Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 504 Sending Warmth at Night

The carriage was speeding along the official road.

The wheels rolled, bumping against the cold wind, going faster and faster.

Fields, mountains, and scenery passed by the car window one by one. From dawn to sunset, several night lights gradually appeared, bright and dim...

It's night.

Winter nights during the war were extremely cold.

Along the way, almost no common people could be seen.

Yishui Pier has been controlled by the Beiyong Army, and there are no civilian ships.

Feng Yun had his carriage parked outside the blockade before he stepped forward.

Unexpectedly, the Yueqi captain stationed at the dock had a strange face. He did not recognize Princess Yonghuai, who was dressed in men's clothing.

He looked Feng Yun up and down, then shouted at him when he came over.

"Military fortress, no one can enter. Where did you come from? Come on, come on!"

This time Feng Yun came from Huaxi. In order not to waste time, he dressed lightly. He only had two brothers, Ge Guang and Ge Yi, Xiao Man, Qian Sanniu and Ye Chuang Lin Zhuo with him.

For the convenience of traveling, she did not wear women's clothes, but changed into men's clothes, just like a young master from aristocratic family traveling with his servants.

In order to avoid causing more trouble, Feng Yun glanced at Ye Chuang to indicate his identity.

Ye Chuang stepped forward, smiled and called "brother", and then said:

"We are all our own people. Our lady is Princess Yonghuai..."

It was windy on the pier, so the captain didn't hear his words clearly. He just thought Ye Chuang was a domestic servant who was about to come up and get close to him. He frowned and immediately turned black.

"This is a military order. I don't care who you are? Go back, go back!"

He waved his hand impatiently and hummed again.

"Didn't you see that everyone else is coming from the north to the south? I've never seen anyone so stupid, running to the north to die."

"Why are you talking?"

Just as Ye Chuang was about to reason, the man saw how tall he was and reached out to touch the knife.

"Back off! If you take another step forward, you will be punished for committing the crime of storming the fortress, and you will be executed without mercy!"

Ye Chuang stopped and laughed.

"You have the guts, brother, you have a very bad temper..."

When he was in the guard camp of the Beiyong Army, he was also a small firefighting person. How could a person who could do anything at all have ever experienced such idleness?

Although he had already explained, the other party refused to listen and still wanted to use force. Ye Chuang couldn't bear it anymore and reached out to draw the sword.

"Okay, okay, you want to take action, right? Then I'll show you..."

"Ye Chuang." Feng Yun stopped him and bowed slightly to the captain, "Sorry, we didn't make it clear..."

As soon as he said this, he suddenly heard a soft call.


Ao Qi's voice came with the night wind, and Feng Yun looked sideways.

Sure enough, it was him, riding on a horse, with a scratch on his neck. His face was thin, but his eyes were bright and dark.

"Why are you here?" Ye Chuang got ahead of Feng Yun, retracted his sword with a smile, and looked at Ao Qi with twinkling eyes.

Ao Qi glanced at him, looked at Feng Yun and said:

"Shi Yin and I split up our troops and advance together. In order to reduce the pressure of the baggage, the Zidian Army will go first, and the Red Armor Army will cross the river tonight to provide backup."

Ye Chuang has been in the army for many years and knows the principle of dividing troops into groups. There are so many people going at once. If nothing else, food and grass are a big problem.

He didn't ask many questions, and just said: "You came at the right time. Come on, come and talk to this blind thing..."

He looked at the school captain and then said: "The princess wanted to cross the river to find the king. Not only did the officer refuse to let her go, he also cursed the princess to die..."

This is really a bit exaggerated.

Feng Yun looked at him and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

Ao Qi looked over confused, "What's going on?"

Only then did the captain realize that he had not heard what those words were.

It turns out that this handsome husband is actually Princess Yonghuai disguised as a man...

He is going to die.

The captain's expression changed drastically, and he quickly lowered his head to apologize.

"General Ao, my subordinates did not know the true face of the princess and made a big mistake..."

Ao Qi looked at him and said, "Princess, I won't argue with you. Go down, I'm here."

The captain didn't even raise his head. He cupped his hands towards Feng Yun and made a hasty salute.

"The princess has a lot of..."

Feng Yun saw his nervous look and smiled softly, "You did a great job just now. Not only should you not be blamed, you should also be rewarded."

The man was startled.

Looking up, he saw the smile in the princess's eyes, which was not fake.

He was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Princess."

When the man went down excitedly, Ao Qifang jumped off his horse and walked up to Feng Yun.

"The war ahead is unresolved, so it would be best for my aunt to stay on the south bank and wait for the outcome..."

Feng Yun smiled softly: "Aren't you going to cross the river? I'll just go with you."

Ao Qi wanted to cross the river.

But we can’t take Feng Yun with us.

He said: "War is not a child's play..."

"I know, that's why I'm going."

Feng Yun laughed again when he saw Ao Qi pursed his lips with disapproval on his face.

"Don't worry, I won't hold you back. I'll be the one to tell your uncle, and I won't blame you."

Ao Qi: "I'm not blaming uncle, I'm just worried about you."

He spoke coldly, with the corners of his lips almost forming a straight line. Before his voice fell, he glared at Ye Chuang again.

"The battlefield is not the place where my aunt should come. Ye Chuang, take your aunt back quickly."

Ye Chuang looked back at him with a helpless expression.

"Subordinates... obey orders."

Ao Qi's brows furrowed even more.

"Then I will personally send someone to take you back."

"Ao Qi." Seeing his stubbornness, Feng Yun lowered his face and emphasized his tone, "I am not only Princess Yonghuai, I am also the Chief Historian of Prince Yonghuai's Palace. At this time, I should be by your side."

Ao Qi's breath tightened.

Personally speaking, she is the aunt and elder.

Speaking of public affairs, she is the fourth-ranking official in the Regent's Palace, and her rank is no lower than his.

It was not his turn to question what she was going to do.

After a moment of silence, Ao Qi tightened the reins in his hands.

"Okay, I'll take you across the river. But there's one thing..."

Feng Yun stared at her and regained his smile, "What? You say it, but there is nothing wrong with it."

Ao Qi said: "You must stay with me before meeting my uncle."

Feng Yun knew that he was worried about his safety, so he pursed his lips and nodded lightly.

"I will definitely abide by military orders. What's more, I'm also afraid of death. Is there anything safer than following General Ao? Don't worry, don't run around."

Her tone was soft and playful, but Ao Qi didn't seem in the mood to deal with it. He nodded and walked forward with a stern face.

"follow me."

The lights on the pier swayed in the night.

After getting on the boat, Feng Yun sneezed twice.

It is really cold at this time of year, especially on the river at night. People sitting in the cabin feel like they are sitting in an ice cave.

Xiaoman quickly bought some clothes for her.

"I'll go find General Ao and ask for a stove..."

"No need." Feng Yun stopped him, "It will be over after a while."

When the soldiers are marching outside, everything is kept simple. Stoves and charcoal are used to make fires for cooking. The soldiers cannot enjoy such things as heating, and she can no longer cause trouble to others...

Xiao Man felt sorry for her and sat silently on one side. Rub your hands together.

"It's really cold on this boat."

"Yeah." Feng Yun said, "Just go to the other side of the river."

"I wonder if there is a fire in the king's place..." Xiaoman glanced at her, worried about her warmth and cold, "You can't have a fire in the king's place. What should I do if the princess freezes?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly and was about to speak when he heard Ye Chuang's voice.

"Madam, I've brought you a stove."

Feng Yun was startled, "Come in."

Ye Chuangti was carrying a heated stove, as if holding a small sun, and walked in front with a smile.

Behind him, followed Ao Qi who said nothing.

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