Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 505 Unexpected

As soon as the stove was placed in front of him, the warmth from the fire enveloped him.

Feng Yun sighed comfortably, without being polite, thanked Ao Qi repeatedly, and smiled at Ao Qi, "Xiao Qi, did I embarrass you?"

Ao Qi frowned and snorted dissatisfied.

It's so low that it's hard to tell.

"Auntie, why do you have to be polite to me?"

He was most disgusted by Feng Yun's words.

Feng Yun smiled, stretched out his hands and put them on the stove to warm himself, "Then I'll take advantage of it."

Ao Qi said nothing and looked back at Ye Chuang.

Ye Chuang turned his head, turned sideways, holding the knife in his hand, looking like "I can't see anything."

Ao Qi then turned around and handed Feng Yun an oil paper bag in his arms.

"Roasted taro, my aunt will give it to my tummy."

Feng Yun was stunned.

In order to get to Yishui as soon as possible, she traveled day and night and came in a hurry. She only ate some dry biscuits on the way. Maybe she was used to enjoying the food, but it didn't go well with her throat, so she just took two sloppy bites. After frying it, it was late at night, and her stomach was empty.

Warm and smelling of food, it was temptation to her.

"Take it." Seeing that she didn't move, Ao Qi handed it forward again, "It's hot."

"Thank you very much for providing help in times of need." Feng Yun took it with a smile.

I have to say that Ao Qi is really a good son who is careful, gentle, kind and good at taking care of others.

When he caught fish and loaches for Ao Zai, he spoiled Ao Zai so much, otherwise Ao Zai wouldn't like him so much——

Ao Qi is also the one Ao Zai likes the most among those around Feng Yun.

Amir would be blessed to marry such a son-in-law...

Xiaoman stretched out his hand to help Feng Yun peel the skin. Feng Yun smiled slightly, handed it to her, and turned to ask Ao Qi:

"Have you got a meal yet?"

Ao Qi: "Eat."

Feng Yun nodded.

If those things hadn't happened before, she would have been willing to talk to Ao Qi.

But now on this Yishui River, although it is not a lonely man and a woman, it is still not good.

She said: "Xiao Qi, then go back and rest for a while. When we get to the North Bank, we still don't know what will happen, so you have to seize the time to recharge your batteries."

Ao Qi was not surprised that she would say this.

To chase him away, she is an expert.

"It's been a long time since I listened to my aunt's teachings." Ao Qi glanced at the dim night light and smiled: "I am honored to go with you tonight, and I want to hear my aunt's advice again."

Feng Yun hesitated, "What do you want to hear?"

Ao Qi: "You eat first and then talk after you finish."

A few taros are roasted very soft, charred on the outside and tender on the inside. When eaten, the mouth, tongue and stomach are satisfied.

"Is it delicious?" Ao Qi, sitting opposite, asked Feng Yun calmly from a short distance away.

Feng Yun was startled.

She smiled softly.

"It's delicious. To tell you the truth, I'm really hungry. Everything I eat at this time is delicious."

Xiaoman also added: "My wife didn't eat much on the road. Fortunately, General Ao prepared delicious food."

"What kind of delicacy is this? It's just ordinary food, as long as Auntie doesn't dislike it." Ao Qi finished speaking without changing his expression, as if he had thought of something, a complex and deep light flashed in his eyes.

"Speaking of which, my aunt taught us how to eat taro."

An unspeakable emotion surged into my heart.

Ao Qi's voice was slightly hoarse.

When Feng Yun took them up the mountain to dig taro seeds, he didn't need to keep a distance from her, nor did he need to speak so hypocritically...

There was a brief silence in the cabin.

Xiao Man, Ye Chuang, Feng Yun, Ao Qi. The four of them have all come together since then. At that time, they were very familiar with each other, and their identities were completely different from what they are now.

Emotions arise in an instant.

And soon annihilated.

Floating in Ao Qi's heart.

He knew that they were both married, and they had to let go of what should be let go. But the unforgettable love he had when he was young, from ignorance to the beginning of love, and those crazy desires and fantasies in the dark night, were all because of her.

It’s hard for Ao Qi to pretend that nothing happened...

He looked at Feng Yun's face and smiled lowly.

"The mushroom soup and taro at Yanzishan are still delicious that year, as well as the wild boar meat... Sometimes I miss it when I think about it."

Feng Yun wiped the corners of his mouth casually and said lightly: "Didn't you have something to ask just now?"

Ao Qi was silent for a moment and said: "Yecheng Li Zongxun was so shameless that he threatened the lives of Empress Dowager Li and Emperor Chunde and other members of the Yecheng clan to force the Northern Yong Army to withdraw from Xiangzhou... What does my aunt think?"

Unexpected and reasonable.

Feng Yun thought for a moment and said, "Look with your eyes."

Ao Qi:......

The wind lantern hanging in the cabin swayed slightly.

Feng Yun then spoke slowly, "You have admired my uncle since you were a child, and you should have confidence in him. Empress Dowager Li is Li Zongxun's daughter. Her biological father doesn't care about her life or death. How can it be our turn to worry? My biological father is here Why does anyone else need to interfere with parricide? As for the young Emperor Chunde and the Yecheng clan..."

The Jin clan is of the same line, Pei Madang is a Jin official, and the Beiyong army is a Jin army. If you don't consider the life and death of these people at all, you will inevitably fall into disrepute.

Of course, this is just what Li Zongxun and most people think.

Feng Yun thought for a moment and then smiled coldly.

"Then let them die. Anyway, hanging out with Li Zongxun is not a good thing..."

Ao Qi was startled.

Feng Yun looked at him and spoke slowly.

"Dead people will no longer speak. Dead people who cannot speak will be recorded in Li Zongxun's account. What we have to do is to bury them generously and find a great scholar to write the memorial text more beautifully."

Ao Qi was stunned.

Although he thought so too, Feng Yun was the embodiment of gentleness and perfection in his heart, and he was still surprised to hear her talking about letting people die in an understatement.

But then I thought about it, isn't this Feng Yun?

He is decisive in killing and is as good as his son.

It's been like this since we first met.

"My aunt is right." Ao Qi thought about it seriously and said in deep thought: "But my aunt wouldn't do that..."

After a pause, he frowned.

"He will find a way to save the lives of Queen Mother Li and the Jin clan."

When he said this, Ao Qi frowned.

He accidentally saw the letter Li Zongxun sent to Pei Ran.


Li Zongxun actually said that Li Sangruo was Pei Madang's sister.

Ao Qi never knew that his maternal grandfather and grandmother had a daughter.

But at that time, the war was in chaos, and he couldn't be sure whether such an aunt really existed...

Ao Qi is very confused...

But it was not his place to tell Feng Yun about this, and he was afraid that Feng Yun would think wildly and turn his behavior into inciting trouble, so he quickly added.

"Empress Dowager Li is the empress of Emperor Xifeng, the biological mother of Emperor Xinghe, and the Jin clan is also connected by blood to His Majesty. If I completely ignore their life and death, I might be blamed, and I am in a dilemma now..."

"It's quite difficult." Feng Yun nodded, not having the "crazy thoughts" that Ao Qi was worried about, and not having the slightest doubt about Pei Man's behavior.

"I can say that because I am an outsider. If I were the king, I would definitely be constrained by it."

Ao Qi breathed a sigh of relief, "My aunt is right. I have been waiting in Yishui for a month, and I don't care if I wait a few more days. After all, Ye City is already in my pocket. Let Li Zongxun jump around for a few more days, it's nothing." …”

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

He didn't say anything, but he felt in his heart that Pei Man was a man who could only move if he didn't move. Once he did, he probably wouldn't be able to wait for a few days...

Sure enough, she expected it to be good.

As soon as the boat landed on the north bank of Yishui River, Ao Qi got the latest news.

"The general personally led the troops to Yecheng. Those who set out at nightfall may be hundreds of miles away at this moment. The king told me that after General Ao arrives, he will set off immediately without delay..."

Ao Qi looked sideways at Feng Yun.

Feng Yun's face didn't change, he just smiled and said:

"It's a little late. Shall we continue to Yecheng?"

Ao Qi's throat was dry.

He did not expect that Pei Madang would ignore Li Zongxun's threats and go directly to Yecheng. As a result, what he said to Feng Yun on the boat seemed a bit mean.


"Don't try to stop me." Feng Yun didn't want to hear anything else, interrupted him, and said with a smile: "After waiting for two years, I finally waited until it was time to pick the fruit. I don't want to miss it."

Ao Qi's Adam's apple slipped and he hesitated.

In his opinion, Yecheng is more dangerous than the North Bank.

The entire north bank is controlled by the Beiyong Army, but the war in Yecheng has not yet begun...

It would be too risky to let Feng Yun pass.

"Let's go, I want to share the wealth with your uncle. What if I'm not here at this time?"

Ao Qi was very reluctant to comply with her, but he knew that even if he disagreed, Feng Yun would still go.

It would be more dangerous for her to act alone than to follow her.

Helpless, he could only make arrangements without stopping, and the army continued to march towards Yecheng.

This trip lasted three days.

During this period, they met with a small group of remnants of the Yecheng Army. These people were all dispersed by Pei Madang and prepared to flee south, but unexpectedly fell into the hands of Ao Qi.

They kept going like this until nightfall on the fourth day, when they caught up with the Northern Yong Army at a place called Yudai Bay.

And here, it is less than thirty miles away from Yecheng.

Pei Madang's army is stationed here.

However, Feng Yun saw him only an hour later.

Pei Madang personally led his troops out of the camp to explore the enemy's situation.

He still maintained his previous habit of believing what the scout said, but not completely. He had to make adequate preparations before the battle anyway.

Pei Madang returned to the camp, and as soon as he entered the tent, he saw a familiar shadow, sitting quietly by the wooden desk, looking at his map and thinking deeply.


He knew Feng Yun was coming from outside, but when he saw her appearing in the tent with his own eyes, her pretty figure light and airy, he couldn't help but feel his heart tightening.

Feng Yun turned his head.

Wearing light men's clothes and smiling, she looked quite handsome.

"Your Majesty." Feng Yun stood up and bowed as a subordinate, "I came suddenly and I didn't inform you in advance. I apologize."

If you tell us in advance, he won't agree.

How could Pei Madang not know that she deliberately killed her first and then played the show later?

He didn't speak, but came closer and touched Feng Yun's hand.


Only then did he feel relieved, "This Ao Qi deserves to be punished!"

"Don't blame him. I forced him." Feng Yun glanced at him and suddenly found a more high-sounding reason for his arrival.

"I heard that the king was ready to give up Yecheng for Queen Mother Li. I thought your old relationship had rekindled. How could you wait?"

Pei Ran: "What stupid thing did you say?"

Feng Yun smiled and saw that he didn't pursue the issue anymore, so he quickly bowed his hands.

"As the Palace Chief and Chief of Staff, of course I am here for business."

She raised her head, looked deeply into Pei Man's eyes, and smiled, "I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I have come up with a good way to save people. Would you like to hear it, Your Majesty?"

Pei Ran narrowed his eyes slightly and his voice was cold.

"Who told you that I wanted to save people?"

Feng Yun: I came all the way to chase my husband, and tried every possible means to come up with a plan, but you told me that you won't save him? Tell me, why?

Pei Jue: All is fair in war.

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