Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 495: Personal Affection Leads to Mistakes

When Zheng Shoushan went to the boat, he didn't know that the person coming across was Feng Yun.

He just learned from Ren Rude that the Beiyong Army was interested in negotiating peace, so he wanted to come forward to be the peacemaker.

He doesn't want to fight either.

Especially since the battlefield was in Chuzhou, he was the one who suffered the most.

If he could make peace, and the two sides would govern across the Tonghui River, he wouldn't have to be caught in the middle, and neither side would be offended, and he could return Feng Yun's favor, which would be like killing three birds with one stone...

But the moment he saw Feng Yun, he knew...

The situation and results of today's negotiations will not be influenced by him.

Although this was the first time he met Feng Yun, he trusted his intuition.

He had already experienced Princess Yonghuai's broad-mindedness during the last coal briquettes incident, and never dared to look down upon her.

But those who actually saw her, Zheng Shoushan, were still a little surprised by her strong aura and those eyes that seemed to be able to see everything...

How could there be a woman so stunningly beautiful and so calm? Dare to face the enemy general in such a chaotic and tense battle?

He suddenly understood why Pei Ran was confused by her as a female prisoner in the first place, and then ignored everyone's objections and wanted to marry her even if he fell out with the Li family...

In just a short moment, Zheng Shoushan thought a lot.

But he never expected that Feng Yun was here to instigate rebellion against him.

"Can Zheng Gongping please withdraw his entourage so that you and I can speak alone?"

Feng Yun had a clear voice and a calm face, and looked at Zheng Shoushan with a smile.

A little girl dares to do this, how can Zheng Shoushan not dare?

"Okay." Zheng Shoushan waved his hand, "You guys step back."

There were dozens of entourages on both sides.

Ao Qi was a little worried, so he took off the Huanshou knife and stuffed it into Feng Yun's hand.

"No need." Feng Yun smiled and glanced at Zheng Shoushan, "Mr. Zheng is a gentleman, don't worry."

Ao Qi stared at her without insisting.

Before leaving, he stuffed a loud arrow into her palm.

"Call me if you need something."

Feng Yun hummed softly.

The accompanying ships slowly retreated away.

There were only two small boats left, talking in the middle of the river.

"Come here today. I brought a big gift to Mr. Zheng..."

Feng Yun said, looking back at Hou Zhun on the other boat.

"Does Mr. Zheng still remember this General Hou?"

Zheng Shoushan knew that Hou Zhun had gone from general to bandit, and then took refuge with Feng Yun.

But the two had never dealt with each other head-on before, so he didn't know why Feng Yun mentioned it.

"Princess Princess Rende actually asked the heroes of Southern Qi to transport coal for you..."

Feng Yun smiled, "Yes, General Hou is the person who was robbed by bandits last time when he was transporting coal to Chuzhou."

She handed a wooden box over the side of the ship with both hands.

"General Hou found this from the bandits who robbed the road. I also asked Duke Zheng to take a look."

Zheng Shoushan's heart tensed slightly.

When the coal briquettes were robbed, he doubted Li Zongxun and also doubted Feng Yun.

In fact, they are all suspected.

However, firstly, there is no evidence, and secondly, Li Zongxun promised him many benefits afterwards, and Feng Yun also made up for the briquettes. He did not suffer actual harm, so he will no longer pursue the case.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun actually held the handle on Li Zongxun.

"A few Yecheng army badges, and Li Zongxun's handwritten warrant. Take a look at it, Mr. Zheng, is that right?"

Zheng Shoushan read it word for word.

Divide it word by word.

According to the warrant, Li Zongxun arranged for the coal robbery, down to the details of replacing the goods with stones and pouring ink on them. He even wrote the purpose - to prevent Zheng Shoushan from catching up with Feng Yun, lest he swing around. He also took the opportunity to drive a wedge between Zheng Shoushan and the Xijing court, so that he could never look back and could only be tied to the Yecheng court.

"Hateful." Zheng Shoushan clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

He could conclude that the warrant was Li Zongxun's handwriting.

"This old man actually played with me, and even said that the coal robbery was the princess's evil plan..."

When Feng Yun saw that he believed him, the big stone in his heart immediately settled.

In Bingzhou, she imitated Pei Man's handwriting without being discovered.

Therefore, when she decided to instigate rebellion against Zheng Shoushan, she started preparations early...

There were a large number of official documents written by Li Zongxun in the Xijing court. She easily borrowed the official documents and practiced hard for some time...

It finally came in handy.

She didn't feel guilty at all for pretending to be true, and instead sighed for Zheng Shoushan.

"After the Zhongjing Incident, Mr. Zheng was the first to respond to Yecheng and help the Li family and his daughter in their early days. For such a great kindness, Li Zongxun not only did not feel grateful, but instead calculated everything... Alas!"

As she spoke, she looked at Zheng Shoushan's livid face and sighed:

"Perhaps Mr. Zheng thinks that I am here to sow discord between you today...I admit that I am indeed here to sow discord...because your Majesty and I both value Mr. Zheng's character very much and cannot bear to let you be coerced by Thief Li. Be careful and become a sinner through the ages.”

"Thank you, Princess." Zheng Shoushan frowned.

He shook the letter and suddenly squinted his eyes.

"Why didn't the princess give me such an important piece of evidence earlier?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

"So what if I give it early? Mr. Zheng, you will still choose Yecheng, won't you? Rather than being regarded as a villain who instigates dissension, it is better to pretend to be deaf and mute and treat it as unknown."

Zheng Shoushan asked again: "Then why is the princess willing to take it out and give it to me today?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

Although Zheng Shoushan said he was grateful, he actually did not completely trust her.

This is just one of them.

Secondly, for people like Zheng Shoushan, this contradiction alone is not enough to change his decision, there also needs to be a large enough benefit...

We need to make the pie bigger.

Not only do we want him to see the bright future of following Xijing, but we also want him to know the tragic ending that following Yecheng will bring...

Feng Yun was silent for a long time, then slowly and faintly smiled bitterly.

"It's so hard, Mr. Zheng. Decades of war have claimed so many innocent lives, so many farmlands have been laid waste, so many houses have been destroyed, so many wives have been separated, and so many families have been destroyed... Mr. Zheng, life is really so hard. It’s time for this world to usher in an era of peace and prosperity.”

Move with emotion.

Zheng Shoushan remained silent.

She smiled again and continued to reason.

"Zheng Gong also has a strong idea in his heart. He should be very clear about whether the puppet regime controlled by Li Zongxun and his daughter can bring good days to the Jin Dynasty... Then, who should a real man make plans with? I hope Zheng Gong will think twice."

Zheng Shoushan's eyes darkened, "Princess, you are embarrassing me... Slaves with three surnames are disgusting, Zheng..."

He shook his head, "I can't do it."

Feng Yun said: "Mr. Zheng's words are wrong. The two Jin Dynasties are one family, how come there are three surnames? Gong Zheng surrenders to Xijing, that is a great good. Reducing the casualties of soldiers is to seek welfare for the people and to enjoy peace for all generations. Mr. Zheng, you are a great benefactor." A hero of Jin!"

Zheng Shoushan looked at her with a sad face and sighed.

Still unwilling to let go?

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

"When I left the capital, your Majesty asked me to send a message to Duke Zheng..."

Zheng Shoushan's eyes darkened, and there was a glimmer of light.

He cupped his hands and looked in the direction of Xijing, "I wonder if your Majesty has any advice?"

Feng Yun said: "Your Majesty said, those who obey me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish. If Duke Zheng is willing to surrender, he will be made a marquis and worshiped as prime minister in the future. If Duke Zheng goes all the way to the dark side..."

She paused and smiled lightly.

"The day the Northern Yong Army invaded Chuzhou was the time when Duke Zheng's family reunited - on Huangquan Road."


On the Tonghui River that day, Feng Yun said a lot of things. Zheng Shoushan, apart from being grateful for her benevolence and righteousness, refused to express his opinion on the spot, and then left politely...

Feng Yun was not completely sure that Zheng Shoushan would be completely convinced by him and submit to Xijing...

Therefore, she specially prepared a follow-up plan - Zheng Shoushan's brother-in-law and wife.

Over the years, Ren Rude often took money from the Southern Qi court to travel around the country, making friends and building his own connections.

Zheng Shoushan's family was picked on by him. Over the years, they have taken advantage of Ren Rude, and they have been fattened by him...

This is also the reason why Xiao Cheng was able to instigate Zheng Shoushan in his previous life and cut off the obstacles in Chuzhou.

She has thought about it. If the first plan fails, she will try another plan. If the second plan fails, there will be three more plans. As long as she sincerely digs this corner, she does not believe that it will not fail...

However, she never expected that Li Sangruo would come out halfway and help her a lot.

When Zheng Shoushan returned, he naturally wanted to submit the contents of the Tonghui River negotiations to the Yecheng court.

Of course, he would not say that Feng Yun was instigating rebellion. He only said that he had met Feng Yun and made up some of the conversation to respond to inquiries.

But what he said instantly brought Li Sangruo back to Xinzhou and Mingquan Town. The negotiation that made her frequently make a fool of herself...

"Ms. Feng has always been clever with her words and used to confuse people's minds. What she said was by no means the only thing Zheng Shoushan said."

"Zheng Shoushan hid the truth from the court and didn't tell the truth. How can he be used by me if his mind is astray? How can he lead the Chuzhou army to fight the enemy side by side with Yecheng?"

I have to say that Li Sangruo’s judgment was right this time...

The mistake was that she spoke it out, questioned Zheng Shoushan's selfish motives in public in the court, and said that Zheng Shoushan's Chuzhou Jiedushi should be deposed and the Chuzhou army should be returned to the court for unified deployment...

Li Zongxun was so angry that he threw the wat board and called her a "stupid woman".

Of course, Li Zongxun and Ge Pei could see that Zheng Shoushan was not telling the truth.

But now that the war is going on, is it time to fall out?

Li Zongxun denounced Li Sangruo in order to give Zheng Shoushan an explanation and to show his attitude...

However, they are all old foxes who have been around for thousands of years. Who doesn’t know who is who?

When the news reached Chuzhou, Zheng Shoushan's last hesitation was overturned.

If you don’t rebel today, you will be liquidated tomorrow.

He summoned his staff to discuss it all night, and made a decisive decision. On the one hand, he sent someone to contact the Northern Yong Army. On the other hand, on the grounds that Empress Dowager Li's slander against him had chilled the Chuzhou soldiers, he announced to the world that Chuzhou would break away from the Yecheng court.

On April 28, the second year of Tianshou, Zheng Shoushan built a pontoon bridge on the Tonghui River to welcome the Northern Yong army. At the same time, he opened the gate of Chuzhou and led his troops to counterattack Gepei...

Feng Yun: Thank you very much for your help.

Li Sangruo:? ? ? What force?

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