Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 502: Sudden Love and Pity


As night fell, the surrounding area became quiet, and not a single sound of human beings could be heard.

This city was what they called the "Imperial City", but in Li Sangruo's eyes, it was like a dead city.

Two palace servants were guarding the door, standing respectfully, but no one would listen to her.

She is the Queen Mother.

More of a prisoner.

Prisoner of Li Zongxun.

After being locked up in this cold and lonely Fangyun Palace for a month, no one came to see her or talk to her. This place was more like a cold palace than a cold palace.

All she had, apart from a false reputation that even the palace maids scorned, was wine.

Over the course of a month, she drank too much.

Wine jars were moved in one after another, and she couldn't count how many there were.

Start drinking it when you open your eyes, and drink it until you fall asleep, paralyzing it, making your brain die, and living like a zombie.

And this is Li Zongxun's only kindness.

This is how he treated her when father and daughter were together...

Li Sangruo smiled coldly, shook the wine bottle in his hand, his expression changed, and he threw it out with a bang.

"Bring me the wine!"

She has a bad temper.

Now it's even worse.

"Where's the wine? Are you all dead? Didn't you see that I don't have any wine?"

No one answered.

There was not even a breath of wind in the temple.

It was empty, she was alone...

Li Sangruo struggled to get up.

"I think you are going against the grain..."

The corner of the curtain moved slightly.

Li Sangruo was about to curse when he saw a tall figure walking in. There was no emotion on his thin face, cold, sinister, and pale, like a living dead, and he walked upright in front of her.

He held a sharp sword in his hand.

There was blood dripping from the tip of the sword, which rolled into the brown mat and fainted instantly...

Li Sangruo's eyes widened, he put his hands on the ground, kicked his feet, and kept stepping back...

"What are you doing? Uncle Shao Gong, you, what are you doing?"

Tang Shaogong said: "Your Majesty, please come with me."

Li Sangruo was not thinking clearly and looked at him suspiciously.

"Let's go where? No, I won't go. I am the Queen Mother, I can't go anywhere."

"If you don't leave, your life will be lost." Tang Shaogong said in a calm voice, "The Prime Minister wants Emperor Chunde to abdicate. He is going to be the emperor, can you still be the Queen Mother? Let's go, your life is at stake."

Li Sangruo was shocked.

She was not surprised by Tang Shaogong's words.

Li Zongxun wanted to be emperor for a day or two. When her son was still on the throne, he had already revealed his ambition...

But at this juncture...

"The Northern Yong Army is approaching Yishui, and the war is getting tense. How can he be so impatient?"

Tang Shaogong said: "It is precisely because the Beiyong Army is so close that he can't wait any longer..."

Glancing at Li Sangruo, there was no trace of emotion or tension on Tang Shaogong's face.

"If Pei Madang regains Ye City, the Prime Minister's dream of becoming emperor may never be fulfilled again in this life. This is his last chance..."

Li Zongxun had dreamed of being emperor for so long, and had been planning for half his life in Jiying camp. Even if the Beiyong army came to the city and blood was splattered in all directions, he still had to wear that dragon robe.

Li Sangruo smiled.

"That's his style."

She raised her head again, looked at Tang Shaogong longingly, and laughed silently.

"What can I do now? Look at this deep palace and long alley, trapping me like an animal. No matter where I go, I can't escape from his grasp..."

Tang Shaogong said: "The Queen Mother still has me."

The oil lamp in the hall exploded lightly, and a slight crackling sound came from the wick, but it hit Li Sangruo's heart hard.

"Uncle Shao Gong? You want to take me... out of Yecheng?"


Tang Shaogong's face was blurred. Li Sangruo squinted his eyes, trying to see him more clearly, but failed.


She lay limply on the ground, her pale face like the snow in early winter, with a bitter smile, but without any vitality, as if her soul had been pulled out.

"I won't leave. I am the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother of the Jin Dynasty... I will be the Queen Mother for one day when I live. When I die, Li Zongxun will bury me with the ceremony of the Queen Mother... Everyone will remember me for all the generations to come. Li Sangruo, an empress dowager who takes the throne..."

She murmured, her eyes flashing with uneasiness and anxiety, but she was determined every word.

"If I leave secretly, who am I, who else can I be? Ha...that's not what I want...let him kill me, kill me, bury me..."

She looked up at Tang Shaogong's indifferent face.

"You go. Don't let Li Zongxun's people see... Although I don't know why you helped me, but... I am grateful to you."

She glanced at Tang Shaogong's sword.

"If anyone asks, I will just pretend that I have never met you."

Tang Shaogong looked at her expressionlessly.

"I'll take you to Yishui to find Pei Ran."

Li Sangruo subconsciously tightened his body, turned his shoulders stiffly and slowly turned to look at him.

The smell of alcohol surged from my throat, and the warm room became inexplicably cramped, as if any emotions were about to rush out of my body...


Tang Shaogong said: "You must have heard what the Prime Minister and I said that day. Let's go, this is your only way to survive now."

The corners of Li Sangruo's lips trembled slightly.

"Yes, I heard it."


I can't believe it either.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at Tang Shaogong in confusion, and asked word by word: "Is Pei Ran really my brother?"

she asked softly.

I don't know what answer I want to hear.

Tang Shaogong's eyes were cold, "Yes."

Li Sangruo shook his head, "I don't understand."

Tang Shaogong: "You don't have to understand."

Li Sangruo hesitated, "Then will he recognize me?"

Tang Shaogong looked at her deeply, "Why else would the Northern Yong Army be stationed in Yishui and not attack Yecheng for so long?"

Li Sangruo felt excited.

"For me?"

It was because of her that Pei Ran stopped for a full month. Is it because she was under house arrest, which delayed the progress of the Beiyong Army?

Although this sudden relationship made her confused and confused, she didn't even know how she could face Pei Madang now...but she couldn't help but be moved by it.

It's for her.

Pei Ran is doing it for her.

A man you have loved since childhood will not suddenly seal up your feelings just because of a change of identity...

Li Sangruo lowered his eyes and slowly put his hands on the ground.

"Okay, I'll go, I'll leave with you... let's go find Pei Mad..."

Li Sangruo didn't drink much tonight, but when she tried to get up, she found that her feet were weak and she couldn't stand and slowly collapsed to the ground.

Tang Shaogong saw that she was limp and had no strength, so he bent down and put a hand around her waist, lifting her up lightly...

Li Sangruo was already thin.

During this time, she was sleeping around day and night, drinking too much, suffering from insomnia, and she was extremely thin. It didn't take much effort to pick her up...

Li Sangruo was shocked.

Although she respected him as Uncle Shaogong, Tang Shaogong was also a foreigner, so how could he be so close to her?

Xu Shi hadn't received warmth for a long time. Now that he was held in Tang Shaogong's arms, Li Sangruo's heart, which had been exhausted to the point of numbness, started beating fiercely, and his whole person seemed to be alive again.

Everyone said that she was slutty, but Li Sangruo knew it well - sometimes, what she needed was not a man, but someone to pity and love, this kind of warmth that she could rely on.


She never got it.


Emperor Xifeng never gave it to her.

Neither Song Shou'an nor any subsequent Mianshou...

She thought Pei Ran could do it, only Pei Ran could do it.

But Pei Ran wouldn't give it to her.

The more she lacked something, the more she wanted to find something. She was so thirsty that she almost suffocated. She regarded the abyss as salvation and kept sinking, just to get the love that was unattainable in her life.

He stalked Pei Madang, one after another...

She had done a lot, but she never expected that tonight, at such a moment when her life was hanging by a thread, she would suddenly calm down in Tang Shaogong's arms.

The strong spiritual support of being like a father and a brother allowed her to let go of all her defenses.

"Uncle Shao Gong."

She hugged Tang Shaogong tightly with both hands, buried her head in his shoulder, and sniffed.

"Why didn't you hug me earlier..."

Tang Shaogong didn't hear what she said clearly. He stared at the surrounding environment with his eyes, holding the person and carrying the sword, and had no time to be distracted.

Without saying a word, he straightened his shoulders and walked out of the inner hall, nodded to the two attendants guarding the door, then hugged Li Sangruo and cautiously walked around to the west side of Fangyun Hall...

It's windy and freezing outside.

Li Sangruo nestled in Tang Shaogong's arms, his whole chest filled with a surge of warmth...

"Uncle Shao Gong. I thought that no one in this world would care about my life or death... and no one would truly care about me and love me..."

"I didn't expect it to be you. The only person who cares about me would be Uncle Shao Gong."

Li Sangruo's eyes were moist, half-closed, and he hugged him hard with both hands.

"I clearly remember that you hated me so much before... But now, I know that you really pity me and feel sorry for me. Uncle Gong, my heart, it tells me that it is very solid."

Tang Shaogong lowered his head.

Looking at Li Sangruo's thin and disfigured face, he frowned slightly.

"Shut up."

Li Sangruo's eyes darkened.

Cheeks slowly burned like fire...

But Tang Shaogong lowered his voice.

"somebody is coming."

He said in a very low voice, hugged Li Sangruo and ducked behind a big pillar, protecting her with his arms, pressing the back of her head with his palms, and looking out with cold eyes.

A group of fires move from far to near.

"Quick, walk faster! Don't let people run away..."

The messy footsteps were like drumbeats on people's hearts. Tang Shaogong's face was hidden behind the pillar, motionless.

Li Sangruo looked at his face in the shadow...

Inexplicably, she straightened her shoulders, raised her head and kissed him gently on the cheek.

Tang Shaogong lowered his head and looked at her in disbelief.

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