Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 508 Hero and Beauty

The sun poured down from the towers, and the air was filled with tension and anticipation. The soldiers held swords and guns in hand, waiting for an order.

The three northern Yong troops have firmly guarded the four gates in the southeast, northwest and northwest of Yecheng.

Yecheng is like an isolated island.

People in the city can hardly fly even if they have wings.

A quarter of an hour is as short as an instant.

While waiting for the siege order, pontoons, ladders, battering rams, and siege engines were already pushed to the front of the formation.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

The soldiers held their breath and waited quietly.

"Your Majesty." Ao Qi clasped his fists, "The time has come."

General Ao Xiao is young and passionate, his red eyes seem to be burning with uncontrollable excitement, and his handsome face is firm and decisive.

"The last general is asking for a fight and is willing to take the lead."

Pei Madang glanced at him: "That's right."

Ao Qi cupped his fists and said, "The last general takes orders."

Taking the lead in a siege involves a lot of sacrifice and a low winning rate.

But the tradition of the Northern Yong Army is to fight for the upper hand.

The Red Armor Army has always been brave in the Beiyong Army. They have been the vanguard in many battles, and they are also the ones who have sacrificed the most in the Beiyong Army...

As soon as the military order came out, the mountains roared and the tsunami roared.

Ao Qi led a group of Red Armor soldiers onto the pontoon and rushed to the other side first.


The horns sounded and the roar was like thunder.

"Listen up, people in the city. I have been ordered by King Yonghuai of the Jin Dynasty to attack the traitor Li Zongxun who usurped the country. Please open the door and surrender as soon as possible. Your Majesty will be punished lightly."

The attack was on the city.

It also attacks the heart.

By now, the Yecheng army had lost all morale and was like a trapped animal. When they saw the soldiers of the Beiyong Army coming towards the city gate in a dense crowd, someone finally poked his head and shouted at the city wall.

"The guards have urgently reported to Your Majesty. Why don't your troops wait a moment?"

"Your Majesty?" Ao Qi spat, "How dare rebellious ministers and traitors proclaim themselves emperor? Li Zongxun jumped over the wall in a hurry, and his position was unfair. No one in the world recognized it. You scoundrels made His Majesty scream in panic every time. You really deserve to be killed!"

He waved his hand towards the tower.


The Yecheng soldiers on the tower turned their noses angrily.

"Ignorant of current affairs! Do you really think I'm afraid of you? Brothers, beat, beat hard!"

It is difficult to attack a city, but easy to defend it.

The Yecheng army relied on the advantage of the defenders and offered gold to fight.

Suddenly, arrows were like rain, ladders were like vines, rolling stones and trees were rolling, fire was shooting into the sky, and flames were erupting from the top of the city...

Iron hoofs stamped on the ground, and war horses neighed.

The blood seems to be boiling. Once the war begins, there is only the desire for victory...

When a battle is fought, countless people will be injured and countless people will die. They don't know each other and have no grudges, but they are fighting to the death.

Screams came from the front from time to time, and the cruel and bloody battlefield was presented in front of our eyes in a very real way...

Feng Yun's eyes were red.

In such an atmosphere, it was difficult for her to remain calm.

"It's so tragic! Looking at it this way, Feng Jingting's sin... doesn't seem so deep."

He surrendered.

There is no frontal battlefield, so many fewer people die.

Feng Yun said: "It would be great if there were siege tactics that didn't involve facing the enemy head-on with flesh and blood..."

Pei Madang said: "In siege warfare, we don't focus on tactics, but only on strength and weakness."

The Beiyong Army was lonely and brave, but at this moment, Ye City was already shrouded in despair...

Before the war, Li Zongxun spread rumors among the people that the Beiyong Army was cruel and inhumane, saying that they burned, killed, looted, raped, and looted without committing any evil.

Therefore, the result of his deliberate vilification of the Northern Yong Army was that the people of Yecheng were frightened and fearful. No one dared to go out to defend the city, but some brave young men took advantage of the Northern Yong Army's attack on the city to entangle their accomplices and rob shops. , completely turning this endangered city into a hell on earth...

When Li Zongxun took Li Sangruo out of the palace, what he heard along the way was crying, shouting, and chaotic curses...


The fast horse came from the south gate. When he saw Li Zongxun's chariot, the messenger jumped off his horse and almost rolled and crawled to his knees in the middle of the road.

"Your Majesty, the Northern Yong Army has attacked the city..."

Li Zongxun scolded him coldly.

"Why are you panicking? The walls of Yecheng are strong and there is enough food and grass in the city. It is easy to withstand Ge Pei's support for a month or two."

The messenger cupped his hands and stammered, "Your Majesty, the Northern Yong Army announced... that Ye City must be captured within three days. General Liao said, said, said... Pei Ran personally leads the South City Gate. The soldiers are unable to resist. Please send troops to support us."

"Three days?" Li Zongxun snorted heavily, "Pei Madang has three heads and six arms. Don't be frightened by him."

After saying that, he glanced at Li Sangruo.

And the gray-faced little emperor Yuan Shuo sitting next to her.

"Go to the South City Gate."


outside the city.

The strong smell of blood, accompanied by the rising flames, pressed in from the bloody light——

Feng Yun and Pei Madang were on horseback, standing side by side.

The heroes and beauties stood in the flames of war, silent in tacit understanding, shining brightly, as if they were born to exist for each other.

The battle was in full swing when a fast horse suddenly returned.


Pei Ran said with a stern face, "Say."

The scout said: "Li Zongxun tied the Queen Mother Mingde and Prince Runan to the tower to talk to the king!"

Xijing did not recognize Li Zongxun's throne, nor did they recognize the Yecheng court. Therefore, on formal occasions, they still called Li Sangruo the Queen Mother Mingde and the young emperor Yuan Shuo of Chunde as the Crown Prince of Runan.

Pei Ran didn't say anything and silently took two steps forward.

Feng Yun glanced at it, followed him forward, and looked up.

They were far away from the city tower and could only see shadowy figures, but could not see their expressions clearly.

Feng Yun laughed, "Where did Li Zongxun get the confidence to think that the king would care about his old relationship?"

Pei Ran hesitated: "You stay where you are."

Feng Yun responded, raised his eyebrows and did not move.

The battlefield was dangerous and she cherished her life. Why did she come so close?

"My lord, be careful."

Pei Ran looked back at her, nodded, clamped his legs under the horse's belly, and rushed over with the scout.

The suspension bridge that was damaged by the Yecheng Army was re-erected by the Beiyong Army.

The horse gallops like flying, extremely vigorous.

On the city tower, the sound of wind is hunting.

Li Sangruo clasped his hands behind his back and looked at the man coming from the tower, tears flowing down uncontrollably.

"King Yonghuai! Don't come here! Be careful of fraud." She shouted loudly, "Li Zongxun has no humanity, don't come here and die."

Pei Ran didn't respond and slapped the horse on its back.


Li Sangruo's face turned hideous in pain.

"Don't come over. Pei Ran, don't come over."

"I would rather die, I would rather die by myself..."

Before the voice fell, Li Zongxun's sneer was heard.

"What gesture are you making? Who can show you whether you want to live or die? Do you dare if I really want you to die? Huh! Open your eyes and watch how I made him retreat."

Li Sangruo glared at him angrily, his lips trembling.

"What are you going to do? What exactly are you going to do?"

Li Zongxun did not answer her, but walked slowly towards the battlements and said loudly: "King Yonghuai is here. I am late. I hope King Yonghuai will forgive me."

Pei Ran said "yu" and stood at the foot of the tower.

"Open the door immediately and surrender, so that Mr. Li's family can survive."

Li Zongxun laughed loudly, "Are King Yonghuai kidding me? Our city of Ye is impregnable. If your Northern Yong army wants to enter the city, you will die unless one hundred and eighty thousand of them die!"

Pei Ran didn't answer.

Li Zongxun said: "Since King Yonghuai is not a heretic, I will not be polite to you. Listen, the conditions are: 1. The Northern Yong Army withdraws from Xiangzhou. 2. Hand over the rebellious Zheng Shoushan and Wang Shouren. 3. Twenty years old tribute cloth Ten thousand horses, 300,000 taels of silver, and 1.2 million shi of grain.”

There was an uproar on and off the tower.

Not to mention that the Beiyong Army felt that Li Zongxun was dreaming, even the Yecheng Army felt that these conditions were a bit hard to describe and not sincere.

He is obviously the loser, and if he defends the isolated city, even if he can hold on for a month as he said.

What about a month later?

Why are you making an enemy of the Northern Yong Army?

How could you be so shameless as to make such a request?

Pei Ran said coldly: "Do you think we can wait for Ge Pei's reinforcements?"

Without waiting for Li Zongxun to answer, he said coldly: "Ao Qi."

Ao Qi raised his neck, stood protectively not far from Pei Madang, and said loudly:

"Old thief Li, listen carefully. We just received good news this morning. General Long Ji led 50,000 infantry and cavalry to block Ge Pei's army that was fleeing northward at Yanping Ferry. Ge Pei fell into the trap and hurriedly led his remaining troops to retreat westward along the river. Just in time to fall into the trap set by our army, General Long Ji caught a turtle in the urn and beheaded dozens of General Ge Pei's troops. Your cousin-in-law Ge Pei... surrendered with his troops. "

In order to undermine the morale of the troops in Yecheng, Ao Qi spoke loudly and proudly.

The people on the tower could hear it clearly.

Ge Pei surrendered.

The situation in Yecheng is over.

However, there was no trace of emotion on Li Zongxun's face, and there was even an abnormal and confident calmness.

"Shameless coward, I have no hope in him."

If you don’t count on Ge Pei, who else can you count on?

Can Yecheng be able to draw other teams to fight against the Northern Yong Army?

Everyone thought Li Zongxun was crazy.

Unexpectedly, he smiled coldly, suddenly approached Li Sanruo, and grabbed her arm.

"King Yonghuai is a man of iron bones and a loyal man. I hope you won't be disappointed. Are you going to leave this orphaned woman and child alone?"

When Feng Yun heard this, he frowned subconsciously——

Li Zongxun looked vague, as if Yuan Shuo was the illegitimate son of Pei Man and Li Sangruo.

Since it's not the case, and Li Zongxun is not crazy, what exactly does he mean?

She stood in the crowd, looking at Pei Manma's back.

After a moment, I heard him say: "Delusion!"

Feng Yun frowned again.

He refused.

But the rejection was very strange.

She asked Xiaoman sideways, "What do you think Li Zongxun meant by saying this?"

Xiaoman: "I think Mr. Li is crazy?!"

It was indeed not her illusion.

Feng Yun stared at the crowd upstairs and downstairs, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

Then I heard Li Zongxun laughing wildly.

"Then I will bet a future for the new dynasty today. Someone -"

He ordered with a vicious look on his face: "Put the Queen Mother and Emperor Xun on a pile of firewood and pour tung oil on them! If the Beiyong Army refuses to retreat, burn them alive."

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