Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 500: Inconvenient to get up

The next day was another sunny day.

The chrysanthemums in Zhuangzi are in full bloom, blooming a golden color.

Xiaoman and Huan'er were very happy.

Picking flowers, cooking, making tea and drinking it is very fun.

Xiaoman said: "The king is here, and all the flowers bloomed overnight."

Huan'er teased her, "I think you are blooming. Come and see Pei'er, Mangu's little face..."

"Go away, who is Mangu?"

"You, you, you, Miss Man."

The two maids attacked from both sides, trying to pinch Xiaoman's red face.

"You feel fresh and fresh, and your complexion is better."

Xiaoman blushed and slapped them.

Several girls were joking and chasing each other around, which was very exciting.

That's when Amir came to the door.

"What are you talking about, are you so happy? Where is my aunt?"

Xiaoman said: "Madam rested late last night and has not yet gotten up. Young Madam went to the second room to sit for a while and taste our newly made Qiuju black tea. It is so refreshing..."

Huan'er smiled happily, bowed and said:

"To tell you what the young lady is saying, we are here to talk about Xiaoman. Her husband is back and his complexion has improved."

Amir tilted his head and asked in confusion:

"Why does my husband look better when he comes back? Is it because he is angry?"

Huan'er's smiling face immediately froze.

This young lady is a married woman.

Originally, when I heard it, I should have understood where the laughter was.

Why can't she understand?

Huan'er asked curiously: "Young Madam and General Ao... aren't they like this?"

Amir was startled and finally understood.

Being stared at by several maids, she was so embarrassed that her toes wanted to dig into the ground.

But she is young and courageous, so she refuses to be laughed at.

So he waved his arm, laughed loudly, and said disapprovingly:

"His moral character is faster than the pigs and cows in Cangyan Mountain. I sleep well, wake up early, and my body is in great shape..."

Huan'er and Pei'er had never heard such shocking words.

The two people widened their eyes and couldn't help but want to explore...

How fast is General Ao?

Xiao Man coughed slightly, glared at them, and smiled as he led Amir inside.

"Young madam, don't talk nonsense with these two little bad guys. Don't say these private things to them..."

Amir's ears were also faintly red.

She and Ao Qi have not yet consummated their marriage, and her mother has never taught her about it. She has always had little knowledge about men and women. What she does know is that in the tribe, pigs and cows are used to give birth to livestock...

After thinking about it, she felt that she was right.

Then he said very firmly:

"What's the big deal? There's no difference between humans and pigs and cows. They're both animals, and so is Ao Qi."

Feng Yun almost died laughing when he heard the noise outside.

Amir is really refreshing early in the morning.

Xiaoman heard her laughter and asked, "Madam, are you awake? The young lady is here."

Feng Yun yawned and smiled lazily, "You spoke so loudly, why didn't you wake me up? Come in and help me get up."

Amir was startled again when he heard this.

Secretly, he stuck out his tongue at Xiaoman.

"Is Auntie so weak? She can't even get up by herself?"

Xiaoman was startled, and suddenly felt that the young lady was very cute, and couldn't help teasing her.

"It's hard to say... The young lady doesn't understand it now. Maybe she will understand it when she sees General Ao next time."

Amir almost had hooks in his eyes.

She didn't understand.

I was very curious to see Xiao Man being mysterious.

As soon as she saw Feng Yun, she asked: "Aunt...why can't you get up now? Why did he bully you?"

Feng Yun didn't expect to hear such fierce words. His throat felt itchy and he couldn't help coughing.

Of course she was not unable to get up, nor was she unable to get up on her own...

It's just more convenient for the maid to serve, and I'm used to it.

"Cough." Feng Yun cleared his throat and restrained his expression.

"You came to see me early in the morning, but something happened?"

Amir was simple-minded. As soon as she asked, he quickly forgot about the matter of arranging pigs and oxen.

"Aunt." She clasped her hands and learned the rules in detail, "I want to go to the battlefield with my aunt."

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, "Where did you hear that I am going to the battlefield?"

Amir asked in confusion: "Isn't my aunt going? It's impossible. My uncle is going on an expedition, so you must go with him."

Feng Yun was really puzzled by the logic of this niece-in-law.

But that didn't stop her from refusing.

"No. Just stay in Huaxi."

Although the Beiyong Army has the advantage, it is absolutely impossible to take risks with Amir.

"Why not?" Amir hung her arm and began to tease her.

"Aunt, aunt, please do well."

Feng Yun made her stagger around and couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

Why are you acting like a child?

She made an excuse, "This is what Ao Qi means. You should know that he won't let you take risks."

"What's the use of what he said?" Amir snorted disapprovingly, "My aunt doesn't listen to my uncle, so why should I listen to Ao Qi?"

Feng Yun:......


For two days in a row, Pei Kuang was busy, and Feng Yun had no chance to tell him about Amir.

The days suddenly became brighter.

Another good news came from the front, three days later...

Wen Xingsu's handwriting:

"Our army is unstoppable, and the enemy generals dare not fight. Now that we have won many battles, the morale of the soldiers is high. As long as the king gives an order, the iron hooves can step across the Yishui River and push the city of Ye flat. The last general asked for orders to serve for the Northern Yong Army. The battle is over and the time for great victory is just around the corner.”

Feng Yun was extremely excited when he got the news.

"Eldest brother has always been reserved. He doesn't like flashy words, let alone boastful talk. Since he said that he can lead a large army to push Yecheng flatly, it must be feasible."

Feng Yun could hear the excitement in his voice.

Nearly two years have passed since the Beijing Incident.

Hundreds of days and nights, we finally waited for the decisive moment.

Li Zongxun.

Li Sanruo.

How could she not be happy that she could get back the hatred she had in her previous life in this life?

"Yeah." Pei Ran's expression was far less excited than Feng Yun.

But he always had such a temper, and Feng Yun didn't take it seriously.

"Just one word?" She raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Quickly, say a few more words to make me happy."

Pei Madang pondered for a moment and said: "General Wen has strategized and marched with far-reaching strategies. He will be rewarded for his victory in the future."

Feng Yun felt that these words were a bit abrupt.

What she told her was completely different.

But I can't find fault with it.

She smiled and said, "Then I'll thank you first for my eldest brother."

"It should be." Pei Ran looked at her calm and relaxed look and reached out to caress her face.

"Let's rest early today. We'll leave tomorrow."

Feng Yun nodded and said with a smile: "Then I will ask Xiaoman to find my soft armor."

Her joy did not fade and she went out happily.

Pei Madang sat upright, his eyes falling on her slender back, his dark eyes deep.


In mid-October, Pei Ran set off from Andu to Yishui.

When the news came out, everyone in the government and the public was happy.

The ministers were full of confidence in King Yonghuai, who was invincible.

Therefore, before Pei Madang arrived in Xiangzhou, the news that the Beiyong Army would end the war and recover Yecheng within one month had already spread to everyone.

Such words could not come from Pei Ran's mouth.

But as more people spread the praises and the praise spreads, every word may become a counter-pressure.

Feng Yun was wearing a military uniform and riding a maroon horse, following Pei Ran. He said dissatisfiedly: "I don't know who has the ambitions for the king secretly."

Pei Ran raised his head slightly, looked at the horizon in the distance, and remained silent.

"These days, all kinds of monsters and ghosts come out. There are always some people who are afraid that the world will not be in chaos." Feng Yun whispered and looked at him again.

"However, it is not an exaggeration. Once you cross the Yishui River and enter Yecheng, it will be a smooth river. Li Zongxun can't even jump around for a few days. Although one month is an exaggeration, three months is feasible. As long as the king is willing, We will celebrate the New Year happily in Yecheng this year, it will definitely not be a problem..."

This was her judgment based on the war between the two sides.

Unexpectedly, Pei Ran looked silently and suddenly spoke.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Yun Niang."

Feng Yun looked at his solemn face, and his heart sank slightly.

"What do you mean by this?"

Pei Madang pursed his lips.

After a long time, he said calmly:

"Use stillness to stop and then look for good opportunities."

"What?" The horse ran too fast, and the cold wind in October blew against his cheeks, which hurt like a knife. Feng Yun wrapped his ears tightly with fur and couldn't hear clearly.

Repeated again:

"What did the king just say?"

Pei Madang raised his voice and spoke calmly.

"There is no need to rush across the river to attack the city, just wait for the opportunity."

Feng Yun was a little surprised.

After fighting until now, shouldn’t we be all in one go?

She didn't understand this decision, but she never gave Pei Ran much advice on the whole process of fighting, and she believed in Pei Ran's judgment on the fighter plane.

Since he said that, he must have a reason.

Just wait.

Pei Ran arrived at the Beiyong Army camp on the south bank of Yishui River, which aroused excitement among the entire army that day. The officers and soldiers of the Beiyong Army were eager to give it a try, waiting for the king's order to press forward with iron hoofs.


People soon discovered that they had guessed wrong.

King Yonghuai, who was expected to return home, personally led the army to conquer Yecheng, but the one-sided battle situation came to a standstill. The cavalry of the Northern Yong Army, which was rolling in torrents, camped by the Yishui River, and there was no sign of attack for a long time.

What kind of fuss is going on?

Li Sangruo: Pei Madang loves me.

Feng Yun: If you want to eat shit...just wait to die.

Li Sanruo: You let him try to kill me?

Feng Yun: I have never heard such a lovely request, kill!

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