Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 503: Forced to take action

Li Sangruo's eyes were bright and gentle at this moment, as if a ray of light had torn open the dark night and fell on Tang Shaogong's face.


The voices in the distance rose and fell.

Someone discovered Tang Shaogong's servants and chased them out.

Tang Shaogong did not speak or move until they led the people away.

Li Sangruo did not either.

She just leaned in his arms.

She absorbed the only, perhaps the last love and warmth in her life.

"Thank you, Uncle Shaogong."

Tang Shaogong did not speak, but lowered his eyes to look at her. When the surroundings were calm, he quickly swept through the corridor with her in his arms and walked into the deeper night.

Li Sangruo was very familiar with this palace.

Tang Shaogong took her to the Chongguang Gate in the east, where the servants in the palace usually walked to carry night fragrance and sewage.

It was late at night.

Chongguang Gate was so quiet inside and outside that it seemed as if no one was there.

The night lights flickered slightly in the cold wind, like ghost lights.

Tang Shaogong did not approach, still hiding in the dark.

"Queen Mother, you must listen carefully to what I say next, and you must not make any mistakes."

Li Sangruo pursed her lips and nodded at him.

Tang Shaogong said: "Wait a minute, someone will come to take you away disguised as a palace maid. Don't ask anything, just follow him..."

Li Sangruo asked: "What about you?"

Tang Shaogong narrowed his eyes, "I won't leave."

He looked at the layers of eaves of the houses, cold as ice.

"Today, one of me and Li Zongxun must die."

Li Sangruo's heart jumped.

Looking at him, it seemed that she had never known this person before.

Tang Shaogong was full of mysteries to her.

Apart from knowing that he was Li Zongxun's confidant and Li Zongxun treated him like a right hand, she knew nothing else.

Therefore, it was difficult for Li Sangruo to understand that Tang Shaogong rescued her from Li Zongxun last time and took the risk to take her out of the palace tonight.

"I don't understand. Why did Uncle Shaogong do this? Even if I'm Pei Jue's sister, you don't have to..."

Speaking of this, her pupils changed in shock, as if she had just come to her senses.

"Could Uncle Shaogong be Pei Jue's man?"

Tang Shaogong looked down at her.

"The Queen Mother doesn't need to understand."

He added: "When you see Prince Yonghuai, remember to bring a message for me..."

Li Sangruo frowned and looked at him eagerly.

Tang Shaogong hesitated for a moment before saying: "The wronged souls of the Xie family army who died in vain are all watching from heaven."

Li Sangruo murmured, "Xie family army? Which Xie family? The Xie family of Southern Qi?"

Tang Shaogong lowered his eyebrows, gently put her down, sat on the cold bluestone ground, and suddenly said a few words.

"I'm sorry."

Before Li Sangruo could react, a flame approached from Chongguang Gate.

A group of imperial guards were murderous, holding iron weapons.

Li Zongxun stood in the middle of the imperial guards, his old face was cold and gleaming in the night.

"Want to leave? Not so easy!"

Tang Shaogong looked over.

The person standing beside Li Zongxun with his head down was his apprentice Jiang Xue...

He was covered in wounds, his face was red and swollen, and the blood had not dried yet.

One could tell at a glance that he had been tortured.

Tang Shaogong slowly stood up and looked at him calmly.

"The Prime Minister came so fast."

Li Zongxun glanced at him fiercely, gritting his teeth and said, "If I had been a step later, wouldn't you have escaped with your men?"

"No." Tang Shaogong said lightly, "I will wait for you."


The firelight illuminated the inside and outside of Chongguang Gate as bright as day. Li Zongxun walked a few steps closer with a frosty face, without even looking at Li Sangruo, but staring at Tang Shaogong, as if fire was coming out of his eyes.

"I treated you with great kindness and promised you great benefits, but you stabbed me in the back. Tang Shaogong, what benefits did Pei Jue give you?"

"No benefits, but I can sacrifice my life." Tang Shaogong raised his sword coldly, pointed at Li Zongxun, and suddenly, he reached into his arms and fired a whistling arrow.


The whistling arrow cut through the night sky and flew into the sky.

Li Zongxun's face changed and he sneered.

"Good, very good. It turns out that there is more than one traitor. Then I will take you all down today. Come on!"

He waved his arm, "Catch them. Life or death."

Tang Shaogong sneered, and the long sword in his hand suddenly turned and pointed at Li Sangruo.

"Prime Minister, aren't you afraid that I will miss and kill her?"

Li Sangruo's face changed, her body stiffened, and she looked at Tang Shaogong in disbelief.

Li Zongxun looked over without changing his expression and snorted heavily.

"Do you think I care?"

Tang Shaogong narrowed his eyes, with an unusual calmness on his face.

"If the Queen Mother died at the hands of the Prime Minister, it would be hard to explain to the world..."

"Hahahaha." Li Zongxun laughed, "Why can't I explain it? Not to mention the Queen Mother, even if the emperor was replaced, what would happen? The people of the world are too far away from the imperial city, they will only know... The Queen Mother died at the hands of you, a traitor!"

Tang Shaogong closed his eyes slightly.

"What about Pei Jue? Doesn't the Prime Minister care about Pei Jue?"

Li Zongxun smiled coldly, as if he saw through the emotions hidden in his eyes, and each sentence was more ruthless than the last.

"At this point, do you think I will still be deceived by you?"

He raised his hand and pointed at Li Sangruo, and said loudly:

"If Pei Jue really cared about her, how could he wait until today?!"

He shook his head, his eyes fell deeply on Tang Shaogong's face, "It's just that I trusted you too much, so I was deceived by you."

When Li Sangruo heard this, he was completely convinced of Li Zongxun's idea of ​​proclaiming himself emperor. Looking at the densely packed Forbidden Army, he calmed down strangely after a brief panic.

"There is reincarnation in the way of heaven. Those who usurp power and steal the throne will not be able to escape the punishment of heaven, even if they gain glory for a while. Do you really want to follow this traitor and thief of the country, despise heaven and earth, and act against heaven?"

"Going against heaven and usurping power and position?"

Li Zongxun seemed to have heard a joke, standing in the middle of the crowd and laughing coldly.

"Unfilial thing, do you know what you are talking about?"

Li Sangruo raised his neck, looking like he was risking his life.

"I'm talking about you, old thief Li. You are acting against the will and your power is not given by heaven. You will suffer the wrath of heaven and people, and you will die without a burial place."

Li Zongxun was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"Okay, very good. This is the good daughter I raised. The curse belongs to the father. She is disobedient and unfilial! Then don't blame me for being rude."

Li Zongxun ordered coldly.

"The Queen Mother was incited by traitors, uttered lies, and became so crazy that she should no longer sit in the south of the court and interfere in political affairs... It has been abolished from now on to restore the cleanliness of the court."

"Someone, take it down!"

She was no longer the Queen Mother, so the Imperial Guard had no worries about her. They didn't even have to worry about whether the sword in Tang Shaogong's hand would pierce Li Sangruo's throat.

"How dare you!" Li Sangruo yelled, his face turned pale, and he subconsciously looked at Tang Shaogong.

"Uncle Shao Gong..."

Her eyes were red and she suddenly smiled bitterly.

"I am a useless person. Even if I die, I will be useless. Even my life is not worth a cent."

"He's right. If Pei Man really cares about my life and death, he won't wait until today..."

She closed her eyes and moved slowly and hesitantly.

"Can you hug me again, okay? Then kill me...let me die with dignity."

Tang Shaogong looked down at her.


He reached out and pulled Li Sangruo into his arms. The cold light of the sword flew high, but it stabbed the oncoming imperial army...

Almost at the same moment, there was a sound of horse hooves not far away, accompanied by noise and roars, and a huge crowd.

"Prime Minister... the right general led the cavalry battalion to rebel... clamoring for Qing Jun's side, and came to Chongguangmen to kill..."

Tang Shaogong looked at Li Zongxun's discolored face, and there was a rare moment of smile in his eyes.

"It is still unclear whether one of you or I will be able to walk out of this imperial city alive today. Prime Minister, please accept your fate——"

"Rebellion, rebellion." Li Zongxun yelled, "Kill me!"


That night in Yecheng, it was like a war was coming, and the shouts of killing seemed to lift the roof of the palace and resounded through the sky...

For the Beiyong Army, this winter night is still long.

Pei Madang ordered his troops on the battlefield and forcibly crossed the Yishui River.

The north bank of Yishui River was heavily guarded by the Yecheng Army.

However, the Beiyong army had not crossed the river for a month, and there was no harassment. They were used to being comfortable, and they did not expect Pei Madang to make a sudden move.

When the boats of the Beiyong Army reached the middle of the river, the defenders of Yecheng on the north bank of Yishui River just woke up from their drowsiness, blew their horns, and hurriedly responded to the battle.


"Prime Minister, Beiyong's army has crossed Yishui River, and Yecheng is in danger!"

After a night of civil strife, at dawn, the fire in Yecheng was still not extinguished.

Li Zongxun was sitting in the hall with his hair loose. He glanced at the scouts who came to report, and then turned coldly to Li Sangruo who was below him.

"Did you get your wish?"

Li Sangruo had his hands cut behind his back and knelt in front of him, his eyes red and silent.

Li Zongxun slowly walked up to her, grabbed her collar, and forced her to raise her head.

"Didn't you say that I want to force the little emperor to abdicate? Okay, then I will obey nature and replace him today."

He said quietly.

"Liu Liang, prepare an edict."

The chamberlain Liu Liang stood beside him and was slightly startled when he heard the voice, "Prime Minister..."

Li Zongxun interrupted him, "Destiny is impermanent, and only the virtuous live in it. I am valued by your majesty, and I am good at doing good things. Your majesty obeys the will of heaven, and meditates on me, so as to calm the world."

Everyone in the hall was stunned for a moment.

The great eunuch Liu Liang was the first to kneel down and bow.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Someone spoke.

The remaining people did not dare to hesitate anymore and immediately knelt down on the ground. With the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, they saluted and pledged their allegiance to Li Zongxun.

Li Sangruo watched helplessly, these former loyal ministers of Emperor Xifeng were in disbelief.

"You, you...are you loyal to Da Jin like this?"

Li Zongxun looked sideways and shouted, angrily scolding Li Sangruo.

"You still won't kowtow to apologize? Are you going to follow in the footsteps of Tang Shaogong?"

Li Sangruo's tears fell in a flash.

"Traitor! If you dare, kill me, kill me! I have not wanted to live for a long time. I have not wanted to live since the day you drove me crazy."

She cried and screamed, and kept talking wildly in the hall. Li Zongxun frowned and waved his hand.

"Pull it down!"


The rays of light on the horizon dyed the white clouds into a golden color. After noon, Feng Yun received news about the battlefield ahead.

"Madam, Beiyong's army has passed Yishui and is approaching Yecheng. Your Majesty wants you to be at ease."

Feng Yun looked at Qian Sanniu, who was standing with his hands folded, and said the word "good" loudly.

Qian Sanniu raised his head and said, "There's one more thing. I don't know if it's good news or bad news..."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "Come and listen."

Qian Sanniu said: "There's a fight in the nest in Yecheng."


If this isn't good news, then what is?

Feng Yun was very interested, "What's going on?"

Qian Sanniu thought for a moment before saying, "Li Zongxun and his daughter fell out and suddenly turned against each other. Empress Dowager Li was placed under house arrest by Li Zongxun. Tang Shaogong led his men to attack Fangyun Palace at night, rescued Empress Dowager Li, and killed Li Zongxun by surprise..."

Feng Yun was more alert, "Then what?"

Qian Sanniu said, "In the chaos, Tang Shaogong used Li Sangruo as a hostage to force Li Zongxun to surrender. Unexpectedly, Li Zongxun did not care about his daughter's life at all and ordered the imperial guards to kill him without mercy... Tang Shaogong had no choice but to lead the people to flee, occupying Longqing Gate and confronting Li Zongxun for a night. At cockcrow, Li Zongxun dispatched a large army to go there again. Tang Shaogong was surrounded and most of them were killed or injured. In order to avoid falling into the hands of the thief Li, Tang Shaogong committed suicide in public in a hurry."


Feng Yun was slightly surprised.

In a short period of time, Yecheng has undergone earth-shaking changes...

"And..." Qian Sanniu frowned, with some doubts in his eyes, "Li the thief is not in a hurry to dispatch people to strictly guard against the Beiyong Army, but he actually proclaimed himself emperor in Yecheng..."

Feng Yun was slightly stunned.

"Did the king get the news?"

Qian Sanniu said: "It was the king who asked me to come back and tell the princess. The king also said, don't worry, don't worry."

Feng Yun smiled and said: "I don't worry, don't worry."

Before the voice fell, she ordered Xiaoman.

"Prepare the car, I will go to see it with my own eyes, and I won't worry."

Feng Yun couldn't see through everything in Yecheng, but she saw two key points from it...

First, Tang Shaogong was helping Pei Cong and helping the army to break through Yecheng, so he wanted to fight to the death with Li Zongxun. Even if he died, he had to bite off a big piece of meat in Yecheng first, so that Li Zongxun would be exhausted and Pei Cong would have an opportunity.

Otherwise, with Tang Shaogong's position in front of Li Zongxun, he would have escaped unscathed without any effort, and he would not have to die.

Second, Pei Cong had been waiting for so long on the south bank of Yishui, waiting for this opportunity.

Waiting for Li Zongxun to usurp the throne and steal the national treasure.

Waiting for him to succeed and put on the dragon robe.

Waiting for him to be convicted of treason, and then wait for an opportunity to act.

If Li Zongxun did not proclaim himself emperor, he would have been protecting the Jin Dynasty from beginning to end, and he and Pei Cong would have been independent and had their own supporters...

Obviously, Li Zongxun was pushed up by Tang Shaogong.

He was completely pushed to the opposite side of the Jin Dynasty, and everything he did would become evidence of "plotting to usurp the throne". Pei Cong could legitimately eliminate the rebels in Yecheng in one fell swoop, and then raise his arms and shout, uphold the great way, and correct the world's views.

A teacher must have a name.

It is also a resounding stroke in the history of youth.

This is a long picture, can it be counted as two chapters?

PS: Regarding the update, my family has been in a mess recently. I was sick and my child was sick again. He is still not well. I am very worried, so the update is a bit delayed.

In short, sisters, take care of your health. I always feel very weak now...

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