Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 494 Never Despicable

Hou Zhun was sitting in the guest hall drinking tea.

Changmen's tea was very fragrant, with a taste that could not be found elsewhere. Every time he came, he could not help but drink a little, and sometimes he would take some tea away.

He was just feeling contented, and when he heard the footsteps, he subconsciously stood up and greeted her respectfully.


He was originally a general of the Qi army, and even if he surrendered to Feng Yun, he did not need to be overly humble.

But he could not help himself.

It was not because of Feng Yun's beauty, or anything else, but because under her gentle smile, there was always a kind of sharpness and sharpness that could reflect people's hearts, as well as the confidence to be sure of everything, which made him willing to follow her lead.

"General Hou, wait a long time." Feng Yun was very easy-going most of the time, and smiled slightly.

"Shall we set off immediately?"

Hou Zhun bowed, "Yes."

The two went out together.

As soon as Feng Yun got on the carriage, he saw Guan Wei coming in from outside the yard, dressed in a tight suit, with a long sword hanging from her waist, and a heroic figure. She walked forward and saluted Feng Yun with a fist.

"I just happened to have something to do at Shiguan, and I hope to go with you."

She no longer called herself "concubine".

She changed to "subordinate" and stopped feeling sorry for herself because of her female body.

The women of Changmen, and even the young ladies in Huaxi Village, would imitate Feng Yun intentionally or unintentionally since when...

Guan Wei imitated Feng Yun more thoroughly.

Feng Yun looked out of the carriage and smiled, "Then you can get on."

Guan Wei lowered her eyes and said, "I'll just ride a horse and follow behind the carriage to guard you."

Feng Yun didn't say much.

Guan Wei skillfully led a yellow horse out of the stable. It was fat and healthy. When she got on the horse, she didn't know whether she was careless or distracted, her foot slipped on the stirrup and she almost fell...

Hou Zhun reached out to help her.

"Be careful."

Guan Wei looked up, thanked him, and stepped on it again with his arm.

Hou Zhun stabilized her without saying a word.

Guan Wei didn't say much either.

But Feng Yun sat in the carriage and watched the two quietly, always feeling that the atmosphere between them was... a little wrong.

The group picked up Ren Rude and Jin Ge at the entrance of the village, set off from Huaxi, and headed for Shiguan. Ge Guang, Ge Yi, Ye Chuang and several guards followed them all the way. The team was so powerful that it was impossible not to attract attention...

On the way, many people saw Feng Yun's carriage and couldn't help but guess...

Is this Princess Yonghuai, going to the battlefield again? -

Arriving at Shiguan, Guan Wei came over to say goodbye to Feng Yun.

Feng Yun saw that her cheeks were rosy, frowned slightly, and looked up at the sky.

"It's not that hot, you are riding a horse and blowing the cool breeze, why are you blushing like this?"

Guan Wei's eyelids jumped and she lowered her eyes.

"...I feel a little hot."

Feng Yun asked Hou Zhun, "General Hou, are you hot?"

Hou Zhun groaned, glanced at Guan Wei, and pursed his lips, "Hot."

Feng Yun laughed and said, "It's not summer yet, and you two are so hot. When summer comes, how hot will you be?"

Neither of them spoke.

That strange smell and ambiguous atmosphere came again.

Feng Yun looked at her, half-closed his eyes and said to Guan Wei, "I will return to Huaxi tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. You can go back by yourself after you finish your business, or come to the camp and meet me."

Guan Wei replied, "Yes."

She climbed on the horse, glanced at Hou Zhun, and nodded slightly.

Hou Zhun stepped aside and returned the greeting.

The convoy continued to move forward, and Feng Yun lowered the curtain and asked Xiaoman.

"Have you found anything unusual about Guan Ji these days?"

Xiaoman shook her head subconsciously.

When the carriage passed through Shiguan County, she suddenly spoke as if she had thought of something.

"Sister Guan has never liked needlework, but I saw her embroidering a purse yesterday... Madam, is this unusual?"

Feng Yun: "Yes."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sound of horse hooves outside.

After leaving Shiguan, the further east they went, the closer they got to the front line, the more cautious they became.

Everyone looked at each other, and their hands silently supported their swords.

Just as Feng Yun was about to ask, she heard Ye Chuang shouting in surprise.

"It's General Longxiang, it's General Longxiang who's here."

Feng Yun pulled open the curtain and saw the tall and outstanding Wen Xingsu in the crowd.

He galloped on his horse at a very fast speed, leaving a group of followers far behind.

After not seeing him for a while, he seemed to have changed a lot, wearing armor, with a cold face, and his dark eyes looked over, warm and silent.

In a blink of an eye, Feng Yun almost thought she saw Pei Jue...

Big brother today... seems to be particularly different?

The great general of Southern Qi who could compete with Pei Jue in the previous life is back again...

He is less gentle and elegant, and has added some coldness and murderousness that can only be trained by long-term battlefield experience. Big brother is no longer the cautious Xinzhou garrison commander, but the independent General Longxiang.

War can still train people...

Big brother has really changed.

Feng Yun didn't know what he had experienced these days.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to be happy for him or sad about the transformation brought by the war.


Wen Xingsu slowly pulled the reins and approached, and joy could be heard in his voice.

Ye Chuang and other guards were waiting on the side, without moving or speaking to stop him.

This is Wen Xingsu's special treatment.

Although Pei Jue had instructed that no one should be allowed to get close to Feng Yun, Wen Xingsu could...

Even if the king was here, it couldn't change.

He was the person the princess was most willing to get close to.

Even his way of addressing the princess was unique...

"Big brother." Feng Yun was also very happy to see Wen Xingsu, "Why did you come to pick me up in person? It's so far, but you don't mind the trouble."

Wen Xingsu smiled and said, "You are here, no matter how far it is, I will pick you up."

Feng Yun smiled.

In an instant, the sky and the earth became warm, and the wind became gentle.

She asked, "Is the camp not busy today?"

Wen Xingsu hummed, "Not bad."

Feng Yun understood after hearing this.

It was still busy, but he took time to pick her up.

This was the big brother's cherishment of her, and the irreplaceable affection between them.

On the way to the camp, Feng Yun was able to learn the latest battle situation.

During this expedition, the Yecheng army was uncharacteristically tenacious, and the marching formation was also very careful. After several unsuccessful attacks, they withdrew the pontoon bridge and began to repair the fortifications on the other side of the river, as if they were going to fight a long battle.

The weather is fine today.

After entering the camp, Wen Xingsu took Feng Yun to the riverside slope. Looking over, they could even see the flags of the Yecheng army and the tents in clusters.

Feng Yun asked, "Is Prince Zhuangxian okay?"

Wen Xingsu was not willing to talk more about this cowardly prince.

"Not bad."

Feng Yun looked at him and smiled.

She could always detect the true meaning of his words from Wen Xingsu's expression.

"It seems that he has caused you a lot of trouble, right?"

Wen Xingsu chuckled, "There is trouble, but I don't have to pay attention to him."

A prince without the power to mobilize troops is just a decoration, with a noble position.

Wen Xingsu said, "Do you want to see him?"

Feng Yun shook her head, "No, I came here to see you."

He is a prince, and she is the regent princess.

As Feng Yun said, there is no need to make a special visit.

But Wen Xingsu was still a little confused about her words.

After being in Andu for so long, except when he was under house arrest in the Beiyong Army camp, when did she ever make a special trip to visit him?

Wen Xingsu stared into her eyes.

"Is Yaoyao in trouble?"

Feng Yun pursed her lips and smiled, "Yes. I'll help you solve the big trouble in front of you."

Wen Xingsu was slightly startled, "Yaoyao, what do you mean?"

Feng Yun said, "In any battle, the right way to win is to win by the unexpected. I'm going to meet Zheng Shoushan tomorrow."

Ren Rude has already informed Zheng Shoushan.

Therefore, when Wen Xingsu sent an envoy across the river, saying that he wanted to negotiate with the other party to seek a solution to the current crisis, the other party readily agreed.

The commander on the other side of the river was Li Zongxun's cousin Ge Pei, but in Chuzhou, Zheng Shoushan took out his belongings and helped with all his strength, so he still had the right to speak...

The two sides agreed to meet at dusk the next day on the Tonghui River.

At that time, representatives of the two armies will each take a boat to the center of the river.

If nothing unexpected happens, Zheng Shoushan will come in person.

However, Wen Xingsu was very opposed to Feng Yun going to negotiate.

"It's not like our army is empty-handed, so how can we let Yaoyao take risks?"

Feng Yun knew that he was worried about him, and smiled.

"I'll take the guards with me, it's okay."

"No." Wen Xingsu was very determined, "I'll go and talk. You stay in the camp and wait for news."

"You can't go, it won't work." Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, smiled and said, "I have to talk to him in person."


"Brother." Feng Yun stared at him and smiled slightly, "You are the commander-in-chief, and compared to me, you are the one who can't take risks easily. You have to believe me that you can come back safe and sound."

Wen Xingsu was not convinced.

But he knew Feng Yun and knew that it was useless to talk anymore, so he had to remain silent.

With the message from the envoys of both sides, the atmosphere on both sides of the Tonghui River was rarely relaxed.

After fighting for so long, the soldiers on both sides were a little tired, and it was time to sit down and have a good talk.

No one doubted that there was anything wrong with this negotiation.

Everyone is looking forward to the outcome of the meeting between the two armies tomorrow...


Ao Qi came from the Chijia Army camp in a dusty state. He did not stop Wen Xingsu like he did, but asked Wen Xingsu for instructions.

"Commander-in-chief, I would like to go with the princess."

Wen Xingsu looked at him.

After getting married, Ao Qi lost a lot of his youthfulness. He became more like a real man, brave, resourceful, and responsible, but his high-spirited energy did not change.

He did not change towards Feng Yun either.

When he saw Feng Yun, there would be light in his eyes...

It was even difficult to define his feelings as love between men and women, as if it was pure, unconcealed appreciation.

"Okay." If Feng Yun must have someone to protect him, no one is more suitable than Ao Qi.

Wen Xingsu said: "In negotiations before the battle, too much talk will lead to mistakes. General Ao must not lose his sense of proportion."

Ao Qi raised his head and glanced at Feng Yun.

"Don't worry, Commander. I won't say much. I will only dress up as the princess's guard and stay by her side."

Feng Yun's heart choked.

She looked over.

Ao Qi fixed his eyes on her face, and a big smile curved out from the corner of his lips, just like before.

"Ye Chuang and I work well together. Others can't see the clues, and it won't ruin the princess's business."

Wen Xingsu's narrowed eyes were deep and mysterious, "Okay."

Feng Yun's lips moved, smiled, and didn't speak.

She always knew that Ao Qi was obsessed with her, but that was in the past.

After getting married, the former boy will eventually grow up, put the past behind him, and embrace the next spring.

But the moment Ao Qi proposed to disguise himself as her guard, she suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Before nightfall, the camp began to light a fire and cook.

There was no war tonight, a rare relaxation. The soldiers were discussing enthusiastically outside, feasting, and laughing from time to time...

Feng Yun looked out from the tent.

These lively faces were friendly and familiar.

They should not have died on the battlefield...

So, as long as she could reduce casualties, she would never be mean.

A few people had a night meal in the camp, and Wen Xingsu went to the central army tent for something.

The sky gradually darkened, and under the inky sky, clusters of torches were floating, and the wind brought the smell of gunpowder.

Feng Yun found an opportunity to send others away and asked Ao Qi.

"Where is Amir?"

She spoke gently and smiled.

She looked like an elder.

Ao Qi smiled and said, "I was just about to tell my aunt about this."

He frowned inadvertently, "It's inconvenient to bring your wife with you when you are on the march. I want her to stay in Huaxi for a while, but I'm afraid it will bother my aunt again..."

Feng Yun smiled, "What's the matter? I welcome it, but I'm afraid she won't agree."

Ao Qi's eyes flashed, with a bit of helplessness.

"Aunt is right. She is really not very willing, otherwise, she wouldn't have dragged it on until today..."

Speaking of his new wife Amir, Ao Qi's two sharp eyebrows were pulled together, looking very embarrassed.

"But I think my aunt will have a way to convince her."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Okay, I'll try."

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