Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 510 Killing to save trouble

Li Zongxun, a treacherous minister, died absurdly on the tower of the south gate of Yecheng.

Killed by an arrow.

No last words.

The new dynasty established by Li Zongxun existed for only three days, and the name of the country had not yet been announced to the world, but it died in the smoke of war on this day.

Yecheng was broken.

The treacherous ministers were executed.

The Great Jin was unified.

The world was in an uproar.

When Pei Cong led his troops into the city, three horns were blown on the south tower.

The low humming sound, in the whistling cold wind, added a touch of vicissitudes to this ancient city.

The bloodstains on the city wall were not dry, mottled and desolate.

The houses, temples, pavilions and streets in the city were silent.

Ordinary people were huddled in their houses out of fear, not daring to come out to check. Only a group of sharp-eyed and aristocratic gentry, the unlucky ones who had been forced to pay by Li Zongxun in the past, prepared fireworks and firecrackers early, set them off along the way, and shouted "Long live the Yonghuai King".

The order of Yecheng after the war was in chaos and a mess.

The Beiyong Army handled various matters quietly without disturbing the people.

It was clear that they had just experienced a bloody battle. The soldiers guarding the city were replaced, and the Yecheng Army was incorporated on the spot, replaced and killed, but the lives of the people in Yecheng were as peaceful as if nothing had happened...

However, the royal relatives and officials who fled to Yecheng with Li Zongxun at the beginning did not have such a good life.

Feng Yun went in by sedan chair.

After the war, the risks in the city were unknown, so she did not enter the city immediately, but waited until the Beiyong Army completely controlled the situation before being taken in.

As soon as I arrived at the so-called main gate of the imperial city in Yecheng, I saw a group of old ministers kneeling in the bleak cold wind. The most conspicuous one among them was Cui Zhi's father, Cui Taifu.

Two years have passed, and everyone's situation has changed from Zhongjing to Yecheng.

Feng Yun didn't like Cui Zhi, but she was even more disdainful of such people who abandoned their wives and daughters.

She didn't stop, but passed through them in a sedan chair, without giving them any extra glances.

"I have seen Princess Yonghuai--"

"My princess, I wish you all the best."

She didn't say much.

But this group of old people recognized her.

One by one, they rushed to salute and get close to her.

Feng Yun glanced at her, and left without responding.

These old ministers chose to surrender as soon as the city was broken, but it was too late for the Northern Yong Army.

There is no value in doing the right thing when others don't need it.

The smartest way is to open the city gate to welcome the army like Tang Shaogong did.

When Feng Yun arrived at Xingren Hall, Pei Jue and several generals were discussing matters in the hall.

She did not go over to disturb them, but quietly walked around the screen and went to the inner hall to take a rest.

"If you don't cut the grass at the root, it will grow again in the spring breeze. In my opinion, don't keep all these bastards."

The general spoke loudly.

As soon as Feng Yun sat down, she heard Ao Qi's clear and powerful voice.

It came clearly through the curtain.

"Killing them will save trouble. In the chaos of war, no one will investigate how they died."

Ao Qi was a young man with a sense of justice.

After fighting for so long, he hated those who caused the war, and he had no good feelings for the Yecheng faction that caused the division of the Jin Dynasty.

"No." Helian Qian stroked his beard with a smile, "General Ao, this matter cannot be taken lightly. The punishment of scholars and officials is not beyond the reach of heavy punishment, which has been unbroken since ancient times. These ministers are all from famous families, and behind them are the interests of major families. The entanglements are intricate and intertwined. They cannot be cut off with a single knife, nor can they be solved by killing."

"So what?" Ao Qi was unhappy when he heard it.

Ao Qi knew that he was young, and it was precisely because of this that he dared to say what others dared not say.

Although he also came from a family in Pingcheng, he had been in the army for many years and had no good feelings for those families who controlled the court affairs.

"Which family is not convinced, beat that family. Beat until they are convinced."

Helian Qian looked at him and shook his head, smiling gently.

He was an old general who watched Ao Qi grow up, so naturally he would not be angry because of Ao Qi's rebuttal.

"You have to eat one bite at a time, you can't rush it."

Ao Qi sighed, "I understand. I just can't swallow this breath, I don't want to let these bastards get away with it. If it weren't for them, would so many of our brothers have died?"

The generals sighed.

Pei Cong said, "They all make sense."

He glanced at the generals lightly and said in a deep voice, "All the old ministers and royal relatives will be escorted to Xijing for punishment."

Everyone nodded frequently.

This is the best way.

There is the emperor above and the Jin law below. The punishment should not be decided immediately. No matter what, you have to wait for Xijing to go through the process.

But Pei Cong said "escort".

The ones being escorted are criminals, not some literati.

As long as they are criminals, whether they will be sentenced to death or not is not a matter of time. If they fall into the hands of their soldiers, they will definitely be punished.

Ao Qi was relieved and said, "That's very good."

The generals smiled and said that the king handled it properly.

Shi Yin frowned at this time.

"It's easy to deal with the royal family and old ministers, but what should we do with the Empress Dowager Mingde and the Prince of Runan?"

One was the former Empress Dowager.

The other was the fake emperor of the Yecheng Dynasty.

As long as Xijing recognized the throne of Emperor Xifeng and Emperor Xinghe, Li Sangruo would be involved.

If Xijing did not recognize Emperor Xifeng and Emperor Xinghe, then Yuan Shangyi would not have been in the right position.

There is still a difference between Li Sangruo and ordinary criminals.

The eyes of the generals fell on Pei Cong's face.

At the South City Gate, Li Zongxun repeatedly asked Li Sang to threaten Pei Ran. Although Pei Ran ignored him, everyone was smart and they all vaguely noticed something...

Pei Ran asked: "Where is the person?"

Shi Yin cupped his hands and said, "Tang Shaogong sent someone here before, but the general did not have time to ask the king for instructions, so he temporarily sent someone to put him under house arrest in Fangyun Palace."

Pei Manggang said, "Then we'll lock him up for now. When the prisoner is escorted back to Beijing, he will be taken back with him."

Shi Yin didn't see any expression on his face, so he replied in a deep voice, "Yes."

He Lianqian said again: "Then Tang Shaogong has made great achievements this time. How will the king prepare to reward him?"

Pei Ran raised his eyes and looked at him, "What do you think?"

He Lianqian said: "This person is very capable of judging the situation, understanding the current affairs, and has extraordinary intelligence. If he were one of our own, he would be of great use. But... In my humble opinion, the slaves of the three surnames are really untrustworthy. Today he can If you betray Li Zongxun, you can betray the king one day."

These few people are all Pei Ran's confidants, and they are people who can speak freely, so Helianqian speaks without any worries.

"However, the Northern Yong Army was able to capture the city easily, and Tang Shaogong was the first to take the lead. Your Majesty has always made clear rewards and punishments, and it is hard to make exceptions. Therefore, you can grant rewards, but not reuse."

Pei Ran nodded.

Others don't know the details of Tang Shaogong, but Pei Ran knows it well - Tang Shaogong is one of the very few people who has known about his relationship with Xie Jiajun for a long time.

Pei Madang has not forgotten what Tang Shaogong said: "In his early years, I served as a consultant under General Xie Xian to join the army."

He was silent for a moment.

"Where is Tang Shaogong?"

Shi Yin said: "Kneel down outside Xuande Gate."

Helianqian was right.

He really knows the current affairs...

Not only did he not take credit, but he apologized first.

However, Pei Madang did not immediately summon Tang Shaogong as everyone expected, but waved his hand.

"You guys go down first."


The generals retreated one after another.

Pei Madang's frown relaxed slightly, sighed, and turned around.

"Yunniang, come out."

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