Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 496 Mei Ling's Edge

On the day the news reached Huaxi, Feng Yun was on the edge of the lotus pond, watching Sister-in-law Xu teach the villagers how to grow lotus roots.

The weather was warm, and the pond was crowded with people watching the fun, men and women, old and young. They seemed not to be affected by the war, and their faces were full of joy. They continued to do whatever they had to do, and never delayed their farm work...

Because under the big locust tree in the village, there will be notices from time to time to remind the soldiers about farm, village and village affairs.

As long as you obey and follow through, nothing will go wrong.

Subtly, the Huaxi people rely more on Nagato...

I am even more convinced of Feng Yun.

Therefore, when they heard that Zheng Shoushan had surrendered, the first thing the villagers thought of was Feng Yun.

"It's all thanks to my wife's 200,000 carts of coal. If I were Zheng Shoushan, I would follow the coal delivery people instead of grabbing the coal..."

"That's right. It's thanks to Madam's clever calculations that she saw through Zheng Shoushan and Li Zongxun's intrigues early on."

The villagers were chatting with Yourong, their voices rising and falling...

They were all rejoicing at the sudden turn in the war situation.

Feng Yun got the news earlier than them, so the joy and excitement had long passed.

She coughed lightly: "Stop praising me all the time. Get down to business."

The surrounding area immediately became quiet.

Everyone looked at her eagerly, as if waiting for her instructions.

Feng Yun couldn't help but smile again.

"What are you looking at me for? Keep going."

Yang Shichang said: "Don't you want to give me a lecture?"

Feng Yun looked at his earnest eyes and couldn't help laughing.

She just didn't want to hear so many people praising her to her face, she felt it was unnecessary...

"I don't know anything about fighting, so what can I say? I'd better watch you grow lotus roots."

Everyone roared with laughter.

The lady is easy-going, humble, and has no airs at all.

For accomplishing such a big thing, I don’t take any credit.

Feng Yun glanced over and saw that everyone was still unfinished, knowing that they were in high spirits, he couldn't help but laugh.

"There is indeed something I want to talk to you about."

Everyone quickly pricked up their ears.

She said: "It's been a long time since I've called you all to discuss matters, and it's good news. Let's do it tomorrow. Every household will send at least one person to the big locust tree. We have to choose a new location for Huaxi so that we can do things for everyone. "

She is the local official, so she should be the one to recommend the local official.

She said whoever is up to the task, that’s who.

But Feng Yun did not do this. Instead, he used a more flattering method - making the whole village feel involved.

The candidates were proposed by her.

Choose from several lengths.

Not surprisingly, the result was the same as Feng Yun thought.

The villagers unanimously believed that Yang Shichang should take over as Li Zheng.

When she was away from Huaxi, most of the village affairs were handled by Yang Tiezhu. He had the closest contact with Nagato, and the villagers trusted him.

After Yang Tiezhu took over, he immediately proposed that Xing Bing's wife, Mrs. Xu, take over his original post of chief minister and concurrently serve as a minor official in the village, equivalent to Li Zheng's deputy.

His suggestion was also unanimously agreed by Feng Yun and the villagers.

Sister-in-law Xu was flattered and waved her hands repeatedly, not daring to respond.

"How can I, a woman, do such big things? I can't do it, I can't do it..."

Yang Tiezhu said: "Sister-in-law Xu, please don't be humble. My wife can be the king of the country, why can't you be a subordinate?"

When Sister-in-law Xu heard this, she was right.

The lady is also a female generation.

Just learn from others.

"Then..." Sister-in-law Xu looked around at everyone, "I'll be the one to do it?"

Feng Yun raised his lips and smiled, "You deserve it."

Sister-in-law Xu chuckled, her heart felt so dizzy, she felt a little top-heavy when she walked.

Before Nagato, although Xing Bing was also a military official in the governor's mansion of Feng Jingting, he was hard-working and willing to endure hardships. He was also kind to her, and his life was quite comfortable...

But it is completely different from the current happiness.

In the past, she was just Xing Bing's daughter-in-law and the housewife of the family. No matter how well she did, no one would look down upon her.

But it is different now in Huaxi Village.

As long as you have the ability, no matter you are male or female, old or young, you can be reused.

There are more people here who look up to her.

Good things that she had never dreamed of happened to Nagato one after another.

Sister-in-law Xu was filled with joy. After returning to Zhuangzi, she brought a generous gift and went to thank Feng Yun.

"If it hadn't been for my wife's support, how could we, a family of three, be where we are today? Dalang's father was right, my wife is a great benefactor to our family."

As she said that, she knelt down on her knees and wanted to salute Feng Yun.

"Sister-in-law Xu." Feng Yun called her and lifted her up, "You have also helped me a lot. Do I have to kneel down too?"

Sister-in-law Xu was shocked.

"When we do things for our lady, we should do so..."

Feng Yun smiled, "There is no such thing as proper love in the world."

She held Sister-in-law Xu's hand and said, "We are on the same boat. We will work together in the same boat and work diligently."

Sister-in-law Xu left with tears in her eyes.

When he turned around, he found his son Xing Dalang and gave him a heart-warming lesson, telling him to work on errands for Feng Yun heartily in the future.

Xing Dalang could hear cocoons in his ears.

"Okay, okay, mother, everyone in the village knows that you have become a ninth-grade sesame official, and you are also a person who eats from the public family."

Sister-in-law Xu spat at him.

"It's irrelevant. You have to remember what mother said..."

When Xing Dalang heard that it was about to start again, he was about to run away.

"When my father comes back, you can tell him. I will definitely be obedient."

Sister-in-law Xu couldn't help but nodded her son's head.

"Can't I find him? Otherwise, what's the matter with you?"

Xing Dalang chuckled, "Okay, I have to hand over the account book to Madam. Madam can secretly enjoy herself."

Xing Bing was not in Huaxi recently, and took his subordinates Buqu and Hou Zhun's hundreds of people in Xiaojieqiu to Tonghui River.

This is Feng Yun's explanation.

She said that soldiers can only be trained on the battlefield.

Prince Mei trains hard day after day, but there is still a long way to go before becoming an army that can actually fight.

She wanted them to see the most primitive form of war up close.

When Feng Yun asked Xing Bing and Hou Zhun to take the people there, he only said that they were people from voluntary non-governmental organizations who came to help the Beiyong Army escort the baggage without being paid.

The front line was short of manpower to transport heavy supplies, so Wen Xingsu nodded in agreement and handed the people over to Shentu Jiong.

Shen Tujiong didn't take it seriously at first.

Except for Hou Zhun, the rest of them had only a handful of strength. Even Hou Zhun's subordinates, the bandits in Xiufeng Mountain, he didn't think so highly of...

Therefore, Shentu Jiong smiled and agreed, and really only arranged for them to do some chores of transporting grain and supplies.

Unexpectedly, on their way to transporting grain to Chuzhou, they encountered a sneak attack by a small group of Yecheng troops.

Shen Tujiong was very nervous, fearing that something would happen to them and unable to explain to Feng Yun...

Unexpectedly, under the command of Hou Zhun and Xing Bing, this group of people faced the sudden battle without panic. They lined up, formed, surrounded, and fought until the enemy army was crippled. Defending the enemy in one fell swoop, he actually won with ease...

This was so serious that Shentu Jiong didn't even bother to eat, so he immediately found Wen Xingsu.

"General, these are not troops and skirmishers at all. They are clearly well-trained..."

After a pause, his eyes brightened.

"Twelve mothers, do you know?"

He was worried about Feng Yun.

I have a team like this under my command, and if I don't know about it, big trouble will happen.

Wen Xingsu frowned slightly.

He had always known that Feng Yun had recruited these people, but he did not expect that Mei Ling's troops would be so brave in combat.

He pondered for a moment.

"Is this so strange? Hou Zhun was very popular in Xiufeng Mountain. You have personally learned from him. He is not a mediocre person. It is not surprising that there will be good soldiers when there are good generals. What's more, Ge Those people under Pei's command are all sycophants, so they are naturally vulnerable."

Shen Tujiong felt that what he said made sense.

But the more I thought about it, the more frightened I became.

"The Twelve Mothers have so many stories, but it's still a bit too much. I don't say whether the Xijing court will be overly concerned, but she herself, what if she can't suppress it..."

A weak woman.

A group of brave soldiers.

Shen Tujiong felt worried for Feng Yun just thinking about it.

Wen Xingsu disagreed, glanced at him, and smiled faintly.

"What's the limit? There are so many workshops under her... farm tools, iron tools, mines, coal mountains... all of them require heavy physical strength. These people are just craftsmen from Nagato. I think they are trained by Hou Zhun. Once you get used to it and practice it, it’s not worth worrying about.”

Shentu Jiong secretly felt that this was not the case.

But Wen Xingsu said this, and it would be even more inappropriate for him to sing on the opposite stage.

So he smiled and changed the subject to talk about the embarrassing incident of the Yecheng Army——

Unexpectedly, Wen Xingsu came back to his words again.

"In the news of victory in Xijing, there is no mention of the Mei Ling tribe. When someone asks, they say that the people spontaneously helped each other and transported grain, grass and baggage to the Beiyong Army..."

Shen Tujiong raised his hands and said, "Understood."



Feng Yun also received news of Mei Ling Buqu's victory.

It was Xing Bing who came to report quickly——

He couldn't hide his excitement.

After all, after many years of service, he has never won a battle happily...

Feng Yun smiled, raised his head and stared.

"It's easy to become arrogant when you win a victory. We need to let everyone take their hearts back and don't be careless..."

Xing Bing smiled and said: "Don't worry, madam, we won't have to worry. In the past two days, General Wen is preparing to attack Ningcheng, and the brothers are rushing to be the vanguard."

Xing Bing had been training for so long and finally saw the results. He was more excited than those Mei Gongzi at the moment and wanted to rush forward immediately and fight the Yecheng army for 300 rounds.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun's face darkened after hearing this.

"Isn't the baggage good?"

Xing Bing quickly restrained his expression, "It's good, but it's just not fun enough."

Feng Yun frowned, his eyes stern.

"I asked you to take them there because I want them to see what a real battlefield is, not to risk their lives... Study more and don't underestimate the enemy. Do your housework honestly and don't interfere in other things."

Xing Bing was startled.

As if he had been poured cold water on his face, he looked at Feng Yun thoughtfully, nodded, and calmed down from his frenzy.

"I have written it down and will tell it to General Hou to restrain them together. We will never underestimate the enemy and advance rashly."

Feng Yun hummed and then smiled.

"Tell them that I will be richly rewarded on the day of victory."

Xing Bing was overjoyed and bowed his hands.

"Yes. Thank you madam." (End of chapter)

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