that he shouldn't have.

"The villain's business is nothing, and I don't need to worry about it. Besides, the villain is self-aware, so how can he dare to have delusional thoughts..."

Feng Yun met his eyes and was about to speak when Ge Guang's report came from outside.

"Madam, General Hou is back and waiting in the living room."

Feng Yun glanced at Alou and said, "I know."

Chun Yuyan: Dear readers, please help me comment. Is Feng Twelve angry? Is she sincerely trying to piss me off so that she can inherit my position as the richest man?

Reader: intervened and ignored you?

Chun Yuyan: This is ancient times. It is human nature for a grown-up woman like Feng Twelve to have three husbands and four men...

Feng Yun: Oh, what he said actually makes sense...

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