Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 509: Die with eyes wide open

The firewood pile was built, and Li Sangruo and Yuan Shuo were tied up with their hands behind their backs, one on the left and one on the right, like two embarrassed dumplings, one big and one small.

Li Zongxun took the torch from the soldier and slowly walked to the battlement to look down.

"Pei Jue, you have to watch carefully. I will also give you a quarter of an hour to think about it! After a quarter of an hour, when the torch burns out, it will be the end."

Li Zongxun did not tell Pei Jue's life experience in front of the soldiers of the two armies, and he did not dare to bring up the relationship between Li Sangruo and him...

In front of so many people, Pei Jue would never admit his identity as the remnant of the Xie family.

Once he admitted that he was the son of Xie Xian, his status in the Jin Dynasty would be affected. At least, he would no longer be as legitimate as the descendants of the Pei family, the founding heroes.

This was a secret that Pei Jue swore to keep until his death.

Therefore, he knew that Pei Jue would not recognize his ancestors at the moment, let alone recognize any sister in front of the soldiers of the two armies.

He was betting on Pei Jue's reluctance and reluctance...

On the tower, the wind was stronger.

The torches burned more and more vigorously, as if they could go out at any time.

Under the tower, the soldiers held sharp blades and waited for the commander's order.

Silence and tension.

The two sides confronted each other, staring at each other like wild beasts,

as if they were looking for the enemy to show even a slight flaw...

It seemed like just a moment, and it seemed like a long winter day had passed. Pei Jue's hand slowly pulled out the Biyong sword and pointed it hard at the sky.

"Attack the city!"

He did not wait for Li Zongxun for a quarter of an hour, and did not even look at Li Sangruo and Yuan Shuo who were tied to the firewood pile. He rushed forward with an expressionless face and a voice as cold as ice.

Encouraged by him, the Beiyong army shouted loudly and rushed forward. The rhythm of the siege that had just been disrupted began to flow again. Because of Li Zongxun's unscrupulousness, the offensive of the soldiers became more fierce, and the desire to take down the city became more urgent.


The loud cry of a child broke through the sky and fell into the ears of both sides in the fierce battle.

Yuan Shuo cried.

This child, who was only a few years old, had been the emperor for two years and learned countless ways to be a monarch, but he had never had a comfortable day, let alone thought that he would be tied to the city wall and burned alive...

He looked at Li Zongxun who was approaching with a torch, crying loudly and wailing about his fate.

The primitive, hysterical cry seemed to tear his chest apart, and his pupils dilated with fear.

"Yong Huai Wang save me... I don't want to be an emperor, I will never be an emperor again... Yong Huai Wang save me..."

Li Zongxun laughed angrily.

"Shut up! No one can save you!"

"You are not the emperor anymore. If you yell again, I will be the first to burn you to death."

Yuan Shuo closed his mouth tightly, leaving only two lines of tears flowing down uncontrollably...

Li Zongxun smiled coldly, stepped past Yuan Shuo, and walked towards Li Sangruo.

"The elder should give way to the younger, so you should die first."

Li Zongxun was gambling and playing a game.

He didn't believe that Pei Cong really disregarded the blood relationship.

It was just that Pei Cong was cunning and would not easily compromise unless he was forced into a desperate situation...

"No...don't come over. Don't come over!" Li Sangruo looked at the torch held high in his hand. Her clothes were soaked in tung oil and stuck tightly to her skin. She was shivering like sifting chaff.

She was red-eyed.

She cried.

She was spitting snot bubbles.

She begged for mercy loudly with her hair disheveled and disregarding her manners. She wished she could kneel down to Li Zongxun.

"Father, what I said before was all unintentional. I am your daughter who was raised by you. I respect you and listen to you. I am your daughter...Father, Father..."

Li Zongxun said nothing.

He held the torch and approached closer and closer.

The fear in Li Sangruo's eyes was magnified to the extreme.

"I don't want to be burned to death, father, for the sake of our father-daughter relationship... you, you give me a knife, please... give me a knife."

She would rather die with a knife than be burned alive on this tower, in front of Pei Jue.

She didn't know how painful it was to be burned to death.

But she still remembered the several palace maids who died in the fire in Xingqing Palace. They were unrecognizable, curled up and charred, and looked as horrible as river shrimps.

Li Zongxun's eyes were cold.

"Don't beg me, you should beg him, beg your good brother..."

"No, he is not, I, I am not...I am your daughter, father..."

Li Sangruo was incoherent, her brain was confused by the continuous upsurge of blood, and the despair of dying made her tremble, and her two rows of teeth knocked out strange and terrifying sounds.

"Father, father..."


Li Zongxun smiled coldly, glanced at the tower, and shouted loudly.

"Pei Jue, are you really going to disregard her life?"

No response.

Li Zongxun laughed and screamed like crazy.

"I'll count to three. If you don't let the Beiyong army put down their weapons, I'll light a fire and burn her to death!"

Feng Yun stared at Pei Jue.

The midday sun shone obliquely on Pei Jue's cold armor, reflecting a dazzling light, and a cloak fluttered in the cold wind, making a fluttering sound, making the air full of killing even heavier.

She saw Pei Jue's hand waving the sword and paused.

It was this weak flaw that caused him to be shot by the arrow on the city wall...

The feather arrow flew out of his arm, bringing out a string of blood.

Feng Yun opened his eyes wide, opened his mouth, closed it again, and stood silently.



On the tower, Li Zongxun raised the torch high.

It was only three feet away from Li Sangruo's clothes.

Under the city tower, the Beiyong Army's offensive became more fierce.

Pei Madang, one man and one horse, has rushed to the city gate.

A group of soldiers were carrying wooden sticks and attacking the city gate vigorously. However, the city gate was strong, and there were loud "bang" sounds one after another, but it did not move at all.

Li Zongxun shouted: "Three!"


Li Sangruo's scream echoed through the sky.

It was a shrill, terrifying cry that made Feng Yun's heart tremble.

Li Sanruo.

How are you feeling at this moment?

Those who died in your hands also screamed, cried, and begged like this, but you never gave them a chance of life...

Today, she is the one to blame.


A scream came from the tower.

It was Li Sangruo's voice.

Feng Yun looked over quietly.

No fire ignited from Li Sangruo's body, but Li Zongxun and the torch in his hand fell down together.

Almost at the same time, the closed city gate opened from the inside amid the shouts of everyone.

A familiar voice came from the tower.

"We sincerely welcome King Yonghuai to the city. Surrender without killing!"

Tang Shaogong?

Feng Yun was shocked and looked up.

There is a storm in his eyes.


Tang Shaogong was wearing the armor of an ordinary soldier with a stern face. He walked up to Li Sangruo, silently took her off the firewood pile, and signaled to the guards beside him.

"Bring Prince Runan down."

Li Sangruo could hardly believe his eyes.

"Uncle Shao Gong,'re not dead?"

Tang Shaogong glanced at Li Zongxun, who was killed by a knife, and said coldly: "He's alive."

Li Sangruo was so excited that his whole body was trembling.

"He's dead. You're not dead."

"Li Zongxun is dead, really dead."

She didn't dare to look at Li Zongxun's body.

That person, that face, was so powerful to her that she was so frightened that she felt like she would lose her breath even if she took another look at him.

"Uncle Shao Gong, what is going on here? How could it be? Why did you suddenly appear, and these people, how could they... suddenly betray my father?"

Tang Shaogong pursed his lips and said nothing.

At this moment, the situation on the tower has completely changed.

As soon as Li Zongxun died, the remaining Yecheng garrison, which had little resistance, completely collapsed and was taken over by the soldiers brought by Tang Shaogong.

Tang Shaogong glanced at the general who was collecting weapons and said calmly: "Liao Fang is my brother. That day, I faked my death and became invisible, hiding in his army."

Liao Fang was the left general who was sent to Longqingmen by Li Zongxun that day to encircle and suppress Tang Shaogong and right general Ding Cheng.

He brought back a head that day and reported to Li Zongxun that Tang Shaogong had committed suicide.

The man's head and face were swollen and scarred. Li Sangruo was so frightened that he fainted on the spot. He believed it was true without taking a closer look...

I see.

That’s so!

How could a man as cunning as Tang Shaogong, with far-reaching plans, commit suicide?

She is too stupid.

Li Sangruo suddenly stared at Li Zongxun.

The man lying in a pool of blood was bloated and fat. His hands were still in the position of grabbing the torch. A pair of chaotic old eyes were as wide as copper bells and they could not close until they died.

Maybe he didn't know what happened until he died, right?

Li Sangruo sneered suddenly.

One sound, another sound.

Finally laughed to tears.

"Father, you often call me stupid. Tell me, who is more stupid between us? You have been so smart all your life, why did you let Uncle Shao Gong deceive you again? How come you have fallen into the hands of one person in your life? How pitiful. You will never die with your eyes in peace.”

The resentment in the words made Tang Shaogong frown.

Li Sangruo looked at him again and stared at him, "Uncle Gong, I almost died with my eyes closed. I didn't know before that you were using me, and you have been using me to this day."

Tang Shaogong frowned, "What does the Queen Mother mean by this?"

Li Sangruo snorted coldly, "If you were willing, you would have had a thousand or ten thousand chances to save me, but you didn't take action... You wait for today, wait for me to be tied to the tower by Li Zongxun, wait for him to hold up the torch, You could burn me to death at any time, and you just showed up..."

Tang Shaogong: "Queen Mother, you are still alive."

Li Sangruo closed his eyes, not daring to recall the fear that had made his liver and gallbladder tremble just now.

"You calculated the opportunity to take advantage of Li Zongxun's unpreparedness and open the city gate for the Beiyong Army. Did you know..."

We can know how many sutras she has recited, how many wishes she has made, and how many tears she has shed since his "death".

Li Sangruo's throat tightened and he choked with laughter, "Uncle Gong, you are the coldest, most ruthless, and cruelest person I have ever seen in the world."

Tang Shaogong was silent for a moment.

“Those who achieve great things don’t stick to trivial matters.”

Li Sangruo shook his head and looked at his calm face.

"So, am I Pei Madang's sister?"

Tang Shaogong did not answer, but grabbed her wrist and dragged Li Sangruo down the steps beside the horse path. When he reached the base of the city wall, he looked at her solemnly.

"You better be."

Li Sangruo was shocked, "You mean..."

Tang Shaogong avoided her gaze and said coldly.

"Li Zongxun is dead, and no one in the world knows whose daughter you are."

Li Sangruo took a step back and looked at him dullly.

"I don't understand……"

Tang Shaogong didn't seem to want to say more, glanced at her, turned around and left.

"Uncle Shao Gong..." Li Sangruo called him.

Tang Shaogong stopped.

He didn't look back and his voice was cold.

"One more word of advice to the Queen Mother. Trouble comes from the mouth. Unless Pei Cong is willing to recognize you, keep your past to yourself. Otherwise, no one can save you."

Before Li Sangruo could figure out what he meant, Tang Shaogong had already strode over and ordered the guards.

"Capture the Queen Mother Mingde and hand her over to Prince Yonghuai for punishment."

Feng Yun: Yecheng was destroyed, but she hasn't? This is unscientific. You don't want me to do it myself, do you?

Li Sangruo: No, no, no, I'll jump off the building myself.

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