Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 501 Trust is Gold

The army was stationed on the hillside on the south bank of Yishui River.

Several generals went to the Chinese army's tent and met with Pei Madang. Most of them wanted to challenge him.

However, a group of people went in happily, and when they came out of the tent, they all shook their heads and sighed.

Feng Yun stood at the door of another camp and saw everyone else leaving, so he called Wen Xingsu to stop.


When Wen Xingsu saw her waving, his emotions disappeared, he put on a gentle smile, and strode towards her.

"What do you want to know? Why don't you ask the king?"

Feng Yun said: "I just want to ask you."

Wen Xingshu's smile widened when he heard these words that were willful, rude and a bit angry.

"Just ask."

Feng Yun looked at his expression and said casually, "It seems that there is nothing more to ask."

If Pei Madang had agreed to cross the river to fight, Wen Xingsu wouldn't have looked like that just now, and might have rushed down to prepare for the battle.

Wen Xingsu thought about it, stared at her and asked, "What do you think?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "Of course I think the same as you. Let's do it all at once."

Wen Xingsu sighed, looked back in the direction of the military tent, and whispered:

"I originally thought that the king's order to set up camp and not attack was just a cover-up, and there would definitely be some strange moves to defeat the enemy. But during the discussion just now, the king did not reveal this intention..."

Feng Yun asked: "Then what's the reason why he didn't attack?"

Wen Xingsu frowned and said, "After months of fighting, the soldiers are tired and should not rush forward and increase casualties. Instead of killing three thousand enemies and losing eight hundred, it is better to surround them like trapped animals and wait for work."

Feng Yun thought for a moment and nodded.

Wen Xingsu lowered his voice and said, "Has your Majesty told you why he didn't attack?"

Feng Yun shook his head.

Wen Xing traced back: "As long as the army crosses the Yishui River, the Yecheng army will have no danger to defend and will be defeated. Therefore, stopping at this time is equivalent to giving the dying Yecheng army a chance to breathe."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, paused for a moment, and then said solemnly: "This is really not like the king's behavior. Why bother giving your opponent a chance to struggle when you can slap him to death? Now all the countries are watching. If you are not careful, everything will happen. Lose."

Wen Xingsu said a lot in one breath.

Multi-national situations, battlefields on both sides, analysis of pros and cons...

"The nights are long and there are many dreams. Why doesn't your Majesty understand this truth..."

There was a hint of anxiety in his tone, and Feng Yun was very pleased.

The eldest brother has obviously fully integrated himself into the Beiyong Army and is really planning for the Beiyong Army...

Feng Yun said warmly: "I understand what brother means. If it were me, I would make such a decision, but for now... we should listen to the king. He must have his reasons for doing this."

The light in Wen Xingsu's dark eyes dimmed slightly.

In Yao Yao's heart, his ability to lead troops was not worth mentioning in front of Pei Ran.

Wen Xingsu smiled slightly and said no more.

Feng Yun was also afraid that he was emotional, so he comforted him with a smile.

"Brother, don't take it personally. No matter what, we are all of the same mind. As long as the final result is victory, it doesn't matter what means are used. Whoever can win with the least casualties, then listen to whoever does it."

Wen Xingsu: "Yao Yao is right."

Feng Yun was afraid that disagreements would cause his eldest brother to separate from Pei Ran, so he invited him to sit in the tent and drink tea and talk.

The two sat opposite each other. Wen Xingsu showed no emotion and did not question Pei Man's decision. His gentle smile showed his elegance and elegance.

Feng Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, the king is here. Brother, you can have some free time and send a message to the county king to make her happy. The wedding was supposed to be postponed in May and now, I feel embarrassed for you..."

Wen Xingsu smiled but said nothing.


When Pei Ran came back, he paused when he saw the cups on the tea table.

"General Wen has been here?"

Feng Yun hummed lightly and said with a smile: "Sit for a while and then leave."

After thinking about it, he stared at Pei Ran again and asked calmly: "The generals in the camp are not so convinced by the king's decision. Is this common in the king's past march history?"

Pei Ran: "More."

Feng Yun asked him with a smile, "How did you solve it in the end?"

Pei Ran glanced at her and said, "Listen to me."

Feng Yun twitched the corners of his mouth.

He then added, "Just like Nagato, I can only listen to you. Too many people with different opinions often lead to bad things. When making decision-makers, you should not be influenced by others."

Everyone will have different ideas based on the battle situation, and it is difficult to achieve unified opinions.

At this time, a wise leader is needed to set the tone and finalize the decision, so that the military will not be distracted due to disagreements.

“Only when orders and prohibitions are enforced can we act in unison.”

"Well said." Feng Yun looked at him with a smile, "I completely understand what the king said."

Pei Ran reached out and took her over, hugged her gently and put her against his chest.

No words were spoken.

But it is better than a thousand words.

There was silence for a moment.

Feng Yun smiled slightly and said, "It's been a tiring day. Your Majesty, would you like to take a break?"

Pei Ran lowered his head and looked at her raised face, "Why didn't Yun Niang ask me?"


"Why not attack?"

Feng Yun laughed.

"Didn't the king say that? The soldiers are tired and should not advance rashly. Victory does not come out of thin air. Behind the victory, there are not only the enemy's corpses lying thousands of miles away, but also the casualties of our soldiers..."

"You think so too?" Pei Ran asked.

"Of course." Feng Yun pursed his lips and said seriously: "Surrounding siege but not attacking will waste food and grass. It just costs more money and time. Attacking by force may end the war early, but it will cost human lives. Money and Compared with human life, it is nothing.”

Pei Madang's dark eyes were deep.

Stare at her for a long time.

He did not expect that Feng Yun truly believed that he had done the right thing.


Pei Ran's voice was drawn out, his Adam's apple slipped slightly, and he said after a while: "But, that's not my intention..."

"Really?" Feng Yun was slightly surprised, his brows darkened, "Then what is the king waiting for?"

Pei Madang's dark eyes were dark, "Wait for an opportunity."

The cold wind howled through the tent roof, making the tent cloth flutter with a loud sound.

Pei Ran remained motionless, his face was serious, his eyes were as deep as a pool, as if there was something hidden that could not be seen from the light of day...

"I believe it. I'll wait." Feng Yun looked at him for a moment and smiled slowly. "I believe that those who can humiliate me on the chessboard must have a strategy superior to mine. Therefore, no matter what decision the king makes, I support and wait.”

Trust is gold.

Pei Ran felt hot and pinched her earlobe.

"I will not let you down."

Feng Yun put his arms around his waist, "Then we'll see."

After thinking for a while, she pressed her face against his chest again and sighed long and long.

"But it's best not to wait until the Chinese New Year. It's cold in winter, and the soldiers will suffer from the cold and the pain of missing their relatives."

Pei Madang patted her back and said nothing.


Not taking the initiative to attack does not mean the end of the war.

Not only did the Beiyong Army not relax, on the contrary, they have been tightening the siege of Yecheng slowly, getting tighter and tighter...

It's just that the speed is very slow, which is very different from a strong attack on the frontal battlefield, so that there are more and more doubts in the government and the public...

Someone even mentioned the previous relationship between Li Sangruo and Pei Ran.

Several ministers in the court even jointly sent letters to Yishui again and again, asking King Yonghuai when he would attack the city.

These things would inevitably reach Feng Yun's ears.

It goes in her left ear and comes out in her right ear, and she doesn't care at all...

The responsibilities of the Palace Chief are actually very heavy. He commands the staff, controls the palace's government, assists and advises the prince internally to follow the right path, follow etiquette and laws, and is responsible for the communication between the palace and the court externally...

If Pei Ran hadn't been her husband, many things could be saved, but she would be exhausted.

When a woman gets down to business, she doesn't care about the little things of love at all.

What's more, Feng Yun didn't believe that Pei Madang would change his strategy because of a woman.

He is decisive in killing and is not someone who can't grasp things clearly. Otherwise, how could the Northern Yong Army have such a brilliant record and be invincible?

However, the emperor was not in a hurry and was anxious to kill the eunuch.

A few maids were just angry, but Amir's stubborn temper almost made him burst with anger.

"Auntie, hurry up and ask your uncle what's going on between him and that Empress Dowager Li? A scholar can be killed and cannot be humiliated. You must ask clearly."

Feng Yun: "...Isn't this how the word is used?"

"Really?" Amir thought about it for a moment, tasted the products himself, and counted them with his fingers.

"A scholar cannot be killed, but cannot be humiliated... A chicken cannot be stewed with tofu... Oh, no, did I recite it wrong? It's impossible. That's what Ao Qi said..."

Feng Yun couldn't laugh or cry.

What did you do to Ao Qi to make him say such things?

"Then go back to Ao Qi and ask him to tell you again."

Amir shook his head, looking very stubborn, "No, no, no, I'm right. I've heard people say that Empress Dowager Li sent someone to find a male pet based on my uncle's portrait... I was so disgusted and angry. I can't even eat..."

Feng Yun made her brain hurt by talking about it.

"I shouldn't have brought you here..."

When Amir heard this, he shut up suddenly, smiled, pointed outward, and exited.

"I am good. I will listen to my aunt and will never shake the morale of the army by talking too much..."

"Close the door!" Feng Yun laughed.

Amir was far away, and Feng Yun sat down slowly to drink tea.

"This Amir is more comfortable than Ao Qi."

At that time, Feng Yun was still very optimistic.

She never imagined that this wait would actually last a month.

In the blink of an eye, the winter solstice comes, and Yishui becomes cold.

Winter clothes and briquettes from Huaxi gradually entered the camp. The soldiers put on warm winter clothes and lit the stoves. The battle was still not started...

The atmosphere in the camp was solemn.

The noise grew.

The Jin Dynasty's doubts about Pei Ran never ceased.

But Pei Madang never explained anything and just went his own way.

So many sounds poured into Feng Yun's ears.

"The duty of the long history is to advise the king and correct his mistakes... Princess, we can't wait any longer. If we wait any longer, the cold weather will not kill the Yecheng court, and we may drag ourselves to death..."

Feng Yun was silent.

After thinking for a long time, I slowly put down the tea cup.

"Okay, I'll go talk to the king."

Feng Yun had agreed with Pei Mang before, but seeing the days getting colder day by day, she also felt that... she couldn't delay it any longer.

Feng Yun put on his cloak and headed to the Chinese military tent with his two maids, braving the cold wind of the camp...

Before he could arrive, he saw Pei Madang hurried out with his guards on his left and right, his expression cold and solemn and his steps calm.

"Your Majesty..."

Feng Yun stepped forward and bowed his hands. Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Pei Ran.

"No need to say more. The general of the southern camp is ready to go out."

Feng Yun was overjoyed.

"My king?"

She paused, calmed herself down, and then asked in a low voice: "Has the opportunity you've been waiting for come?"

Pei Jue slightly curled his lips and nodded at her.

"Yun Niang, come with me to the South Camp."

Feng Yun's lips curled slightly, and he clasped his hands together, "I will obey your orders." (End of this chapter)

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