Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 506: Miserable Cry

Feng Yun stared at him.

A pair of starry eyes, glowing with gentle waves.

"Won't you save me?"

Pei Madang repeated, "Who told you?"

Some battlefield news is unknown to non-military generals.

Of course Feng Yun couldn't sell Ao Qi.

She looked at Pei Madang's expressionless face, slowly leaned forward, put her arms around his neck, and said lightly and softly:


She is affectionate and every word is gentle.

Pei Madang could see the fakeness in his eyes.

"Ao Qi deserves a beating."

He lowered his eyes and looked over, suddenly pinching her cheek.

"And you. I need to be punished well."

Feng Yun frowned in pretending to be in pain and looked at him dissatisfied.

"What happened to me?"

Her face is soft, fair and easy to pinch.

Pei Man's hands were itchy and he put a little more force on his fingertips.

"Pry into important military matters and head to the front of the battle line privately."

This time Feng Yun was really in pain.

She held Pei Man's hand, but the man was strong and his fingertips were hot, so she couldn't pull him away.


Feng Yun stared at him displeased.

"You eat my food, use my bowl, drink my water, live in my room, sleep on my couch...How dare you keep secrets from me?"

"More than these."

Pei Ran lowered his head and came closer to her, his breath lingering on her lips.

"I'll still sleep with you."

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat.

It's shameless for him to say it...

"How could you be so rough after a battle?"

Pei Ran chuckled and pecked her lightly.

"From now on, you are not allowed to flirt with Ao Qimei."


Feng Yun was wronged.

She pushed Pei Man and sat firmly, staring at him.

Pei Ran didn't say anything, but slowly took her hand and pointed sideways at the map.

Feng Yun stiffened his arm and twisted it with him a few times until his fingertips landed on the word "Yecheng".

Pei Madang said: "Once the Beiyong army comes to the city, there will only be victory or defeat. There will be no retreat without a fight."

He looked at Feng Yun again, "When Feng Jingting tempted me with Xuzhou's most beautiful woman, I never backed down even half a point, let alone now?"

Feng Yun couldn't help but roll his eyes.

She thought Pei Ran was joking, but when she looked up, she realized that his face was serious and there was no smile at all.

He means it.

Pull Feng Yun over and place him between his knees, like hugging a little girl, with a lazy face and a low voice.

"The soldiers are not fighting for me alone, and the responsibilities I shoulder are not mine alone. If I retreat, where will the souls of the warriors who died on the battlefield rest? Where will their ambitions survive? How can the military power of the Northern Yong Army be maintained? ?”

Feng Yun didn't say anything for a long time.

On the issue of war, Pei Madang never compromised, no matter what it was for or who he was for...

Li Zongxun wanted to threaten him with the lives of the entire clan and Li Sangruo, thinking that Pei Madang would take the overall situation into consideration and withdraw from Xiangzhou, which was obviously wrong.

Pei Madang's overall situation was higher than his prediction.

He is also much more stubborn than Feng Yun imagined.

She asked: "When will your Majesty prepare to attack the city?"

Pei Madang lowered his eyes: "Tomorrow morning."

Feng Yun slowly sat over and took his arm, "Then we still have time."

Pei Ran lowered his head and looked over.

She said: "The cold winter nights are perfect for staying in the tent and talking..."

His tone was calm and relaxed, but he couldn't hide the burning brilliance in his eyes.

The candles exploded lightly, as if the wind was blowing. Dark clouds filled Pei Man's eyes, which were dark and heavy. His breathing was unsteady, and his palms pressed against Feng Yun's waist like a branding iron.

Then she smiled softly and said, "Is it convenient to wash it?"

Pei Ran: "It's inconvenient."

She smiled and said, "Then you can carry me to bed."

In essence, men are not easy to seduce, let alone she is so charming.

Like a demon fox that eats bones and sucks marrow, it burrows into the bones like ants and bites them so densely that the soul almost flies away...

Pei Madang untied the Piyong Sword and leaned over to hug her. He was faster, stronger and quicker than she expected. He walked into the inner room, breathing faster, and kissed her without any rules.

The marching beds were very simple, with thin quilts spread on simple brown mats.

Feng Yun was pressed under him. Maybe the quilt was too cold, so he couldn't help but shivered, and then he hugged her tightly.

"Is it cold?" he asked.

Feng Yun shook his head, "The king is very hot."

Pei Madang hugged her tighter, raised his arms and lifted her up.

Looking level, his tall body almost enveloped her, keeping her warm.

He's really hot.

Soon, a layer of sweat broke out on Feng Yun's back, and he completely felt his warmth where their bodies were touching, and he spontaneously came closer...

The two men's eyes barely moved.

Keep looking into each other's eyes.

Feng Yun's heartbeat was very fast.

It was a primitive, aggressive and offensive sight...

He slowly lowered his head, touched the corner of his lips from his cheek, his breath was warm, and there was the warmth that Feng Yun longed for on his fingers. He went down along the jade neck and pulled open her collar...

Feng Yun closed his eyes and climbed onto his neck, trembling slightly.

"You better not lie to me."

Pei Ran lowered his head and observed her eyebrows, "Huh?"

Feng Yun said: "You really don't want to save Li Sangruo? I thought you stationed troops in Yudai Bay just to try to rescue..."

Pei Ran didn't speak, and blocked her mouth. He kissed her all over with gentleness and punishment, as if he was venting something, and as if he was confirming something to her.

"Don't be stupid."

Feng Yun hummed.

His hot body temperature brought a familiar numbness to her stiff body. She tilted her head back, grabbed the sheets with her hands, and her breathing gradually became uneven.

"It's strange to say, how did Li Zongxun think of using his own daughter to blackmail you? They say blood is thicker than water, and tiger poison cannot eat its seeds... When people reach high positions, do they really lose their humanity? I once thought that I would never do it again. There is a more ruthless father than Feng Jingting, and Li Zongxun... is even better than him."

Pei Madang stared at Feng Yun, his Adam's apple rolling uncontrollably.

Feng Yun didn't understand his vision.

Smile sweetly.

Looking up at him.

Pei Madang had never seen that look in his eyes.

Sharp and vicious.

It seems that if you take one more look, you will fall into her abyss.

"I really want to see what the situation and mood of Empress Dowager Li, who is so powerful in the imperial court, are like..."

Pei Ran: "Is this the purpose of your visit?"

"Yeah." Feng Yun smiled with a smile on her lips. The numbing feeling spread from his fingers through her skin to the depths of her body. Her blood surged, making her brain not as sensitive as usual at the moment.

Staring into his eyes, there was an indescribable pleasure.

"Seeing her in pain makes my wish come true..."

Pei Ran leaned over and bit her neck gently.

"Is this enough?"

Feng Yun's eyes were blurred and he took a deep breath, "I am very kind. But this is not enough..."

"You want her to die?"

"Stay alive."

Feng Yun's mind became more and more blurry, and the string in his heart was pulled back and forth by the man's lips and tongue, as if it was swinging on a swing, and might stretch out at any time...

In her previous life, it was Li Sangruo's fault that made her believe that she had been abandoned by everyone, and that all her relatives and lovers had betrayed her. It also made her gullibly debase herself.

All the retribution in this life has been returned to her.

"It's better to be alive...see what blessings she got from the sins she committed in her previous life."

Pei Mann pressed her arm and raised it above her head, making her voice slightly hoarse.

"Hate so much?"

Feng Yun squinted his eyes, said nothing, and looked directly at him.

She is more alluring when she doesn't speak than when she speaks...

There seemed to be a layer of mist in her eyes, and a wet smile spread to the corners of her mouth, the ends of her eyes...and even her body, blooming wetly.

His face was cool and cool, not at all the usual soft and dignified face. If you look closely, you can see that there is a kind of wildness that wants to release his nature...



No scruples.

Torn out of the prison.

Just stare at him and smile like that.

"Your Majesty, I can't wait."

Pei Madang's breath was unsteady: "What?"

Feng Yun smiled softly, grabbed his belt, adjusted his posture, turned over and sat on him, took the initiative to kiss his cheek, and then undressed him very quickly, his eyes so charming that they seemed to turn into water. .

"I can't wait to see the king enter... Yecheng... I want to see her cry, cry miserably in front of me."

Pei Madang's restrained heartstrings broke before she mentioned Yecheng.

The blood vessels were extremely stretched. In the woman's unbridled madness, her throat was dry, her breathing was heavy, and the veins on her neck were floating...

Feng Yun could not make any sound except moaning.

But her mind was particularly clear at the moment.

Before today, she was reserved and tolerant, even in the face of hatred.

Whether it's Li Sangruo, Xiao Cheng, or anyone else.

This was the first time that she was naked. She was fierce in front of Pei Ran. She was smiling fiercely, like a docile and beautiful fish. Suddenly she opened her mouth, revealing the giant shark-like teeth inside, which were sharp and without any traces. Anyone who hesitates is waiting for a beating.

She was excited, almost like a wild animal, almost dizzy with excitement.

Pei Madang is more beastly than her.

The clothes are taken off piece by piece, no longer covering the ground, look at and touch.

Soft hair, dark eyes, a body so hot that it's almost burning...

There is no longer the unfamiliar embarrassment, only the familiar desire, which bursts out with crazy power in each other's embrace.

Feng Yun screamed.

He bit Pei Ran on the shoulder and took the initiative to engulf him.

Li Sanruo.

This is what you ask for but don't get...

Man, country.

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